• Member Since 15th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Someday, I'll stop writing silly comedy stories. However, today isn't "someday".


Voting time and happy 4th of July! · 4:20pm July 4th

First, I'll get the quick part out of the way. if you live in the US, happy 4th of july!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: Be careful with fireworks if you are going to light any tonight.

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Director's Cut: One of Them · 6:33pm June 28th

Damn, it feels like ages since I last did one of my behind-the-scenes AKA “Director’s Cuts” blogs. For those that never read them, my "Director’s Cut" blogs are where I talk about the, well, behind the scene stuff of a story. Such as where I got the idea for it from, unexpected changes done during writing, noteworthy edits, and any thoughts I had or even still have about something in the story.

So let’s begin!

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Final chapter of "I'm Sorry (Suckers!!) is out! · 8:12pm June 23rd

As the blog says, the 3rd/final chapter of 'I'm Sorry (Suckers!!)' is out! I had to work on this story a little more than I thought I would, but I'm glad that it is finished! I've been a while since I last wrote a story with such a wacky, over-the-top premise, so it felt good to get back to writing such up-to-eleven shenanigans.


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Update on "I'm Sorry (Suckers!!)" · 5:29pm June 16th

Fails again at thinking of a clever way to start this blog oh wait there it is For those waiting on chapter 2 of my newest devious creation AKA the story 'I'm Sorry (Suckers!!)' should be released sometime tomorrow. It was planned to be ready a couple of days ago, but a sudden headache I woke up with a few days ago threw a wrench into those plans. Chapter 2 also turned out to be a bit longer than I thought it would, and I even decided to split it into 2 chapters, so 'I'm Sorry

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To Save a Plant now has an audio reading! · 2:40pm June 8th

'To Save a Plant' now has a reading on Youtube, courtesy of No One and Nobody. Check it out if you have read ''To Save a Plant' and want to hear it in audio form!


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Teaser for my next, long-overdo story. · 3:51pm June 2nd

Finally, I've fully broken through my bouts of writer's block and unusually frequent moments of low motivation that's been hitting me for the last couple of months, and playing the remake/remaster of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door so my next story 'I'm Sorry (Suckers!!)' will be out in 3 or 4 days. It will be a 2-chapter story, and the 2nd chapter is planned to be released around 4 days after the story drops.

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Rarity's Missing Friendship Problem has an audio reading! · 1:24am May 19th

'Rarity's Missing Friendship Problem' now has an audio reading, courtesy of TheLegendaryBillCipher Go check it out!


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Future stories update & the return of "Director's Cut"s · 4:16am May 1st

It's been about a month since I submitted 'One of Them' and I had planned on having my next story out by now; my last blog even had a vote on what would be the next two stories. But as to why they are awol?

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Delay on Starlight Glimmer story & future story voting time (again) · 1:43am March 21st

I'll cut to the chase: I was planning to release a special Starlight story for this year's Starlight Glimmer Day (today) which I had mentioned in some past blogs. It had been partly written for weeks now, and I was going to resume and finish it in time for Glim Glam's day.

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Long time coming, but here's a sneak peek at the next story + hints for the next story! · 2:36am March 13th

I meant to have my next story, "A Hearts and Hooves Day Mystery" out 2 if not 3 weeks ago but I was hit with a writing motivation problem (in which I had very little:rainbowlaugh:) so I had to wait until it passed. Thankfully, it has, and my next one-shot story is planned to be out on either Friday or the weekend.

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