• Member Since 15th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


Someday, I'll stop writing silly comedy stories. However, today isn't "someday".


Ex-queen Chrysalis stumbled across an old Equestrian law. It stated that as long as she said a certain phrase, no pony, not even alicorn princesses, could fight or punish her for eating love.

Naturally, Chrysalis exploited the hay out of her new favorite law.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 26 )

Just for fun, what would you say are the other three things you never say to Rarity or else?

If I had to guess...

Don't call her dresses 'rags', don't bring her sister into an argument, and most importantly, don't refer to Rarity as an old hag with no class to speak of.

“You, Chrysalis!“ Cadance swept down to a landing before Chrysalis. Alicorn princess and changeling ex-queen stood face-to-face. A fittingly-timed gust of wind flapped their manes sideways. “It’s been a while.”

“Oh? I didn’t expect to see you here so soon, Princess...uh, what is your name again? Cady? Cadence with an ‘e’?”


The only caveat is that it only applies if no pony is physically injured.

The changeling of the hour released, or rather dropped, the poor defenseless mare in her grasp. To the ground. Hard.

Wouldn't this action void Chrysalis apology to Celestia and Luna under the "I am sorry" law?

Brony for Life here, but only in a land where Friendship is an actual power equivalent to nuclear energy could there be a law so monumentally STUPID. My only regret is I wasn't able to see the look on Chrysalis' face when she discovered it.


You know, I actually wrote a story like this once years ago where Twilight discovers, to her disbelief, that due to all the times she's just forgiven people who've done utterly heinous things there's now a law meaning ANYONE can be pardoned if they apologize, no matter how horrific their crime.


Celestia squinted her eyes, sisterly venom oozing from them. “Just for that, I’m going to pretend Chrysalis is you when we fight her.” Celestia looked back to Chrysalis and stepped closer to her. “Chrysalis, release that pony this instant!”

on the other hand, she has to follow "Authority" right? imagine the police order you to pick up gun then start screaming: "HE GOT A GUN"


“Whatever you say.” The changeling of the hour released, or rather dropped, the poor defenseless mare in her grasp. To the ground. Hard.


Chrysalis displaying her inner Joker, it seems.


Nice ones, especially that last one.:rainbowlaugh:


Wouldn't this action void Chrysalis apology to Celestia and Luna under the "I am sorry" law?

It wouldn't. An actual injury must occur to lose the protection from that ridiculous forgiveness law, which didn't happen to the pony Chrysalis dropped to the ground. Hitting the ground was about as painful as you would expect, but that mare wasn't hurt by it.


Brony for Life here, but only in a land where Friendship is an actual power equivalent to nuclear energy could there be a law so monumentally STUPID.

At least one other pony is going to show they more or less feel that way too. All I will say for now is to prepare for the fireworks.


I figured I was far from the only one to play with the show's forgiveness trope. albeit this story had restrictions to not just anything can be pardoned here. It was still a dumb law, but it could have at least been even dumber.


Chrysalis displaying her inner Joker, it seems.

And safe to say Joker would approve. Maybe the only thing he wouldn't liked is that Chrysalis wasn't able to "release" that pony even further.:rainbowlaugh:

Hey, wait a second.
I'm starting to get the feeling she's not very sorry at all!


I'm sorry you feel that way.





I don't think I've read that one. I'll check it out later to see how badly letting a villain go who's "sorry" goes wrong.

“She’s not wrong about her being ho–uh, that is, on the bright side, I don’t feel so bloated anymore.”

Now that's a shipping fuel, if I've ever seen one. :D

“I can’t remember everything that went through my head, but I was in a really forgiving mood the decade I proposed it. Also in my defense, ponies at the time loved the idea of easy forgiveness.” Celestia meekly bit her lip. “We…were going through a phase back then."

This actually makes complete sense in the context of Celestia not wanting anypony to have to be banished like Nightmare Moon, and also explains why there were no major villain attacks until Nightmare Moon's return. So, yeah, this moronic law somehow actually works as an explanation for a gap in the canon.

“Seriously?! You know she’s not sorry at all! She’s just going to keep getting fat off our love until she either dies of old age or the universe ends in a Big Freeze, Big Crunch, Big Rip, or Big something else! I’ve even lost five pounds since her attacks started!”

Yoooooooo I get that reference, I see the author only watches content of the highest quality
Also why don't you just wear earplugs, beat her up, and say I didn't hear a thing or just become deaf or just cast a really large silence spell
Also why couldn't you just have a non-alicorn beat Chrysalis up and then say "I'm sorry" in return and receive 0 charges

Could be now that you mention it. I figured that in canon there were no villain attacks during the 1,000 years between Nightmare Moon's banishment because Celestia was able to deal with those villains herself (And if Celestia > base power Chrysalis, which is implied to be the case) and it wasn't until the season 1 timeline that threats beyond Sunbutt's capabilities started showing up.

I would joke that the Mane 6 all becoming friends somehow broke whatever caused villain over villain from stepping up, except the season 5 finale showed Equestia's villain problem would've happened even if those mares never met, so...


You may or may not have guessed part of what Twilght's idea is.

Hey I called it kinda, sorta, maybe
Ok but I think I deserve at least half credit

I feel like Chrysalis should call them out for going overkill. According to what Twilight just said, injuring a pony forfeits the forgiveness clause. Thus, they only needed to classify being forcibly drained as an injury.

Twilight laid a hoof on Starlight’s back. “Unfortunately for you, though, Starlight is herself a villain, albeit a reformed one. Therefore, if she were to break it but doesn't injure any pony , she would be eligible for the forgiveness law's protection.”

Well damn, Equestria get saved by Racism and Exclusion, i bet every “Pony” would be proud :trollestia:
This also bring a good question: what if Chrysalis hire some “pony” to break Thorax Kneecap?

Sequel: Chrysalis and Pony Saul Goodman


Yeah, at least half credit is due.


Assuming they even could classify it as such, since even being forcibly drained this way didn't cause actual injuries by itself (which 'ol Chrissy abused) so physically the ponies having their love eaten were uninjured. Although even if Celestia did think of trying to say "Draining ponies of their love is a physical injury because I said so" to make the forgiveness law no longer apply, a battle probably would have still broken out. It's pretty unlikely they would have let an unrepentant Chrysalis fly away again like they did in the Season 6 finale.

At best, Chrysalis just might not have be beaten as badly as she ended up being depending on when it happened or who fought her. And considering the things she had done in canon, even pre-season 7, and was still unrepentant, she had it coming anyway IMO. But at the very least, she can't be thrown in Tartarus or whatever because having her flank handed to her by Starlight (even if Starlight didn't mean to go that far with her) technically counted as Chrysalis's "punishment", at least in Luna's words. After Chrysalis was healed she would basically be a free changeling, something I considered going into as a bonus 4th chapter some time after chapter 3 was written.


Well damn, Equestria get saved by Racism and Exclusion, i bet every “Pony” would be proud :trollestia:

It was really more like exact words (using "anypony" as "any pony" instead of its usual equivalent of "everyone") but in a way, yeah Equestria was saved by unintentional racism/exclusion.

This also bring a good question: what if Chrysalis hire some “pony” to break Thorax Kneecap?

:twilightoops: If that "pony" was her, then uh-oh! She could have gotten out of getting her flank kicked by Starlight if she had thought of turning into a pony beforehand.

So if, theoretically, some nobles cough I mean any pony were to hire some ponies to hunt
down and hurt non ponies because of racism and then everybody said sorry afterwards would that mean they all get off free because no PONY was harmed


Due to the wording "anypony/everypony that, if used in its exact words and not what it was really meant to mean (anypony = anyone, not anypony = any pony), then until the forgiveness law is repealed, technically, some nobles ponies could get off scot-free by saying I'm sorry, Going out to hurt non-ponies for no reason would sure make them villains.

But then again, the Princess could let Starlight or even Discord "choose" to find some creative ways to stop or punish those....ponies that wouldn't technically hurt them physically. Such as taking their Cutie Marks, imprisoning them somewhere, just showing up and making them miserable, etc, then say they're "sorry" but do it again later, say "sorry" again, rinse and repeat. So they wouldn't really get off scot-free.


then say they're "sorry" but do it again later, say "sorry" again, rinse and repeat

And the Vilians can also do the same, you just create a cycle of revenge and sorry. One different thing is the Badguy can go Lower like Immoral Method,... So basically, if you Stronger in Magic and a Pony, no one can stop you

Such as taking their Cutie Marks, imprisoning them somewhere, just showing up and making them miserable,

Taking The mark could be count as Physical Damage because the mark is a part of pony, take that like taking a part of them


Yeah, but fortunately (canon) ponies didn't have much interest in hurting other races for racism reasons (that's usually exclusive to fanfics), so there at least wouldn't be much of a risk of any potential cycles of revenge happening before the forgiveness law was axed. At worst, they tended to just want them away from them.

aking The mark could be count as Physical Damage because the mark is a part of pony, take that like taking a part of them

That probably would now that I think of it.

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