• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Champion of Unova

Equestria. Ponyville. The Pokemon House. Day.

Currently, at the Pokemon House, Ash had received a letter, given to him by Goh. By the letter wasn't mailed via Goh but someone else.

"A letter for me?" Ash said, looking at the letter with all of his Pokemon staring at it.

"Mhm. It's a letter from Unova." Goh replied.

"From Unova?" Just Ash said that, Sirfetch'd had used his large leek to swiftly slash the top of the letter in the blink of an eye. Everyone gasped after the slice as Ash looked over at Sirfetch'd. But that slice ended up opening the letter for Ash. Truly, a knightly action. Everyone then gawked at Sirfetch'd's swift action and how precise it was. "Awesome! Thanks, Sirfetch'd!"

Sirfetch'd looked back with a sparkle in his eyes as Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy applauded his cutting skills with wing claps. Pinkie just clapped with hooves. Ash then looked at the letter, seeing who it was from.

"Wow! It's from Iris, buddy!" Ash exclaimed as Pikachu jumped onto Ash's shoulder.


"Iris" Twilight said before recalling how Ash brought up that name during stories of his past. "Oh, right, her!"

"Yep. She's a friend from when I travelled to Unova. She's on a journey to become a Dragon Master. Just like you, Spike." Ash explained as Pikachu sniffed the letter, recognizing it as Iris' scent. "It says that she wants to battle with me. She recently entered the World Coronation Series and is already in the Great Class!"

"Ooh, let me see!" Flying over to look at the letter was Rainbow Dash.

"You could learn from her too just like you do with Drayden, Spike," Ash suggested. "Dragon Trainers know Dragon Trainers after all. How does that sound?"

"Count me in!" Spike was all ready for it. "If she travelled with you during Unova, then that means she's extra strong."

"We gotta go then!" Pinkie pulled Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy close to her. "A one on one with an old travelling pal sounds like too much fun!"


So it was. They would all journey towards the Unova Region to meet an old friend of Ash from his many adventures. Thankfully, a gateway to Unova was free to pass through without any danger thanks to Ash. Manehattan's to Castelia. But the area they were meant to be in was far past Castelia. An area that Spike had visited before when he went on his solo Pokemon Journey.

Opelucid City. Afternoon.

After a battle invitation from Iris, they all flew to Opelucid City via plane to meet with Iris. It's been a while since Goh and Spike had been in Unova, so both decided to do something in the meanwhile. Goh was aiming to catch some more Unova Pokemon while Spike wanted to do some slight practising with his Pokemon in the meanwhile.

While Spike was excited to see a fellow Dragon Trainer also aiming to become a Dragon Master, he wanted to impress Iris in case they had a battle too. He also didn't want to get sloppy either.

"Go! Poke Ball!" Goh threw a Poke Ball right at a Pansear on a tree, catching the Fire-Type as the first of many. Then he ended up catching himself a Panpour as well. But not Pansage, unfortunately. Their data had been added to the Pokedex. "Next time, I want Pansage. How's your training going right now, Spike?"

"Pretty good," Spike replied. "All my Pokemon are in good shape. We didn't get sloppy at all. Isn't that right, Axew? Deino?"



"How strong do you think Iris could be, Goh? She's been a Dragon Master more than me so..."

"Very. No doubt about it. I mean, Dragon-Types are just naturally strong, aren't they?" Goh shrugged in response. "There's also that guy who taught your Goodra when he was a Goomy. Avaun, I think?"

"Good point. If I face her, maybe I could learn some tricks from her. I've come up with something myself. For Deino over here." Spike slid over to Deino. "Her biting strength's gotten better now. I've been teaching her to bite attacks."

"Bite attacks? Like all of them?"

"All of them." Spike raised a claw with a gleaming grin, showing his glistening fangs. "But uh...W-We're still working on that. Right now we can just bite small stuff like Water Pulse or Seed Bomb."

"Grookey? Groo." Just then Grookey noticed something peculiar in the trees. An odd shape was on top of it as the shadows of the sun darkened parts of it. Goh and Spike's attention were drawn towards it.

"Aha!" To Goh, that looked like another Pokemon to catch. "Alright then, Poke Ball! Let's go!" With another swing, the Poke Ball was thrown upwards, hitting the odd shape in the tree.

"Gwaah!" The shape then cried out as human arms and legs were revealed, spreading out. It was a person, not a Pokemon. Afterwards, the person fell out of the tree, crashing into the ground in a sitting position. "Aaaah..." She groaned.

"Oops!" Goh gasped, realizing it was a human.

"Nice curveball." But Spike couldn't help but admire the curveball that Goh did there.

"Ow...Who's there?" The young girl turned around, showing her face. It was revealed to the lady of the hour that was the motivation for everyone showing up to this city.


"Sorry. Please forgive me. I thought for sure you were a Pokemon." Goh apologized with his hand behind his back, owning to his honest mistake.

"Well...I guess no one would expect a human to be up there." Iris looked at the tree before sitting up. Once she sat up, she noticed Spike, Equestrian Axew and Deino. One gaze and the Dragon-Type Specialist was starstruck with her love of Dragons oozing out. "Oh my gosh!"

Moving at a burst of speed, she appeared in front of Spike and his Pokemon. Overjoyed and interested to the core, Iris grabbed ahold of Spike's face, squeezing his cheeks. "Look at you! I've never seen this Dragon before!"

"G-Guhh...!" Spike grimaced as he looked to be in the most pain he's ever been in his entire life. Iris stretched his face, believing him to be from the Pokemon World.

"And look at this!" She then switched to Axew later, also grabbing his face. "I've never seen this Axew before! Is it a Regional Form?!"

"X-Xew..." Axew was also in high amounts of pain from Iris grabbing him. But seconds later, he realized that it was starting to feel good in a way. "Axew...?"

"Y-Yeah. It's an Equestrian Axew." Spike groaned, holding his face. "And I'm not a Pokemon. Just a normal Dragon from where I'm from."

"Oh! So they have regional forms there as well? Amazing!" Iris picked Axew up from the ground, spinning him around. Axew reminded Iris of her Axew, who usually hangs out in her giant hair which was only rivalled by Adagio's hair. But there was no other Axew to be found in it. "What type is it?! Don't tell me...Dragon-Psychic!"

"Well, it doesn't have a type. Plus he can transform too." Spike shrugged.

"Transform?" Iris' interest had been boosted. She was about to learn a lot more about Spike's special Axew.

"Come to think of it..." Goh took out his Pokedex, aiming it at Axew. "I never did use the Pokedex on Axew. Does it say anything different?" He analyzed Axew as he was in for a shock.

Equestrian Pokemon certainly don't change their types. Examples such as the Electric Gengar and the Torterra as big as a planet. Including the Equestrian Scrafty. However, they seemed to have taken super-effective damage when Pikachu had last used Thunderbolt on them. But then, the Pokedex revealed something new.

"Axew. The Tusk Pokemon. Equestrian Form. Dragon-Psychic-Type. Only one record of an Equestria Axew currently exists as it has been affected by the fusion of Pokemon and Equestrian Magic. The diamond-like patterns on their bodies radiate hypnotizing and ultraviolet lights. They use their tusks to crush the berries they eat. Repeated regrowth makes their tusks strong and sharp. Due to the Fusion Magic, it can transform from one stage to the other."

"Huh...? HUH?!" Goh and Spike both bellowed after reading that. It wasn't the detailed description that caught them off guard. It was the Type description. "B-But...Isn't it a pure Dragon-Type?! When did this happen?!"

"It should be! Axew, did you know about this?!" Spike turned to Axew. The Tusk Pokemon just shrugged as he himself didn't know at all.

Without any of them knowing, his Typing had changed. There was no date and nothing to show it happening. No flashing lights or outbursts at all. It just had happened. And Axew looked unbothered.

"Guess I was right about the type!" Iris chuckled. "Now, show your transformation, please! What can you transform into?!"

"Xew-Ew." Axew would do the honours. He immediately tapped into the energy laying within him, allowing his body to shift into his greater form. A golden sphere of light exuded out of him with Iris staring right at it.

The light expanded as Axew's size was changing. Iris could feel something heavy within her hands. She could no longer casually hold Axew as his evolved form had arrived. "Haxorus!"

Iris was left speechless with a massive blush showing up on her face. She moved back to awe at this alternate form of Haxorus in all of his arcane glory. The sun even beamed on the Axe Jaw Pokemon, causing the tip of his jaw to shine with a visible sparkle.

"Into...a...Haxorus...?" Iris spaced out her words. She felt like fainting from this but she maintained her balance, zipping around Haxorus and checking him out from all sides. Haxorus couldn't help but flex, admiring the admiration. "I've been missing out!"

"Haxo. Haxorus."

"Uh...W-We'll come back to that later." Goh put his Pokedex away.

"Yeah. I've got a special Haxorus. Which...I didn't know changed types all of a sudden." said Spike as Haxorus picked him up, placing the baby dragon on his shoulder. "Plus there's Deino, who's got a one of a kind bite. Well, she will soon. I'm training her to be a master at biting."


"Really now?" Iris kneeled to face the Irate Pokemon. She put her hand out, patting her on the head.

"Deino." Deino enjoyed that most definitely.

"I've just taught her recently how to bite attacks. Only a few of them. Soon, she'll crush them like butter with no problem at all."

"I wanna see that. Those could end up being some mighty jaws." Iris chuckled before recalling something, relating to why she was on the tree. "Ooooh! I overslept!" She cried out, revealing that she was asleep on the tree instead of sitting on it.

Immediately, she bolted off, rushing for the trees and the nearest vine. Much like a Sceptile, Primeape, Chimchar and any other vine-swinging Pokemon, she started swinging from the vines, heading for the centre of the city. "Thanks for waking me up!" She thanked Goh as her voice faded in the background along with her appearance.

"She's an odd one..." Goh stood there dazed. "Definitely a good friend of Ash."

"Yeah..." And Spike agreed.

Opelucid Gym.

There was the gym. Ash, Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and their Pokemon stood before it, witnessing its draconic appearance.

"We haven't seen the Opelucid Gym in forever." Ash admired the gym's appearance with the others.

"How come our gyms don't look like that?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Do you think we can ask BigTime Ben to remodel them some more instead of looking like just domes and stuff?"

"The Grass-Type Gym back home is pretty stylish though. It's covered in leaves after all." Twilight replied. "Although, Zecora would like a change of pace. She said she wanted her gym in the Everfree Forest instead. She much prefers that."

"What's up with that forest now? Is it still regenerating? Been a while." Pinkie questioned.

"Zecora said she's waiting for it to fully regenerate before she heads back." Fluttershy gave the rundown. "She's made herself comfortable at the Pokemon House, creating new remedies to heal everyone there. But she can't wait to head back to Everfree."

"Hm?" Just as they had their conversation, showing up near the gym was an Axew. Seeing this Axew made Ash and Pikachu alert as they believed it to be Iris' Axew. "Axew? Maybe it's Iris' Axew!" The duo started moving their heads left and right, trying to spot Iris.

"Oho. Welcome, Young Ash. Students." And also appearing here, but not surprising at all was Drayden. Mayor of the City, President of the Opelucid Academy, Iris' mentor and one of the many teachers at the Pokemon School as he had picked up Axew.

"Mr Drayden!" Twilight and the others said, calling him with the format saying. "Oh, wait. Is Mayor Drayden or Mayor more accurate since we're in your city?"

"Please. Call me Drayden." Drayden chose to have his name be referred to in a simple manner. No honorifics or formalities for him. "You can refer to me as Mr. over at the Pokemon School when we return next week."

"Is that Iris' Axw, Drayden?" Ash asked.


"No. This little one happens to be my partner. Iris should be waiting for you all inside."


"Hey, uh..." Rainbow Dash dashed over to Drayden. "When are we gonna learn at your class one day, Drayden? I've been interested in that just like with Volkner."

"Or is it specially-tailored after classes like Ms Olympia and Ms Valerie?" Fluttershy also threw a question in there.

"My role in the Pokemon School is only for those aiming to be Dragon Masters. Your friend Spike, while he doesn't go there, takes advice from me. I'm waiting for when students aiming to be Dragon Masters advance through their grades and reach me. Could it be any of you?"

"Oh, no, no." Twilight chuckled as she and her friends shook her head. "We're fine with having every type on our side. I mean, there's the Pokemon House with a lot of options but not many of them are Dragon-Types."

"Fluttershy and I are occupied with Valerie. We've got Fairy Magic in us. Even in our eyes. Mostly me." Pinkie spread her eyes, showing them to Drayden but he couldn't see anything.

"Guys!" Just then, showing up to the scene were Goh and Spike. "Hey!"

"Hey, did you guys find Iris?" Ash turned to them.

"Yeah. But we've got something bigger than that. Check this out." Goh had to show everyone what his Pokedex had discovered. A shocking revelation that came out of nowhere without any warning. Goh selected the most recent dex entry, showing it to all of them.

"Dragon...Psychic?! Since when?!" They all said.

"That's what we couldn't figure out. Not even Axew knows how." Spike replied. "Maybe it was an overnight thing?"

"You can find answers to that at any time. Right now, Iris is waiting for you." Drayden said, putting them all back into the focus of why they came here in the first place.

"Ah, right, right!" Ash replied as he and the others approached the doors of the gym ready to meet Iris for this upcoming battle. Just as they approached, Ash's Rotomphone started ringing, alerting him.

"Official battle requested." said the Rotomphone. Iris was ready to battle and Ash couldn't wait any longer.


They had all reached the indoors of the Opelucid Gym. The hallways and everything within this gym was dark with no light showing at all.

"Iris!" Ash called out her name, trying to see if she would respond.

"Pika!" But there was no response. Just total darkness. Ash came to a screeching halt as everyone caught up to him. The only sounds filling this gym were the sounds of foot and hoofsteps.

And soon, a new sound came through in the form of the Sky Squirrel Pokemon and fellow member of the Electric Rodent Family, Emolga. "Emol! Emo-molga!" The Electric-Flying-Type cried out whilst soaring through the air, sparking electricity out of her sacs.

"Ah, Emolga!" Ash recognized this specific Emolga as Iris'. As Emolga soared around the gym, generating electricity, the lights finally came on. But one by one to be stylish about it.

And appearing from the top of the gym's platform with the giant Haxorus statue was the girl of the hour. Iris. Sporting a brand-spanking-new outfit from what she's usually used to wearing.

"I've been waiting for you, Ash." She said from the tall platform, appearing before everyone.

"Hey, Iris. What's with the new getup?" Ash was curious about the fancy new look that was extravagant for Iris.

"Pretty nice, huh?" She giggled, showing off her new getup in all of its flowing glory. She gave a dazzling grin afterwards with a twinkle emerging.

"Iris is presently ranked the strongest trainer in Unova. In other words, she holds the title of reigning champion." Just like that, Drayden had revealed Iris' position and the reason for her outfit.

"HUH?!" They all cried out once learning about this. Iris, deciding to show off, front flipped off of the platform and landed on the floor.

"Wait, so that was you?!" Goh pointed at her.

"Oh, hey. It's you five." Iris looked at Goh, Spike, Grookey, Axew and Deino. "Great that I get to see that amazing transforming Axew again!"

"Iris! It's been too long!" Ash came over as Pikachu hopped off his shoulder, going for the Unova Champion.

"Pikachu!" He was ecstatic to see an old friend after many years, running on Iris' shoulders as they both giggled. Afterwards, the two of them nuzzled faces.

"Wow, you haven't changed one bit, Pikachu!"

"Emol!" Wanting to meet her fellow Electric Rodent after many years of being away was Emolga. Pikachu followed her once she flew by, jumping off of Iris' shoulder.

And much like every Electric-Type in the rodent family, they perform a signature greeting via Electricity. For Pikachu, it's usually with his tail when face-to-face with fellow Pikachu. But for Emolga, they just had to rub their cheek sacs together and generate electricity to greet each other. "Pika! Pika!"

"Well, what do you think?" Iris ran around, letting everything get the full scope of her outfit which she clearly had a lot of love for if she was putting such an emphasis on it. "I'm Champion! Are you surprised!"

"Yeah! That's so cool!" Ash was. No doubt about that. Seeing his friends succeed was always wonderful. But seeing them succeed to a point where they become Champion was extra wonderful.

"Thanks! Mission: Surprise was a complete success!" Iris jumped up and down with joy, glad that she could surprise Ash successfully.

"I don't know much about you but good job becoming champion! Pinkie Pie appeared behind Iris unexpectedly, showing support even though they had just met.

"Thanks, my little pony!" Iris laughed along with Pinkie Pie. "You're Ash's pony friends, aren't you? I know and recognize you from all the merchandise and what's being going on over at the other side too. It's so great to finally meet you! And you're all so cute!"

"I prefer cool. You can call all of them cute." Rainbow Dash replied, seeing herself in another light that was not Cuteness. Even though she had both coolness and cuteness but chooses to keep the other one at bay.

"So this is Iris for real?" said Spike.

"Following her journeys with Ash, Iris fought Dragon-Type Trainers, Gym Leaders and met many Dragon-Types, learning all the time," Drayden explained. "By trusting in her Pokemon, she climbed to the position of Champion."

"I never even considered being Champion as a goal. But I'm a long way from Dragon Master. So to keep pushing myself, I entered the Pokemon World Championships. Great choice, don't you think?" In reality, Iris never planned on being a Champion in the first place. But her hard work is what gave her this rank. And yet, she was not a Dragon Master yet.

"Battling the Unova Champion! No complaints about that! I'm all fired up!" Ash bellowed with hyperactive joy, eager to battle a champion

"As expected. I thought this would happen." Iris closed her eyes, putting on a cocky smile while looking to the side. "Battling always gets you overexcited. Just what I'd expect from a little kid."

"Well aren't you kind of a kid too?!" Ash dashed over as the usual catchphrase that Iris had remained to this day. Some things never changed. They then butted heads with each other with growls surfacing.

"I'm no kid! I'm the Champion!" Iris retorted as she and Ash started bickering like actual kids. But that was natural for their friendship.

"They both seem like kids right now..." Twilight whispered to Rainbow Dash as they both giggled.

"Have you both forgotten you have a battle to fight?" Drayden broke up their squabbling, reminding them of the main reason why they're seeing each other again.

"I'm so sorry! Alright! Ash! It's time for you to get reacquainted with my Dragon Squad!"

"Right!" Ash smiled, holding out a Poke Ball, throwing it. "Dragon-Type against Dragon-Type!" Out of it came Ash's Dragonite. Upon emerging, the first instinct was to hug. And that's what she did.

"Dragonite!" Dragonite flew in, grabbing ahold of Iris and giving her the trademark hug.

"Such a cutie! It's so amazing that you caught a Dragonite!" Iris exclaimed, returning the favour to Dragonite. Usually, Dragonite hugs someone and that's the end of that. But this was the first time anyone hugged her back. "You're just so soft!"

"Since this is a battle against Dragon-Types, we'll just stay here." Twilight and the others backed up, knowing how destructive a Dragon-Type battle can get.

"You'll be safe," said Drayden. "Opelucid Gym was built to withstand the awesome power of Dragon-Type Pokemon. So rest easy all of you."

"Guess that means I gotta ask you to cheer us on Pikachu." Ash looked to his partner.

"Pika..." Pikachu's ears flopped to the side with a puffed-up face. He was hoping to have a shot at battling Iris again. Just then, Iris felt something.

She wasn't sure what it was but whilst hugging with Dragonite, the Champion of Unova felt something within as she and Dragonite saw eye-to-eye.

"What do you think is going on?" Rainbow Dash wondered, noticing the stare that they were both giving.

"Much like Spike over here, Iris understands Dragon-Type emotions. It's natural for Dragon-Type Trainers to have this ability to the core." Drayden explained as the two of them kept staring at each other. Although, Dragonite was a bit confused.

"This one is really sweet, isn't it?" She deduced Dragonite just like that.

"She sure is. And she's super strong," replied Ash.


"She nailed it!" An impressed Goh uttered.

"Do your best. We both will." Iris encouraged Dragonite, showing kindness back to the Dragon Pokemon. Dragonite nodded back, promising that she would.

"Hey uh..." Twilight flew over, nudging Ash to grab his attention. She then used her wing feathers to mimic a finger, pointing to the air. Ash looked up to see the Drone Rotom hovering above them. "It's been waiting all this time."

"You have been approved for an official Pokemon World Coronation Series Great Class Battle." said the Drone Rotom. "Our two competitors, Ash vs Iris."

"I'm gonna beat you and boost my ranking a ton!" Iris declared, pointing at Ash.

"I'm real close to getting to the Ultra Class! I'll win this!" Ash replied with a pumped-up fist, ready to go at it with his old friend. Twilight and the others took a seat to spectate this upcoming battle.

"For today's battle, each trainer will be using 2 Pokemon. Will both challengers please bring out your Pokemon? Thank you." The Drone Rotom then conjured a projection of Ash vs Iris, doing a countdown. "3...2...1...Go!"

"Dragonite, I choose you!" Ash went with the Pokemon that was already out. His trusty Dragonite.

"Dra!" Dragonite flew ahead of him.

"Go...Dragonite!" Iris did the same, also sending out her Dragonite to match Ash's.

"Dragonite!" Dragonite emerged as both of them touched the floor. Then, they took a moment to look at each other and the glaring difference between Ash's Dragonite and Iris' Dragonite showed. One was kindhearted and jolly while the other was fierce and serious. As seen by his steely stare. "Dra...!"

"Drago?" Ash's Dragonite whimpered once Iris' Dragonite gave this fearsome glare at her. There was something nerve-wracking about this as she turned to face Ash.

"It's okay, Dragonite. Don't be worried. It may look scary, but you've got this!" Ash encouraged his Dragonite. Iris's Dragonite intensified his stare, showing how dead-serious he was about this.

"Talk about one scary glare..." Pinkie Pie shuddered with a cooky smile on her face.

"You know, I've really been looking forward to this battle for a long time," said Iris to Ash.

"Yeah. I have too!"

"I thought if I could pit us against you and your Pokemon, then my Pokemon and I could get stronger and understand each other even more!"

"Then let's give it everything we've got, Iris!"

"Okay! Let's go, Ash!

They were ready to go as they shared the same battling spirit. Ash and Iris were close in terms of having a hunger for battle. Iris was certainly one of Ash's earlier friends to be so invoked in it aside from Brock and Clemont. This will definitely be a battle that only two battle-hungry trainers can pull off. This battle against friends was about to commence for the ranking in the Pokemon World Championships as the journey continues.

Chapter 636 End.

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