Family Matters. Complicated Doesn’t Cover It
“I’m still pretty impressed with you, sis,” I say as the two of us walk along with Silver Spoon towards school.
Diamond looks at me, confused.
I sigh. Why did they have to wait til season 5 to give the CMC their Cutie Marks? It’s painfully, having to see my own sister not see the good she does when not thinking about herself or popularity, no matter how small.
Babs Seed strutted down the street, along with her two new companions, all three laughing at their latest deed. She was glad she’d managed to avoid being bullied again and had made some friends.
As they turned a corner, Babs spotted a filly who she was certain the two other Earth Ponies would want to target. She had a pink coat and purple and white mane, like Diamond Tiara, but unlike Tiara’s her mane and tail were a mess, as if she’d just gotten out of bed and not done anything with it, ever.
Her Cutie Mark was an odd one, a screw and baseball. However, it was what sat atop her head that Babs could tell would make her a target; a beanie, with a propeller on top.
Babs couldn’t believe how easy this filly was making it. She was clearly trying to look like Diamond Tiara, yet her own personality shone through the attempt. There was no way she wouldn’t become a target.
Babs smirked, realizing that, if she took the lead on this, it would cement her place with these two fillies. That way, even if they learned about what was really going on for her, back in Manehatten, they wouldn’t care, because she’d have proven herself one of them in their eyes.
“Hey,” she said, getting the two’s attention, “how’s about we go after that filly next?”
The two fillies’s eyes followed the direction she was pointing. Babs had barely taken a step forward, however, before she felt herself being yanked by two pairs of forelegs and was hurried into a nearby clump of bushes.
“Are you out of your mind, Babs?!” Diamond Tiara demanded.
For a second, the Apple thought she’d done something wrong in taking the lead and that Diamond was angry at her for overstepping the boundaries. That was until she saw the look in Diamond Tiara’s eyes. They were not eyes filled with anger, but pure fear.
“Huh?” Babs couldn’t help cocking an eyebrow. Why was Diamond so scared of somepony who was pretending to look like her?
“That’s Screwball!” Silver Spoon hissed, seeming just as terrified as her friend. “Only an idiot, not caring for their life, would mess with her!”
Babs looked between the two, her confusion only having grown from their explanations. “What, yer scared o’ a filly that looks like Diamond?”
“I’m not scared of my own little sister,” Diamond shook her head firmly, “I was scared for what would happen to you if you messed with her!”
Babs blinked, before frowning slightly. “Little sister? Yer saying yer scared o’ what yer little sister would do ta me if I messed with her? Sure yer not just being a bit of a protective big sister, there, Diamond Tiara?”
Diamond’s eyes widened and she sputtered for several moments before finally finding her voice again. “Be protective— of Screwball. I— but— Okay, maybe I am being a little protective, but what would you expect of a big sister?! Besides, it’s not really like she needs my protection anyway.”
This just confused Babs further.
“She has Chaos Magic, Babs,” Silver Spoon hissed. “Do you really wanna get on the wrong side of somepony with that kind of power?”
Babs felt completely lost now. “Chaos Magic? What in the hay are ya talkin’ about?”
Diamond pulled her attention back to her. “Do you remember when Discord got out?”
Babs nodded slowly. “Yeah, the papers in Manehatten had a big story on it. Something about how Equestria was almost warped inta sumthing weird.”
“Screwball was in the hospital when Discord got out,” Silver took over. “He found her and did something to her that backfired and she absorbed all the Chaos Magic that was left behind after he was sealed away again.”
“Now, Screwball can do pretty much anything he can do. so, if you read the story, you know she could send you into another dimension if she was angry enough.”
“That’s why we pulled you back, before you did something that caused you something we don’t even wanna think about,” Silver Spoon nodded.
Babs looked between the two, then to Diamond. “She’s yer sister, right? She can’t be all tha’ bad.”
“Well, normally, no,” Diamond admitted, sounding half reluctant and half... Babs couldn’t tell. “Most of the time she just makes trouble for our mother. She really hates her and mother seems to feel the same.”
“She’s normally fine around others,” Silver agreed. “Sometimes though, ponies have gotten on her bad side. You don’t want to be one of those ponies, trust me.”
Babs glanced between the two, before a thought came to mind. The way they spoke aobut being on Diamond’s sister’s bad side, it almost sounded like... “Have... have yous two ever... been on her bad side?”
Diamond and Silver shared a look, before Silver looked into Babs’ eyes. “We’re not sure if we were on not, but, what she did made us never want to be on that side of her ever again.”
“And we’d rather you not get on there either,” Diamond nodded, “for your own sake. So, let’s leave my sister alone and just go find those Cutie Mark Cry Babies again.”
Babs hesitated for a moment, before deciding to follow along.
I’d been fully aware of the three fillies the whole time I was speaking with Davenport. I’d never been more proud of Diamond before then than I am now for what she did.
She was putting Babs’ safety over her own in that moment. Yes, it was slightly tainted by the fact she was willing to just go back to tormenting the CMC using Apple Bloom’s own cousin, but it was still a noble thing trying to shine through.
I just hope I can keep that part of her somewhere close by until the CMC finally pull her completely out of her shell. And with Spoiled around, that isn’t an easy task.
“I’m just glad this week is almost over,” Silver says, sounding drained. “That many Pinkie Pies running around town... I’m going to be having nightmares for weeks.”
Yeah. I thankfully was able to avoid that, for the most part. I’d been hanging out with Zecora, if only because I wanted to steer clear of the Pinkies until the time was right.
I only came into town once I sensed all the Pinkies had been rounded up and teleported in to make sure Twilight didn’t accidentally send the real Pinkie into the Mirror Pool... which she nearly did, because the last clone had fallen asleep and tumbled into Pinkie, causing Twilight to almost miss the clone and hit Pinkie instead. Not that Twilight sent them to the pool. I can kinda relate to them, so I teleported each one away whenever Twilight zapped them, giving the illusion of her dispelling them and gave them all their own lives... which, strangely enough, still kinda seem like a life Pinkie could have if she chose to.
Plus, Pinkie wasn’t the only problem we had to deal with. Trixie came back with the Alicorn Amulet. I actually tried to head Trixie off before she reached Ponyvile.
You’d think I could’ve used my Chaos Magic to stop her but, no. Apparently that was one of the times I couldn’t fully interfere and got myself almost turned into a candy bar for my troubles.
Soon as I’d realized I couldn’t do anything to stop Trixie due to the unspoken rules a Chaos Being like myself has to follow, I teleported to Zecora’s and waited for Twilight. Soon as Twilight had figured out the plan to stop Trixie by making her think Twilight’s fake amulet was more powerful, I’d gone back with them, remaining hidden, shrunken to mouse size, in Twilight’s mane.
I helped her pull of a few extra tricks to fool Trixie, like turning Spike into a pony and back.
I wasn’t around during the events of Spike at Your Service because I’d been checking in on Babs in Manehatten, namely because of a fic I’d read way back before becoming Screwball, where Mosely Orange had arranged for Babs to be foalnapped and just wanted to be sure this Equestria’s Mosely wasn’t like that. And he’s not; still a full of himself ass, though.
But Silver’s right. This week has been exhausting. I think, for this weekend, I’m going on vacation to the Crystal Empire. Maybe I can tease Cadance and Shining Armour about having a foal, since I know they will eventually. Or maybe I’ll check on Sombra and Hope, see how they’ve been doing.
Either way, once that bell rings to end the day, I am so going to finally get some relaxation done.
“Now, can somepony tell me the answer?” Cheerilee asked, indicating to the mathematics question on the board.
“Eleventy...six!” Snails called out, raising his hoof into the air.
The whole class bursts out laugh and I just face hoof.
“Oh, please,” Diamond snorts, “that doesn’t even make sense.”
“Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense?”
I bolt upright and look around, several others in the class doing the same.
Oh no. Not today? Really?
There’s a big flash of light and the Chaos Lord himself is standing atop my desk. “Greetings, everypony. How’s school doing? Learn anything new today?”
“Like how a certain Chaos Lord is pissing me off right now?” I deadpan.
Discord pretends to look hurt, crocodile tears and all. And I mean crocodile tears, they were shaped like crocodiles. “Oh, my little Screwball, is that anyway to welcome back your dear old dad after so long?”
“DAD?!” everypony save the CMC, Diamond and Silver shout.
My deadpan turns into a scowl. “I’ll tell you the same I told Spoiled. You don’t have the right to call yourself my parent until you earn it.”
Discord smirks down at me, leaning down and pinching my cheeks, but backs off after I growl like a pit-bull. “Oh, Screwy, once I take back the magic you stole from me, you won’t even remember having a say in the matter.”
Before anypony can do anything, his eagle talon plunges into my chest, not in a gorey way, just phases in and doesn’t come out the other side.
Doesn’t stop everypony from screaming in terror, though.
The only one not scared, is me.
After a few seconds, Discord frowns in confusion, before looking to me.
I smirk. “Wow, Dad. Talk about not giving me any credit. Did you really think I wouldn’t have prepared for that?”
Before he can respond, my eyes glow red and I give him a X-Men Cyclops laser eye attack. He tumbled back, causing Miss Cheerilee’s desk to topple and break into several pieces.
I hop up onto my desk and snort, scrapping the wood like a bull about to charge. “Wanna try again, Dad?”
Discord pulls himself from the wreckage of Miss Cheerilee’s desk, glowering at me. “It would seem I underestimated your ingenuity, daughter. If Fluttershy wasn’t already on her way back, we would settle this now. Til next time, daughter.”
With a snap of his talon, he was gone.
Using my own magic, I fixed Miss Cheerilee’s desk and made it look like Discord had never been here.
“Sorry, everypony,” I sigh, looking around at all of them. “At least Fluttershy will have him reformed pretty soon.”
“You knew Discord would break out again?!” Diamond’s eyes widened in horror.
I shake my head. “He didn’t escape. The Element Bearers let him out.”
If Discord doesn’t give me some rest this weekend, I swear, I’ll make him regret the day he found me.
This fic is AWESOME!
Finally, nice to see Screwball go up against somethings that can give her a run for her bits. No offense, but the story was drifting into 'boring invincible hero' territory.
Yep, we're deep into season 3 alright, the season with the ending that nearly killed the fandom with a schism
Well... I'm glad I stuck around this long. Something has finally happened that Screwball can't just magic away with the power of chaos.
Although, I am still somewhat... frustrated, I guess would be the word, that Screwball is still actually trying to preserve the timeline. This... fantasy, that it can still be preserved isn't painting her in a very good light, and if anyone who had some actual authority knew just how much she has done in order to preserve a chance at a possible outcome... Well... at this point I'm pretty sure that she has broken several laws, and if her "pranks" ever got out, well... Being charged with treason would be a very real possibility.
Huh... well what do you know, I'm actually looking forward to the next chapter
7454214 Glad it only split it 10 90, with only 10 saying they don't acknowledge any season past 3, and 90 being okay with it.
I think Discord should get an ass kicking, and then become bros with Screwball so he could restore the deleted memories.
poor trixie.
Ah man.. i love it
My only complaint is 'TOO SHORT'!
still love it
Good chapter can't wait for the next one
7454234 If her pranks are against the laws...Shit load of other ponies would've been in jail before her.
And the preserving of timeline was requested of hers by the power that be, not just that but the one time she tried to change it, it didn't allow her to.
Then there are also times when her presence made the events happened 'correctly'.
If you want to blame anything, blame the author.
Interesting...Still, I can't wait till she inevitably derail events in the future.
She has already knda derailed somethings.
Good chapter. Well I'll read the next chapter when it comes out.
season 4 train fast approaching the station, everypony who wants to get off now better do so! except you twilight, you stay!
Dis is great.
YES! Epic chaos battle!
...You really believe that everything she has done is 100% legal? Do I really need to go back and read a few previous chapters to make a list of all the things that would be illegal in our society?
7454770 And your points are invalid because 1) it's not our society. 2) If it is illegal in their world, a shitload of other ponies would have made it into prisons before she does.
7454722 ... ... And now I'm imagining that the only way to resolve a conflict between two chaos beings is a rap battle or something.
7454692 Yes Twilight you have to stay and ..... opps almost gave it away hahahehehehe
...You know what's bad? I spent 30 minutes coming up with what to write in this comment, only to realize you are absolutely correct. You know what is worse? Realizing how boring this story is going to be. It's like that one tv trope, the one that explains the omnipotent character that can't do anything because the powers that be said, "You see these rules? You have to follow them, no matter what. Even when the hero(s) come begging for your help, you have to follow these rules and turn them down."
Everything that happened in canon will happen, and there is absolutely nothing Screwball can do to stop it, and if something does happen along with the ability to change the timeline... Screwball will have no choice but to go out of her way to preserve it... no matter what.
I approve
Loved the new chapter. Keep up the great work!
Cliffhangers tho...
Yeah, that's kinda my issue with the story too. While I approve of her trying to preserve the's not really a chaos thing to do. I guess putting limits on her keeps her from looking invincible...but she seems that way anyway. I really hope this thing with Discord becomes a major threat for her, maybe even an ongoing one, since I don't believe him to be actually 'reformed' until after Tirek, so he could keep going after Screwy behind the Mane 6's backs every chance he got. And like I said, it's about time Screwball faced something that can actually challenge her.
Awesome! Discrod's out!
Also, cliffhanger
Cool chapter as always!
I'm a bit confused. Didn't Celestia want to use Screwball to reform Discord? I remember her mentioning something like that in the earlier chapters.
The problem is that she IS invincible, even if people won't say it outright. I mean, the ponies needed the elements of harmony to seal Discord away, and Screwball has outright stated that they are pretty much on par with each other when it comes to Chaos Magic. Which means they would probably need the elements to trap her as well. The problem with this is that the element bearers don't see her as a threat and little more than a filly... I mean, there's a reason why so many people hate superman, and having an invincible character with no limits is a good way to make a story get old really fast.
If she wasn't trying to preserve the timeline then at least we wouldn't know where the story is going, and we might have actually gotten some interesting scenarios. Instead, we get a rehash of the show from a different PoV with scenes of Screwball psychologically tormenting Spoiled Rich to break up the monotone it would be if it just skipped from one episode to the next.
7455316 i think you bring up a valid point, she seems TOO able to deal with problems that arise and the way its presented in the story makes it seem like screwy just sweeps it under the rug. There's no REAL complications and when there ARE complications it seems more like an anoyance than an actual problem for her... until now that is, discord COULD become a real threat and once she gets caught up with what she knows in the timeline she can start actually interfering with discord as an actual threat!
I can't say they make no sense, but I somehow never like it if they speak about the possible rules for chaos magic. It somehow takes the fun from me, if I have to remember that sometimes.
I liked the Discord part though.
Excellent chapter.
gg u r da uber 1337 master
...Now why would I do that?
This episode was ok, but for the next one make it a little more longer ok. Ps. I love your story please meke more
Nice chapter, good work.
I suggest Screwball get consent from Fluttershy to pull Fluttershy out of her propeller beanie whenever Discord starts getting to annoying. I can also see her making a chocolate rain cloud in a bottle for Pinkie to enjoy just to rub it in Discord's face that she can do Chaos stuff but still be accepted.
I support this, because it would be hilarious.^^
Ok I'm starting to think screwball is an observer from fringe.
It's good. Though was hoping Screwball would of be the one to have saved one of the Pinkie clones for later.
I wonder why she didn't save all the Pinkie clones... Above all, you'd think she'd sympathize with them the most. Granted they weren't sapient, but they were sentient. It could have been like that fic I saw recently with all the changelings being given otherworldly human personalities.
EDIT: (9:01 it literally took this long to get into photoshop and get to the photo I wanted, either becasue computer is slow or the three pop up ads that got in the way on photobucket and shockwave garbage...)
and we know at least one Pinkie clone got a way unless it's time travel or Philly
Is it possible to get a prison scene with spoiled maybe in the shower with other inmates and make her drop the soap cause we all know what happens then and personally I think the other girls would have a vendetta against her since even if they all did bad things they didn't use their children to advance themselves
Well... maybe just a little... Fallout 4 is fun, which makes me wonder, if Screwball can Magic Up anything she can imagine, why not power armour.. for a while at least :D
Too short the battle between Screwy and Discord, I was even hoping that they could be friendly to each other and made a prank day between daughter and father or something like that. But it was not that bad.
This is actually one of the best fanfictions ive ever read, im checking every day for a new chapter, that's how on edge i am! I want more, so much more! Ive read it all 4 times now whilst lying in wait like a predator to prey for the next one! Please, i beg of thee! Bring it to me soon! I beg of theeeee....
7455316 You make some pretty good points there, despite how much I adore this Fan-Fic Screwball does seem a tad overpowered & lacks certain chaotic traits, why not too long ago I myself have posted a short Screwball Fan-Fic, with my own idea of how I think Screwball should be depict in the Official Franchise, in what I tried my best to make it feel like an actual episode of the cartoon, where Screwball is depict as a Grown Mare who possesses only Half the power of Discord, she can't Warp Reality like him, but she can still Defy Reality like something from a classic cartoon directed by legendary cartoonist Tex Avery, and she's also a super-genius despite the fact that she's totally bananas, she tries to be helpful to others, but her mischievous nature tends to cause more problems then what she had when she originally started, and she relies more on using her wits & cartoon physics to come up with harebrained schemes to resolve dilemmas, instead of using chaos magic to go super-saiyan-cyborg or whatever & defeat obstacles as easily as a snap of the fingers like Discord could, if your interested in what I came up with here's a link to my Fan-Fic, I hope you like it.