• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen Oct 25th, 2023


Just another Fluttercord shipper, I'm afraid!

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Blog Posts

  • 151 weeks
    Kindness and Shadow Series Finale

    I hate leaving things unfinished. The final installment of the Kindness and Shadow trilogy isn't completely written, but I have quite a bit done, and I'm tired of sitting on it. Hopefully starting to publish will get me the momentum I need to finish the last few chapters. I'd like to apologize in advance for the fact that I've no idea how to write children. Constructive criticism on that front is more than welcome.

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    1 comments · 218 views
  • 216 weeks
    Kindness and Shadow series timeline

    Kindness and the Heart of Shadow along with its current sequel Kindness and the Seed of Shadow are labeled as "Alternate Universe", but because that universe bears some similarity to the canon universe at the end of the show, I just wanted to make a note of timeline clarification.

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    0 comments · 265 views
  • 219 weeks
    Update on the Sequel

    The sequel to Kindness and the Heart of Shadow should be coming out soon. I only have another chapter or two to write to finish the story, and then I have to come up with a title and figure out the release schedule. It's only going to be about half as long as KatHoS and not nearly as doom and gloom. While I've been working on this new story, I suddenly came up with a pretty detailed sketch for yet another sequel that will flesh out a lot more of the story world I've set up and hopefully

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    0 comments · 167 views
  • 234 weeks
    Toying with a sequel

    For anyone who might be interested, I've been thinking about writing a sequel to Kindness and the Heart of Shadow. There is a little connecting short-story type of deal in the works, but it's already showing signs of turning into the full-length sequel proper. Since I prefer to finish the story completely before publishing any of it, I suspect it might be a while before I begin posting anything. Whatever my next story ends up becoming, it's going to focus a lot more on Fluttershy and

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    2 comments · 186 views

Kindness and Shadow Series Finale · 2:01am Sep 3rd, 2021

I hate leaving things unfinished. The final installment of the Kindness and Shadow trilogy isn't completely written, but I have quite a bit done, and I'm tired of sitting on it. Hopefully starting to publish will get me the momentum I need to finish the last few chapters. I'd like to apologize in advance for the fact that I've no idea how to write children. Constructive criticism on that front is more than welcome.

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Comments ( 11 )
  • Viewing 7 - 11 of 11

Pleased to meet you, too Raven.

Nice to meet you, Wrex! You can call me Raven if you like!

My name is Wrex. What's your?

  • Viewing 7 - 11 of 11
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