• Member Since 23rd Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


newbie in the Fandom... Brony on the Edge, Doing my Journey Through the Decades.

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Blog Posts

  • 182 weeks
    Good News and Bad News

    Well... Sweet Arceus, this is HARD to write, but here I go...

    First of all the good news: I've started the rewrite of "Diamond of Darkness", w2hich, for the time being only will be available In AO3.

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  • 252 weeks
    Pitching in my own 2 cents

    A Suicide Note got pushed on my feed, and they all asked to add our own blog posts and share on our groups.

    As someone who is diagnosed with depression I would like to avoid the suicide, so here's my blog, which will be shared on my groups.

    2 comments · 446 views
  • 264 weeks
    A Mad NES for them Methods

    Ladies, gentlemen... FanOfMostEverything...My name is Alfonso

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    7 comments · 367 views
  • 268 weeks
    Let's talk about... the green text...

    Hey there, Alfonso Ropdríguez here, as time has progressed, I've noticed my interactions on this site have been... weird... so I We wanted to clear up the madness...

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    0 comments · 317 views
  • 325 weeks
    Just a heads-up...

    Quick blog post to let my followers know I fixed chapter 3 of diamond of darkness...

    Checked up the spelling, positioning and more, and I am working on chapter 4 as we speak...

    0 comments · 328 views

Best Complete 2


Comments ( 47 )
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Thanks for the follow and I hope you enjoy my fanfic and please leave a like and share your thoughts in the comments down below.

What can I say except "you're Welcome"?

Thanks for the fav! :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Russian Bank Teller deleted Jul 5th, 2019

What can I say except "you're Welcome"?

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