• Member Since 15th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


Someday, I'll stop writing silly comedy stories. However, today isn't "someday".

More Blog Posts337

  • 11 weeks
    Last chance to make requests for my 6th Anniversary story(ies)


    Okay that was lame. Let's pretend that didn't happen....

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  • 12 weeks
    Requests for my 6th year anniversary story is now!

    Yo, maggots--er that is, boys and girls. Miss me?

    No? Eh, I don't blame you, I guess...

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    5 comments · 211 views
  • 18 weeks
    Update and plans for my 6-year anniversary story(ies)

    First things first: if you had read my "The Gamer Alicorn & Human" story from 2 months ago and seen its follow-up blog about a sequel and even took suggestions on what video games for Luna, Eric, and (likely) Sunset to play, you might have been wondering "Where is what story?! Cough it up lazyass!:rainbowlaugh:"

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  • 27 weeks
    Next story drops tomorrow!

    The blog's name says it all; my next disaster of a story will be released tomorrow. It's almost ready and I'm currently putting the final touches on it. It took me a while to finally write one, but this will be my first story to have the Mane 6, Human Mane 7, and both Spikes together.

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  • 28 weeks
    A The Gamer Alicorn & Human sequel?

    I wasn't planning on shooting for any sequels for 'The Gamer Alicorn & Human'. But if it did well enough and there was an interest for one, a sequel was something I would consider. There does seem to be some interest in a sequel going by a few comments, so there's that.

    All right, now let's take a look at some stats. Give me a minute.


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Voting time and happy 4th of July! · 4:20pm Jul 4th, 2024

First, I'll get the quick part out of the way. if you live in the US, happy 4th of july!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: Be careful with fireworks if you are going to light any tonight.

Now for the much longer part. my next story is currently The Gamer Alicorn and Human is currently in the works, and I decided to have a vote on what my next two stories after it will be. there will be 3 choices, and the 2 with the most votes will win; the story with the most votes will be the first one out. You can pick either just one if you don't care for the other choices or two, starting with the one you'd rather see the most. the option with the fewest votes may either be written in the future on my own accord or appear again in a future vote.

With that, here are the choices!

Story A: Human Pinkie Pie confronts a bully harassing a younger student (I haven't decided, but the victims may be the CMC) and threatens to throw hands if they don't back off. Knowing Pinkie's kind-hearted (though loony) personality, the bully claims Pinkie is just bluffing and calls out her bluff.

But it turns out Pinkie was serious about her threat, which may or may not have ended in pain for the bully.

Projected story title: Pinkie Throws Hands. Projected genre tags: Comedy, possibly Random.

Story B: While the EQG Mane 7 and EQG Spike were wandering around Ponyville (albeit discreetly) during a visit to Equestria, Princess Twilight remembered something Princess Celestia had warned her about during the first EQG movie, panicked, and hastily rounded up her and her friends' counterparts. When asked what she was freaking out about (again) Twi claimed that if the human teens/dog-turned-ponies/dragon and their Equestrian counterparts existed in the same world for too long, an ensuing universal imbalance could destroy Equestria.

Let's just say things ended up going a little differently than what Princess Twilight feared.

Projected story title: The Kaboom. Projected genre tags, Comedy.

On a side note, this would be the first story I've written that will have the Mane 6 and EQG Mane 7 interacting, not just the Twilights.

Story C: After Starlight Glimmer chose to stop her friendship-preventing "shenanigans" in the past, she thought she would be forgiven; Princess Twilight did offer Starlight her hoof in friendship. However, Twilight was hesitant to allow Starlight to be forgiven for both the previously mentioned shenanigans and her earlier period of stealing Cutie Marks.

Thus, not even five minutes after returning from the past, Twi and Spike, to their immense confusion, found themselves on an impromptu game show to determine if they would forgive Starlight or not. The show's fabulous host: Starlight herself! And yes, it is as ridiculous as it sounds:rainbowlaugh:.
Projected story title: The Price is Forgiveness! Projected genre tags: Comedy, Random.

If you are wondering (or even care) why none of the options is a story with my human OC Erid Reed, that's partly because the writing currently being written has him. But mostly because the very long overdue sequel to 'When Dating a Sunset...', a story with him, and had been mostly stuck in developmental hell for 4 years, has started to finally break free and is in the early stages of being written. It still has a long way to go, but it is already looking like it will be possibly as long if not longer than 'When Dating a Sunset...' (an 18-chapter, 62,000-word story), so it will be a few months before it is submitted. Most of the attention that goes to stories with Eric Reed will be on it (current projected title: New World Problems), so there won't be many, if any, Eric Reed stories after the one in progress is out. I think this story will see below-average action (for my stories at least), partly due to that I feel it will be somewhat more niche compared to most stories with Eric. But at this point, I'd be happy to just finally have it written!:rainbowlaugh:

Well, that will be all for now. I'm going to go eat some cereal or something.


Report ThePinkedWonder · 125 views ·
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Yes Rico, Kaboom.

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