• Member Since 7th Mar, 2022
  • offline last seen May 16th


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  • 100 weeks
    Upload Schedule

    Just kind of a warning going forward i guess. Classes are starting soon and my schedule is packed, because of this I will have very little time for writing. I don't know when I'll upload, but I'll still try to keep posting stuff, even is they're few and far between.

    Wish me luck, pray for me, sacrifice a goat, honestly I don't care. I'm going to need all the help I can get this year.

    Hope you've all had a lovely summer, I'll see you next time.

    0 comments · 97 views
  • 102 weeks

    Hello everypony, sorry to have to do this, but there will not be an update this week. Unfortunately I need more time to finish the chapter I have been working on. There was a problem with my modem and I lost internet for almost a full week, because of this I was unable to access and edit the chapter I was working on.

    Hopefully I'll be able to have the new chapter out by next Wednesday. I hope you all have a good week, bye bye for now.

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  • 117 weeks
    Quick update

    I wasn't going to make a post about this, but I feel bad keeping you guys in the dark so here it is.

    Read More

    0 comments · 92 views

Upload Schedule · 4:14pm Aug 22nd, 2022

Just kind of a warning going forward i guess. Classes are starting soon and my schedule is packed, because of this I will have very little time for writing. I don't know when I'll upload, but I'll still try to keep posting stuff, even is they're few and far between.

Wish me luck, pray for me, sacrifice a goat, honestly I don't care. I'm going to need all the help I can get this year.

Hope you've all had a lovely summer, I'll see you next time.

Report That_One_Bat_Pony · 97 views ·
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I appreciate the watch but I can't promise I will be be posting anything anytime soon. I also can't promise it will be any good. I can come up with ideas but I have trouble getting them down on 'paper'.

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