• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Twilightium Z

Equestria. Canterlot. The Pokemon School. Olympia's Classroom. Day.

"Ta-dah!" Showing up today at the Pokemon School, Twilight had a surprise for her friends. The Twilightium Z. Her own personal Z-Crystal. Made last night and appearing with the dazzling beauty of a new item.

"Ooooh!" Naturally, her friends were stunned to see a Z-Crystal tailored towards Twilight.

"So, you really made your own Z-Crystal?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Awesome!"

"It wasn't just me. Arceus is the one who made the crystal. I just added some of my magic into it. Oh, and Arceus added his light. And it all came together to form the Twilightium Z. This is the first and I guess only of its kind."

"It's just as fantastic as the other Z-Crystals." Rarity commented. "If only it had all of your colours though."

"So. Arceus helped you?" Appearing behind Twilight was her Psychic-Type teacher Olympia. Olympia kneeled down to get to the ponies' level, staring at the Twilightium Z. "Do tell."

"Well, I decided to start learning more about Z-Crystals. And I figured dissecting some would be the key to it. And boy, I got massive things out of it. I got to see Arceus. I learned about the creation of Z-Crystals and even more about Arceus and Necrozma both. It was all worth it. The power of this Z-Crystal benefits all of my Pokemon, just as I intended it to."

"Well done." Olympia complimented the Princess of Friendship. "You've certainly come a long way. All of you. From running from Pokemon to sharing their power. You are true Pokemon Trainers."

"Thank you, Ms Olympia," Twilight replied with a beaming face.

"By the way, Twilight. What kind of attack does it have?" That's when Rainbow Dash started asking the big questions.


"Yeah. You and Arceus made the thing. So what kind of Z-Move can it do? It's a new one, right? Never before seen."

"They're right," Olympia added. "This attack will the first of its kind. That goes for the special pose that comes along with it."

"And what's it called too? Naming is important." Rarity leaned in.

"Ah, well about that...I've figured out what the attack is going to look like, but I didn't quite picture the name or how I'm going to do the pose." Twilight chuckled, revealing that the traits for her Z-Crystals were currently missing two important factors. The posing and the naming. "I haven't sorted that out yet."

"And that's where your friends and your peers come in. We will help you sort that out." Olympia replied as she along with Twilight's friends will sort out the missing traits of the Twilightium Z. "Do we all have our ideas?"

"Mhm." Indeed, they all had something in mind. Just what Twilight needed. The naming part would be simple but the posing part was where complications would arise.

"In fact...let's make that today's lesson. Tell us the kind of attack that it is and the name will become clear to us." Olympia asked.

"Right. Well, it goes like this. I decided to make it fully connected to Equestrian Magic. Whoever's using the attack gathers up the magic of Equestria and forms it into my Cutie Mark. Once that mark shows up, it forms into a massive blast of magic. I couldn't think of much else but a large blast. Seemed like the most effective way."

"That's perfectly fine. Most Z-Moves are simple to understand but the beauty of them is how they are not only performed but the process of the attack emerging. They also tend to have names that are overboard. It's only natural."

"Oh, you're right." Twilight nodded. "My attack does have that same prolonged feel to it. Plus, it looks different depending on which Pokemon uses it. But I haven't seen it been used yet."

"Well then. Have we all decided on what the name of it should be?" Olympia asked the others. Rainbow Dash and the others huddled up, discussing the perfect name for this attack due to its description. It drew power from Equestrian Magic itself, obviously being a part of the Harmony Phenomenon and it was a massive blast that came out of a projected Cutie Mark. The name of it was clear to them.

And in the span of the few seconds that they had to name it, Rarity had used her magic to write on a piece of paper, showing the name to Twilight.

"How does Harmonic Twilight Starblaze sound?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Sounds good to me!" Twilight was perfectly fine with that name. "That overboard name sound just like a Z-Move alright."

"Rainbow Dash came up with the last word while the rest of us came up with the other two. They worked well in tangent and the placing is just perfect." Rarity explained.

"Splendid." Olympia clapped her hands. "Now comes the tricky part. The pose. Twilight. You must find the right pose you're comfortable with to make this Z-Move work. Otherwise, you'll be stuck with a crystal that does nothing."

"Right. That part is what I was kind of nervous about. How am I going to find the right pose? And one that doesn't hurt my muscles?"

"Why not just mimic some poses from other Z-Moves and switch it up?" Rainbow Dash questioned. "Seems like the easier option to me."

"Oooh. Or maybe you can pose in the shape of a star. Just like your Cutie Mark." Fluttershy suggested.

"If I'm going to make my own pose, I think I'll make it so that it's simple for a pony to use. I already know using a Z-Move cramps your muscles, Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy. Pinkie Pie."

"True that." The multicoloured-maned mare shook her head while crossing her hooves. "The attack is cool but boy does it hurt to pull off when posing."

"It does hurt a bit when I use one too." Fluttershy agreed.

"I try to ignore the pain on my muscles. But I can't." Pinkie grinned. "Makes it all the more effective, I guess."

"We'll sort that problem out as well. For now, let's see what pose the Twilightium Z will need. Twilight?" Olympia turned to the alicorn.

"I got it. I think I'll go for Flutterhsy's idea. A star makes the most sense but I should also make it so that nopony ever has to struggle with it. If it's ever used by somepony else." Twilight replied, choosing a pose. "Maybe a dance for you to do in the beginning and then afterwards, the star pose at the end to initiate the attack. That way, I won't have to worry about hurting their muscles trying to come up with elaborate poses."

"She has a point." Rarity nodded. "Everypony can do a star pose easily. Especially if it's quick at the end."

"What if you need to do it when you're at the Human World? Sometimes you head there after all." Starlight asked, bringing up a good point. Twilight would have an easier time pulling of a Z-Move in the Human World with her Human Body, but making a pose specifically for ponies and translating that to the other world was a real roadblock.

"Good point. I can still use the star pose at the end but..." Twilight had to think again. "What's the best approach to it then?"

"Let's figure it out while in the middle of battling. It's about time we use the school's arena. Come along." Olmypia stood up, leading the group of ponies over to the school's arena. Located outside. The basis for the Twilightium Z had been finished up. Now it was time for the main test.

Pokemon School Arena.

They had arrived outside the school's arena. Perfectly wide for something as powerful as a Z-Move to be used. In this instance, it would be Twilight vs Olympia.

"So I should make it up as I go?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. If Roxie were here, she'd say to let the rhythm of battle help you. And I'd agree. You already know how it should end. Now all you have to do is find a way to seamlessly enter that star pose. Now, emerge, Meowstic!" Olympia held out her Poke Balls, summoning both her Meowstic. Male and Female.


"Now. Just one extra question about that crystal. Wat type is it? It's meant for all of your Pokemon, right?" Olympia questioned. "Now that both my Meowstic are out, that Z-Crystal should have the right type."

"The type. It's..." But the moment Twilight looked at her Z-Crystal, that's when a voice spoke to her before she could finish her sentence. A voice she heard just last night while inside the crystals. The voice of Arceus.

"Use it in any way. Just as you imagined it." Arceus' voice spoke to Twilight through the crystal. Twilight gasped as she certainly did not expect that.

"Arceus...?" The Princess of Friendship made a faint sound. That's when she realized that the Light of Arceus was speaking to her. Arceus did add his power into the crystal after all. And once he spoke to her, Twilight understood very well what this crystal was truly capable of. "Mmm. You're about to find out, Ms Olympia. I'm choosing both my Cinccino and Espeon!"

Twilight suddenly chose two Pokemon to combat Olympia's two Pokemon. Not just her ace Espeon but her first ever Pokemon, Cinccino.

"Cinccino!" Cinccino cried out as Espeon ran forward, standing next to her.

"Two Pokemon? Curious..." This made Olmypia ponder something. Twilight obviously didn't choose two Pokemon just to rival Olympia's two Meowstic. There was another reason behind it. "Now! Let us begin! Helping and Future Sight in unison!"

"Meow!" Together, the two Constraint Pokemon had used Future Sight and Helping Hand as a golden aura appears around the Male Meowstic, allowing him to transfer the aura to the Female Meowstic, powering her up.

As for the Female Meowstic, she extended her ears as the eye-like patterns on her inner ears illuminated a bright blue. Meowstic created five wormholes before then shooting blasts of electrified psychic energy through the wormholes. They had disappeared right afterwards but would soon return.

"Let's finish it before Future Sight lands! Eve, Quick Attack! Minccy, Tri Attack, let's go!"

"Espeon!" The Sun Pokemn would advance on her fellow Psychic-Types while Cinccino would assist from afar. Espeon moved at lightning speeds, leaving a white trail while Cinccino had throw three spheres of three different elements. Fire,Ice and Electric.

"Hm. Think they will hit?" Olympia smirked as both Meowstic suddenly outlined themselves in a familiar blue light. A Psychic light. Just then, they had zoomed to the side, using their Psychic abilities to evade the incoming attacks. They split up as Tri Attack hit the ground, failing to hit a proper target while Espeon missed the Male Meowstic completely.

"Not yet! Go again, Eve!"

"Esp!" Espeon continued attacking the male Meowstic by redirecting herself towards him. Meowstic kept evading shower, matching his fellow Psychic-Type's speed as Espeon couldn't hit him so far. Both of them suddenly took to the skies, levitating with Psychic.

"Darn..." Twilight growled as the Meowstic flew around in the skies, teasing their opponents.

"Are you getting into that mood to pull off a successful move yet, Twilight?" Olymia asked. "Because if not, then this battle will over sooner than you can even think about pulling off the pose.

"Mrrrgh...I will pull it off the right way." Twilight's eyes flashed purple as she then raised her hoof. "Eve! Shadow Ball! Minccy, Thunder! Strike them down!"

"Cinccino...!" Cinccino raised her arms, manipulating the weather itself. The skies rumbled while Espeon opened her mouth, summoning a blob of shadows.

"Dark Pulse and Light Screen!"

"Meow!" The Male Meowstic had used Light Screen, placing a protective golden aura around himself and his teammate, boosting their resistances to the incoming attacks at the right time. Thunder boomed from the skies while the Female Meowstic unleashed Dark Pulse onto Shadow Ball.

The Male had been struck by the lightning while Dark Pulse and Shadow Ball clashed, resulting in a tie as the two attacks cancelled each other out, combusting with a black and dark purple explosion. Thanks to Light Screen, the Male Meowstic managed to stay in the air, albeit feeling some heavy electric impact.

"Now, head up there with your own Psychic and use Dazzling Gleam!" Twilight then spread her wings out, getting into a bipedal position before thrusting her hoof into the air.

"Eon!" Espeon ended up using Psychic on herself to levitate in the air for a while. She zoomed towards her fellow Psychic-Types before reaching their height.


"Meowstic!" Both Meowstic's had then used Psychock in unison, forming purple orbs of energy in their hands. The duo then released six dark purple beams of energy from the orb, but not before Espeon retaliated.

Once she was up with them, she had used Dazzling Gleam in combination with Psychic, surrounding herself in a orb of rainbows before then unleashing multicoloured rays that ended up clashing with the beams.

"Now's my chance...Tri Attack!"

"Minccino!" While the two of them were distracted by Espeon, Minccino had attacked, throwing three orbs in the air. Once Dazzling Gleam and Psyshock cancelled each other out, passing through the smoke was Tri Attack.

The Female Meowstic was the one who had been struck by these attacks. "Meow!" After being hit by Tri Attack, she ended up getting one condition. In this case, it was the Burn status. This also caused the Female Meowstic to start falling, only for the Male to catch her.

"Great! Now for one more! Shadow Ball and Aqua Tail on the Male!"

"Cinccino!" Cinccino jumped up, using Aqua Tail to do so as she slamme her tail on the ground. The impact boosted her into the air, bringing her towards the Constraint Pokemon while Espeon prepared a Shadow Ball while still airborne.

"Blow them back with Psychic!"

"Meow!" The male Meowstic managed to blow them both back. Before Espeon could use Shadow Ball, an invisible blast of Psychic Energy had pushed her and Cinccino away with an impressive wide range.


"I don't think so! Hit it with Aqua Tail! Release it, Eve!"

"E-Espeon!" Even thought she was pushed back, Espeon managed to release Shadow Ball while falling down. The force of Shadow Ball being unleashed propelled her back faster than Cinccino. This allowed for Cinccino to strike.

"Cinccino!" Cinccino looked at Shadow Ball, swinging her tail at it when it passed by. At the right moment, Cinccino managed to catch it, hitting the blob with Aqua Tail, giving it a boost. The ball moved much faster as it managed to hit both the Male Meowstic and Female Meowstic.

"Ooh." Olympia's eyes slightly widened as she was certainly impressed.

"We're on a roll here! And I think I'm getting the hang of the perfect pose!" Twilight jumped for a joy as the body movements she's been making so far has allowed her to get adjusted to what she could pull off as Espeon and Cinccino stuck a nice landing.

"Aren't you forgetting something, my little pony?" Olympia smiled, knowing there was one other factor in this that was a threat to her Pokemon.

Future Sight.

The wormholes had returned as out of them, five Psychic blasts had emerged with ferocity. And thanks to the Female Meowstic's ability Keen Eye, they had immaculate accuracy.

"Oh no! Eve! Minccy! Dodge!"

"Esp?! Espeon!" The two of them immediately started booking it, but it was pointless. Keen Eye wouldn't allow it. The attacks moved at blitzing speeds, hitting Twilight's Pokemon before they could find the best route to dodge. As if they could dodge in the first place. They had been bombarded with a barrage of blasts before being enveloped in a Psychic explosion. "Esp!"


"Eve! Minccy!" Twilight cried out as both her Pokemon tumbled. But they were able to hang in there. As the smoke cleared, the Male Meowstic descended with the Female with both of them touching the ground. Thanks to Light Screen, they were also able to hang in there.

"You've done very well, Princess Twilight. Even if this was just a test, you've shown that you can perform swimmingly well despite the circumstances. That's what I love to see from my students."

"Thank you, Olympia. But I haven't done my best yet. There's still one thing left to do. And it's the reason why we're here."

"Of course. Go ahead. I'm ready for your Z-Move. Bring on your Harmonic Twilight Starblaze."

"This is it!" Pinkie Pie sat up, getting all giddy. The rest of Twilight's friends did the same as they were so ready to see how this attack was performed.

Twilight already had the Z-Ring as the power of Alola, Arceus and Equestrian Magic was already starting to emanate from it. Three different lights had also shown up. The Golden light of Arceus, the illuminating yellow light from every other Z-Crystal and Twilight's signature purple colours.

She closed her eyes as she got into this bipedal position once more. The lights then flared out as Twilight could hear Arceus' voice once more, telling her to use it.

"I can hear you loud and clear, Arceus." She said while still having her eyes closed. "This crystal isn't just for show. It's what's going to pave a way for a better future. Anything that comes our way, I can count on this crystal to help ensure everyone that it will be okay."

"Esp!" It seemed to be direction towards Espeon as the lights started flowing in her direction. Twilight moved her hooves around in two different ways. The motion of water, swishing from left to right as well as making an arch shape with her hooves. After making the arch, she then spread her wings out as they became apart of the pose too. The Princess of Friendship had then put both her hooves forward.

But that's when the lights not only flowed towards Espeon, but also Cinccino. This stunned everyone as Cinccino was also pulling off the same poses with the power from the Twilightium Z coming to her.


"Cinccino too?!" Olympia gapsed. "Does that mean...?"

"Here's the first of many to come!" Twilight's eyes opened as her voice suddenly echoed throughout not just the arena, but the entire school as well. That's when a golden materialized figure appeared behind her.

It was the figure of Arceus.

Twilight then pulled off the star pose by putting both her front hooves out, maintaining her balance. That was the end pose as the lights then reached their peak. Espeon and Cinccino were ready.

"Eve! Minccy! Harmonic Twilight Starblaze!"

The attack had been initiated. Millions of Cutie Marks that represented Twilight's had shown up in small sizes, flowing into the sky before them merging. They combined to form a gigantic version of Twilight's Cutie Mark. It was as big as the entire Pokemon School as everyone, even inside the school and across Canterlot looked at awe.

Espeon and Cinccino then jumped into the air as they were pulled into the Cutie Mark. Their bodies resonated with it as the star stared vibrating rapidly, letting out stardust.

"ESPEON!" Espeon and Cinccino had cried out with all of their might as a purple blast the size of Canterlot Castle had emerged.

"Oh my...Dark Pulse and Psychic, Quick!"

"Meowstic!" The two Meowstic tried fighting back at this titanic blast, only for Dark Pulse and Psychic to be enveloped by it in the matter of seconds. This was because of another light within it. A Dark Energy that resembled the Dark-Typing as it was perfect against the two Meowstic. Alongside that, the Purple Energy perfectly represented Twilight and Espeon while another one, a white one, was representative of Cinccino's Normal-Typing.

"Take this! I told you it was meant for all of my Pokemon! And this is it! The start of more to come!" Twilight held her hoof out while having a booming voice.

"A Z-Move that can be used by two Pokemon...With the right type necessary..." Olympia stood there stunned along with her Pokemon. They were just amazed. "Amazing, Twilight. You've made something special."

And right there, the attack landed on the Male and Female Meowstic. Once it landed, ended up forming a gargantuan dome-shaped purple explosion that then turned into a tall purple pillar that had pierced the clouds themselves, reaching far into the sky. Despite how destructive it looked, it had also made a beautiful magical sound to boot as Twilight closed her eyes from this heavy impact.

The aftermath of the explosion was also peaceful instead of violent. It cleared up, turning into stardust that flew into the sky. They then sparkled with grace and elegance as out of the smoke both of the Meowstic had fainted.


"Whew..." Twilight sat down as the light figure of Arceus had faced away. It had exhausted her as her Pokemon ran over after their victory. "We did it. I know it was a test but that felt so serious..."



"That was amazing!" Starlight exclaimed. "Definitely one of the wildest ones I've seen so far!"

"I know right?! It was just as crazy as Pikachu and Mew's Z-Moves!"

"And it seems, the right pose has been found." Olympia walked over. "Well done, Princess Twilight. You've found the right rhythm and method for your exclusive Z-Move."

"Oh, thank you. But...my muscles still hurt from that. I guess there is no way for a pony to pose without feeling some muscle pain." Twilight chuckled. "Guess we're going to have to get used to that some other way."

"Hey, if it works, it works." Pinkie Pie bounced over. "But what was that all about? That Light Arceus that showed up behind you."

"That was Arceus' power helping out. It's forever a part of this crystal." Twilight held up the crystal while on her back. "From now on, Arceus will always be helping us."

"That's what we like to hear." Applejack nodded in approval.

"But that Z-Move...Are you saying that it works depending on which Pokemon is being attacked by it?" Olympia added. "Both my Meowstic are Psychic-Types and the energy within that purple beam was a Dark-Type energy alongside Psychic and Normal as well."

"That's right. It immediately makes one dominant type depending on which Pokemon is being hit by it and capitilizes on it. I aimed to make a super powerful Z-Crystal that was special in its own right and I succeeded."

"Hm. Well, this lesson is officially over. You can all leave home early for this. I also believe that this will help you in the future, Twilight. For when yu have to go through the Battle Exam."

"Battle Exam?" Twilight repeated.

"A way for you to go up some levels by battling your teachers. I am at that next level alongside Drayden and Volkner. I look forward to seeing you all there when you've all reached the top."

"But we're already at your class." said Fluttershy.

"I know I just love teaching that's all." Olympia glggled. "There's no level that will stop me from doing what I love."

"Wait till Ash learns about this." Twilight smiled before getting up. This lesson was over and it was a stunning success that Twilight had smashed.

Her new Z-Move. The Harmonic Twilight Starblaze. A Z-Move exclusive to her and acted different from other Z-Moves. And with the power of Alola, Equestria and Arceus within it, it was certainly a force to be reckoned with. The pose was perfect too. The name was the right kind of overboard for a Z-Move and it certainly lived up to the hype. A satisfying conclusion indeed as the journey continues.

Chapter 806 End.

Author's Note:

A quick fun note at the end. This Z-Move is also inspired by Arceus' Legend Plate, in which it always switches to the right type depending on which Pokemon is being attacked. That's exactly why Arceus' power is inside this crystal. For that sole reason.

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