Absolutely, positively, amazing stories
Missing the Past As college begins for the Main 7, dark secrets come to light as the friends fight for themselves and each other. 40,326 words · 26 · 1
The Grand RariShip Council As is tradition post-Twilight-Really-Messed-Up-The-Multiverse, the Prime Rarityship Council has its latest meeting. What bonds these Raritys together? The simple fact that they’re all dating a different member of their close friend group. 1,024 words · 224 · 6
Pinkie Pie Awareness Pinkie Pie reveals a recently discovered side of herself to all of her friends - except for Fluttershy. Fearing the worst, what will happen when Pinkie can no longer hide? 5,596 words · 143 · 9
What If... What If 2: Eclectic Scootaloo! The beginning of a new era. A buncha stories based off of random "What if?" questions. 49,834 words · 52 · 6
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Amazing Stories that you Should Read
Concordia In a separate universe, Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle were born into the world as alicorn princesses, twin daughters of Empress Celestia. One day, they were sent away to Ponyville, where they were destined to meet 5 special ponies. 5,131 words · 157 · 2
What If... What If 2: Eclectic Scootaloo! The beginning of a new era. A buncha stories based off of random "What if?" questions. 49,834 words · 52 · 6
The Grand RariShip Council As is tradition post-Twilight-Really-Messed-Up-The-Multiverse, the Prime Rarityship Council has its latest meeting. What bonds these Raritys together? The simple fact that they’re all dating a different member of their close friend group. 1,024 words · 224 · 6
Missing the Past As college begins for the Main 7, dark secrets come to light as the friends fight for themselves and each other. 40,326 words · 26 · 1
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