• Member Since 10th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 26th, 2023


*insert witty personality quirk here*


Trying to get back in the groove... I hope. · 6:48pm May 19th, 2014

After the loss of a huge amount of work (Which I described in my last post), I think I might just be getting back into the swing of things. My high school career is coming to a close, which means that a large number of pressures from different sources are coming up, but if anything, it has only sharpened my desire to write again. I'm probably going to try and continue a number of my older stories, and who knows, maybe post yet another piece. For now, I'd like to apologize about the seemingly

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Thank you for the fav on The Dark Ones and Of Xenos and War! I'd appreciate it if you'd leave me a like and some feedback in the comments!

Sure thing! I'm always willing to help out another author! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fave of her hardest duty and the live read.

Thanks so much for the fav on True Magic! Glad your enjoying it so far and I hope you like the rest. New updates coming soon. :pinkiehappy:

im following you :pinkiecrazy:

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