• Member Since 26th Oct, 2018

RealDigital dynamit

Hi I'm Digital I was having my FIM name be Digital Dynamit but I put the wrong email the first time. I write stories and daydream. OC done by RealAroximy

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Estimated Reading: 1 week



  • Featured 24492 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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  • Reviewed 182 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Clover the Clever never asked for his life to get so complicated.  It was bad enough tricking a drunk Imperatrix Celestia, war goddess of the Three Tribes, out of her accidental coup against Queen Platinum.  But now the most dangerous pony in Equestria has returned to trade her claim on the sun for a chance to woo him.

On top of that, his erstwhile mentor Star Swirl the Bearded has saddled him with a mysterious magical necklace and a uniquely bleak and pointless prophecy: If he's brave enough, and if he's clever enough, he just might survive Celestia for long enough to break her heart.

Now with an audio reading by ScarlettBlade!

Recommended by PresentPerfect! "horizon gave me the story I needed rather than the one I wanted ... along the way we get some very strong lessons about love, and meditations on the value of a lifetime and what one pony can achieve on their own."

Featured on Equestria Daily!

First place, "Out of Time" Writeoff! (11/2015) At long last, expanded to novella size! The world-spanning, centuries-spanning romance as it was always meant to be told!

"One of my favorite depictions of Celestia in a long time." –billymorph
"To the top of the ballot with it." –AugieDog
"There’s going to be a lot of tears shed when this one hits publish." –Georg
"You need to read Time Enough For Love. I literally swore out loud when my computer crashed when I was halfway through, and then I immediately whipped out my smartphone to finish it. And now I'm reading it again in a desperate attempt to figure out how it does its job so damn well." –Bachiavellian
"I can get behind some historical revisionism for such a brilliant story. The writing is second-to-none … I laughed, I cried, and I felt other things too." –Trick Question

Cover art by Nadnerb.

Chapters (12)

Equestria is a thriving space colony inside an asteroid. Here, everypony is provided with everything they need to live a happy*, healthy**, and fulfilling*** life.

*Friendship not included.
**Oxygen not included.
***Terms and conditions may apply.

Cover art by ZettaiDullahan.
Crossover with Oxygen Not Included, although prior knowledge to the game is not needed to enjoy the story.

Chapters (21)

Years ago Nightmare Spike was exiled from Equestria for multiple reasons, after a decade 3 children of the Mane 6, the Cake twins, and Flurry heart discovers he has obtained several Magical items of vital importance to Equestria future and attempts to take them from him in the hopes of impressing their elders.

Being Edited by -Nebulous Draco

Cover art by - ZettaiDullahan

Chapters (15)

"Live a little, they say. Easier said than done."

These are the voyages of the Canterlot ghoul Lemon Frisk. His mission: to find the Meaning of Unlife. His continuing perils: crazed raiders, feral ghouls, overzealous rangers, deranged robots, and a mare who won't stop poking him.

Set in the universe of Fallout: Equestria, by Kkat.

Audio book:
The Daily Unlife Day 0 to 4 on YouTube (by NitoKa)

Download: (warning - E-books include the explicit "Night Eight" chapter :raritywink:)
The Daily Unlife E-book in epub format (936 KiB)
The Daily Unlife E-book in pdf format (4.32 MiB)
TDU Media Pack: all the stuff linked to from the story and more, to enjoy all of the story offline (16.49 MiB)

Russian version:
Fallout Equestria: Обыденная нежизнь on ponyfiction.org, translated by TL082CP.
Audio book on YouTube by Diogenus.

Spanish version:
Fallout Ecuestria. El desvivir diario on DeviantArt, translated by SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (18)

Dive Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game also Know as a DMMO-RPG It's a type of game that allows you to immerse yourself as if you were in it, there were many DMMO's but the most popular and famous was the game Heroes of Heaven. However after twelve years the time has come for it to end the servers to be shut down. However some endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born, my beginning was much the same. I am Shadow Nebula, the Fire Fox of Equestria and this is the story of my guild.

This story is a group project so big thanks to Prysmkitsune, Sanguine Blade, Vaguely Demented, JohnrId03 and The Cynical One for the help they are giving me on this story.

Featured on August 7, 2019
Featured on October 22, 2019
Thank you to everyone for allowing this to be featured.

Chapters (8)

Cover art from HERE

Edit 14/3/2019: Had to remove the Drama tag because I wasn't allowed to save edits to the description due to too many tags due to the new rules.

I was enjoying a quiet day at work, when I suddenly find myself in what I can only describe as what a person high on drugs would see, before a blinding rainbow light slams into me and knocks me unconscious.

Upon awakening, I find something very off, not only about my surroundings, but myself. For one, I seem to have become a small horse and a female one at that.

I also seem to be in a forest of some kind. Hang on. Is this the Everfree?

Oh, great. What do i do now?

Well, having powers on par with a Chaos Lord certainly might come in handy. Let's see what i can do with them, shall we?

Sex tag for sexual references and teen for teen reasons, plus a lot crass swearing.

And, just be warned, that random tag is serious. Random shit will happen in this fic, so be wary of that when entering and DO NOT expect anything to just be normal at any point.

In Popular Stories 31/12/2015. What a way to end the year!

Featured 24/7/2016. Okay. Honest to God did not see that coming.

Featured again 31/7/2016. Wait. What?

Featured 5/8/2016. Someone's pulling my leg here, right?

Featured again 26/8/2016. No. Wait. WHAT?

Despite everything, got Featured 16/2/2017. Just hope the next update does this justice

In Featured 2/07/2017. Um... How? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad, but... how?!

Seriously? Featured 23/7/2017?

Featured 28?7/2017. .... Um, HOW?

Featured 4/8/2017. Wait, HOW?

Chapters (61)

20-year-old Ryan Burbank is living with his girlfriend in their woodland home when he is struck by a mysterious infection seemingly out of nowhere. To everyone's horror, his sickness spreads quickly throughout his body, shutting him down one piece at a time. The doctors are at a loss of what to do about this new form of bacteria. Ryan and his loved ones choose to keep fighting until either a cure can be discovered...or the pain becomes too much.
At the height of his suffering, he discovers a happy little show while watching television in his hospital room. The bright colors and happy attitudes of the cartoon equines provide him with a much-needed escape from the daily pain of being killed from the inside.
Eventually, the pain becomes too much and he decides it would be better to go out surrounded by his family, in the embrace of those who kept him company throughout his short life. Just as he starts to fade, his eyes wander to the screen of the hospital room television and the cartoon ponies who adorn it. Something strange begins to occur...almost like the screen is pulling him in. Tunnel vision, maybe?
No, that can't be it...why can he hear his name being called by a very familiar voice? And why is she...crying? Who is this crying, familiar voice and why does she seem to know him?



Rated "Teen" for language and the "Sex" tag is for all of the sexual humor and suggestive situations. If I decide to up the suggestive stuff in the future, I'll change the tags and rating to fit that change.

Cover by enamis.

Chapters (21)

Having lost much of her past, memories and purpose in life, Aurora Borealis stumbles upon the junkyard and its sole inhabitant Scraps. Having regained her name and desiring to find her past and place in the world, she begins to walk the paths of discovery. But what she finds and what impact she has may be more than she ever expected.

Chapters (11)

Peter Westmoore, 19 years old. Friends describe him as hard working, but a stick in the mud.
Peter never enjoyed the party scene, not when he could be honing his skills as an animator, nor did he have a taste for alcohol. And what does all that responsibility get him? A quick night terror and being dragged to Equestria. Now he, or rather "she" has to find a way back to his/her world. But the six colors adorning his new equine shape simply keep getting in the way. How will a now stressed college student adapt to the happy go lucky world of ponies, and as a filly no less?

Special thanks to my editors; gerandakis and Jasperr Hart. For going through these chapters and helping me clean them up.

Hi, no the story isn't dead, I'm just on the loosest schedule I can manage and still call it a schedule.

Like I've said in previous comments, this stories muse is out for a match of tennis, so it's grinding by very slowly.

On top of that, the most recent chapters don't flow very well with the rest of the story, so here's what I'm thinking;

I'm going to put 'er on hiatus, and go back, do a bit of touch up work on the chapters, bring the whole story in for an overhaul, then continue once it's all cleaned up.

If that doesn't work out, then I'll just have to buckle down and force out the next few chapters, but I think we all know how well that would turn out.


Chapters (21)

Wanting to impress his best friend and bolster his own reputation. Discord takes a human from earth and changes him into a colt. But not just any human, a human who knows about the show itself. Thus begins a symbiotic relationship where Anon gets to experience life in Equestria as a young child while Discord can use him for his own plans. Of course, the information of Anon's origins are to remain a secret. And this of course, along with Anon being quite the manchild, creates all sorts of hi-jinks for both him and those around him. Though, considering his adoptive father is Discord. Chaos is all part of the course.

The story is mostly slice of life. Especially at the beginning. But as it goes on, things become more chaotic and life tumbles down into chaos for our good Anon. Everything from dealing with the queen of the changelings to even getting his own chance at soviet Glimmer. All that and more in this story.

This is a reformatted version (reformatted by ShobieShy) of the greentexted "Dadonequus Discord" written during mid season 5 by myself.

Cover Art by "Bunny". made specifically for the story

https://pastebin.com/u/Erf1111 link to the original version

Chapters (327)