• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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When Rifts argue

Unova. Dragons Peak. Late Afternoon.

It was getting close to nightfall. The sun was just setting over the horizon. And right now, Spike, the farmer and her daughter had arrived at Dragons Peak for one goal. To teach the Pokemon here how to properly build.

The Pokemon here wished to honour the people who used to live in what seemed to be an ancient civilization but were long gone from now. Problem was, they did not know anything about construction. That's where the farmer came in.

"Alright, ya'll. I can teach you a thing or two about building here!" The farmer exclaimed grabbing the attention of the Pokemon here. "Ya'll want to honour the people that used to live here and make a new place for others to come live in? Leave it to me. I'll have ya'll building towers in less than 3 hours. Trust me."

The Pokemon looked at each other, listening to what the farmer had to say. They definitely wanted to build a new type of town, village or whatever kind of living area it might be. But, since they lack the skills, they weren't going anywhere. Thus, they reached a decision. They would accept the help of the farmer it would mean speeding the process up as they nodded.

"Right then. Let's get to work." The farmer walked over as he was ready to guide the Pokemon with everything he knew. Spike and the daughter would just sit back and watch for the meantime.

"So, you're planning to be a Dragon Master?" The little girl asked.

"Mhm. The best there is. I think being a Dragon Master means learning and understanding every Dragon Pokemon there is. It's kinda like Ash's goal but not with every Pokemon."

"Oooh. Sounds super ambitious. And Kyurem's gonna help you there?"

"Well...It's the worlds strongest Dragon apparently so yeah. Even if I can't beat it, I'll know how good I've gotten. Plus, it'll show just how much I can protect my friends back home, ya know."

"So what's it like in Equestria?

"Oh. Well ya know, it's-" Spike began explaining Equestria and what it's like to live and what he's experienced while the Pokemon listen to the farmer's guidance and advice.

At the same time, high above the clouds and near the highest point of Dragons Peak, Lucien and Sienna were ready to take action. They were already aware of Spike's presence here in Unova and wanted to try something quick. It wasn't going to be anything major since they have the Desires and Dynamax Dens to deal with that, but just a little something they want to see.

Mostly Lucien.

"Okay." Lucien twirled the Rift energy around. "If he wants to get to Kyurem let's slow him down big time. Maybe something from the past will do."

"Like zombies?" Sienna asked.

"Uh...Sure something like that. I kinda wanna see Pokemon Zombies myself." He chuckled as he pointed his finger right near one of the many buildings of this mountainscape. Whatever was coming, he wasn't going to make it easy for Spike.


That is until Axew of all Pokemon felt something wrong. The Fusion magic within him was reacting to some nearby Rift energy. Since Fusion magic is Rift energy in nature, Axew gained a sense of it.

Once he picked it up, the Tusk Pokemon suddenly transformed into Haxorus in the blink of an eye with just a flash of light, letting out a mighty roar.

"Haxorus!" Haxorus cried out, pointing to the sky and alarming everyone. Especially Salamence.

"Mence?! Sala!" Salamence understood Haxorus' cry and warning call as he also sensed the Rift energy. After all, Salamence was once a Bagon that had been automatically turned into a Salamence thanks to Lucien so he still had some of it in him.

He immediately took action before anyone else. By turning his head to the sky, the Dragon Pokemon used Hyper Beam, shooting at lightspeed towards the clouds.

Lucien and Sienna both noticed the hyper-fast Hyper Beam coming their way before Lucien could even cause some trouble with his finger. Before they knew it, they had been hit out of the sky via Hyper Beam with the attack engulfing them. Afterwards, a vast explosion occurred in the sky, blowing the clouds away and grabbing everyone's attention.

"Woah-Woah! What just happened?!" Spike looked up along with everyone else. "Salamence? Haxorus?"

"Haxo! Haxo-Haxorus!" The Axe Jaw Pokemon pointed up at the large smoke cloud before revealing why they suddenly attacked. From out of the smoke cloud, Lucien and Sienna were falling with smoke trailing behind them.

"Those two!?" Spike gasped.

"Ow-ow-ow!" Lucien and Sien most certainly felt that. It would be impossible for them to just casually shrug it off unless they were Ghost or Steel-Types. But, they were able to recover fairly quickly. And instead of crashing into the ground, they managed to safely recover via slight levitation.

They gently descended with their bodies only partially damaged. They had tatters and scratches as well as fried up hair with smoke coming out. All thanks to Salamence's Hyper Beam. They're lucky it wasn't Flamethrower because that would've been much worse.

"Phew...That was close..." Lucien sighed.

"Uh-huh..." Sienna nodded in agreement.

"You two!" Spike exclaimed as he stepped forward. "What are you doing here?!"

"Hm? You actually managed to find us. How?"

"That Salamence fired a Hyper Beam right at us." Sienna pointed at the Dragon Pokemon. "But both him and Haxorus managed to spot us."

"Haxo...!" The Axe Jaw Pokemon growled at them.

"It must be that Haxorus and Salamence were affected by parts of Rift energy too..." Spike looked over at his partners. "Oh, so you guys are like Rift detectors! Nice!"

"Uh...Who are they?" The farmer and daughter weren't exactly sure what was going on. Neither were the rest of the Pokemon including Spike's Deino who was clueless.


"What are you planning this time?"

"Pssh. Nothing too big. We've already done a bunch. Those Desires and Dynamax dens we brought over to your world did a real number through and through." Lucien let out a cocky grin.

"So we're just hanging about and doing whatever we want." Sienna chuckled. "But...i-it's not much."

"Ah, who cares. As long as the Rift is satisfied, we don't have to do much." Lucien shrugged. "U-Until it wants something else. But right now, we just wanna experiment and see how we can mess with this place."

"You're not messing with this place. Not when the Pokemon are trying to rebuild it into something new for other people and Pokemon to come and live in."

"What this place? Pssh. It's better off as a tourist attraction. No point in rebuilding it, if you ask me." Lucien scoffed.

"Rift? You mean that stuff that started all of this?" The farmer asked. "Pah. I don't believe that ya'll are full of that Rift stuff. You don't look like you are anyway."

"Oh yeah? Then check this out." To give an example, Lucien shot a small bolt of Rift energy towards the farmer's hat. Once it connected, the Rift messed with the hat, increasing its weight as it was already weighing on the farmer.

"Ow-ow-ow!" He felt like his head was being squashed by the hat itself. "Heavy!" The farmer then tossed the hat aside as it hit the ground, causing a loud thud noise.

"Proof enough?" Lucien let out a cheeky and silent chuckle, humouring himself by messing with something so small. Sienna also giggled as well.

"Pa! Are you okay?!" The little girl asked her father.

"Ugh...Just a bit heavy-headed right now..."

"Oh! That gave me another idea. Maybe next time we should just make everything heavy and see how everything goes! That sounds like a good idea once the whole Dynamax and Desire thing die out." Lucien nodded with a brand new idea sparking up.

"Hmph...What's wrong with the Desire plan?" Sienna crossed her arms while puffing her cheeks. The Desire plan was her plan in the first place after all.

"You won't do any more of that stuff anymore." Spike stepped forward. "Not if I stop you here. Listen! I challenge you to a Pokemon Battle!"

"Huh?" Lucien squinted his eyes. "Uh...So? Do you think challenging me's gonna do something? I'm still gonna do whatever I want."

"Oh yeah? Or I might make you end up like that Obsidian guy?"

"Hm?!" That got Lucien's attention.

"He lost his ability to do all those crazy Rift stuff since he lost to Twilight and everyone during the whole Storm Behemoth thing. So if I do the same to you two, then your abilities are forfeit! I bet the Rift heard that. It hears everything doesn't it?"

"Bah!" Lucien crossed his arms, looking down at Spike with disgust. "So what?! The Rift's totally fine with how things are right now! I'm not like Obsidian where it's my last stand and-

"He's actually got a fair point. This whole Desire and Dynamax thing aren't as consistent and exciting as much. The Rift suddenly appeared, possessing Lucien and speaking out of him. "You two doing very little and almost nothing isn't getting entertaining. And the only thing keeping me on the edge is the whole invasion and Ghetsis thing. That's leagues better than what you two have done. Better think of something new and exciting later on or else I might have to swap you out and render you useless. At least show me a good battle. Those are always fun."

Afterwards, the Rift left Lucien, no longer speaking out of him.

"Oh..." Lucien scrunched his face as he was now at risk of losing his Rift abilities. He then looked at Sienna, sweating bullets while looking back at Spike. "Fair enough..."

"What do we do?" Sienna asked.

"Isn't it obvious? You battle me." Spike grinned. "Besides, after this, you're not gonna have many neat ideas left are you?"

"I totally will!" Lucien growled as he fell for Spike's trap and offer. "Fine then! Just watch as I beat you! And after that, I'll come up with something so great later on that it'll surpass that invasion and Ghetsis by a mile! Just watch!"

"Yeah!" Sienna stood up. "We'll make it interesting in this battle. A 2 on 1. How does that sound?"

"2 on 1?!" Spike pulled back.

"I'll help you." The little girl offered to assist Spike. "They hurt pa on the head. And that's not very nice. Only mom does that."

"Thanks, sugarcube..." The farmer sighed.

"Check it out. We're gonna use our absolute faves to floor you two!" Lucien held out his Poke Ball along with Sienna before throwing them. "Go Charizard!"

"Come out Whimsicott!"



"We've got this." Spike held out a Premier Ball, sending his Druddigon out. "Druddigon. I wanna battle with you for the first time. Get ready."

"Druddigon!" Druddigon stepped forward, blowing some smoke away while standing before Charizard.

"Okay, go for it Skippy!"

"Skip!" The little girl's Skiploom jumped out of his trainer's hands. "Skiploom!"

"Good luck, you two!" The farmer was obviously cheering for his daughter and Spike along with the Pokemon living here by his side.

"The Rift better see how good we are as trainers. We're not just good at causing problems, that's for sure." Lucien uttered, feeling confident in this battle.

"Hopefully. Because it won't let us live this down if we lose." Sienna gulped.

"Pssh. We won't lose. Not with the coolest Pokemon on our side! Right, Charizard?"


"Well...Whimsicott is just cute so I think that's all that matters." Sienna shrugged.

"Cute?" Lucien turned to Sienna with a raised eyebrow. "No, you're supposed to choose a fierce Pokemon like Charizard. Something cool and strong that's gonna totally win this battle for us!"

"Whimsicott doesn't need to be cool to be strong! She's cute and strong!" Sienna snapped back, hissing at Lucien. "Besides, everyone uses Charizard anyway! So your pick isn't so special."

"Hmph! Like everyone uses Whimsicott. Lots of trainers choose Charizard for a reason and not Pokemon like Whimsicott." Lucien crossed his arms in scorn.

"Why you...!" Obviously, this didn't sit well with Sienna. Neither did it for Lucien. Both of them looked each other in the eye with distaste and dislike as they were now butting heads despite having to team up. The two Rift humans clashed heads, growling and trying to push each other back while their own Pokemon and the others watched.



"Uhh..." Spike scratched his scales.

"I thought they were good friends." The little girl twirled her braid.


"Whatever!" They both said before looking away.

"I'll prove that all it takes is pure strength and ferocity to win this! Nothing's better than absolute power and full force!"

"Then I'll prove you wrong! Let's start already!"

"Uh...Battle start!" The farmer gave the call.

"Charizard! Dragon Claw!"

"Chari!" The Flame Pokemon spread his wings out before charging towards Druddigon with green draconic claws.

"Whimiscott, use Shadow Ball!"

"Whim...!" Whimsicott then flew around, ascending into the air while summoning a blob of shadows and hurling it at Whimsicott."

"Druddigon, use Thunder Punch!"

"Druddi!" The Cave Pokemon stomped on the ground before surrounding his hands in sparking electricity, waiting for Charizard to get close.

"Skippy! Use Silver Wind, go-go!"

"Loom!" Skiploom spun around with the flower on his head glowing. He then released a hyper-fast wind with silver crescents from a white orb that emerged from his flower.

The crescents met with the ball of shadows, repeatedly beating on it and trying to overpower the blob with more crescents flying out of his flower.


"Charizard!" Meanwhile, both Charizard and Druddigon had clashed with Druddigon's fist meeting with Charizard's claws, creating a clash between the two of them while sparks flew out.

They pushed each other back before swinging their claws and punches at each other, trying to get the upper hand. Both of them ended up hitting each other at the same time. Druddigon's fist struck Charizard's jaw while Charizard's claws swiped Druddigon's face.

After hitting each other, the two Pokemon were knocked back in unison. As for Shadow Ball and Silver Wind, they cancelled each other out as well, ending in a draw. However, thanks to Druddigon's ability Rough Skin, Charizard took a bit more damage than his opponent.

"I'll let them focus on me so that you can do all the heavy damage." The little girl spoke to Spike. "Use Rage Powder, Skippy."

"Skip! Skip! Skip!" By using the flower on his head and fluttering it like wings, Skiploom scattered a cloud of irritating powder to draw attention to himself. In seconds, the power flew into the noses of both Charizard and Whimsicott, locking all attention to the Cottonweed Pokemon.



"Pssh! Like that matters! I can just hit you both with this! Dazzling Gleam!"

"Sicott!" Whimsicott released a bright white light from her body. She then flew higher in the air as rainbow-coloured rays of light come from the white light. The rainbow-coloured rays then shot out, aiming for both Druddigon and Skiploom.

"Flare Blitz!"

"Zard!" And at the same time, Charizard enveloped himself in a blazing aura of flames. The flame cloak around him then intensified as he flew towards Skiploom instead of Druddigon.

"Get in their way! Use Gunk Shot!"

"Druddigon!" Druddigon suddenly stood in front of Skiploom, choosing to take all the damage for him. The Cave Pokemon then opened his mouth, shooting out black and purple poisonous gunk towards the rays of rainbows and Charizard with multiple projectiles.

"Zard?!" Too focused on Skiploom, Charizard had taken the projectiles since he wasn't focusing on them. The projectiles of gunks rapidly pelted the Flame Pokemon, causing large poisonous explosions while the rest of the projectiles clashed with the rays of Dazzling Gleam. "Char!"

Due to the projectiles being Poison, they were able to overpower the Fairy rays, breaking through and hitting Whimsicott directly. The Windveiled Pokemon was struck by heavy poison while also being knocked out of the sky.

"Whismicott!" Not only, but she had also suffered from the Poison effect that Gunk Shot sometimes brings.

"Thanks. But I'll protect you instead." Spike gave a thumbs up to the young farmer girl. "Can't have a teammate falling."

"Oh! Thank you!" The little girl let out a wide sunny grin, showing her single missing tooth. "Oh, can you have your Druddigon close his eyes quickly?"

"Uh, sure. Close your eyes Druddigon."

"Skippy! Use Flash!"

"Skip...!" The flower on Skiploom's head started glowing as he was ready to unleash a behemoth of a distraction.

"Close your eyes!" Lucien and Sienna both cried out for their Pokemon to do so.

"I don't think so! Punch the ground with Thunder Punch!"

"Gon! To stop them from closing their eyes, Spike quickly had Druddigon smash his electric-clad fist onto the ground, sending a flux of electricity that covered the ground of the peaks. Whimsicott was waiting for the right time to use Flash.

The electricity from Thunder Punch obviously moved fast. Fast enough to catch both Whimsicott and Charizard. While it was not very effective on Whimsicott, it was most certainly super-effective on Charizard.

"Loom!" That's when Skiploom could strike. With the flower on his head, he unleashed a bright flash of light that appeared before the two Pokemon.



And just like that, the two of them had their eyes flashed in a heartbeat while Druddigon had opened his eyes. Charizard and Whimsicott wailed as they closed their eyes, trying to get rid of this blinding light that was lurking around.

"Now, Skippy, use Silver Wind"

"Use Thunder Puch, Druddigon!"


"Skip!" The two of them were already in motion to fully unleash their attacks while Charizard and Whimsicott were a bit dazed.

"Use Flare Blitz!"

"Dazzling Gleam!"

"C-Chari!" Charizard, despite being able to see so well now, pursued by cloaking himself in flames, flying forward. But, it would be tough to properly aim.

"W-Whimsicott!" And the same went for Whimsicott. While unable to see she tried her best to hit her mark since Dazzling Gleam always hits two opponents at the same time.

When it's facing them that is.

That's where the problem revealed itself. Whimsicott struggled to face the right direction. Thus, when she summoned the sphere of Fairy magic, instead of shooting it at both Druddigon and Skiploom, the Windveiled Pokemon accidentally ended up unleashing the rays of rainbows at Charizard, hitting him.

"C-Chari!" The Flame Pokemon winced as his flying was thrown off balance. As if he wasn't lacking focus right now already. With Dazzling Gleam hitting him, Druddigon, who had all the focus right now, smashed his fist onto Charizard's head, overpowering his Flare Blitz and launching the Flame Pokemon towards Whimsicott.


"Zard!" At the same speed he originally flies at, Charizard crashed into the Windveiled Pokemon, hitting her as they both fell to the ground. Not only that, but Silver Wind eventually caught up to them, hitting them both with rapid-fire crescents. Charizard barely felt Silver Wind but Whimiscott certainly did.

And as a trade-off, Thunder Punch paralyzed Charizard. So now both he and Whimsicott were under status effects, looking worse by the minute.


"Nice going!" Lucien turned to Sienna, shouting at her. "You threw Charizard off balance! You're making him look uncool!"

"As if he wasn't off-balance already!" Sienna yelled back at him. "Now we're in a worse spot with paralysis and poison! My poor Whimsicott is having a horrible battle debut!" Even during battle, the two of them were arguing.


"Whim..." Both Charizard and Whimsicott were let down that their trainers were arguing amongst each other at the moment. They just wanted to have a good battle but right now, that's not the case.

"Um...should we do something?" The little girl asked.

"I uh...think we should just finish this before it gets worse. Druddigon! Thunder Punch!"

"Use Grass Knot, Skippy!"

"Skiploom!" The Cottonweed Pokemon went first by summoning large vines from the ground itself. The vines then snared the two Pokemon, wrapping around them while they were still trapped on each other. This made it easier for Grass Knot to hold them.

"Druddigon!" Druddigon then advanced with electricity around his hands, ready to hit them both.

"Forget this! Flare Blitz, Charizard!"

"Charizard!" Charizard's ability Blaze had been activated after taking a lot of damage during this battle. Once he cloaked himself in fire, he burned away the vines but ended up harming Whimsicott with his aura of flames.


"Hey! You hurt my Whimsicott!"

"Tough! Go, Charizard!"

"Char!" With Blaze active, Charizard was stronger than ever as his flames turned into a whitish blue colour along with his tail, showing how the heat had been pushed. Charizard usually change flame colour when furious. It was a bit slower thanks to the paralysis but he could hit harder.

"Grr! Whimsicott! Hurricane!"

"S-Sicott!" Despite being poisoned badly, Whimsicott could get back up. She flew into the air, spinning around as fast as she could. Due to her rapid spinning, the Windveiled Pokemon managed to summon a fierce wind that raced towards her opponents.


"Char!" Enraged, Charizard smashed his head onto Druddigon's fist. He felt the sparks of Thunder Punch go through, but he wouldn't let it get to him again. But, Druddigon's Rough Skin also passed through.

"D-Druddi?!" Druddigon noticed the sudden change in strength as his Thunder Punch had been pushed back, causing Charizard to fully slam into him.

"Zard!" Afterwards, a large outburst of fire occurred, launching Druddigon back. Charizard took more of Rough Skin while Druddigon resisted the flames due to being a Dragon-Type. But Blaze made sure that this Flare Blitz left an impression. Charizard also took some extra damage thanks to the recoil.


"That Hurricane's fierce!" Spike gasped. "Have Skiploom get on Druddigon's back!"

"O-Okay! Skippy, jump on Druddigon's back!"

"Skip!" The Cottonweed Pokemon did so. By skipping over to the Cave Pokemon, Skiploom ended up taking a piggyback ride on his taller and wide teammate.

"Let's stop that Hurricane with Outrage!"

"Druddi!" Druddigon's body became enveloped in a raging red aura as he ran towards it head-on.

"Use Silver Wind to push it back!"

"Skip-Skip-Skip-Skip!" While Druddigon was rushing towards the Hurricane, Skiploom provided back support by rapidly shooting glowing crescents from his flower, hitting the Hurricane.

"Gon!" The Cave Pokemon opened his mouth before smashing his enraged claws onto the ground. By using the sheer power and might of magnitude, Druddigon caused the ground to erupt. Large rocks were emerging from the ground as they came in contact with the Hurricane.

Due to the overwhelming amount of rising rocks and how large they were, they managed to fend off the Hurricane, holding it back until it had vanished.

"Use Focus Blast, Charizard!"

"Solar Beam!"

"Chari...!" Charizard let out a loud cry along with Whimsicott as they both used everything they had. Charizard put his claws together, gathering up his mental power while Whimsicott gathered power from the sun itself.


"Blow them away, Charizard!"

"Show them who's the best Whimsicott!"

"Now, Rage Powder, Skippy!"

"Loom!" Skiploom understood what needed to be done. The Cottonweed Pokemon jumped off of Druddigon's back, spreading the powder from his flowers.

The powder immediately went to Charizard and Whimsicott, sending all of the aggression towards Skiploom instead, leaving Druddigon out of it.


"Cott!" And just like that, they both unleashed all they had. A large orange blast of concentrated energy and a bundled beam of solar energy from the sun came flying forward from the two Pokemon.

And in the middle of it all was Skiploom who was ready to sacrifice himself so that Druddigon, the heavy hitter, could finish the job. He accepted his fate as he closed his eyes, allowing both attacks to hit the Cottonweed Pokemon directly.

A green and orange outburst of explosive infinity energy happened on the spot, loud enough to damage some ears as Skiploom came flying out, fainted.

But that's what he wanted.

"Now!" The little girl cried out.

"Druddigon! Gunk Shot!"

"Druddi!" Out of the ashes and smoke, Druddigon was revealed, holding his Gunk Shot in. Charizard and Whimsicott were drained as the poison and paralysis had pushed them to their limits. They looked over, seeing Druddigon ready to finish it.

"Not good! Dodge, Charizard!"

"Get out of the way, Whimsicott!"

"Gon!" But it was too late. Multiple projectiles came flying out of Druddigon's mouth faster than his opponents could react. The two Pokemon closed their eyes, unable to react in time or do anything to stop it. Thus, Gunk Shot had struck them like a rocket, covering them in its horrifying purple explosion.

The poison quickly filled the air before fading away. Lucien and Sienna gasped as they had just witnessed their Pokemon take a horrible beating. And it was their debut battle and everything. Not a great start. And to make matters worse, once the poisonous smoke cleared, on the ground, Charizard and Whimsicott had fainted.



"Welp. That's game." The farmer shrugged. "My daughter and this dragon win!"

"Alright!" The two of them cheered as they high-fived each other. Druddigon picked up Skiploom, congratulating him for a job well done and sacrificing himself.



"We lost...?" Lucien couldn't believe it. A horrible debut battle and one that was terribly played out. Sienna dropped to her knees in disbelief.

"So that's it. We've got fewer chances now..." She lowered her head. "This is all your fault!"

"My fault?!" Lucien pulled back.

"You wanted to meddle in all of this! We could've just sat back and let everything else happen and we wouldn't be in this mess! Now the Rift's going to give us fewer chances until we do something amazing! Plus you made Whimsicott looked bad!"

"Who cares about making your stupid Pokemon look bad?!" Lucien leaned in.

"You're the one who brought up the whole cool and cute thing!" Sienna stood up."You were obsessed with your precious little Charizard looking all cool and fierce!" She spoke in a mocking tone. "Well, I hope you're happy now!"

"Like I would be! You are such a-"

"Uh...can we talk about this?" Spike offered to calm things down.

"NO!" The two Rift humans interrupted.

"Oh...Okay." Spike stepped back.

"I don't need this." Sienna turned away, picking up her Whimsicott. "I've got little chances left so I'm going to make them count. I'll make something amazing that'll satisfy the Rift until everything goes back to normal! And by myself!"

"Hmph! Like I need you to do amazing things!" Lucien helped his Charizard up. "I'm the brains out of all us, including the Rift ponies, so whatever I make is gonna be more complex and grandiose than yours!"



"FINE!" They both yelled at each other before going their separate ways. Everyone at Dragons Peak had witnessed this unpleasant argument. As they turned away from each other with their Pokemon, they decided to teleport somewhere else random. Where they went, nobody knew as the last thing seen were the saddened faces of Charizard and Whimsicott.

"Oh geez...I...didn't see that coming." Spike held the back of his scales as the air felt awkward.

"Is that what a friendship breakup looks like? Scary..." The little girl shuddered.

"Welp. It is what it is." The farmer sighed while walking over. "Those won't be getting along for a long time if they ever meet up again."

"I kinda feel like it's my fault...I think I might've started something bad..." Spike gulped.

"On the contrary Spike, you've just started something that I'm looking forward to. The Rift appeared once more. "Having my own creations bicker amongst each other and create a challenge to see who can impress me the most? Only good things can come from this if those go above and beyond. Thank you so much for meddling. Have fun on your quest.

Once more, it left, leaving Spike to shudder at what he might've possibly created. Whatever Lucien and Sienna were planning, the result will not be pretty for both worlds, potentially. But, the farmer kneeled to pat Spike on the back, reassuring him that it was going to be alright.

"Alright, ya'll. Let's not wonder what all that was about. We got a town or city to rebuild! Let's get going!"

4 hours later. Night.

Just four later and the farmer's guidance had already proved to be highly effective. Due to his teachings, the Pokemon were able to properly build and know what the fundamentals were. And due to them being quick learners and even faster workers when as a team, the town they built was near its completion. Just a few things missing.

Right now, the town looked like an upgraded version of what it used to look like in the past. The farmer added his own touch to it, making it feel like a farm.

"There! Don't that look nifty?" The farmer spoke as all the Pokemon agreed. "Ah, well...I'm beat for the day. What say we continue working tomorrow, why don't we?"

It was agreed upon. Some Pokemon wanted to sleep until tomorrow anyway. Plus, it was past the farmer's daughter's bedtime anyway.

"Tired..." The little girl yawned as her father picked her up. "Thanks for having a battle with me, Spike."

"No problem. It was fun. Even if it got awkward and one-sided..." The baby dragon chuckled.

"Will you come over next time?" She asked, eager to see her newly made friend again.


"Uh sure. I mean, I know where your farm is now. Plus, I can come by and check on Dragons Peak to see if anyone lives here. Plus, you come can come over to Equestria someday. You're gonna love it for sure."

"Sounds good to us." The farmer nodded. "Oh uh, by the way, you'd best get going soon. Before the trains stop for the rest of the night."

"Oh, right!" Spike gasped as he immediately rushed over to his Salamence. "Axew! Deino, let's go! Thanks for everything, you guys!"



"Good luck with Kyurem!" The little girl waved as Salamence had already ascended with three dragons on his back. "Best Wishes!"

"We will! Best Wishes!" Spike gave his parting actions with yet another wave before Salamence flew into the distance, heading north for Windy Station.

This adventure wasn't over yet. It was unclear when it would be for Spike but Kyurem might be that final stop depending on how it goes. However it goes, it'll surely help him as a Dragon Trainer as the journey continues.

Chapter 435 End.

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