Humanity’s Lucky I Ain’t Discord part B
I yawn, stretching as I step out of the apartment I’d spent the night in and look over my shoulder, grinning. When the Sirens wake up, they’ll find they can leave the room, their clothes lying at the front door and will no doubt never speak of that wild night ever again. They also won't remember my appearance, instead remembering a girl with black skin and purple hair. I checked adn there's no one like that anywhere near Canterlot or beyond, so it's all good.
As for just what I did with them last night? Well, let’s just say three beings who lived most of their lives being able to fly, suddenly finding themselves several hundreds of feet in the air and falling, only to be teleported up to the original height again and continue at that for several hours... plus, they were all in the buff. Sonata even seemed to be having fun towards the end of it.
Snickering, I float up into the air and zoom through the sky.
Now that I’ve had my fun with the Dazzlings, I’ve other thing to do. For starters, I’m curious about something.
A projection of a holographic screen comes out from the band on my left wrist. “Diamond Tiara,” I say and a pink do appears on a schematic of Canterlot and the nearby towns, including, wouldn’t you guess it, Ponyville.
Nodding, I shoot through the sky, following the directions. Within minutes I’m above a mansion that looks very similar to my home in Ponyville back in Equestria.
Snapping my fingers, I become invisible and float down through the roofing, finding myself in a large dinner room, which has a fine oak table in the centre.
Seated at this table is a man with lightish-brown skin, wearing a back suite and a tie, with a trio of money bags as a patch in the left-breast corner of the suite. I can't help frowning, getting a bit of a strangely bad vibe from him.
To his left is a girl with pink skin, purple and white hair with a tiara-shaped hairclip, wearing a black shirt underneath a yellow jacket and a white skirt, underneath which I could see she was wearing black briefs or shortie panties, I never learned what the names for them were, having not been female til I ended up in Equestria, white (I think) sock and knee-high boots. She looks a bit younger than she did it the first movie, so maybe I’m earlier here than I first thought.
I can’t help frowning at her footwear, though. What is it with the girls in this world and wearing knee-high boots?
And, finally, the third person at the table is a woman with pink skin, wearing a long cyan dress with a belt area that looks like a yellow band covered in diamonds, as well as wearing a bracelet on her right wrist with a similar fashion and a necklace of the same design around her neck, and I notice a earring-shaped buckle on her belt that matches Spoiled Rich’s Cutie Mark.
Man, I thought Spoiled looked weird as a pony, but as a human, she looks quite nice, strangely enough.
Diamond finishes her food, before getting up, a man with purplish-grey skin, slightly bald, with white hair and blue eyes, wearing a suite, with a pin in the shape of a feather duster on the collar of his suite, comes over, holding out her bag, which she takes, wishes her parents a good day, then heads out.
I watch her go, before the sound of another chair being moved turns my attention to the human version of the bitch. “Well, dear. I’ll be off. I have some errands to run before I get to the school. We need to finalize a few of the events for the upcoming Friendship Games between Canterlot High and Crystal Prep.”
“Very well,” Daddy says absentmindedly, waving a hand. “See you later, dear.”
Human Spoiled nods, before leaving, informing Randolph of several things that will be needing attending to throughout the day. Frowning, I glance from her to Daddy. Why do I have this weird feeling?
Spoiled seems to be acting... nice, whilst Daddy seems... distant. What's going on around here?
I hover around for a while as Daddy goes over some stuff on his laptop. Looking over his shoulder I can make out something to do with a place called Camp Everfree. I'll have to remember to check that out at some point.
After a few more minutes, I get bored and decide to see how I can mess with Spoiled. I focus on where she is and teleport to her location... only for my heart to stop.
I’ve arrived in a small room with padded walls. Sitting at a small table are Spoiled... and a girl I hadn’t considered running into here.
It’s... it’s me, the Screwball... well, I guess, since Discord never got to her, Lilac of this world.
Her eyes are normal with purple irises around normal pupils, but blank, just like mine had been before Discord got to me. Her hair is long and flat, no bounce to it at all. All she’s wearing is a white smock. She just sits at the table, looking down at her lap, whilst Spoiled holds her gently, stroking her hair.
I can’t help but move closer and take a seat on the opposite side of the table, directly facing my double, but also finding my eyes being drawn to the human I'd honestly expected to hate.
As I sit, I can swear my double's blank eyes glance in my direction and I freeze as she looks at me, before her eyes return to their original position and all goes quiet.
Spoiled remains there for several hours. When she gets up to leave, she gently lifts the motionless girl up and carries her over to a blanket and pillow which I guess works as her bedding in this room.
I wait silently, watching as she stroke’s her daughter’s cheek, before whispering something and gets up and walks out, the door closing behind her.
I just sit, shocked as I try to process what I've just seen. Spoiled... was being a loving mother to the me of this world. But... how? Why? What's...?
After some time has passed, I move over to Lilac and sit down. She has her back to me and I think she’s fallen asleep.
I sigh. “Sorry I can’t help you, Lilac. But... I honestly wouldn’t know where to start. Maybe... maybe, after he’s released, I can convince Discord to come here with me. He might be able to do something for you.”
With that I teleport out, finding myself standing on the roof of a hospital.
I sit down, just thinking. I hadn’t even thought about the me of this world. Unlike me, she’s still like she was before, though I think she’s a bit better than I was, to be honest. She actually responded to my presence, meaning she must have sensed me or something. At least she has a loving mother, something I'm envious of her for.
After a few minutes of wallowing in pity for the other me, I sigh, shaking my head and smile, holding out my band and a holographic image of the map appearing again.
“Okay, time to find this world’s Sunset Shimmer.”
At once, Canterlot High blips and I frown.
“The human Sunset Shimmer, not the pony-turned human one,” I say, face-palming. “Look for a Sunset Shimmer without K type blood, okay? I’m looking for a Sunset Shimmer without horse blood. Sheesh.”
I wait a few minutes for the scan to work, before I get a signal... which causes me to frown.
“That can’t be right,” I try again and get the same result. “According to this, the human Sunset Shimmer is in... the Amarezon Jungle? What the hay is she doing there?” I wait a bit, before sighing and scratch the back of my head. “Okay, first, I need answers. Why would Sunset’s signal appear in the forest?”
At once the image changes to a newspaper chipping, it looks a few years old and, checking the day, yeah, it is.
According to the article, Sunset and her family went on a trip to the Amarezon for a vacation... and went missing.
Suddenly the image changes again to show an image of the Sunset Shimmer I know from the movies, though younger, maybe a bit younger than the her in the first picture in Principal Celestia’s office, wearing a shirt much like her usual one and a pink skirt, a brown towel wrapped around her.
“It says here that Sunset was found wandering the city, with no clue where she was and barely able to walk or even understand how to use her own body,” I say, going over the report. “When asked where her parents were, she said she had no idea and then asked why they’d want to know.”
I sigh, folding my arms. “Well, I guess that makes sense then. This world’s Sunset went missing years ago and then Pony Sunset came, being about the same age this world’s Sunset should be and went along with it.”
I sigh, scratching my head.
“Well, that was a bit depressing.” I look up at the sky. “Maybe I’ll just check on the girls at CHS. Maybe I’ll find something to do before I head back... after I find out where Sunset is.”
I snap my fingers and teleport away.
I look around as the teleport ends. I'm stand above a raging waterfall.
"That doesn't bode well," I murmur, levitating into the air and gently lowering down, following Sunset's signal.
I move along the the water, frowning as the signal gets closer, before it suddenly turns away from the river and into the trees. Changing course, I move away from the river and move into the trees, but stop a few metres in, looking around in confusion.
According to the readings, I'm right on top of Sunset.
I look around a bit more, before a chilling thought enters my mind.
Snapping my fingers, the scan changes... and I sigh, lowering my head. According to the readings, Sunset is in the ground, but not like she's buried in it, but as in she is the ground. She has decomposed to the point where she is now one with the soil itself.
i kneel down and place my hand on the soil. "Sorry, Sunset," I murmur.
After a few moments, I teleport away.
I blink as I look around, wondering just where I’ve teleported to. I can see Canterlot High several blocks down, so I’m pretty close.
I suddenly notice the sun’s going down pretty soon.
I pout. “I should probably head back soon. Wouldn’t want Daddy to worry... or Spoiled to think I’ve run away. She’d probably like that.”
I get ready to snap my fingers, when I hear a cry.
Turning my head, I see someone running down one of the alleyways, turning into a dead end. They’re being chased by three guys.
Changing the destination of my teleport, I move closer, so that I’m floating above the alley.
I look closer, before my eyes widen. She looks a bit younger, but I only know one human in this world with that shade of pink hair, at that length and with three pink butterflies on her clothing. It’s Fluttershy.
“Please,’ she whimpers, turning around as the three boys, whom I now see are all from Crystal Prep thanks to their uniforms, move towards her. “W-why’re you doing this?”
“You’re CHS,” the first, a boy with white skin and black hair says, leering at her. “We gotta make sure you remember your place.”
The other two boys, one with orange skin and brown hair and the other blonde hair and grey skin, chuckle, moving along with their friend towards the trembling Fluttershy.
“Oh, you wanna mess with Fluttershy?” I growl, my hands glowing yellow. “Not if have anything to say about it.”
You can’t show yourself!
I glance to my right to see the pony me again. “Why?” I demand.
If they see you, Fluttershy will see you. and, if Fluttershy sees you and you end up going with Twilight to CHS— don’t give me that look, you know you will— then Fluttershy will recognize you when you’re with Twilight and do you really wanna open that can of worms?
I growl, before hurruphing. “But, I can’t just ignore this and let her get hurt by these dicks!” I hold a hand out to indicate the Crystal Prep boys, who’ve back Fluttershy against the wall.
The pony me smirks. You’re right. if only there was a mare to do well around here, hmm?
I blink, confused by her choice of words... before I look at them more closely and grin. That would work.
Fluttershy quivered as the boys came closer. Where was Rainbow Dash when you really needed her?
She shut her eyes, readying herself for whatever was about to be done to her.
“Hold it, boys.” Her eyes shot open at the unfamiliar voice, to see the boys had stopped and were looking around in confusion. “Up here, scum-buckets.”
The boys looked up, before moving away to avoid a figure hitting them. They were small, maybe around the age of Applejack and Rarity’s little sisters.
She was wearing a purple jumpsuit, with a collar at the neck and with a black belt around her waist, black gloves and black knee-high boots. On her head she wore a wide-rimmed purple hat, sort of like that Darkwing Duck character Rainbow Dash liked. Finally, along with a pendant on her neck that had a cyan M on it, the girl was wearing a black mask with blue eyes, completely hiding their identity.
Fluttershy stared at the person as that stood in front of her, blocking the boys from reaching her.
The lead boy grinned, stepping towards the girl, reaching a hand out. “This isn’t a time to be play dress-up as a hero, little girl,” he said, grabbing her shoulder.
The moment his hand touched the girl, she whirled around, landing a spin kick right at his jaw.
He went tumbling backwards, hitting the ground with a grunt.
The other two boys stared from the girl to their leader, before narrowing their eyes and charging.
The masked girl, crouched down, then leaped up, disappearing for a second. Suddenly, the two boys were knocked in several directions, before hitting the ground right by their leader.
The girl stood over them, her eyes narrowing.
They trembled, hurried to stand and fled, whimpering.
“And if you mess with anyone else from CHS, or who knows someone from CHS or even knows about CHS, there’s more where that came from!” she shouted, putting her hands on her hips and the boys ran out of the alley.
After some time had passed, the masked girl turned around and held out her hand. Fluttershy took it, accepting the help up.
“Um... th-thank you, um, Miss, er...?”
The masked girl just chuckled, putting her hands on her hips. “Just call me, the Mysterious Ma—dame Do Well, Miss. Just doing my job.”
With that, the Mysterious Madame Do Well leaped into the air, touching the wall, before pushing off, upwards, touching the other wall and repeating the process until she was over the roof and out of sight.
Fluttershy smiled, before hurrying out of the alleyway and back towards her home.
I smile as the Madame Do Well consume vanishes from me, revealing my normal clothed self. Glad I was able to think up a humanized version that makes sense for her.
I look up at the sky. “Whelp, I had fun. Felt good to teach those Crystal Prepers not to mess with CHS. Sure, they’ll probably still pull pranks and do stuff like deface the Wondercolts statue, but now they know not mess with the student themselves.”
With my piece done, I take a look around Canterlot Park, nod, then snap my fingers, to return to Equestria. Tomorrow’s Nightmare Night and I intend to enjoy it.
:O midnight chapter uploads
6836850 Autumn is simply too kind to us
Awesome, sad though for her human self but at least her father cares about her. Can't wait for Nightmare Night
6836919 You don't know the half of it.
Nightmare Night? Well, Nightmare from the Soul series is one option.
Alucard or anyone from Hellsing is another.
Or she could go weirder and choose someone from Thems Fighting Herds...
Something from Pokémon? Missingno is a choice that deserves all of my candy.
Great chapter.
Hope Screwball will be able to help her counterpart later on.
Will Screwball try to find out what really happen to the human Sunset later on?
Any chance of seeing a flashback later on about what Screwball did to the sirens? Also will that come back to haunt her later on?
She could dress as Nightmare Moon? or Dress up as Luna?
6828571 so technically it was something Spoiled Tiara did that hospitalized Diamond
6837563 6837330 Q from star trek is another possibility.
6837949 good one!
so she know's where the human sunset shimmer is but doesn't go looking for her?
I love the story so far oh maybe Screwball can have a pet and it can maybe annoy's the hell out of spoiled and maybe have Screwball act nice and give spoiled (or anyone) a bouquet of the poison joke flowers hehe
Yeaaaaaah... She kinda just discovered someone was stranded in a remote forest, basically doing a tarzan thing and presumably trying to survive in isolation. And then she just decided "Imma leave 'em there'.
Without even stopping time and checking up on her. Ya know, make sure she wasn't in trouble or anything.
That would be like me walking down the street, looking to my left down an alley, seeing a woman being raped at knifepoint -going to an exxagerated extreme- and deciding to do nothing. Going about my day, maybe for a couple minutes to an hour later finally calling the police.
"Yeah, I saw her getting raped... What do you mean, why didn't I do anything? He had a knife. He might have stabbed me if I tried to intervene! He might have stabbed other people if I started a fuss! In the grand scheme of things, I protected a lot of people by doing nothing. Only one person had to suffer..."
6842560 noted and fixed, though i was holding it off originally because it's depressing
Sad, but definitely makes Screwball less OOC. Before she was just somewhat cruel as she knew where she was but didn't even check, but now it paints her as more sympathetic.
Will she ever check to see exactly what happened? Or just leave it be as something too sad to watch. I know if I knew someone had died, perhaps in a violent manner... I wouldn't want to watch that.
6842693 well is suppose it's better than nothing
*gives you a hug*
6842784 ok why?
Not okay with what was implied to happen between chapters. Unfollowed.
That was fantastic, do more
Gimmie moar story!
I like the whole Mare-Do-Well thing, but if she's a Human & has nothing about her costume or anything that resembles an Equine, then shouldn't the Human version of the Mare Do Well be called something a little more Human, like maybe The Mysterious *Madame* Do Well?
Thank good for the Madame Do Well bit, this chapter was getting a little depressing...
Before I read this, that part 'format' change fits perfectly.
At least Shimmer having died in the amazon forest due to an accident, explains why she isn't either at Crystal Prep or CHS, nor lives in the same town.
Judging by her skills, she would have gone to Crystal Prep probably.
It also rules out the question why Sunset Shimmer never met her other self in all these years, or had complications around the fact that two of them existed, as well as why she has a place to live, if for example she inhereted property of her family, or recieved insurance money on account of her dead parents.
I also believe that 'crossing the dimensions' forces the pony varient of an entity from the 'mirror world' to transmorph into their respective mirror image's counterpart, since they work as template, in order to keep the stability of that world (would explain why Spike of all characters, morphed into a puppy, despite being around 11-13 years old as a dragon, and why the 'Diamond Dogs' are present as humans at CHS, simply because their counterparts are). Thus, the pony varient, regardless of their original age in equestria, gets refitted to match the living human counter part to the T, including their age. Hence why pony!Twilight turns into a highschool senior, despit being in her early 20s in Equestria, according to Lauren Faust. De-aging, or aging, happens when they cross worlds, the most prominent example is Spike (Baby Dragon 10-13 years old >should equal< an 'Old Dog', not a puppy as he is).
Might be also a law or certain condition of that universe. At least that way I can get over the whole 'highscool girls' thing, having known their pony counterparts' actual ages were equal or above 20 years, before the movies came out. With them all having steady workplaces in Equestria, it's only logical for the mane 6 to be considered "young adults" rather then "teens".
There is also the irony, or perhaps fate, that pony!Shimmer took her human conterparts place, and actually finds friendship while staying in the mirror world. As if the universe wanted to balance out the loss of Sunset Shimmer in the mirror world, and give pony!Shimmer a better purpose.
Hahaha, loving this so much!
Dark wing duck!
I am the terror that flaps in the night.
I am the drunk driver who can afford a good lawyer.
I am Dan(Street Fighter) player who kicked your ass when you tried to show off at that party.
I am Darkwing Duck
Who IS Dark wing Duck? I thought he was just another pun used in this syory.
Well, this comment makes me feel old...
It makes me feel old too... And I'm a millennial!
Damn. This got dark.
Nice Mare Do Well though
That's depressing on what happened to the original Sunset, but it was clever how you wrote it out.
Also Rainbow Dash likes DW!
Just realized that last chapter is "part 1" and this chapter is "part B". This is my third time reading it.
So the human side of things has a Dad which gives her a weird feeling, a mother who actually cares about the that side Lilac, and a Lilac who can maybe feel Screwball's presence.
Clearly none of this will become important at some later point as to why this is the case... and I really wonder why it is the case. Will the Lilac of that side be able to recover? We'll have to see.
Honestly, I would have appeared as Darkwing Duck if I had chaos powers.
“Where is Harvey Dent?”
No shit I just felt chills on my back.