• Member Since 12th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 15th, 2023



5-11-14, General Update · 8:50am May 11th, 2014

So I may post a new short later today after i get if proofread a bit more. Not my usual preg-stuff, still smut though. So if you like the big-D, well you might be in for a nice surprise.

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Be calm.

But I think there's a toast on your face.

Comment posted by Nope Nope Nope deleted Nov 29th, 2015

Hello! I have two relatively simple questions. First: Do you remember the story Daring Do and the Amulet of Graveeda that you wrote in collaboration with Habitual? Second: May I cross-over a fanfiction I'm planning with the afore mentioned fanfiction (since you have ownership of it)?
I will give credit.

Sorry about that, I was trying to be formal, but either way, may I? You don't have to (nor am I requesting) collab with me to write the cross-over, I'll just send it to you for opinions and stuff.

You're welcome. Its got good potential and i want it kept on my radar. Hope you have fun with it.

Holy crap. Dude. Thank you for faving Brooding Choas . You were a big inspiration for this story. :pinkiehappy:

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