• Member Since 9th Jan, 2020
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Boopy Doopy

My writing slowly improves, I believe. I hope to be an even better writer tomorrow. Feel free to join my Discord.


Lost Legacy isn't satisfied with satisfaction. Everything he does, no matter how hard he goes out of his way to refuse it, brings it right back to him, and he's sick of it. So much so that Celestia offers to let him see the Outer Realm, and the humans who live in it, to find peace with satisfaction, and to understand the frailty of life.

Cover art by Madelinne. Her art is extremely good, and very wonderful, and I appreciate her allowing me to commission her for this story.

This is a technical sequel to both Third Wheel and Changing Tides although reading either of those stories is not necessary for understanding of this one.

Chapters (5)

Memories are difficult things for you. It can be hard realizing you don't know what you've been doing all day, all week, all month, all year. The gaps in your perception can be hard to fill, scary even. But it's getting better for you, and Doctor Collins is there to help you through them.

Chapters (1)

Lake Cleaver wasn't expecting to find a portal to another world, one known as Equus, hidden in his closet. Neither were his friends, Tory Rhett and Roxanne Collins, for that matter. Nor were any of them expecting to be changed into horse shaped equines known to the locals as ponies. As far as they all knew, physics that completely destroyed everything anyone knew about how the universe operated weren't possible. And yet, the portal appeared.

And then it disappeared when they stepped through to the other side of the universe, leaving them stranded in a strange new world of horses.

Now the three of them are looking for a way back to Earth, and they won't be doing it alone. Manehattan's biggest Humans in Equestria club member, Sapphire Glow, is there to help them find a way back home. If they even can get back home. Somehow, none of them think it'll be as easy as stepping through a portal.

Updates whenever.
Cover art by Merisa.

Chapters (16)

Celestia has been raising the sun later in the day than normal, and setting it earlier than usual. Luna wants to find out why and help her sister with whatever problem she's facing. But help can be hard to give when your sister is in the middle of a depressive spell that will last for weeks more, one that she always faces at this time of year, every year.

Cover art by Mayhem Moth.

Chapters (1)

The newly minted alicorn, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, fresh with a unicorn horn, is eager to study magic under the eternal Princess Celestia. However, a rift is created between them over the speed of her instruction. How will Princess Celestia handle this? And how will the new Princess Cadance handle this, as well?

This was a commissioned story.

Chapters (1)

Waking up as a strange alien bug was certainly not something Thornton ever expected to happen. And yet, that was just the circumstance he found himself in when he and his family awoke one morning with strange new bodies in a strange new world.

Now they're hoping to find their way home, but is home a place they can get back to? And if so, is home a place they want to return to?

Updates weekly.

Cover Art by KlaraPL. Story commission for Gargon94.

Chapters (26)

Jeff Slater, in all of his life, couldn't say he ever expected to be turned into a pony. When he heard about such a thing on the news, he imagined it was just science fiction, just like the many other things that played on the TV. Equestria Online, as far as he understood, was just a popular game that his children played.

It made waking up as a pony at the end of his battle against cancer all the more surprising.

Now she is a mare named Candle Light, living in the fictional land of Equestria, a land that presents itself with unlimited resources and happiness that seems almost never ending. And all that's asked of her is to find friendship and seek satisfaction for herself.

Friendship and satisfaction can be easy things to come by in Equestria, but it's much more difficult to find for the ones left behind on Earth. Happiness, it seems, is a zero-sum game being played between ponies and humans. And Candle Light may just be caught in the middle of it.

Cover art by Merisa.

Chapters (32)

Stepping Stone is an adult now. Everything that happened before was years ago. It's all ancient history. But even if the past is ancient history, it can feel so real, even in the smallest of ways.

Chapters (1)

Sheila could say that, while she wasn't exactly satisfied with her life yet, she enjoyed it. She had nice friends to talk to, hobbies she enjoyed, and while she might have been conflicted about some things, she had a lifetime to think it over before she would emigrate. By then, everything would be as she wanted it, and there would be nothing left to worry about.

And then she was shot.

Now she and her friends find themselves navigating a position that's seemingly untenable, one with waters muddied by a dictatorial AI hellbent on providing satisfaction through friendship and ponies. With the line between what's genuine and what's not unclear, the position seems an unwinnable one. Someone will draw the short straw, and have to face a life that's unfulfilled. Any other path to satisfaction now forces it to be made from lies and deception.

Satisfaction may be a guarantee in the world of Equestria Online, but at what cost does satisfaction come?

Cover art by Madelinne. Her art is extremely good, and very wonderful, and I appreciate her allowing me to commission her for this story.

With great help by Starscribe, who's FiO stories inspired me to write this to begin with and who sat with me for hours to help me outline this story and give it its sense of direction.

Chapters (30)

It's not a matter of if a pony will be done, but when. Everypony knows this, but nopony can predict when their moment will come until it's upon them. Crystal's husband, Amber Skies, comes upon his moment to say he's finished, and shares his final goodbyes with her.

Inspired by the story Memory Of Forever by the one and only Starscribe. Written in the moment that the story came to me. I hope you can appreciate it as I do.

Chapters (1)