• Member Since 8th Oct, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Wait I didn’t have the chance to become A memetic hazard yet! Oh yeah I’m also a random person apparently.

Blog Posts

  • 154 weeks
    A tyrant sparkle Story challenge. (Everyone wins here.)

    Okay I have a challenge that no one has to win but everyone is a winner and it’s a free challenge you can do! So make a story about tyrant twilight sparkle! Yes sub minion or not I have some ideas but if you like make your own ideas you can. Just write your heart out and try your best and even your story does not have to be perfect! If you are new to writing or not, you are welcome to this challenge.

    Here is a list:

    1-Twilight sparkle is an assistant to daybreak and her daily life.

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    5 comments · 158 views

A tyrant sparkle Story challenge. (Everyone wins here.) · 9:46pm Aug 13th, 2021

Okay I have a challenge that no one has to win but everyone is a winner and it’s a free challenge you can do! So make a story about tyrant twilight sparkle! Yes sub minion or not I have some ideas but if you like make your own ideas you can. Just write your heart out and try your best and even your story does not have to be perfect! If you are new to writing or not, you are welcome to this challenge.

Here is a list:

1-Twilight sparkle is an assistant to daybreak and her daily life.

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Report Icy_blue_orchid · 158 views ·
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[Adult story embed hidden]

:yay: for the Fav!

Thank you for adding one of my works to your bookshelves.

Thanks for adding my story to "favorites!"

Thanks for the fave.

thx for the fav and give it a like if you can

  • Viewing 90 - 94 of 94
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