• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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A Dazzling friendship

Out in the cold, the Dazzlings were freezing. Ever since they returned to this world, their bodies had morphed into ponies instead of their usual Siren forms. Adagio was pulling Sonata and Aira as they had both fainted from the cold. She was the only one left as they walking up a steep snowy hill.

"So cold...I'm gonna... get my revenge on those... ponies." Adagio eventually gave out, falling down on the snow. It looked like the end of the Dazzlings. Meeting their end in the cold harsh winter in bodies they never adapted too. But luckily for them, they were saved, by a Froslass. The Snow Land Pokemon. Usually, Froslass grab people and Pokemon, carrying them to its hideout in the snowy mountains and turning them into statues for decorations. But ti took pity on these three. Seeing them suffering like this.

"Froslass." The Ice-Ghost Pokemon cried.

At its hideout, Adagio, Aria and Sonata were lying on the cold floor. Thankfully, Froslass had covered them with leftover cloth from the many victims she had turned into ice decorations. Adagio was the first to wake up, seeing where she is.

"Where am I? What happened?" She then turned to see Froslass, floating there. "W-WHAT IS THAT?!"

"Froslass.." Froslass responded quietly. Adagio started to back away from the Pokemon, terrified of its appearance. Aria and Sonata woke up as well, confused.

"What's all that screaming for-" Aria turned to see Froslass, backing up herself. Sonata didn't see what the big deal was. To her, Froslass wasn't that terrifying.

"Did we sleepwalk here or something?" Sonata muttered. "And what even is that thing?"

"Froslass.." Froslass extended its phantom arms, pointing to the outside.

"I think it wants us to leave." Aria interpreted.

"Good idea. Let's get out of this place! It's so cold!" Adagio replied.

"But wait! Where do we even go?" said Sonata. Unknown of their next movement, the Rift had caught notice of this. After all, it was the one who changed them into ponies, taking their siren forms away from them. The sirens were far away from any civilization right now, with only Froslass and some Ice-Types around. So it decided to spice it up more, by creating a gateway outside.

"What is that?!" Sonata yelled.

"A way out of here maybe. Let's get going!" The Dazzlings ran off, leaving Froslass behind. Once they went through the gateway, they found themselves in new territory. Pallet Town. Once they arrived there, they opened their eyes, seeing the town. It was definitely better than the cold icy lands.

"A town? Okay. Now I'm even more confused. Where's our home?" Aria asked.

"I have no idea. First, we turn into ponies, then we end up in some weird creatures icy home and now we're here? Will someone please tell me what is going on?!" Adagio was getting frustrated. Her yelling had made Delia aware of them as she exited the home.

"Oh. Can I help you three, ladies?" She asked them.

"We're back in this world?" Adagio thought that they were in the world were they were humans, but they couldn't be farther from the truth.

"Oh, dear. You three look tired. Mind if I care for you a bit?"

"Yeah right! Like we're gonna-" Their stomachs were rumbling as they had been walking through the icy lands for 9 days now. "Actually.. yeah." Adagio went with Delia's offer.

Inside Delia's home, she gave them some nice delicious food to eat. Preferably Slowpoke tail.

"Dig in."


The Dazzlings were trying to pick up the fork since they had gotten used to their human forms, but now that they were ponies, they didn't quite know-how. So they were awkwardly trying to pick the forks up with their hooves.

"Oh, you three don't have horns? I can see that you're all Earth Ponies. My apologies, I thought you unicorns."

"What made you think that?" Aria asked.

"Well, you have such glamour that you're equal to that of a unicorn." She complimented them.

"Thanks, I guess..." Adagio appreciated the compliment, not wanting to sound too nice. Sonata took a huge bite out of the Slowpoke tail, getting the first taste.

"Mmm! This stuff is good! My hunger's fading away already!"

"Is it really that good?" Aria leaned forward, biting into the tail. Once she chewed on it, she felt at ease. "Huh. It is that good. Try it Adagio."

Adagio was still a bit uneasy after everything that happened, but she was still hungry. So she took a bite out of it as well. And she also got that sweet taste of a Slowpoke's tail.

"Look at you three. Why if I didn't know any better I'd say you've been hungry for a few days now."

"9 days to be exact." Aria corrected her.

"9 days! Oh my! You poor things. So glad I ended up feeding you."

"Lady, would you quit treating us like kids. We are adults!" Adagio exclaimed as she felt the chill of the ice. "Can I get at least get a blanket?" She requested.

"Sure thing." The Dazzlings had never felt something like this before. Their whole life, they've never really had a mother figure. Nor did they know who their mother could ever be. So Delia was the closest thing they ever had to having a mother. Even if Delia herself didn't realise this. After all, she always acts like a mother to everyone. It's in her instinct. She placed much warmer blankets on them, better than the ones Froslass had since they were just cold. The Dazzlings felt engulfed by the warmth of the blankets. "There we go. Feeling better."

"I guess..." Aria responded.

"Now you just get comfortable. And once you're all healthy, you can head back home to your world."

"Mime!" Delia walked into the kitchen, leaving them to restore themselves.

"She seems nice!" Sonata said.

"Yeah, but don't get comfortable. Once we're done we'll be heading out to devour more negative energy. And this time, we're not gonna let anyone stop us. Especially not some 6 girls and their otherworld pony friend!" Adagio slammed her hoofs on the table.

"Alright. Calm down. Have some food." Sonata fed Adagio a piece of the tail.

"Delicious. But not as delicious as all that negative energy we're gonna feed on later!" Adagio gained a wicked smile on her face.

Just then, Ash had returned back to his home with Pikachu.

"I'm back!"


"Oh, Ash. Back now?" Delia went to him.

"Yep. I'm here to ask Professor Oak to send over one of my Pokemon quickly."

"Great. Have you met our guests?" Delia extended her arm to the Dazzlings.

"Oh, hey. Nice to meet ya. My name's Ash. And this is my partner Pikachu."


"Uh, hi." Adagio waved at him slowly. Sonata noticed Pikachu, instantly loving it.

"Oh! What is that?! It's so cute!" She dashed over to Pikachu, grabbing a hold of his red sacs.


"First time seeing a Pikachu?"

"What's a Pikachu?" They didn't know of the existence of Pokemon.

"A Pokemon of course." He answered.

"A Pokemon?" The three of them said confused.

"Wait. You three aren't aware of Pokemon? I guess you must be pretty late to the whole worlds crossing over huh?"

"Worlds crossing over? When did this happen?" Aria asked.

"Well..." Ash had explained the entire story to them. About the Rift and ponies meeting and bonding with humans and Pokemon.

"That's a lot to take in.." Sonata couldn't handle all that information.

"So that explains this." Aria looked at her hooves, now knowing that the Rift was responsible for their current form.

"A lot has happened. But it's been a pretty fun time so far, ya know."


"We're out of here. We've heard what we needed to hear. Aria, Sonata. Let's go." Adagio stood up, commanding them both to leave with her.

"Aww. Leaving already? Oh well. It was fun having you here." Delia smiled at them.

"Yeah well, don't get too sweet with us. We're not about positivity." Adagio retorted.

"How come? Doesn't hurt to be positive, ya know." Ash said.

"You don't understand. We're not meant to be ponies. Our true forms are sirens but thanks to that Rift, we look like this now." Adagio explained.

"And we Sirens just LOVE to eat negativity. It really fills you up!" So did Sonata.

"You eat negativity? How and why?"

"We do it because it's what makes sure we don't fizzle out. Our kind needs negativity to at least live for a long time. If we don't eat any for years and years... poof. Bye Bye us." Aria monotonously said.

"Seriously? Man, that kinda sucks."


"Well, you gotta deal with it. Whether you like it or not, it's what we like. Come on you two." Adagio, Sonata and Aria were taking their leave except...

"Wait! We still don't even know where to go." Sonata stopped them. "I mean, we don't even know where our home is anymore. It's been who knows how long since we've been in that world and this world and then the other world... we're totally lost."

"Kh! You're right." Adagio gritted her teeth. They really were just wandering ponies now.

"You can hang out at Ponyville in the meantime. I'm sure the ponies there would love to guide you." Ash recommended.

"Yeah right. Like we're going to someplace called 'Ponyville'. Get r-" Adagio shoved her hoof in Aria's mouth, stopping her from talking more as she sprung an idea.

"Actually. That's a good idea. We will hang out there for a while." Adagio's real intentions involved negative energy.

"What are you doing, Adagio?" Aria asked. Adagio pulled the two of them in, starting to whisper to them.

"Listen. We can feed ourselves again by starting up tons of negativity in this Ponyville. A town's always a much better place to start. And it's less crowded than some school."

"Good point," Sonata said as she and Aria nodded. The two of them broke out of their group huddle.

"Ponyville it is." said Adagio.

"Awesome. I'll lead ya there. But give a minute. I still gotta talk to Professor Oak."


Right now, Ash's hat was all the craze. Rarity had decided to make it popular. And it was a hit. Scootaloo who looked up to Ash bought tons of hats just for her. She was currently wearing one, acting like Ash, trying to mimic his signature hat turn he does.

"How does he do it?" Since she had hooves, it was hard to really turn it. They were more finger prone. "Oh well. Right now I wanna be a great trainer like he is. So who wants to battle with me!"

"Yeah right. I'm not letting my Espurr get hurt." Sweetie Belle denied.

"Boo." said Scootaloo. "Come on, Apple Bloom. Wanna battle?"

"Sorry. But I don't always have an Applin on me."

"Seriously? Lame."

Ash had arrived in Ponyville with the Dazzlings. They were already scheming on causing trouble.

"Oh, hey Ash." Derpy came flying in, having a package for him. "I came out here myself to give you this. Sorry if it looks crumpled up. My bad." She handed it over to him.

"Uh, thanks Derpy." He took the gift, opening it up as it was a letter. Reading it, it said;

"Dear Ash. We have a bit of a problem. We tried to make our own Pokeball and well... you'll just have to come over and help. Love Twilight."

"Own Pokeball? Well, we'd better get going Pikachu." Ash didn't say it out loud, only in his head, making the Dazzlings not know of the Mane 6's existence here


"Sorry, you three. I'm gonna be a bit occupied for now. Hope you get home."

"We'll be fine. We're more than capable of getting around." Adagio said.

"I'm gonna miss this little guy though." Sonata grabbed Pikachu, rubbing his face. "I love Pokemon a lot now."


"Well. How about this?" Ash lent the three of them free Pokeballs. "You three can carry these Pokeballs with you. If you see a Pokemon you like, then you can catch it. It's gonna have to be an easy one so use it carefully.

"Catching with these things?" Adagio looked at the Pokeballs, confused by their appearance and how they work. "We'll give it a try, I guess."

"Well, we'll be off. Good luck!" Ash ran off with Pikachu, heading to Golden Oaks Library.

"Now that he's gone, we can finally get this started. How are we gonna do this, girls?" Adagio smirked.

"How about those three over there?" Aria pointed her hoof at the CMC.

"Little kids? Eh, sure why not." The Dazzlings walked up to the CMC as two groups met. "Hello there, little ones."

"Oh hey, lady." Scootaloo replied to Adagio. "Will you battle me?"

"Battle you?" Adagio was confused on what she just said.

"Yeah! I wanna get Ponyta up to maximum strength! So come on! Battle me!" Scootaloo demanded as she was ready to throw her Pokeball out. "Throw out your Pokemon!"

"I don't have a Pokemon. And who do you think you are talking to an adult like me?"

"But you have a Pokeball on your back." Sweetie Belle pointed out.

"But she doesn't have a Pokemon. Neither of us do." Sonata said.

"Well, why not? You have the item." Sweetie Belle replied.

"Yeah. Like we know how to catch Pokemon. They're brand new to us." Aria muttered back.

"Hehe. That means, we can show you the ropes. Like experts!" Scootaloo felt like the big pony in charge here. So did the other two.

"You? Teach us? Yeah right, you're just a kid." Adagio laughed at the thought of a child teaching her.

"But I've caught my own Pokemon though. So hah!"

"Technically Scootaloo, you were given your Pokemon by BigTime Ben." Apple Bloom corrected her.

"ANYWAYS! It's gonna be up to us teach you the ropes. And look at that. A Pokemon right now!" Scootaloo pointed her hoof at a Kricketot.

"Kri?" The Cricket Pokemon turned to them.

"Throw away, lady." Scootaloo was issuing a challenge to her.

"Hmph. Fine. Watch how easy this is gonna be." Adagio decided to take on the small challenge as she was ready to catch this Bug-Type. She held the Pokeball in her mouth, tossing it at Kricketot as it entered the ball.

1...2...3.. Get! Adagio got her first Pokemon. But it was a fairly common one so the capture being easy was expected.

"Easy." She picked the Pokeball, feeling proud of herself. She sort of enjoyed that.

"Lucky catch!" Scootaloo crossed her hooves.

"Hey. Not bad. I wanna catch one too!" Sonata wanted in. They were getting distracted now. Their negativity feeding was being ignored by Pokemon. "I want... THAT one!" Sonata pointed towards a Jigglypuff. But this wasn't just a normal Jigglypuff. This was an infamous one. One that goes around singing and draws on others faces when they fall asleep. Jigglypuff saw an audience in front of it as it got out its microphone ready to sing.

"What's it doing?" Aria asked.

"No idea. But it has a microphone. Wait. Is it gonna-" Sonata could tell what was about to happen. The singing began.

"Ji...gglypuff. Jiggly...puff. Jiggly... puff. Jiggly. Ji..gglypuff.." That legendary song. The song that can put anyone to sleep. No matter who they are. And it was effective on both the CMC and the Dazzlings. They had fallen asleep to that song, like everyone else.

"Jiggly!" Jigglypuff, once again was annoyed. Even in this world, they fall asleep to its tune. So in an old fashion, it got out its blue marker and started drawing on their faces out of anger and spite. The Balloon Pokemon walked off, puffing its cheeks in anger.

3 hours have passed and the 6 of them were still in a sleep state. Scootaloo had rested on Adagio's mane as Sonata hugged Sweetie Belle like a pillow. Adagio woke up, not remembering what happened.

"Ugh... asleep again?" She rubbed her eye as she saw Apple Bloom laying next to her. She was confused about why she was next to her and why her face was full of marker drawings. The same goes for everypony else. "What happened?" The others woke up, seeing the markings on each other's faces.

"Pfft. What happened to you all?" Sonata started laughing, not realising her face was also full of drawings.

"You got markings on your face too, idiot," Aria replied.

"Really?" She touched her face, seeing black markings on her hoof. "Would you look at that."

"What do you think happened, miss?" Apple Bloom asked Adagio.

"The most likely outcome is probably that pink thing caused a sleeping song. And our faces were terrorized. A classic case of drowsy tunes."

"We could totally sing a song just as sleepy as it though." Sonata bragged.

"Yeah right. Our singing isn't exactly the peaceful type." Aria replied.

"Oooh. Is that why your Cutie Marks are like that? Lucky." Scootaloo had made them notice their Cutie Marks which they didn't know they had. Came with becoming a pony.

"Huh. Didn't even notice them. I guess we really are full-fledged ponies now." Adagio sighed.

"Well, we'd best get going. It's getting late. Thanks for this time!" Scootaloo said her farewells as the CMC's bid them goodbye.

"Alright. With that distraction out of the way, let's focus on the task at hand! No Pokemon! No chatter! Just negativity feeding!"

"Aw come on Adagio. Cant' we just have a little bit more fun in the meantime?" Sonata asked.

"I gotta agree with Sonata for once. I kinda like this place and this whole... Pokemon thing."

"Are you crazy? This pony thing's making you all soft! You don't want to consume their energy don't you?"

"It's not that, it's just... well so far no one has ever treated us like this. No one covers us with blankets, feeds us, or heck even talks to us this long. I kinda like it."

"Mhm. It's actually nice to have something like this. Especially that lady from that town. It kinda felt like we had a mother. Something we never had." Aria also said.

"W-Wha.. you... ugh! This is ridiculous! You're okay with them!?" Adagio was starting to lose it, thinking she was the only sane one here.

"I mean. Yeah. And you actually caught a Pokemon. Something that little kid asked you to do. Wasn't it fun?" Sonata blurbed.

"Fun?! We didn't come here for fun! Stick to the goal!" Adagio yelled at the top of her lungs.

"A-Alright.." Sonata stopped talking, listening to Adagio.

"Let's go." As the Dazzlings walked off, they were being watched by Obsidian from above a tree.

"Someone's a hothead. But I think the Rift would love it if I incorporated them into all of this. Somehow.."

With the Dazzlings involved, both worlds are only growing bigger in size. As multiple forces, good and bad lurk on both sides, the stories that come with this are far from over.

Chapter 56 End.

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