This story is a sequel to S.M.I.L.E Dragon (Sweet and Elite)
Ever wondered where Spike was, whenever he’s absent? Well, all will be revealed in these de-classified files.
The life and time of Spike the dragon as Agent Dragon Fire – S.M.I.L.E (Secret Monster Intelligence League of Equestria)'s Dragon Agent.
Season Two
Spike takes on the S.M.I.L.E agency’s training program to get him up to speed with the fighting techniques, the gadgets to better prepare him for the field missions he’ll be on with Agent Sweetie Drops and Fleur de Lis.
Spike helps Fleur and Sweetie Drops stop a swarm of parasites that’s been eating up Appleloosa’s apples. On the way home, Spike hitches a ride with Rarity and Pinkie Pie near the end.
Spike helps Sweetie Drops with her date with Lyra Heartstring. Conveniently, he happens to be having a date with Rarity in the area.
Spike, Fleur, and Sweetie Drops help Cranky Doodle Donkey rescue Steven Magnet from the changelings.
A dangerous criminal is planning to open the gates of Tartarus and set the monsters, and Equestria’s worst criminals loose.
Spike, Fleur, and Sweetie Drops must recover a super secret, and powerful recipe that was stolen.
There’s more going on to the story than what was seen on TV. And Spike knows it.
Season Three
Sleepless in Ponyville
Wonderbolts Academy
Season Four
Daring Don't
Flight to the Finish
Rainbow Falls
Somepony to Watch Over Me
Maud Pie
Leap of Faith
Season Five
The Cutie Map Part Two (Though Spike appears in Part One)
Bloom & Gloom
Appleloosa's Most Wanted
The Lost Treasure of Griffinstone
Rarity Investigates
Brotherhooves Social
Season Six
The Gift of the Maud Pie
On Your Marks
No Second Prances
The Saddle Row Review
Stranger Than Fan Fiction
The Cart Before The Ponies
Buckball Season
The Fault in our Cutie Marks
Viva Las Pegasus
Where the Apple Lies
Season Seven
Forever Filly
Parental Glideance
Hard to Say Anything
Not Asking for Trouble
Discordant Harmony
The Perfect Pear
Fame and Misfortune
Campfire Tales
To Change a Changelign
Daring Done?
Marks and Recreation
Secrets and Pies
Uncommon Bond
Season Eight
Grannies Gone Wild
Surf and/or Turf
The Mean 6
Friendship University
On the Road to Friendship
The Washouts
What Lies Beneath
Sounds of Silence
Triple Pony Dare Ya
The Great Escape Room
Mystery Voice
Teacher of the Month
Starlight the Hypnotist
Sundae, Sundae, Sundae
Season Nine
Common Ground
Going to Seed
Student Counsel
2, 4, 6, Greaat
Daring Doubt
Growing Up is Hard To Do