Changeling Drone 626 had considered a lot of things after being banished from the Hive. Most of these things consisted of cursing whatever deity above decided to ruin his life by making him the way he was, wondering if there was any point in moving forward, and questioning his own sanity in a world without the Hive Mind to lean on for comfort.
What he did not consider was the possibility of ever being accepted by the ponies, much less becoming a part of the nation’s only self-defense system!
With a past he'd rather leave behind, and a future filled with only more uncertainty then before 626 could only wonder one thing...
Why did he ever think it was a good idea to go into that silly little pony town, regardless if it was a favor for Zecora or not!
Welcome one and all to my own take of the series! Yes yes I know its cliched and done a thousand times, but what can I say? I couldn't get the idea out of my head once it was in there, and I figured it was my turn to give this whole 'Seventh Element OC' idea a shot.
So read on dear friends and readers, as we journey through the story we all know and love with a new twist! Let's see how long a defective changeling can survive being a part of the Elements of Harmony, and considering its me writing this you know some good old DWC chaos is around to help in the 'fun.'
I give him a week before a mental breakdown hehehehehe...
Big thanks to the amazing Puzzling Frost for proof-reading and editing the story! He does a amazing job and the story wouldn't be as good as it is without his help!