• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,603 Views, 7,938 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Awesome vs Might

Resting in their beds, Twilight and Spike slept with comfort. Originally, Ash and Fluttershy planned to get Twilight to send the Ursa back home. But they didn't want to disturb her sleep. So, Ash vouched that they get some psychic pokemon together and lift the Ursa Minor back to the other side all the way to its home with the Major. And with that, night time came. Now, what does everypony else do at night with Pokemon and Humans involved?

With the rift mixing up locations for Ponyville and Pallet Town, Ash and Pikachu can't return home quickly anymore. They can only go to Castelia City and wait for the ships to arrive. But Ash wanted to explore this world more, but his mom would be worried about him. And that's when he remembered that his mom, Delia already trusts him due to how many adventures he's been on.

"It's getting late Ash. I should head home right now. I hope to see you again tomorrow. And of course you too, Pikachu." Fluttershy petted the electric mouse pokemon on the head.

"Thanks, Fluttershy. For the tour and everything. For tomorrow, I'd like to show you more of my world. You know minus the whole Ursa Minor thing."

"I'd love to. I'll be waiting." Fluttershy flew on home, heading back to her cottage as Ash and Pikachu looked at the rest of Ponyville, readying to clock out for tonight.

"You know buddy. Even though I don't get how this rift thing came to be. I'm really enjoying myself here. We got to see some sort of cosmic bear from this world, ponies that fly and have magic on their side. I didn't quite ask what those marks on them were but they were nice too. I think we're gonna have lots of new adventures here. Wouldn't you agree?"

"Pikachu!" He agreed with his partner 100%. They are always up for an adventure, even if it comes out of nowhere for them. Just the thrill of it will always pull the two of them in.

Moving away from the grounded earth, all the way up to skies in Cloudsdale. Cloudsdale had their own issue which was the sudden appearance of flying type Pokemon and humans dropping from the skies. The pegasi had to catch every human that fell since even though they didn't know these species, they had good pure hearts with a right sense of justice. So they had to save them.

"Does anypony even know where we put these.. things?" Rainbow requested. "They aren't pegasi so they can't stand on the clouds. And we can't carry them down cause they're too heavy!"

"Hey!" A human yelled in response to that insult.

"Well, we can't keep them here. Maybe we can send them through that thing in the sky before more of them fall through. Or else we'd be having lots of trouble catching more." Thunderlane suggested. Dash looked up at the rift and figured that it could work.

"Alright. Let's do this then!" Rainbow Dash readied up along with every other pegasus who was carrying a human on their back.

"Wait? You're gonna fly through that thing?!" One human said.

"I just got my hair done though, the wind will ruin it!" Another said.

The pegasus all took off from Cloudsdale, zooming towards the rift in the sky. Rainbow was the first to pass through and once she went through, she found herself high in the skies of Hoenn.

"What the hay? This is where you all fell from? What were you even doing?" Rainbow Dash questioned. Could they fly themselves? No, they couldn't because if they could fly, the pegasi wouldn't need to carry and catch them.

"We were just minding our own business in Dewford Town and all of a sudden and flash of light happened on an instant, and we were falling from above." The human answered.

"So that light appeared on the other side too huh?"

"Uh.. can you drop us off now please?"

"What? Afraid of heights?"

"No, I'm afraid of falling!"

"Alright fine. Everypony, down to that Dewford Town." They all followed suit, flying down to Dewford. As they dropped the humans of off at their home, they spotted some ponies were here too, especially Scootaloo.

"Scootaloo? What are you doing here?"

"Oh sweet! Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo ran over to her hero. "You won't believe this! One minute me and the crusaders were in our base and the next thing you know this light came out of-"

"A light flashed instantly, covering everything and now you ended up here." Rainbow Dash interrupted.

"Woah. How'd you know?"

"It's happened on this side too. To everypony really. Somethings are not the way they're supposed to be."

"Well, this place is pretty sweet. And these things... I think they call themselves humans, have pretty neat stuff here. Dare I even say, AWESOME!"

"What could be awesome here? This place looks kinda basic." Dash was not impressed. It looked smaller than both Ponyville and Cloudsdale.

"Well, there's this guy who fights and-"

"Pause! Did you say fight?"

"Yeah! At least that's what people call him. A fighting type gym leader or something."

"Show me."

Scootaloo led the multicoloured mare to the Dewford Gym where she was met with the Fighting Type Gym Leader Brawly. From first glance, he looked awesome.

"Oh, he looks impressive! Those shades! That colour scheme! But I don't think he's awesome material though." Rainbow was impressive but not to the awesome extent.

"You'll see! Hey Mr Brawly!" Scootaloo had already made friends with him from the time she was around here.

"Oh hey, Scoot. Welcome back. You here to see the ways of the fighting type Pokemon and learn from it?" The blue-haired brawler said.

"Love to! But I bought a friend of mine with me! One awesome pony! Rainbow Dash!"

"Really now? Well hey. I'm Brawly. The Dewford City Gym Leader."

"So you apparently fight huh?"

"Well, not me really. My Pokemon do. I own fighting type pokemon."

"What's a Pokemon?" Rainbow Dash wasn't aware of what a Pokemon was. She didn't even know the flying types back in Cloudsdale were Pokemon.

"Here, I'll show you." Brawly tossed out his Pokeball, sending out his Makuhita. Rainbow got a good look at it. It was unusual looking. She hadn't seen anything like it before. "This is Makuhita. A fighting type."

"And it can do some awesome stuff!" Scootaloo said poking its round body.

"Like what? It doesn't seem that impressive." Scootaloo and Brawly looked at each other and nodded, knowing what Brawly needs to do.

"Makuhita. Use arm thrust on the wall." The guts pokemon walked over to the wall, thrusting both its arms at it, leaving a hole in it as it had just destroyed a part of the wall.

"See?! It's strong enough to leave holes in walls by just poking it at em with its... I think those are hands?" Scoolatoo stated.

"That is strong. But I can do better." Rainbow Dash was known for being very competitive. And if it meant showing Scootaloo how awesome she is, she would take any challenge.

"Oh well then go ahead. Let's see if you can make a hole just as big if not bigger." Rainbow Dash went up to the wall, concentrating all of her strength in her hoof. With one kick she left a much larger hole in the wall than Makuhita. So much so it actually destroyed the entire wall in front of them. Brawly was impressed as his Makuhita felt underpowered.

"What strength!" Brawly exclaimed.

Rainbow Dash had a proud yet smug look on her face. "Well, it's no big deal. I mean I did kick a dragon once so this is just light work for me."

"That definitely trumps my Makuhita. Of course.. this isn't even my original Makuhita." Rainbow Dash paused for a bit and turned to Brawly.


"You see, my first Makuhita actually evolved a long time ago. This little guy is just the second one I ever got. You wanna see real strength? Come out Hariyama!" With one more Pokeball tossed, he sent out a 7 foot Pokemon who looked much more built and bulkier than its previous evolution. The Arm Thrust Pokemon Hariyama. And it was intimidating. Rainbow Dash couldn't even imagine that small little Makuhita evolved into that later on. Scootaloo was also new to seeing this. She had only seen the first evolution.

"Okay!" Brawly clenched his fists as he pointed at the other side of the wall. "Hariyama! Focus Punch!" The big sumo like Pokemon held concentrated all its focused in its arms as Brawly stepped back. "You girls might wanna stand back. Hariyama's knock trains around like they're beach balls." They took his advice as they stood next to him, stepping back. And with one thrust of its hands, Hariyama blew away all the walls of the entire gym, and now that the walls are gone it took Brawly just now to realise that maybe, just maybe...

It was not a good idea to test their strength out inside the gym like this.

"Uh oh."

Rainbow Dash quickly grabbed both Scootaloo and Brawly, sending them out of the gym as it was crumbling.

"Makuhita! Hariyama! Return!" Brawly sent them back into their Pokeballs as the entire Dewford Gym was levelled. Oh well. "Should've probably seen that coming. My bad."

"That was... AWESOME!" Scootaloo loved every second of that! Both from Dash and Brawly. "You guys are so strong and awesome you could take down buildings like that! I bet you two could make an amazing team!" Rainbow and Brawly looked at each other for a bit,

"Hm. Yeah. I guess so. I mean, her strength and my Pokemon's strength equals high damage." Brawly started laughing.

"Yeah. It would be mighty. You're actually awesome Brawly." Rainbow Dash sent her hoof out for a shake.

"And you're super strong Rainbow Dash." He put his hands out, shaking her hoof as a new friendship was born.

"Well, we'd better head back. Our world is kinda waiting."

"Aw man, can't we stay around a bit longer though? I wanna see if there's more to this fighting type pokemon stuff." Scootaloo pleaded as she loved it here.

"Well okay."

Chapter 4 End

Author's Note:

This was more focused on one group this time. Its a nice feeling to see how both worlds would bond with each other. Especially ones who share some things in common that make them mix well.

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