• Member Since 16th Jun, 2015


The Songs of The Dead are The Lamentations of The Living/// I'm literally turning into a god-damn libarby.... Fuck.

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Three visitors unknowingly blunder into Equestria. A troll flees the world of man to fulfill his heinous ambition in the land of ponies. The second is a beagle who would follow his master anywhere. And the last visitor is the seemingly unstoppable juggernaut of Earth. Some call him the Great Red Neck Hope. Others call him a garbage man. He has many titles: fool, idiot, hero, and savior. It is this last title by which the Equestrians will call him; for he alone can stop the scourge of Rotnart, the greatest of Trantor’s spawn.

This story takes place right after the events of the movie, “Ernest Scared Stupid.” No knowledge of Ernest is required to enjoy this story, but it is highly recommended by the authors that you watch this incredible movie.

Chapters (39)

So here's a funny story... Hi, my name's John. I am, or at least used to be, a human. Now I'm a bloody Deathclaw. Sound cool? Yeah, I thought so too. Bad news is that I'm a fracking Displaced, which of course means that I'm in Equestria. No, not Fallout: Equestria, that would be easy: kill raiders, knock sense into Trixie, and kick Red-Eye's and the Enclave's asses!

No... This isn't even Modern Equestria! Welcome to the world of Medieval Equestria, where Celestia and Luna are just your stock-standard adventurers with low-level gear and spells! And me? Let's think about this... I'm no normal deathclaw, I'm an Alpha deathclaw. In other words; that thing we do not touch without being about 1000 yards back and a mini-nuke launcher close at hand. My skin can almost certainly stop swords, and somehow I'm Holy-aligned. So... Yeah. Mastery over all things anti-demonic and anti-zombie are mine. No, I'm not sure how in Oblivion it happened either.

In any case, I end up being Doom-Driven Party Memeber Number Three with a beggining Paladin/Cleric Celestia and Rogue/Illusionist Luna. This cannot possibly go wrong, right guys?

Certainly not.

Nothin' to it!

Of course not... You Murphy-calling IDIOT!!!

Oh, right. John forgot to mention us voices in his head. Hello!

So... Yeah. Hopefully it doesn't get too insane on us all...

Oh, who am I kidding? Brace yourself, and beware of gory death by deathclaw. And later shipping, nearly forgot that one.

Ah! Disclaimer: I own nothing except the made-up characters. Everything else belongs to Hasbro, Nintendo, and Bethesda respectively.

Chapters (8)

The adventures of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria. This story is full of whacky jokes, dated references, corny moments and even a few songs and plenty of randomness to delight fans of MLP: FiM, Dan and all things related to them.

This is an episodic story written and updated weekly on Saturdays over the course of a nine-year period. Written by Barro the Broadcaster with help from some friends.

Chapters (440)

One thousand years ago, during Celestia's war with Nightmare Moon, her greatest general Atticus scipio equestria's first human was turned to stone in the last battle. His battles and feats became stuff of legends. How he changed the equestrian army. How he led his outnumbered legion to victory. To the griffons he is the God of war. Now he is back. How will he adapt to this more peaceful Equestria and will his skills ever be needed again.

Chapters (9)

Even the tiniest change can alter the future in ways you can't imagine.

The battle with Lord Tirek did not end the way it was supposed to. The centaur was still sent back to Tartarus as he should have been and Equestria and all of its' ponies were saved, but thanks to one final act of defiance, Twilight vanished without a trace not long afterwards.

One month after her disappearance, Twilight has returned to Equestria, but not in a state anypony was expecting her to. Now they're all filled with questions about what has happened to her, but what tale does she have to share with them? What is she willing and unwilling to tell them?

Can a battered phoenix still rise from the ashes?

Chapters (37)

Inspired by Balance and Keybearer.


The year that was long prophesized on the Mayan Calendar to be the year that the world meets its end.

But what it really was, was a test for mankind...but we failed. Miserably.

But, a selective few have passed the test and were able to move on in another world, me being one of them. God allowed me to have a Keyblade and sent me to Equestria from MLP:FiM, except...it seemed a little different, all of the ponies are anthro, meaning they are humanoid like. After arriving, I noticed the Heartless were running about, and took care of them and the problem.

Princesses Celestia and Luna, the rulers of this land, saw my potential and granted me permission to stay in Canterlot and teach her subjects about the Keyblade.

Yup, this should interesting.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Alien: Twilight MIA

Twilight has been through so much, the loss of friends, the loss of a great protector, and almost loosing her self to a creator of death. Twilight is more than deserving of a break, more deserving of a life with no more stress and no more death. However, her well deserved things are too far away for her to reach when she wakes up in the arms of the Weyland Yutani Corparation.

Twilight Sparkle will be undergoing some extreme changes, she will have to once again survive. Infected with a Xenomorph Queen will witness the true power of the creatures, will see all the breeds the parasitic species has to offer. Good things will come to an end , Weyland will fall, the truth will come out and Twilight will have.....

Her Final Chapter

(Please Read The First Two Stories First Before Jumping Into This One! The First Stories are in the Following Order
Alien: Twilight Signing Out
Alien: Twilight MIA
and then you should read this one)

Chapters (17)

Sablewing the Wicked, a black-hearted dragon with an immunity to magic, invades Canterlot with his army of diamond dogs, goblins, and kobolds. As they attempt to defend their kingdom, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are captured and imprisoned by the foul reptile, and he proceeds to take over the entire city. A rescue attempt made by Princess Cadence and Twilight Sparkle is then performed, and immediately thwarted, resulting in their capture as well.

Having used the Elements of Harmony to save the Tree of Harmony recently, and being one pony short of using them anyhow, Twilight Sparkle's friends find themselves in the worst predicament imaginable. After raiding the library in the Castle of the Two Sisters in search of an answer to their problem, they happen upon, and then proceed to use a spell that shoots out into the multiverse in search of brave, suitable heroes to combat this monster.

Answering the call, four strange characters come forth: The Green Knight, Orange Knight, Red Knight, and Blue Knight; each powerful warriors in their own separate rights, who have honed their expertise in the field of beating the ever-living crap out of anything that has the sheer balls to simply be standing in their way.

Having been bored out of their minds in their home dimension (and being threatened that they would never return should they decide not to help), the four knights jump to the challenge to RIP AND TEAR and rescue some more princesses. They set off, weapons and sandwiches in hand, to kick some monster butt, crash some castles, and take names as violently as physically possible!

...Oh, and a certain mailmare with strabismus joins along on the mad adventure.

Rated T for scenes of gore, swearing, and an overdose of testosterone poisoning


Chapters (14)

Diablo Crossover.

The Archangel of Justice destroyed the Worldstone to spare Humanity the corruption Baal infected it with. The force of its death knell shatters Mount Arreat and sends Tyrael hurtling across the endless planes of reality. He falls upon a world untouched by Angel or Demon, far from the sight of the High Heavens. So far, in fact, that he fears he will not be reborn from the Crystal Arch.

Wounded and near death, hope appears in the form of two strange creatures bearing the power of night and day.

Tyrael now faces a time of recovery as his power slowly heals within a body fashioned for him by his saviours. Justice Incarnate tastes for the first time the life of a mortal, and it is a strange, confusing experience .He has been left in the care of one Twilight Sparkle to learn of this world.

After all, where better to find peace and harmony than Ponyville?

Act I - The Root of Evil
Act II - ????????
Act III - ???????
Act IV - ???????

[Cover image used with full permission of the owner. Go on, go have a look at Chagial's stuff.]

Chapters (41)

After his parents are killed in a war, a young prince is torn away from his new home and newfound lover to be trained in the art of war. Now Twelve hundred years later the prince, now a dark warrior, emerges from the shadows and terrifies Equestria looking for answers. As he does he runs into Celestia once again. For Glaciem...could this be the road to redemption? or was this all planned? planned by an evil that nopony has heard from in four mellenia? The very reason for the three pony races splitting apart after the fall of the Alicorn race? could Glaciem be a sign that the four horses of despair are about to run free across the mortal world again?

For Celestia it will be a struggle to return her friend and lover back to the ways of justice and harmony, can she do it before he loses his soul to the darkness and pay the price at the power of the elements? and more importantly figure out who is behind Glaciem's corruption and kidnapping and stop them before it is to late?

Chapters (10)