The Cutie Map had assigned a new friendship mission to Twilight Sparkle and her friends. The only catch is that this is a very special mission, because it requires them to go to outer space! They get set to spread the magic of friendship to the farthest reaches of the universe!

Collaboration with Tane4041 and me.

Chapters (3)

What does Discord do to pass the time? Where is he when he's not in focus of the show? The CMC intends to find out!

The problem is, are they ready to find out? Because the truth may be crazier than any of their theories.

[introducing a long-held idea I've had, trust me, you won't want to miss chapter two]

[Art by Unfiltered]

Chapters (1)

Okay you know how this kind of story starts. A guy bought something at a Convention from a certain Merchant and gets thrown into some version of Equestria. Problem though for our Human here, there is just NOTHING exciting happening. The World seems to be completely at peace. Well Equestria is at least.

Chapters (1)

Ali and Sean had been the best of friends for eight long years, but when a bad car accident takes Ali away from Sean, he wallows in guilt and grief for two years. One fateful day, however, a strange portal opens in Sean's room, taking both Sean and the spirit of Ali to Equestria. Ali is now flesh and bone, and Sean can't believe it. Can they get back home? Will Ali be alive if they go back? They embark on a great quest to find a way to get back, however, meet a few monsters and friends along the way. Will they go home, or is Equestria going to become their home? Will they survive? Will they meet a gruesome end? Will I ever stop asking these questions? Who knows! Find out in this thrilling adventure of two humans in a world of multi-coloured lastel ponies!

Chapters (1)

Since Hitch Trailblazer first saw ZIpp storm, they fell in love with each other. It had been 3 years since their marriage. Wanna now what’s going on with them now?

Chapters (4)

To be cast out is one thing.. but to be left out alone in the world without a will or reason to live can kill anypony or changeling. Follow the adventure of this changeling and friends to discover what it really means to be damaged…

This will have brief sex later but it will not be very explicit.

The suicide tag will be massively involved as in thoughts and desires.

Violence and profanity will be pretty chill

Chapters (1)

After finding Sunset Shimmer's old journal, with hundreds of pages to spare, one Solace Sheen is inspired to record all that has happened since the day the Earth turned silent.

He meets those who know Sunset Shimmer, whether personally or by proxy. She and her friends are missing, whose siblings are dreading what might have happened. But they also remain hopeful that their loved ones are someplace safe, and far from this world of quiet terror.

Either way, it will take every miracle given them to last long enough and fight these violent creatures from unknown regions of space. So long as they remember to hold onto each other, without succumbing to demonic temptations, or their own wounded humanity.

Chapters (2)

Inlight Dust, in order to rejoin his tribe after whole life being an outcast, participates in the Proving. After the attack on the Proving, he leaves his homeland to the princessdom beyond to find the assasins, and uncover the mysteries of the world he in: filled with war, hunters, and machines.

Chapters (3)

Winter Wrap Up is almost here, the whole of Ponyville has high hopes to do their work quicker than ever, and Daisy intends to break her personal record for the number of flowers planted in a single day. Too bad a bird didn’t get the memo.

Inspired by a fanart by Chitin.

Chapters (1)

Human from our world gets sent into the MLP EG world and decides to team up with Sunset and help her with her plans

Not sure what tags to add, I'll probably add more as I keep writing

Chapters (2)