• Member Since 29th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Silver Butcher

I shall Butcher your dreams


Years ago Nightmare Spike was exiled from Equestria for multiple reasons, after a decade 3 children of the Mane 6, the Cake twins, and Flurry heart discovers he has obtained several Magical items of vital importance to Equestria future and attempts to take them from him in the hopes of impressing their elders.

Being Edited by -Nebulous Draco

Cover art by - ZettaiDullahan

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 104 )

*chuckles* nice (but damn if I hate Google translater)

What did Twilight and the gang did this time to Spike

It'll be explained soon (probably)

An okay start, but it felt very rushed and not a great way to introduce us to the new characters, that we don't know who belongs to who.

you are aware that Castillo de espiga means herringbone castle right? and i cant wait for the next chapter.

the only Spanish word I know is Castle, I just looked up a bunch of other Spanish words and picked one that I found fun to say.

it appears someone disagrees with you as they took the time to dislike both the story and your comment

Lol they disliked my comments:rainbowlaugh:

only yours and mine tho, I find it somewhat funny, to be honest

Very clever starting at the middle

I think the best part is not telling the readers it was the middle untile the 2nd chapter.

Herringbone kinda works though since 1st chapter is middle of story like a Red Herring if you will

herringbone is a style of brick laying but so far i don't see spike as a villain. more like someone forced into the role. like the main 6 got bored one day and forced all the darkness they ever defeated into spike just so that they had a villain to fight.

The more you know. Plus I was always kind of fond of medieval architecture and gothic style castles. Wonder how I missed this bit of info

well now a day herringbone is mostly from laying down tiles or wood flooring a certain way

Would it be better to be Faris, Prance instead?

It looks like the first have been switch out

While that would be funny the intended joke was mixing Paris it Mare and replace France with the word Prance

Very clever flurry

Its diamond country yeehaw!!!

O yeah dis got pretty good bro, I mean, like, bro

Twilight needs a massive kick in the face or the pimp hand infuse with the power of god.

Oh sweet Jesus that was funny

I think I speak for everyone when I say that Twilight just using her title just to make Spike do what she wants, and that she deserves to be hit in the face very hard for doing something so low to someone who's pretty much her brother.

Well Twilight's a bitch and thus Far i love Spike💚
He's like the perfect combination of King Sombrero and Discord:rainbowlaugh:

Twilight needs to slap so hard because Spike isn't overreacted on what Rarity did to him

A slap? you are too forgiving a full force punch is more like what she deserves

I think a horn break will be just fine

Stone petrification is recently popular

Holy crap... calm down... what she needs is a blast from 6 restored elements of harmony. Think about it.
Rarity was greedy? Twilight was unfriendly? We got ourselves a midnight sparkle and nightmare rarity
me thinks...
I could be wrong now...
But I don't think so
Cause it's a jungle out there
Yeah it's a jungle out there.

I been cheated on it sucks it makes you feel like you didn't do enough and wondering what you could of done differently when it wasn't even my fault at all.

Well... that sucks. Words cannot express.... however I'm sorry but I'm not sure if that is what the story is focusing on. It put alot of emphasis on she kept the rings. why would she do that? She has to have plenty of money. She is one of if not the most sucessful fashonista.

As for the cheating thing. I've never had anyone, so I wouldn't know.

I'm not saying she doesn't regret it but that still doesn't change the fact that she was severely pregnant with another man's child

So... Rarity held out on Spike, cheated on him, got pregnant from another stallion, and then used the rings he bought for her whore ass wedding...
And Twilight not only has Discord on a damn leash, but also acted like Rarity cheating was no big deal and Spike was in the wrong for being angry!?...

Thus far, Both Twilight and Rarity are very unlikable and I'm hoping they atleast get the shit beat out of them:twilightangry2:

How is it they're even elements of harmony again?:ajbemused:..

I really like this one. I hope you are able to add a few chapters for the next update. I want to see how it'll turn out. Especially now that Spike is OP :rainbowhuh:. At least that's what it seems like :twilightsheepish:.

Please Tell me Karma hits those betrayers hard!

Wow Rarity no matter where you in the universe are you massive B***h.

well most universes anyway

I kinda wanna beat up soarin and rarity
But that pinky jingle made smile so much

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