• Member Since 9th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Sunday

Down with Chrysalis

Yo! Down with Chrysalis, or DWC for short here! I'm here to read great stories and write out my stories. DOWN WITH THE HIVE QUEEN! DOWN WITH CHRYSALIS!


Going to a new school is easy. Going to a new school when you're a loner is tough. Going to a new school when you're a loner and people won't leave you alone and want to be your friend is impossible. Sadly for me, I'm that last one.

The name's Michael Bacon, the biggest loner you would ever meet. It's not that I can't make friends, I just like being alone with a nice video game or manga. But sadly for me, my mom thinks it's unhealthy for a 'handsome boy like you' to be so anti-social. Naturally, I do what any teen does when their mom tells them what to do. I ignore it.

But my mom had other plans. Next thing I know I'm shipped off to live in a two story house by myself and have to go to a school called 'Canterlot High.' Hopefully it won't be to bad, it's just a loner going to a new high school where no one knows him.


I'm so dead.

Edited and proof read by Erised the ink-moth from episodes 0-2 Go check him out, he's awesome!

Every episode after that has been edited by my long-time editor BrownDog77! Once again go check him out!

Character tags will come and go as the story continues.

And the AU is that the movies never happened, but the characters still exist. This will be explained in detail in the Author's Notes.

Chapters (20)
Comments ( 179 )

This is Flare, I like the idea of humanizing some of the original shows episodes, it could work well, and as for your question Frost is here as well.

Frost: I like how you personalized anti-social people, like me :pinkiecrazy:
Flare: interesting idea of the story, hope to see more.


Awesomeness has been established. Well done, good sir. Well done.

So, you need an editor. There was some wonky as shit misspellings. Like just go over it again and fix the wrong words. Like in the scene when he got home you mixed up tired with tried. Still like the premise and your character doesn't seem like a douchebag. So keep writing and I'll probably keep watching

5395791 Im reading your name as use ruse ruser user. Like you used "ruse ruser" to ruse people's panties

I predict that Michael will meet a clumsy guy with orange hair and blue eyes who also loves videos games/movies and is fiercely protective of his midnight little sister...

Hey DWC, Erised here. Glad to see the story is up, I see there's a good amount of feedback, and nice amount of likes so far; which reminds me. *clicks like button*

5395791 Well don't just be a rude person and leave, point them all out so he can fix them. Or at least some of them, honestly the nerve of some people.

It rembembers me of a sherlock without the hard personality and sociopathy

To answer your Author's Notes question; I thought it was pretty good, despite the multiple typos in here, you might wanna get that fixed.

I hope to see more soon! :twilightsmile:

" Canterlot High. Home of the Wonderclots? Huh...strange name."

He's right, that is a strange name. :trollestia:

Then Alexander Anderson slays sunset when she becomes a deamon thus causing a warp rift to open around CH and in comes Kaldor Draigo whom joins Aleander on an epic final battle between the forces of Chaos and the matrium but as a surprise the old ones return and set about cleansing the galaxy of their previous mistakes during the war in heaven and that's all i got so far, copy righted.

I'd tell you to burn this, but that's only because I'm a pyro and I love burning everything. This was a great start! A little fast, but it was pretty much the intro, so as long as you go a little slower in the future, great! I love the Alarm Clock from Tartarus.

So, I have a theory....

Michael arrives and it causes a time paradox where the dazzlings arrive earlier than than the cannon and Sunset Shimmer hasn't tasted the rainbow yet which could also mean that it hasn't happened yet due to the fact that twilight sparkle is running around. What's confusing is the story implies they know twilight form the human world before the one from Equestria.....

I could be missing something so I'll just wait for more chapters.

Why are they coming over here? And why are they looking at me!? Why do I feel like screaming for an adult?!


Only one appropriate reaction to this.
Moar! :flutterrage:
If you don't mind that is... :fluttershysad:

Why do i feel like screaming for an...

Why, DWC, why?

"I would have to answer your question with..."

You....... bastard.....

Well at least we'll have a surprise

And now we begin the waiting game. Slash MOAR! Chants.

-Hey, did I ever tell you the time my buddy Keith tried camping out on top of a building once?” she excitedly begins her story.- yes! Just yes!

Well this story seems quite promising let's hope we'll have MOAR :flutterrage:

Errors in the description dude. "Name's" has an apostrophe because he's saying his name is something. Also, does is spelt with the e before the s. And "Naturally" should be followed by a comma.

I hate to be a dick, but the description is the first thing people see. Normally I wouldn't read something because of that, but I'll give this a chance anyway. Actually, never mind, I'll put it in one of my bookshelves and start reading it if it ever updates.

You must update this or pinkie will come for you...:pinkiecrazy:

i already hate the character, why does he have to be a badly written stereotypical anime character, is that bad writing or intentional? because the only thing it does is create an abyss between the reader and the character by the difference of personality and the impossibility of ever acting like said character because of social restrictions, so i'm guessing bad writing, keep working and getting better is the only advice i'm capable of giving you but do try writing a more realistic character some time and see what happens, good luck


Looking foward to the next chapter, this was glorious.

Welp, see you guys in another...

*checks watch*

2 years? :twilightoops:

I love the Ellis reference. You gotta love his stories.

"Man I love malls. I do! Once I was in this mall up in Atlanta and these dudes were dancin' for money and stuff and my friend Dave and I were all like-"

"Ellis, is now the best time?"

"Okay, but there was a goat."


Love all the insults he throws around, this man is a master of the noble art of owning people.

Looks like Michael gain the affections of Sonata.

I understand the love he has for his videogames and consoles. They're my babies too.

I like Sunser’s current nickname. Also why do I feel that he will end up making friends anyway. He is almost there with Twilight and he doesn't known it yet but I can see him being the post popular boy on campus, in a good way, by the end of the story.

For each chapter i just keep on liking Michael more and more, that guy has a black belt in the ancient art of "owning you"

Also, not good at names myself. Best I got is Scarlet, Sundance, or the raging She-Devil/Demon.

Agree with seeing School as a prison. I was in a classroom with no windows.

Yes Michael you will be making friends weather you want to or not. His mother is seriously evil in sending him here. I think he should tell Pinkie he hates parties and see how she handles that.

Outmuscled by Fluttershy? Poor lad will never live that one down.

One of these days Dash. Bang! Zoom! Straight to the moon!

I shudder what is going to happen when he meets the CMC. Their antics are going to have him further questioning this towns sanity and why those three are allowed anywhere without adult supervision.

Surprised that Mike hasn't made a diabetes/insulin joke about Pinkie.

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