What does Discord do to pass the time? Where is he when he's not in focus of the show? The CMC intends to find out!

The problem is, are they ready to find out? Because the truth may be crazier than any of their theories.

[introducing a long-held idea I've had, trust me, you won't want to miss chapter two]

[Art by Unfiltered]

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash was punished for a racist attack. Twilight has an epiphany.

I wrote this story as a sequel to that one. But it can be read as a standalone story.

I'm just silly and like to fool around :ajsmug:

Chapters (1)

The CMC are fed up with their sisters, so they come up with the "brilliant" plan to switch sisters for a day!
Chaos ensues.

Requested by JBlazer!

Chapters (1)

Miss Cheerilee tries to take a day off, but ends up being involved in an adventure with Daring Do, a magic competition against dozens of unicorns who know way more magic than she does, and a feud with her evil self from a bad future who is trying to stop her from saving the world, all in the same day. Things somehow go even more downhill from there.


As for all of my other stories, constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. I'm really not writing this seriously though.

Chapters (2)

There aren't many gardening jobs in Cloudsdale. Poor Purple Carnation! But a chance encounter might change that. Or not.

Story written for the The New Blood Contest.

I actually was initially aiming for three bonuses: two PoVs that run concurrently, experiment with the form, and story told as a collection of works in-universe; but, as per contest rules, the last one can be ignored.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Accessorizing with Rarity

Twilight Sparkle (the book-horse) is sitting on her throne.

Pinkie Pie, with a glowing (flashing) cutie-mark enters the throne room, passing Twilight on her way to the gate.

Pinkie steps through the gate, soon meeting Twilight Sparkle (the book worm).

Twilight accepts the book Pinkie Pie is offering her, whereupon she is taking the proffered book with her into the library (her sanctuary) and starts reading the book.

Twilight Sparkle immerses herself in the book, wherein she is experiencing adventures she had never been prepared for.

“Why did Pinkie offer me this book?” Twilight ponders, as she continues her reading adventure.

While Twilight is swallowed up, by the Adventure; she is swept up, ending up taking her sister to the summer camp: Spirit Horse.

What will the camp entail, and how will she and her sister make it?

--- --- ---

Illustrated by: N/A

Written by: Kentavritsa

Edited by: Kentavritsa

Re-edited by: N/A

Aproved: Automated

Rating: Teen

Status: Incomplete

Password: From one, to another; a Lavender Camp.

--- --- ---

Intended Sequel: Musings of a Bookhorse

Actual Sequel: Accessorizing with Rarity

Prequel: Camp: Running Deer

Prequel: Camp: Sitting Bull

--- --- ---

Psl: Sorry; this story can only have one official Prequel, so I had to make a tough decision here. With that said; I chose: Accessorizing with Rarity over the story: Musings of a Bookhorse from which the main theme is derived.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to one must imagine Sisyphus happy

Luna has been adjusting to life in modern Equestria.

Although she is accepted and loved, she still finds herself to be redundant. Her sister manages the government quite nicely, her moon can be moved by her sister, and the ponies manage their dreams by themselves.

She tries to find meaning in this new world that she isn't needed in.

A being from the one that came before the previous one helps her.

I've been feeling like crap. Wrote this as a result.

Chapters (1)

This story was commissioned by the wonderful Scotishbro! Go buy this fellow a coffee!

Everypony has their collection. Some collect books, some collect action figures, Princess Twilight Sparkle collects horseshoes. It started out as a way to spend her extra cash, now she's misappropriating government funds.

Chapters (1)

Everyone knows how much Flutttershy loves animals, whether they are woodland creatures, pets or otherwise; just as they know how well she is caring for them. This is the Consequence.

Fluttershy receives a letter, informing her that a heard of very small Horse are to arrive at her home, in a week’s time. She is to prepare the home, pastures and enclosure for the heard, before they arrive.

How will she handle the new responsibility, thrust upon her?

How will her new Charges, the tiny Horses fare?

--- --- ---

Illustrated by: N/A

Written by: Kentavritsa

Edited by: Kentavritsa

Re-edited by: ???

Password - "Faux Pas" Confirmed..

Aproved: Automated

Rating: Everyone

Status: Incomplete

--- --- ---

Ps: Some Bonus/Extra material is available, for interested readers.

Chapters (2)

Once upon a gyatt, in the cap land of Equestribidi, there were two rizzed sisters who ruled together and yapped about harmony to all the simps. To do this, the hot one used her powers to mew the sun at dawn; the sussy sis brought out the moon to begin the rave. Thus, the two simp masters maintained balance for their goondom and their chads, all the different types of pones. But as time griddied on, the sussy sister became edgy. The betas relished and trolled one another in the day that her hot sister had brought forth, but then they slept through her chilled af night. One fateful day, that sussy alicorn refused to lower the moon to end a Metallica concert. The malding sister tried to goon with her, but failed to check her vibes, and the sussy one's heart had upgraded her into a sigma mare of dankness: Mog-mare Moon.

*Not actually cancelled~

Chapters (5)