This story is a sequel to Princess Cadance Saves Equestria (Wait, What?!)
It looked to be all over.
A powered-up Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, and Cozy Glow invaded Canterlot Castle and put Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Discord, and the rest of their friends on the ropes. Nopony had the power to stand against the Legion of Doom.
That is until somepony close to Celestia fell after jumping into an attack meant for her. Then things went crazy. And went crazy again once secrets were revealed.
Takes place in part one of the season 9 finale. Enough will be explained to not require reading this story's predecessor to understand what's going on, and laugh.
Last, but definitely not last, special thanks to FlutterJackdash for editing this story.
Hmm. Doesnt have the comedy like your usual stories. I didnt find any parts I could see funny. The bet thing didnt do it for me. And I didnt feel fear when Celestia got angry at them hurting Twilight which would have been nice. Also maybe have Celestia Express confusion as to why they are angry at Twilight rather than relieved she is alright?
Sunset: "I'm rich! I'm rich! I'm a happy miser!"
It didn't huh? Going by how the story's doing so far, this story's may be one of my less stellar ones. If so, I'll just have to try to make up for it with my next story.
Well we cant win with em all. Some work some dont. Keep trying though.
Now I wanna see Cozy's attempt at reformation. Just to see what happens.
Honestly, it’s good to take a break from comedy every now and then
A surprisingly great story, no offense. Honestly didn’t think I’d enjoy this kinda thing, since it’s just not my kinda thing
I wondered about trying that in a sequel as I was writing this story. But at the moment it's unlikely, since I'm not too sure of a good way on how to go about it in this particular continuity.
Glad you liked it. You mean comedies aren't your kind of thing, or not just how this one was?
The Betting Series. Now that’s something.
Celestia fics in general. I’ve never really liked her character compared to everyone else; she’s just kinda...there
Let the hate comments commence
Why are we ignoring
I was waiting for someone to bring that up!
For the second, 11 squared is 121. So, suffice to say, they're screwed.
Okay... just another story making that point...
Containing exactly the same amount of truth as always...
I'll just leave this here:
So much for "history was in our favor" and "Luna knew her too well to not know it was a safe bet to accept".
I will admit that what the Princesses really aren't as "useless" as many fans say, as what that link showed, and what they do is underrated.
This story's just more of a meta-type story that's for laughs than something to truly take seriously. I've even had thoughts of writing a story that goes the other way, but wasn't sure of a good way to write it that could be interesting.
Celestia is not the best fighter, we have no evidence that alone she has beaten anything major. She is a fantastic leader coming up with many plans in advance but in a one on one fight without help of the elements she hasn't beat a single foe.
This is gold.
Well, I certainly laughed through this. Especially toward the end. It's wonderful, and there is Comedy to this. I loved it, very much!
Thanks, and glad you enjoyed it!
Aaaand that's how Cupcakes was made. You might not want to go down that slope. :)
I didn't even think about that. Pinkie better not go "Pinkamena" mode anytime soon.
Actually, she shouldn't go Pinkamena at all
What have I done...
I laughed so hard milk spayed out of my nose... Wierdest thing too since i wasnt drinking milk
Glad it gave you a big laugh! Will have to figure out where that milk came from
To be fair, I'm relatively certain that the whole "parasprite invasion in fillydelphia" thing was actually her coming up with a convenient excuse to leave so twilight could save face.
How far does the rabbit hole go. Will Bulk Biceps owe money to Jet Set because he said Celestia would never lock a pegasus in a golden cage?
I can't breath
On one hand, Celestia sure kicked butt big time here.
Though on the other hand.. hurts that Luna was in Celestia's shadow hard big time here..
When the finale had Luna and Celestia fall flat on their faces on their last days as rulers, it hurts big time.
While here Celestia may have avoided that, sadly for Luna's case it now hurts worse due to now while Celestia succeeded, Luna failed badly on her last day as ruler and in Celestia's shadow even more now(like ultimately inferior to her).. It just hurts..
The bit about Luna losing her bet to Grogar sort of adds insult to injury there..
While we see Celestia's thoughts and such on her shortcomings during crisis stuff, I am curious about Luna's.
Like she suffers worse due to she doesn't have the whole "managed to rule Equestria alone and protect it alone for a 1000 years" that Celestia has to lean back on. Like since Luna's return from the moon, she keeps falling flat on her face(or forced to pass up chances like the Crystal Empire bit for the sake of Twilight "learning"), she just kept getting taken out and failing and not able to truly save the day at all. Pretty sure her guilt from NMM would be running rampant within her, especially given how the NMM mess was her huge failure(now what happened to her in the movie and the series finale is up there too) and letting Equestria down like that(and not being able to truly make up for that).
Yeah.. sorry if this was iffy.
I find it amusing with Celestia kicking flank there but it hurts badly for Luna's case here..
There were a few different reasons why only Celestia owned the Legion of Doom, but maybe the biggest one was it wouldn't have worked the same way if they both did.
What truly set Celestia off wasn't because of how she went down several times in the show, but that how Twilight, her (in Celestia's thoughts) little filly got hurt to protect her, so her mom-side came out in force. Luna doesn't have that bond with Twilight, so having her react that way too would have cheaped the effect.
An alternate way this story could have went and would have let luna shine might be if Celestia was the one to go down, and Luna's sisterly love empowered her to clean house, but the previous story had set things up for only Celestia to do it. Generally, with stories like these, I try to keep any tendencies I might have to "fix" things in check and write the story as it was meant to be written, or I run the risk of the story becoming too much like a fixfic with the pitfalls they tend to have. This story kinda is, but not really.
wait...Celestia married a CAKE?!
I actually want to see a Momlestia with Sunset & Twilight. Itd make for a pretty funny story.
I think it could make for a funny story too. It's something I might give some thoughts about writing, if an idea for a story that can use that dynamic comes to me.
Ahhhhh yeeeeeaaahhhh
Still it really stinks Luna got the short end of the stick though..
A few weeks ago, I thought of a story that would give Luna the chance to shine. But when the numerous story idea I have right now (and are still coming) it's up in the air if I will write it or not.
Does the story take place in with the 2 fics of "Cadance saves Equestria" and "Celestia saves Equestria"?
Nope. The way the story is right now, it would be in its own continuity and be in the season 3 premiere with Luna taking on Sombra.
Really wished there was one taking place in the continuality for the 2 other fics(like after them) since Luna really got the short end of the stick in that that there.. I mean, Cadance and Celestia got to shake off the worf-effect but Luna didn't and is in Celestia's shadow even harder, it just bugs me alot..
Sorry for being bothersome..
To be honest, there's not really much to do in these two stories' continuity. Season 9 only had one other villain, Ahuizoti, and he reformed. I could potentially do something with Grogar, but no idea is coming to me for a possible Luna vs Grogar showdown.
I'll admit that I actually thought about having Luna be the one to step up in this story at one point, but the previous story had already set up for Celestia to do it, so she did.
And Luna got the short end of the stick hard due to that with how its set up for Celestia..
Only idea I could come up with is a Luna vs Grogar too but then you had it so apparently Grogar isn't a threat anymore where he made a bet with Celestia. That sure thrown a huge wrench into everything..
This is sure tricky..
Maybe Sombra could give them some bits
Maybe. If anything, it'd put him to better graces with Cadance.
Celestia married a cake?!
Sunset Shimmer?!
I'll answer that with another question: where do you think Twilight got her tendency to fall in love with her favorite non-sentent objects?
From Celestia?!