• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,486 Views, 7,937 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Shift Crystal

Author's Note:

A simple and fun little two-parter story after the wild ride that was the previous storyline. A short would've been easier but I've been itching to do something like this for a while.

Unova. Undella Town. Day.

After the wild ride that was the whole revenge hunt against Ash, some rest was needed. And one of the best places to rest was Undella Town. Ash and his friends had shown up here to relax alongside his next friend from Kanto, Troy. But, while Twilight and everyone enjoy the relaxing waves of Undella, Ash wanted to show Troy something.

Trixie's Great and Powerful School for magic.

That is the name it goes by and of course, the one who runs it is Trixie Lulamoon herself thanks to the assistance of BigTime Ben for starting this up for her.

Currently, Ash was visiting the school with his friend Troy to see how things were going so far.

"So they learn magic here?" Troy asked Ash.

"Sure do. Trixie's got a major chance to teach unicorns her own way of magic thanks to this school. And from what I saw at that talent show, she's a real pro at it." Ash nodded.


"Oh boy, I can't wait to get out there and start my own adventures like you and everyone else. Oh, that reminds me. My legs are starting to heal and I'll be good as new."

"Really?!" Ash leaned in. "They're healing?!"

"Yeah. I don't know what it is, but all of a sudden, just a few days ago, some blue, pink and purple stuff started surrounding my home. And most of Kanto for some reason. Next thing you know, when I was heading for a checkup the other day, the doctor said that my legs were healing now. Faster than they normally should."

"A few days ago? Blue stuff?" Ash squinted his eyes before putting the pieces together. "Oh! You mean, Aura, Fairy and Rift energy?!"

"Is that what that was?" Troy had no idea what any of those things were. "Well, I like it. If it makes my legs feel better then it's good in my book."

"Wonder which one caused it...?" Ash wondered before walking up to the door of Trixie's school. He then knocked on the door, waiting for a response and hoping to see what the school has become. From the inside at least. He's already seen how much it's improved on the outside.

Ash, Pikachu and Troy waited for a while, scrunching their faces as they hadn't received a response after a knock. All they could hear were the crashing waves of Undella.

But after a while, approximately 10 seconds, something finally happened. The door suddenly transformed into enigmatic shadow-like hooves, taking Ash, Pikachu and Troy as the hooves grabbed each of them, pulling them inside.

"Woah!" The three of them screamed before sinking into the darkness inside.


As the hooves dragged them inside, they then transformed back into the regular average wooden door as if nothing bizarre had just happened. Already a great first impression.

Back at the central area of Undella.

"Where did Ash go?" Applejack wondered as she was on Sceptile's back.

"He and Pikachu went to take Troy to see Trixie's school that's just up ahead," Fluttershy replied while holding Scorbunny who tagged along. "I hear they're teaching magic there. It's called the Great and Powerful School."

"Because of course it's called that." Rainbow Dash sighed.

"Off he goes to adventure. Even after all of that, he won't sit put and rest," said Twilight. "Oh, well. What can you do?"

"Should we go check out that place?" Spike asked. "I mean, it could be pretty impressive. You remember what happened back at the Pokemon Talent Show?"

"That was more the Pokemon's work than actual magic, Spike." Rarity reminded. "Zorua's and everything."

"Still. Trixie might've improved over time." Fluttershy fed Scorbunny and Chikorita. "If she's getting students then it must be a really good school, right?"

"Yeah. You've got a point." Twilight nodded. "Ah, I just wanna relax more than anything. Maybe we'll do something adventurous next time."

Once the door had been closed and the trio had been dragged inside, the darkness inside was revealed to be bright and colourful. They had finally entered the indoors of the school.

"Oh..." Troy's eyes felt a bit dizzy as his wheelchair almost fell over. Luckily, Ash was able to hold on tight to the handles and support him.

"Pikachu..." Pikachu held his head, trying to stop himself from wobbling. From how fast they were dragged in, it would only make sense that they'd be dizzy and befuddled afterwards.

"Man what a way to enter..." Ash adjusted his hat. "But I think that's just Trixie's way of doing it."

"It certainly is! Welcome!" And once they entered, they were given a greeting from the Headmare of this school. Trixie Lulamoon, who introduced herself with a flash of multiple coloured lights behind her. And as always, her trusty Misdreavus was beside her.


"Oh, Trixie! Misdreavus!" Ash exclaimed. "Nice!"

"Isn't it?" Trixie let out a confident laugh. "Did you enjoy the hoof-door entrance? It was courtesy of one of my students. And their Pokemon, of course. We've made it the mandatory way to enter the school ever since."

"Well, it's pretty neat. Oh, by the way. This is Troy." Ash introduced his fellow Kantonian. "I'm showing him around places he's never been to before."

"Heya!" Troy waved. "Nice to meet ya! I'm psyched to see what this place is all about. And uh, the rest of Unova too."

"Hm. Well, you're in luck, Troy." Trixie teleported behind Troy. "You and Ash and Pikachu. You'll each get to experience the wonders and majesty of what the Great and Powerful School has to offer! Or just GP School, that's an easier title to work with. I'll also need your help with something later. But come on. Right this way."

With the personal introductions out of the way, Trixie could now introduce Ash, Pikachu and Troy to the entire school and all the progress that's been made as they all followed Trixie and Misdreavus as a guide.

It was time for what Trixie calls a Great and Powerful Tour.

When walking through the hallway of smooth marble, similar to the Pokemon School, Trixie showed Ash, Pikachu and Troy the plethora of decorations littered across the walls.

Many posters could be seen. And they all related to one thing. Magic. Whether it'd be afterschool magic clubs, contests and rules of how to properly use magic. According to Trixie. And speaking of Trixie, on practically every poster, a stamp or sticker of her face was on every last one. Whether on the side, corner or smack dab in the middle of them. Along with Misdreavus who is never left out with Trixie.

There was Trixie and Misdreavus everywhere.

"Have a look." Trixie stopped by the first classroom which showed some students already practising magic with other teachers who had signed up for this. Obviously, they were all unicorns. "The most obvious thing we do here is have all of our students train their magic prowess and pick up new skills and tricks along the way without feeling samey or predictable. Courtesy of my advice, of course."

"Uh...It's blue, right?" A unicorn pointed his horn at his classmate alongside his Pokemon. Everyone in this class had a Pokemon for their own. Most notably, Psychic, Ghost and Dark-Types. They were currently trying some seances magic tricks. A magic trick that is used to try and simulate spiritualistic phenomena for theatrical effect.

"That's a lot of Psychic, Ghost and Dark-Type Pokemon in one room." Ash pointed out.

"Hm. Wait till you see the other rooms. These are the most popular Pokemon Types in our school. And the only ones we use. So far at least. Their tricks and abilities are similar to unicorn magic in a way. Misdreavus knows a thing or two about that."


"We tried to have some Fairy-Type Pokemon involved since they're the most magical Pokemon type but they're so slippery and mischievous it's easier to catch a Ghost-Type if anything." Trixie sighed. "Curse that Spritzee..."

"Oh. What kind of magic trick are they doing?" Troy pointed at the unicorn who was working alongside his Litwick. The unicorn used his magic with Litwick increasing the size of its flame, aiming it towards their classmates in front of them. The lights had also been turned off for this trick.

The magic and flame both shot out, merging with each other as they engulfed the classmates, causing them to freeze on the spot with scrunched faces. Most likely from Litwitck's flame. It is still actual fire at the end of the day. But mostly harmless. Unless it's absorbing the life force of a victim.

The combined fire and magic then performed something rather supernatural. In which, the souls and spirits of the other unicorns were suddenly ripped out of them, having a blue spectre aura within them. The spectres then started flying around the dark classroom, lighting it up with their bright blue aura while the unicorns were frozen in place.

"Ah!" Troy gasped as he had just witnessed souls and spirits being ripped out of a victim's body. But to Ash and Pikachu, this wasn't that surprising since they've seen and experienced this before.

"Oh, that? That's just séance magic. It's a neat trick that's usually performed in either total or partial darkness. It helps set the mood for the performances. And hides the methods too."

"So then...what about that?" Troy scrunched his face at the spirits. But, in just a few seconds, it was revealed that the spirits, while seeming real, were actually just illusions.

"Illusions brought by magic and Litwick's flame," Trixie explained as the souls returned inside of the classmates' bodies. The unicorns were just acting frozen. "Although...sometimes I'm convinced if it's actually an illusion..."

"Awesome." Ash gawked.


"All of my students, well, most of them, wish to be performers like yours truly. And most of the teachers here are performers in their own way. Less well known than me, obviously. We help each other by teaching new performance tricks to one another. But, that's not at all. If somepony really wants to use full-on magic without trying any performance-related tricks, we have teachers that can easily deal with that. More than me, I hate to admit."

"Wow, Trixie. You've got this whole thing sorted out haven't you?" Ash said.


"Mhm. But, I couldn't do it alone. Even with my Great and Powerful knowledge and skills...none of this would've been possible if I didn't make new friends who would help me. The teachers here are all ponies who are like me. They didn't have much to do other than do performances. Nopony really paid attention to them even. That's why I offered them a role here. Best to have those you can understand by your side, hm?"

"Umm..." Troy thought for a moment. "Yeah, I think I get it. Oh! Do you think I could learn magic here?!"

"Sorry." Trixie stopped Troy by putting her hoof on his face. "But I'm not sure if humans can really learn Equestrian Magic. But if you want, you can always go somewhere and learn Fairy magic if that's okay with you."

"Aww...But Fairy magic isn't as cool..." Troy pouted.

"But it is flashy, that's for sure," Trixie replied as she continued walking on, ready to guide them through the rest of the school. But as the lights of the classroom came back on and they passed by, the unicorn students immediately recognized Ash and his Pikachu outside their classroom.

"Oh! Look!" A unicorn filly stood up, pointing her hoof at the duo. "Ash and Pikachu!" And with that, like a moth drawn to a flame, all of the students in the classroom immediately stopped what they were doing as they rushed over to the famous Ash Ketchum and his partner Pikachu considering their reputation in Equestria.

"Hm?" Ash and Pikachu turned around as they saw a horde of young unicorns were screaming with joy while charging towards the trainer and Pokemon. "Whoa!"


"Oh my." Trixie's eyes widened as she witnessed her students surround Ash and Pikachu like predators hunting their prey, cornering them on all sides.

"He's really here!" A little unicorn squeed. "Awesome!" And with one speaking, the others started chattering about Ash, asking him questions and such.

"Hey, Ash! Can you show us Ash-Greninja?!"

"No, dummy! Greninja's not with him!"

"Um, Mr Ash! Can you uh, do the thing with the Aura?"

"Which one do you want him to do? I wanna see him "

"I heard you could fly with Aura! Is that true?!"

"Ooh! Ooh! Really?! Is it true that you can actually fly?!"

"Do the Gigantamax with Pikachu, please!"

"Uh..." Ash was a bit perplexed by all these questions and requests about him. So was Pikachu.


"Geez, they're popular..." Troy spoke.

"I'll say." Trixie nodded before walking up to the students and Ash. "Alright, you all. Head back to class now. You still need to prepare for tomorrow's talent show. And my talent show and the second golden trophy is just over the horizon. Teehee!"

"Yes, Ms Lulamoon." The students all said as they went back to their classroom.

"Alright, Mr famous. Moving on." Trixie giggled, continuing the tour as Ash adjusted his hat after that overwhelming moment.

"I didn't know you were so popular, Ash. Pikachu." Troy turned to his friends.

"Yeah, mostly in Equestria and Alola."

Trixie then showed Ash, Pikachu and Troy more of the school and what it had to offer. Since it was all magic-focused, the classes were a bit limited compared to other schools. But plenty nonetheless.

"Here we have a class that focuses on Shock Magic." Trixie showed the next class which revealed two older students placing large sharp needles through their tongues and eyes.

They also saw a unicorn being devoured by a Banette with over 5 billion teeth which are impossible for a Banette to have as it chomped onto the middle part of the unicorn, breaking him in half.

"Gah!" Ash, Pikachu and Troy squealed at the sight of it once they saw this.

"Exactly." Trixie nodded. "It's perfect for shocking audiences to the core. Our older students try this form of magic since they're more skilled."

"Okay, that's good." The teacher applauded as the students took the needles out of their eyes and tongues as if nothing had happened. The other half of the unicorn suddenly jumped out of Banette's mouth before reattaching himself together like a puzzle piece. Completely unscathed.

"Nice, Banette." The unicorn said.


"H-How did..." Troy's hand shook. "Was that another illusion?!"

"Some of it was. Some of it wasn't." Trixie had a devious smile on her face.

Onto the next class.

"In this class, the students here take part in something simple like Quick Change Magic. Try to keep up." Trixie showed some students who were rapidly changing outfits at ludicrous speeds. They had even swapped body parts at high speeds which made Ash, Pikachu and Troy rub their eyes.

It was all happening so fast as the students had each other's body parts, making them look like Discord who is an amalgamation of other creatures. But once they were done rubbing their eyes, the students were back to normal. Perfectly fine.

Onto the next class.

"Escapology magic. My personal favourite. Where it involves trying to escape from restraints and other traps. Like burning buildings, cages, steel boxes, being eaten by a hungry Snorlax. They can't all be Ghost, Dark and Psychic-Types, can they? Oh, and Carvanha-infested tanks. Without using any teleportation by the way since that's way too easy."

Trixie showed some unicorns practising for a future Escapology trick. They weren't actually performing the real deal, just doing a little act to represent how it may play out. For being one of the riskier ones it was surprisingly tame right now. The Pokemon that supported them in this trick were mainly Oricorio's for their elegant moves.

"Soon, I'll be trying out an Escapology trick of my own. Via Ferrothorn."

The tour kept going with Trixie showing so many variations of magic tricks that many of her students could perform alongside the help of the Pokemon. Actually, most of the Pokemon were hers.

This went on for 20 minutes until eventually, Trixie stopped by to show Ash, Troy and Pikachu something special. Also, someone familiar with Ash and Pikachu.

"In here." Trixie went over to the next classroom, opening the door. "Ash. Pikachu. You two remember Shineblitz, don't you?"

Trixie revealed the young unicorn who couldn't help but sleep during the day, Shineblitz from Canterlot. Same baggy eyes, same light yellow fur and green eyes as always. And next to her was a Komala, sleeping on the little unicorn's head. They both complimented each other well.

Right now, she was obviously asleep in this classroom where she was the only student.

"Mmm..." She grumbled in her sleep.


"Sure do. Looks like she's the same as always." Ash nodded.


"And she's my best student in the whole school. Even better than her seniors and those older than her. A real prodigy." Trixie slid over to the sleeping unicorn.

"...She's your best student?" Troy pointed at Shineblitz.

"Mhm. She may not look like it, but when it comes to magic, nopony learns faster than her. There's a reason why she has her own classroom to herself. Much like the Great and Powerful Trixie herself, prodigies need their own zone to improve."

"...Mm...Zone." Shineblitz nodded as she opened her eyes, noticing the familiar faces of Ash and Pikachu. "Oh...Hey Ash. Pikachu."



"...Goodnight." Just then, she went back to sleep like she always does. A few seconds to talk while awake and a few seconds to head back to sleep.

"Best student!" Trixie let out a wide smile. "But anyway, there's something else more important that I need to show you. In my office. You're going to love this. And it's always why I need your help today. Keep up the good work, by the way, Shineblitz."

"Sure will," Shineblitz responded before slamming her face onto the table.

Trixie gently closed the door before pointing her head towards the room next door. Fittingly, her office was right next to the room where her best student works. That was certainly intentional.

"What's so important that you want to show just us, Trixie?" Ash asked.


"Oh, I've shown it to everypony in the school by now. Might as well also show it to my friends. And Troy too, I suppose."

"I'll take it." Troy gave a thumbs up.

"Prepare yourself! For something just as Great and Powerful as me!" Trixie stood in a bipedal stance while stopping at her door while her Misdreavus did the honours of opening them with Psychic.

"Misdreavus!" When opening the door, the most obvious thing to expect was Trixie's office. And of course, it wasn't anything mind-blowing. Though, Trixie did design it with dazzle and pizazz to make it really stand out from every other classroom.

But that wasn't what Trixie wanted to show them. No. Instead, when Ash, Pikachu and Troy looked into the office, they noticed something really stood out. Something of a crystal-like nature. And Trixie's words further showed this.

"This is the Shift Crystal."

"Shift Crystal?" Ash and Troy both said, starstruck at what they were witnessing.


"Beautiful, isn't it? Blue and purple. Colours that really go well with each other." Trixie walked up to the dazzling and sparkling crystal that had cosmic stars inside of them.

"Whoa...Trixie where'd you get this? And what does it do?" Ash wondered.

"Well...When my little Misdreavus and I were searching for more teachers to have in our school, we came across this beauty in the Abomasnow Tundra. It was frozen in ice when we first saw it." Trixie took her hat off. "At first, we thought it was just an odd-looking pile of ice. But when we saw a Spheal touch it, something wonderful happened."

"Like?" Troy leaned in with his wheelchair.

"The Spheal suddenly transformed into me out of nowhere!" Trixie bellowed. "From looking at me and touching the crystal at the same time, that Spheal ended up shapeshifting into the Great and Powerful Trixie without even doing it on purpose! It certainly took me and Misdreavus back, that's for sure."


"It turned into you?" Troy pointed at Trixie.

"Mhm. And so did other Pokemon when they passed by me. Some even turned into my Misdreavus when they looked at her. That's when I knew I had to bring this baby along! Wasn't easy though. Almost destroyed my carriage because of its sheer size. Barely even fits in my office."

"So...is that why it's called the Shift Crystal?" Ash asked as he further looked at the crystal, noticing the familiar energy coming out of it. "It looks like this could've been made by Fusion Magic too."


"Spot on. A crystal that shapeshifts anyone who touches it. At least, whoever they look at. Not sure of other ways." Trixie nodded. "Something like this is perfect for my performances. It adds to the extra trickery. And it also compliments my Zoroark and Zorua too."

"Awesome!" Ash and Troy grinned at the same time.


"It is awesome, isn't it?" Trixie smirked. "Not too complicated and pretty to look at. Plus, it doesn't cause any harm. I even made a neat little necklace from it." Trixie then showed off a small necklace on her table that had a tiny piece of Shift Crystal on it as an accessory.

"So then, what's the problem if this thing doesn't cause any harm?" Ash looked up at the crystal, questioning.

"The problem isn't what the crystal can do. The problem is who ended up touching it." Trixie placed her hat back on.

"Uh...Who touched it?" Troy scratched his hair.

"Pokemon Bandits...!" Trixie growled. "Those accursed Pokemon came in here and used the crystal's power for themselves by breaking pieces from it. Obviously to go and do...bandit stuff while under disguise as anyone they want to be. Right underneath my nose. Even when I did so well to protect and conceal it from them! Luckily, I know where they head every time they finish a job but...I'm not heading there."

"Pokemon Bandits?" Ash leaned in. "And using shapeshifting too...Man, that's kinda tricky to solve actually."

"It is. And besides...I feel like it might be my fault. Because of them, they've been stealing from Undella Town and beyond for weeks now. I'm not really too concerned about the people living here, but they've been conned since those bandits like to disguise themselves uh...what's her name? Officer Jenny? Yeah, her. They've even stolen from my school! My stuff! For what?! How can you steal with performance items?! Oh, I do suppose for easier getaways actually..."

"Sounds pretty serious." Ash looked up. "So, they're just small-time bandits who steal from Undella right?"

"Ehh...Not anymore." Trixie winced. "Bad news is that they're more than just your average bandits. These Pokemon are pretty smart. Smart enough to make trades?"

"Uh...seriously?" Troy squinted his eyes."

"Seriously." Trixie turned to Troy. "I don't know what's in their heads, but these Pokemon Bandits are like those Umbrage Thieves from Equestria. They kinda do the same thing. They also capture some Pokemon-"

"Sell Pokemon for profit?!" Ash gasped.

"Uh...maybe not profit, I don't know about that and if Pokemon need money." Trixie pulled back. "But, they do capture Pokemon. And they do it while looking like humans to make it easier for grabbing, since...ya know? Paws and claws?"

"We gotta find them." Ash turned around. "You know where they head to, right, Trixie?"

"Mhm. Some sort of underground lair they jump into. It's super creepy and I've only seen lights coming out of it. No way, I'm looking down there. Nuh-uh. Besides...not with their boss."

"Their boss?" Troy wondered.

"Those Pokemon are bringing all that they've stolen for one Pokemon that's their boss and calls everything. I got a glimpse of him. It's a Beheyeem. I think that's how you say it. That Pokemon's already creepy enough and I don't wanna know what it does down there and what it wants with all those Pokemon and items that get stolen for him."

"Beheeyem? Oh, the Pokemon that wipe memories?!" Troy gasped. "Man, I heard freaky stories about them..."

"Freaky is right." Trixie leaned in for a whisper. "I think I even saw a giant Beheyeem head floating about at night after school. Like some sort of spaceship..."

"Oh...that's both freaky...and awesome!" Troy bellowed.

"...It is?" Trixie titled hr head.

"I love alien stuff! Some of my favourite stories come from it!"

"Uh..huh. Well, anyway. Their hideout is somewhere near Route 14. Just east from here. They use those waterfalls with mists to disappear to their hideout."

"Got it!" Ash nodded. "Pikachu! Let's go!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu and Ash were ready to bolt out and rescue the stolen Pokemon.

"Wait! Can I come with you?!" Troy asked.

"Troy? Are you sure you wanna come along? It could be pretty dangerous." Ash warned.

"Yeah, I know. But I'm enjoying this so far! This is the kind of adventure I was looking for Plus, there's alien stuff involved!"

"Alright then. Just stay by my side okay?!"

"Well, since you're going, it'll be safer now." Trixie walked up to Ash. "Although, safe isn't the first thing that comes to mind when you're involved with something Ash. But I'm coming too either way. I couldn't do it before. Not on my own. Besides. My stuff's there."

"Great. We'll solve this in no time before mom's dinner."


Route 14. Afternoon.

A route in eastern Unova, consisting of a few bridges and a stream that has waterfalls. Along with that, the road was covered with mist from the waterfalls here. But this mist isn't common. Occasionally, it does disappear. This is also the place where access to the Abundant Shrine. Resting place of Landorus.

Here is where the Pokemon Bandits supposedly retreat to. According to Trixie. Speaking of Trixie, she, Ash, Pikachu, Troy and Misdreavus poked their heads through the pile of bushes they hid in.

There, they locked their eyes onto one of the waterfalls here. Since Trixie had seen where the bandits escape to, she knows which waterfall to look at. And of course, it had to be the one where the mist is most prominent.

"Wait for it..." Trixie hushed. "Usually, the Drowzee and Squirtle are the first to show up. Especially the Squirtle for easier travel through the waterfalls. Mostly in the afternoon."

"We'll make this super quick. Twilight's gonna yell at me if I push myself when doing something crazy again. But I just can't help it, ya know." Ash grinned and laughed silently.

"I can't wait to tell mom and dad about today's adventure." Troy also spoke. "When my legs finish healing, I'll go wild with all my adventures like what you do, Ash. Should probably catch my own Pokemon first. Those Kanto Starters are still at Professor Oak's lab, right?"

"Sure are." Ash nodded.

"Ssh! Here they come...!" Trixie hushed as the time was now. Everyone stayed silent, peeking through the bushes and focusing on the one waterfall in front of them.

And just like what Trixie said, a group of Squirtle and Drowzee had shown themselves. From the small cliffs of the Route, they had appeared. The group of Water and Psychic-Types jumped off the small cliff, landing down with a bag of items and most likely Pokemon due to all the squirming inside.

And with those two Pokemon, they had pieces of the Shift Crystal with them in the form of necklaces. They had just finished transforming into something that could place all of these items and Pokemon inside. Most likely humans or Machamp. Either one works. And they use their normal forms to drag the bags.



The group then approached the waterfall covered in mist, looking around to see if anyone was watching. But, there were others watching from within the bushes in secret.

Believing that the coast was clear, the Squirtle and Drowzee group passed through the mist and waterfall, fading away from the vision of Ash and the others.

"Alright. Go!" Trixie and Misdreavus jumped out of the bush as Ash, Pikachu and Troy followed. The four of them quickly caught up, approaching the mist.

They too faded from sight the moment they passed through the mist due to how thick it was. They all closed their eyes as they then went through the waterfall, which was surprisingly warm.

Afterwards, when they even passed both the mist and waterfall, Ash and the group had come across the supposed hideout that the Beheeyem rules and where the Pokemon Bandits rush to.

"We're here," Trixie said as Ash and co. opened their eyes.

When opening them, they found out what this hideout truly looked like. It certainly didn't have the appearance of an average hideout in a cave.

Across the walls, there were red, green and yellow orbs planted everywhere that were constantly flashing. They matched the colours of those spheres on Beheeyem's arms. These orbs made beeping sounds as there were also these giant glowing rocks that had a magnetic nature to them. Similar to Chargestone Cave. These rocks constantly sparked out blue electricity as it sounded like they were also making those beeping sounds but at a different pitch.

There were also green and black vines across the walls and ceiling that looked like they were alive as they were slithering around in one continuous line, dripping out ooze.

"Eugh...This is exactly why I couldn't continue pursuing them before...Gross...!" Trixie squealed as she held her Misdreavus.


"Cool...!" But Troy had a different reaction. "Just like the alien stories I've read...! This is awesome...!"

"Alright. Just up ahead?" Ash pointed forward.

"Mm-hm!" Trixie nodded aggressively. "If we just keep moving forward, we'll find his hideout. Not that hard to notice with all those flashing lights."

"Okay. Let's go." This time, Ash was moving ahead of the group since they all felt safer behind him. They pursued onwards, walking through the hideout of Beheeyem and the Pokemon Bandits as the orbs on the wall were flashing faster. As if they were responding to the four of them.

They first moved past the glowing rocks with magnetism. They could feel their bodies gaining small electrocutions because of the magnetic flux coming out of them. The little shock they received made their hair stand up a bit.

But, while it made their hair stand up, there was one piece of metal here that the rocks responded to. And that was Troy's wheelchair. The moment he passed by the rocks with his hair standing up from the shock, the magnetism pulled his wheelchair in, forcing him to be pulled as well.

"Whoa!" Troy yelped as he was now apart of the rocks. "Uh...! Help!"

"Iron Tail!"

"Chu-Pika!" Pikachu hopped up as he was thankfully there to help. The rocks were reacting to Pikachu's Iron Tail since it had metal properties within it, hence the name. However, before the rocks could fully react and pull the Electric Mouse Pokemon in, Pikachu moved faster as he smashed the rocks into pieces with one hard Iron Tail, freeing Troy.

"Oh, thanks, Pikachu." Troy thanked.


"Alright. We'll just stay away from the rocks. And those too." Ash pointed at the vines.

"Let's do that...Last time I came here, those vines tried to grab me and I wasn't a fan of it." Trixie trembled, holding onto Ash's arm while Misdreavus latched herself on Pikachu's head.

The group pursued on, making sure to avoid the glowing magnetic rocks. For Troy's sake, of course. They also made sure to avoid the vines. And if they struck, Pikachu's Iron Tail would respond to them.

The vines weren't actually attacking. Just like the rocks and orbs, they were also starting to make sounds but at a higher-pitched frequency than the others. From how there was all this beeping, it was like they were all trying to communicate.

One of the orbs had actually moved, gaining an eyeball. Someone definitely knew that Ash and the group were coming.

And they were waiting.

5 minutes later.

5 minutes from walking and Ash and his friends had come across their required destination via another cliff that was inside of the waterfall hideout. They stopped by the cliff to see where all the Pokemon Bandits and their boss Beheeyem reside.

"Whoa..." Ash gazed at the new sight he had witnessed. However, what he was witnessing wasn't the layout of the hideout. It wasn't anything new or stellar to him. Not at all.

What did shock him was something entirely different. Something that gave the same reaction he had to the Shift Crystal in Trixie's office.

There was a giant Beheeyem head in the middle of the cave while Beheeyem himself sat on a throne behind the cave. This giant head sat there, unresponsive with it seemingly having no power. Around the head, there seemed to be a plethora of hatches that acted like doors. Plus, the Beheeyem head didn't have the same glowing green eye colour as the actual Beheyeem, further showing that it was out of power.

Those hatches were indeed doors as they had just opened up. The Pokemon Bandits had entered the inside of the ship via some stairs, bringing what they had stolen with them.

"See what I mean? Look at that...!" Trixie pointed her hoof at the head. "It's some sort of...sort of uh..." Trixie was struggling to find the right words.

"It's a UFO...!" Troy noticed.

"Yeah, Uf...what?" Trixie turned her head to Troy before turning back to the head. "That thing?"

"They do say that Beheeyem might come from space..." Ash whispered. "Just like how Elgyem appeared near a UFO crash site 50 years ago..."


"So you mean...we're really dealing with aliens?" Trixie trembled while gulping. "Oh, wait. It was always an alien Pokemon, wasn't it?"

"But what do they need the Pokemon and objects for?" Troy wondered.

"No idea. But we need to get those Pokemon and objects back. If it's a UFO, then they're gonna head to space soon. Probably to their home planet or somewhere." Ash nodded.

"Uh...Please don't tell me you're planning on rushing in? I know you and Barry are alike after all." Trixie sighed. "And you're not one for staying put, are you, Ash?"

"Nah." Ash grinned as he knew what he was doing. "Let's go!" Without hesitating. Ash jumped off the cliff with Pikachu, ready to jump into action.


"Of, course." Trixie slammed her face on the ground. "Oh, well." She accepted it as she used her magic to levitate Troy, helping him down with his wheelchair.

Ash and Pikachu were the first to land, causing a bit of a trembling impact when they descended, immediately grabbing the attention of Beheeyem and the Pokemon Bandits that worked for him.

"Beheeyem." The Cerebral Pokemon locked onto the duo.

"Beheeyem!" Ash exclaimed. "Sorry, but we're taking those Pokemon and whatever else you stole back!"


"And you give me the rest of my Shift Crystal back you thieves! It's mine!" Trixie shook her hoof.

"This is gonna be so great...!" Troy got all giddy since aliens and Sci-fi is what he's all about. This'll be something to remember when it's all over. That's for sure.

A stunning and unexpected outcome. What started as a nice little visit to Trixie's Great and Powerful School, transitioned into the revelation of a powerful crystal forged by Fusion Magic and then to a sudden Beheeyem and Pokemon bandit pursuit mission. That may or may not involve space.

Truly, there's never a dull moment with Pokemon as the journey continues.

Chapter 401 End.

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