• Member Since 9th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Tuesday

Down with Chrysalis

Yo! Down with Chrysalis, or DWC for short here! I'm here to read great stories and write out my stories. DOWN WITH THE HIVE QUEEN! DOWN WITH CHRYSALIS!


Changeling Drone 626 had considered a lot of things after being banished from the Hive. Most of these things consisted of cursing whatever deity above decided to ruin his life by making him the way he was, wondering if there was any point in moving forward, and questioning his own sanity in a world without the Hive Mind to lean on for comfort.

What he did not consider was the possibility of ever being accepted by the ponies, much less becoming a part of the nation’s only self-defense system!

With a past he'd rather leave behind, and a future filled with only more uncertainty then before 626 could only wonder one thing...

Why did he ever think it was a good idea to go into that silly little pony town, regardless if it was a favor for Zecora or not!

Welcome one and all to my own take of the series! Yes yes I know its cliched and done a thousand times, but what can I say? I couldn't get the idea out of my head once it was in there, and I figured it was my turn to give this whole 'Seventh Element OC' idea a shot.

So read on dear friends and readers, as we journey through the story we all know and love with a new twist! Let's see how long a defective changeling can survive being a part of the Elements of Harmony, and considering its me writing this you know some good old DWC chaos is around to help in the 'fun.'

I give him a week before a mental breakdown hehehehehe...

Big thanks to the amazing Puzzling Frost for proof-reading and editing the story! He does a amazing job and the story wouldn't be as good as it is without his help!

Chapters (2)

You, a brony, are sent to Equestria. The problem is, you're now a mute so...good luck!

Yeah, let's hope you don't do anything too bad considering the whole mute thing

The decent comment driven story writing guy (me) is back! Let's all have a blast and have lots of laughs along the way of this new adventure! Try not to die though, cause people die when they are killed.

Chapters (28)

16 students enter the upstanding Hopes Peak Academy. All with hope in their hearts to graduate and make it big in the world. But what's this? These oh so hopeful students are now trapped in their dream school, and the only way to escape is by killing their fellow classmates! Oh this is just unbearable! But at least they have the oh so handsome Monokuma for their Headmaster to keep them company.

I wonder who will die? Who will give into despair and take a life? Or will they hold onto hope and survive with no one dying? I know I can't wait! Oh I'm just getting so excited for all the despair that'll happen!

THRILLS! CHILLS! KILLS! Let their mutual killing school life begin! Read now to see who'll live, and who'll give into despair and kill!


Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 2: Debt to a Doctor (Comment Driven Story)

It’s been a month since the events of “The Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 2: Debt to a Doctor” and you, Bugze the Changeling, have been avoiding large settlements to avoid confrontation. After being sent to an Alternate Universe where, without the Doctor’s presence, you became a monster and destroyed the world, you have vowed never to become the beast you fought.

Also, you have avoided using your immense Nightmare powers to avoid harming Selena, the mare formerly known as Nightmare Moon, who resides in your head. Injured while protecting you, she is quite literally a shadow of her former self and comatose. You and your Alicorn daughter Nightshade (whom you somehow had with Selena) have wandered around the fringes of towns because until you can use your powers again, you cannot hunt down the Crimson Knights, the radical splinter group of your fan club The Horde.

You know your days of inactivity are numbered however, because you are Lady Luck’s punching bag, and trouble always finds you in the end. But there's no way it'll be too bad when it does happen right?



The third installment of the Life of a Wanted Changeling Series!

Now edited by BrownDog77, check him out!

Warning: The Re-cap is pretty lengthy (if you couldn't tell). If you already remembered everything that happened from last season please just read the Author's Notes. Thank you.

Chapters (92)

{Displaced Story}

His name was Eli Minute, a normal teenager who dressed as a Dalek for a group costume contest at Comic-Con with his friends. He just wanted the contest to finish up so he could get out of the stuffy Dalek costume. But when his friend Matt brought over the rewards, he also brought over a Dalek laser that he bough from a man known only as "The Merchant".

Jeremy, one of his other friends, goes ahead and attaches the laser to Eli's costume, and in a flash of light Eli is taken to Equestria with a splitting headache and no sensation in his feet...or his hands...or anything for that matter.

What will befall him as he's trapped in the mechanical body of the most dangerous being in the universe?

This is a collab story written by me, Down with Chrysalis and my good friend Erised the Ink-Moth. Go check him out, he's awesome.

Character tags added as time goes on

Featured May 31st 2015
You guys are awesome!

Chapters (3)

Going to a new school is easy. Going to a new school when you're a loner is tough. Going to a new school when you're a loner and people won't leave you alone and want to be your friend is impossible. Sadly for me, I'm that last one.

The name's Michael Bacon, the biggest loner you would ever meet. It's not that I can't make friends, I just like being alone with a nice video game or manga. But sadly for me, my mom thinks it's unhealthy for a 'handsome boy like you' to be so anti-social. Naturally, I do what any teen does when their mom tells them what to do. I ignore it.

But my mom had other plans. Next thing I know I'm shipped off to live in a two story house by myself and have to go to a school called 'Canterlot High.' Hopefully it won't be to bad, it's just a loner going to a new high school where no one knows him.


I'm so dead.

Edited and proof read by Erised the ink-moth from episodes 0-2 Go check him out, he's awesome!

Every episode after that has been edited by my long-time editor BrownDog77! Once again go check him out!

Character tags will come and go as the story continues.

And the AU is that the movies never happened, but the characters still exist. This will be explained in detail in the Author's Notes.

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to The Life of a Wanted Changeling (Comment Driven Story)

Now a member of the Tournament of Canterlot
Sponsor page : TOC - The Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 1 and 2

It has been six months since the events of "The Life of a Wanted Changeling." And you, Bugze the changeling, have settled down in your new home town of Appaloosa. You've managed to buy a house, protect Nightshade (your filly) from Princess Luna, and you've lived a peaceful life (besides that comet incident and that one time you accidentally set fire to the apple orchards) as the only changeling living in plain sight. But, after receiving a letter from a certain Time Lord requesting you to head to Canterlot immediately, you can't help but feel that your life is about to become more...chaotic.

The sequel to (if you couldn't tell) "The Life of a Wanted Changeling (Comment Driven Story)", where you decide what happens! Come in, sit back, and prepare to laugh your butt off!

The image belongs to S80LOR, give him all credit!
Edited by Kersey475.

[New} Episode 6 and above have and will be proofread by Mind's Eye and Erised the ink-moth. Go check them out, there great guys!

FEATURED ON 8/31/14! Great Scott we did it Hive Mind!

Chapters (90)

Now a member of the Tournament of Canterlot
Sponsor page : TOC - The Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 1 and 2

You are a changeling lost in the Everfree forest a couple of weeks after the failed invasion attempt at the royal wedding. You're not the brightest changeling out there and you tend to be really clumsy. You only have two goals in your mind right now, one is to get out of this blasted forest, and when you do get out, try not to get captured. Your whole kind is wanted by the royal guard after all.

[New} BY Episode 14 I have a editor, so give thanks by then to Jeray2000 for it, check him out and other stories he's edited for here

lNew]New} Episode 33 was edited by Kersey475. He/she will be substituting for my editor until he gets back from his trip. So give credit to him for awhile ok.

[New]New]New} The cover image belongs to forevertheDoctor, not me.

Chapters (73)