• Member Since 21st Oct, 2014
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Snakeskin Ducttape

Ooooh! Butunz!


A personal social museum · 12:07pm Nov 22nd, 2021

Hey, everyone. Sorry for being so quiet lately. I've been a little tired in general, and I've wanted to take a break from fanfiction for a while, not a big break, mind you, just for a few weeks, and I've sort of been doing that, but I've also checked in most days to check comments, and nagging myself that I should write, so... it's like the worst of both worlds, not doing anything, but also not relaxing and not worrying about not doing anything.

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So very tired · 7:46pm Aug 15th, 2021

One of the reasons I don't write more news like this than I do is that the latest blog post is going to be on my profile's front page and the latest news about my writing for quite a while, but I still felt like I should write something. Because... well, there seems to be some people who genuinely want to read what I write, weird as that feels to say out loud. I mean, there are a few writers whose blog and profiles I check pretty regularly just to make sure they're still around, hoping

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Sunset Shimmer at Hogwarts story mission statement · 4:11pm Nov 23rd, 2020

I am not feeling very eloquent today, or least not this moment, but I've decided to nonetheless try and give an update on what's going on, and why I'm writing an crossover where Sunset Shimmer ends up at Hogwarts and not something else.

So why this story and not other stuff? What gives?

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physical recovery period · 9:54pm Oct 12th, 2020

okay, so, i have not been in an accident or something like, it was relatively minor operation, and it has been in the works for a while, but i got a summons on a very short notice.

so right now i am typing and using the mouse with my left hand, and i am not super enthusiastic about stuff since my right wrist hurts quite a bit, so i will be brief.

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Just a general update · 1:52pm Oct 10th, 2020

You know how there's this sentiment that a lot of people don't go to the hospital even when they should?

I'm not entirely convinced about that's a valid feedback to give in general. I mean, the medical community have enough on their plate, even without pandemics, without everyone going to see a medical professional every time they have the flu, or a stomach bug, or something.

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*Gasp!* It moved · 10:11am Mar 8th, 2020

Hey, long time no see, everyone.

So, I haven’t been active for some time. I haven’t even watched the show in almost a year. I haven’t left the fandom though, the simple and at seemingly weak explanation is simply… I’ve been busy.

Mostly it’s been my job, but how can one job make one more busy than another job when it’s the same amount of hours? Well, I guess busy doesn’t describe all of it- I’ve been busy doing a job I was in some ways cut out for, in other ways very much not.

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Your OC as a cameo in An Establishment of Exclusivity? · 4:08pm Nov 5th, 2019

I guess I’ll start with some general news about my writing, as I always do.

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The grand finale · 7:11pm Jul 12th, 2019

There’s a lot of stuff I want to get through with this blog post.

So I finished the story. It took almost five years, but I finished it.

Have you ever seen listened to podcasts or read blogs that talk about amateur writing? Have you noticed how a lot of people say that you shouldn’t write something long for you first story because you’ll never finish it, and that you first story will always suck, no exceptions.

Well I finished mine. As for whether it sucks, that’s a matter of taste.

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I need to unwind, so allow me a moment of ranting · 5:10pm May 16th, 2019

One of the biggest issues of being a human, perhaps the biggest issue, is to know that your time is limited. Not just that you’re going to die, but that you need to go to bed. Nothing hammers this home more than having a job, or in my case currently, an internship.

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Ending and a possible donation arrangement coming up · 12:31pm Jan 22nd, 2019

So, to start with, like I have with several other blog posts, I’d like to reassure you that I’m still working on mlaabq. 10k words and counting for the upcoming chapter. Speaking of which, this will be the final chapter of the story (unless I split it into two but I don’t think I will), although for those of you who want to see more, I am planning on writing sequels so don’t worry.

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