• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Twilight's Discovery

The Sinnoh Region. The first region. And the region where the creation trio is worshipped and well known. Dialga, Palkia and Giratina. Here, Twilight Sparkle will learn about the history of the Pokemon world. After all, the rift was watching over all of this.

"They have arrived in Sinnoh. Considering how that Twilight Sparkle pony is... I can already tell that she will keep all of her focus on this world." The rift said to itself, knowing what was coming.

"Here we are. Sinnoh. Man, I missed this. And we're in Canalave City too."


"So this is Sinnoh.. something about it feels so familiar. Arceus maybe?" Celestia said, feeling a bit of Arceus around here.

"That's because Sinnoh is the first region out of all of em. And where Arceus and the Creation Trio are worshipped.. at least from my memory anyways."

"Hold on. First? So that means this entire region is.." Twilight took a moment to realise where she was standing right now. She was here at the origin of it all. "This is perfect!"

"It is?" Spike asked.

"Yes! The Pokemon World is still so confusing to me and has me wondering so many things. But now that I'm here, where it all began, I can learn more about it!"

"Well, there's the Canalave Library just up ah-" Twilight immediately zoomed off once she heard Ash say library. She was long gone now.

"She'll be busy for a while. Let's let her go on about her business." Celestia knew how caught up Twilight gets in her studies. And with something like this, who knows how long it'll take.

Canalave Library. The only library in Sinnoh. Here there lies a plethora of books containing the myths of Sinnoh, which also connects to the Pokemon world itself. The librarian, the one ran the place saw the purple pony rush in, heading towards her.

"Hi there. Do you by any chance have books that are about the origins of this world? Your world of course, not mine. Anywhere I can find one?" Twilight was speaking rapidly, trying to contain her excitement. The librarian looked at her with a worried look on her face as she pointed right to bookshelves.

"Section O.," She said.

"Thank you!" Twilight headed over to Section O, browsing through constant books just to find the most important one.

"Let's see... Origin of the True Dragon, Origin of the Pokeball.." The catalogue of books contains origins of not just Sinnoh but other regions as well so this library wasn't limited to only Sinnoh. Then, Twilight spotted the book that caught her attention. "Aha! That's it!" She used her magic to grab the golden book that stood out to her.

"Origin of the Universe. This is what I need!" The book that'll answer all of her questions right in front of her. Opening the book, she was met with the insight and knowledge of this world.

"In the beginning, there was a single egg that laid in the centre of darkness. Out of the egg hatched Arceus. The Alpha Pokemon who birthed the universe. Arceus?" Twilight hadn't seen Arceus yet. Even when he arrived at the party once Malamar was defeated, Celestia and her guards are the only ponies that have seen him.

"With him came a thousand arms consisting of Unowns. After that, he created the Creation Trio. Dialga, Palkia and Giratina." Twilight continued. "Dialga was the guardian of time, making sure that time flows normally throughout the universe. And Palkia was the guardian of space, making sure that space is intact. Then there is Giratina, who was banished to the Distortion World due to his destructive nature. Distortion world?" Twilight was curious about this Giratina figure and this other world.

"So it's these 4 that make the Universe the way they are.. but what about the world itself?" Twilight continued reading on the next page, finding out about the Pokemon Earth.

"4,600,000,000 years prior, the World of Pokemon was created. Arceus created three Pokemon that represent only three traits. Knowledge, Emotion and Willpower. The Pokemon that represented this were Uxie, Mespirit and Azelf. Guardians of Lake Verity, Lake Valor and Lake Acuity. So does that mean that all Pokemon aren't naturally made? Are they all just creations made up by this Arceus being?" Twilight had to know more. If this was the case then how were the humans made?

"Wait a minute.. what's this? The seas of the Pokemon world were formed by Kyogre, deep in the Trenches. And deep inside the earth, the grounds were created by Groudon. While Rayquaza formed the minerals in the ozone layer. These two Pokemon battle it out until Rayquaza steps in to put it all to a halt. AMAZING! Now I know about the seas and the land. But still no lead on naturally made Pokemon. Let's see... Regigigas moved the continents to place regions where they are right now.. wow. Talk about strength."

That is when something caught Twilight's eye.

"The ancestor of all Pokemon on Earth. Mew. Oh really now? Mew's were a race of Pokemon that lived in plentiful numbers, however as time went on.. the Mew species began to evolve. Every single one of them becoming new Pokemon as all Mew's were fading away into newer species. That is when Humans appeared. So there's no lead on how Humans came to be. Well, now I know how the universe and earth came to be. I might have to continue this back at home." Twilight closed up the book as she walked up to the librarian.

"Excuse me. Would it be okay for me to borrow this for a while?" She asked the human.

"You can borrow it but I expect it to be returned in at least 3 weeks... Actually considering how long and huge the book is.. make it 4."

"Right! I will! Thank you!" Twilight walked out of the library with all the knowledge she needed. Out of the library and into the City, Celestia and the others were long gone by now. "Princess Celestia? Where did they go?"

Celestia and the others were currently busy as a trainer had come up to Ash all of a sudden.

"You're Ash Ketchum aren't you? I've heard a lot about you.. and how you won the Alola League a few weeks ago." The boy said.

"Yeah, that's me. I can already guess why you're here.."

"You know it. I challenge you! I did the math and found out that if I beat you that will make me Champion automatically! At least I think that's how it goes.."

"I'm not sure you need math for that.." Spike said.

"Challenge accepted! I and Pikachu are up for one."


"Oh, my Luna. We get to experience a Pokemon Battle! But this time for fun instead of what happened with Malamar." Celestia got excited, talking to her sister.

"Meh. We've probably seen much more exciting events."

"Go! Heracross!" The trainer sent out his Pokemon. The Single Horn Pokemon Heracross.


"Heracross huh? This'll be a bit tricky. Pikachu I choose you!" Pikachu hopped off his partner's shoulders, readying himself.


"I actually wanna see this too!" Spike sat down as some residents in Canalave gathered around to see this as well.

"I like making the first move to deal some damage! Heracross, Bullet Seed!" The boy's Heracross shot out bullets made out of seeds from its mouth, which could barely be seen as they moved just as fast a bullet would.

"Knock em back with Iron Tail!" Pikachu's iron-clad tail knocked away the seeds, preventing any one of them from dealing damage.

"Get in close and use Megahorn!" Heracross flew forward with its horn glowing. It struck its powered up horn onto the chest of the electric rodent, knocking him upwards.


"Pikachu! Relax and use Thunderbolt from above!" Pikachu recovered mid-air, sending down a bolt of thunderbolt towards the opposing Heracross.

"Dodge it!" Heracross barely managed to dodge the thunderbolt by the skin of its bug body.

"There's more! Electroweb!" Pikachu while falling mid-air sent out his electroweb which encased Heracross, shocking him in the process.

"Ah what? No way!" The trainer said, being surprised.

"Finish it with Iron Tail!" Pikachu ran forward, slamming its iron tail down on the head of the trapped Heracross, granting a certified knockout. Heracross had fainted.

"That's the match!" Ash said as everyone cheered, including Celestia and Spike. Luna let out tiny applause as she was mildly impressed.

"Ah, man... Good job Heracross." The young trainer returned his Heracross to its Pokeball as Ash walked towards the young one. "Man I can see why you're a champion and all. You've got a whole legacy to you."

"Ah, thanks. But ya know, you can be just as good as me someday if you train with your Pokemon and bond with them too. If I ever enter another league, I hope you'll be there."

"Right! Thank you, Mr Ketchum!" The boy thanked him as he ran off elsewhere.

"Mr Ketchum?"

"That was wonderful Ash! I could feel the thrill. Although.." Celestia looked back at her new and first Pokemon Ralts who was shaking due to the battle. "Its okay Passion. No harm is done to you." Celestia comforted her shaking pokemon who had stopped cowering.

"Sister. We do believe that it is almost time. The sun shall soon set. We should probably return to our world." Luna explained. Their nice little visit was coming to end. At least for today.

"You're right. What a shame. I was hoping to visit the other regions today as well."

"You can always come back another time and see them for yourself ya know." Ash retorted.

"Of course. And I did get something great out of it all. My little Ralts. Now we should probably get going. A wedding is due in a few days and we have to prepare."

"What about Twilight? What if she gets locked in at the library?" Spike worried.

"She'll be fine. If anything she might sleep in for the night." Celestia replied.

"I'm here! I'm here!" And speaking of Twilight she had caught up. "You won't believe what I found. I've learnt so much about this world and how it was made.. but there's still more to it."

"You catch up on that. Right now, me and Luna best be going. Will you come along or stay?"

"I'll come along. I can keep this at my home for 4 weeks in the meantime. By the way Princess Celestia? Are you sure you want to keep a Pokemon in your castle at Canterlot? Let alone your room. I mean you already have Philomena don't you?"

"I'm more than capable of handling it Twilight. Phoenix's aren't easy to raise either you know. Every creature needs time to raise."

"Yeah... I suppose that's true. They all exited through the gateway, entering the north side of Canterlot. Rainbow Dash and the others had just finished their visits, as well as they had all gathered up in one spot. "Everypony's here. I guess we all enjoyed our time there right?"

"Yeah! We did have some fun. I'm gonna back here every time to train myself." Rainbow said."

"And I'll be here to make sure Rarity doesn't overwork herself on a certain Pokemon."

"It was only a few, Applejack. I could've kept going."

"Glad every pony had their time. But boy oh boy... I'm out of it. I think I'm gonna need a long nap after this.." Twilight said with her body getting tired.

"We all do. Best we all head home now." And they did just that. Celestia and Luna returned to the castle which was only nearly done along with Celestia's own Pokemon Ralts. Fluttershy back to her cottage, Applejack back to Sweet Apple Acres after she gets Rarity, Pinkie had already gone home long ago and Twilight and Spike headed back to Golden Oak Library.

Ash and Pikachu had to clock out for tonight as well. "Well, buddy. We can get back home to Pallet Town quicker now."


"You know the more I look at this world, there more I kinda want it to stay merged with ours.. but I guess that's a bit selfish huh?"

"Pika-pi. Pikachu."

"Yeah, you're right. Anyways, let's head home and see what happens tomorrow." And with that, they take a gateway to Pallet Town, returning home as they prepare for tomorrow.

At Golden Oak Library, Twilight couldn't rest on the book she borrowed. As she was reading through the history of the Pokemon world, learning about different legendaries and fossil Pokemon, something had caught her eye.

"What is this..?" A page describing an event where Arceus lost its Jewel of Life. And how it came back to him, saving the universe from extinction. But in the pages was a drawing of two humans and one other human. One that resembled Ash.

"What the..?"

Chapter 18 END

Author's Note:

Some lore for those who don't know too much about the Pokemon World.

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