• Member Since 11th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

Agent Fluffy

Hey there everyone! Agent Fluffy here! I am a voice actress, an autistic woman, a hardcore brony and wanting to read stories for the masses! :pinkiehappy: Happily taken by thecrimsonpit!

Search Statistics

Found 2 stories in 11ms

Total Words: 3,978
Estimated Reading: 15 minutes


Fluttershy finds Flowey down in the Underground. Cuteness ensues. Fluttershy learns that this flower isn't what he says he is. It's from Fluttershy's point of view.

Cover art by Alyssa Hartwick

Chapters (2)

This is my first fanfic so any constructive criticism would be nice. Told from Rarity's point of view. Rarity tries to get dresses done under pressure. Just a typical day for Rarity.

Cover art by Alyssa Hartwick

Reading by Captain Yoshi HD:

Chapters (3)