I'm back with a new name! · 6:21am Mar 10th, 2018
It's been a while, but I'm back to keep on writing, with a noticeable twist.
I'm changing my username from AstroBrony to AstroStar.
Reason? I don't want to cause any confusion with me and YouTube's Astrobrony. He's WAY more active than I am, so I'll do the long overdue diplomatic thing and change my username to avoid confusion. As for what took me so long to come back?
I really enjoy your behind the scenes stories, and your other stories too. I was wondering if you were ever going to continue with the Crusader Crisis. I really hope you get back to writing soon. I also look forward to your take on the Starlight Glimmer and Flurry Heart dramas.
lol. I'm kinda bad at this, huh?
At any rate, hi!
Um, hello!
I... You've been here from 2012 yet no userpage comments? huh.