• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Queen's Bee

The secluded village near Manehattan. Now the new home of the changelings for now. 15:40

The changelings now occupy this entire village and each of the buildings here. Most if not all of them were laying down on the beds, recovering. They needed the recovery after the horrifying Draco Meteor rain that horribly wounded all of them.

Currently, some rain had started pouring from a weather change. It was fairly heavy as it was beating on the roof of each building and the nearby trees. Although, it was a very calming sound.

Normally in this town, before it had been overrun by a certain Pokemon Hunter, this would be pleasant and relaxing to be apart of. The Grass-Types would especially sit by the tree, sleeping as the rain pours on them. Rain is very healthy to most Grass-Type Pokemon.

Chrysalis resided in the tallest building in this village. Which wasn't that tall at all but it was more than the others here. She was taking care of the newly hatched changeling baby who had no clue what was going on since she was just a baby at the end of the day.

Chrysalis wanted to help her changelings by healing them. Unfortunately, she didn't have a spell for that. But she did know of one way. Fairy-Type Pokemon and potentially Grass-Type Pokemon will have the power to heal them with ease. Just like what happened at the Pixie Plains. However, after walking for miles in injured states, Chrysalis needed time to recover as her hooves were aching after the walk.

This village might end up being their new home. It was no hive but it would have to do. It's not that easy building an entire hive anyway. But, this entire village was actually a hideout for someone else in particular.

Pokemon Hunter J.

J has no idea that her hideout had been overrun by changelings and Chrysalis had no idea that someone actually resides here. Chrysalis assumed since it was quiet and empty without anypony in sight for hours, it was free for the taking. The only reason why it's so quiet is because of J turning all the residents and Pokemon here into stone, locking them inside of an extra room.

It had been hours since J last departed. And now, she was returning to her hideout with brand new statues of Pokemon that she had collected. Most of them belonged to trainers while some were wild Pokemon.

The sounds of J's Salamence and Drapion pulling the carriage could be heard from afar, grabbing the attention of Chrysalis and the changelings. They were all put on high alert because of this.

Because of their injured state, the changelings decided to stay quiet and hidden from any new faces. They were still traumatized by Ghetsis to a point where they weren't their usual fierce and intimidating selves

Chrysalis remained quiet as she slowly peered her head through the window, spotting Salamence, Drapion and of course, J But one thing that really stuck out to her was what was inside of the carriages her Pokemon were pulling.

Statues of Pokemon could be seen inside. All unfortunate victims of J's endless Pokemon hunting spree that she never gave up even when being brought back by the Rift.

Chrysalis moved back so that J wouldn't spot her. But little did she know that the building she resided in was J's main place to be.

J got off the carriage, heading into the back as she took out the first few statues. One of the many objects that weren't brought back with J's revival were her capture cases. Those cases normally hold a captured Pokemon inside. But since they were gone, J had to use other ways of carrying the Pokemon.

The changelings made sure that J would not notice them at all. Something about her aura was very imposing. Even from first glance, they could tell something was wrong with her.

J returned her Pokemon to their Poke Balls as she was making her way towards the tallest building here. Her hand came in contact with the doorknob, which instantly startled Chrysalis.

The instinct to elude J was going through her head at the moment. After what happened to her hive, she was not up for any more problems at all. At this point, she wanted peace.

Chrysalis quickly looked around the room as she saw that she could head upstairs and hide. But that wouldn't conceal her from J permanently. But she could use the bed as a means of hiding.

Chrysalis quickly used her magic to teleport out of the lower floor and into the upper floor in an instant, evading J as she opened up the door.

J was unbeknownst about the changeling presence that filled this secluded area. She truly believed she was on her own here with no interruptions. And if there were interruptions, she would just turn anyone into statues. Simple.

Chrysalis quickly hid under the bed as she heard the footsteps of J coming up the stairs. Chrysalis held the baby close to her while underneath the bed. The baby changeling felt an ominous presence as it was on the verge of crying.

"Sssh-Sssh..." Chrysalis silenced the baby as she was hoping that no noise would be made. Thankfully, J did not hear the sound of the baby whimpering as Chrysalis made sure not to make any heavy breathing, even when underneath the bed.

J entered the room, still unaware that she had unwanted company. Although, she was technically the unwanted company to the ponies who lived here before being turned into statues.

Speaking of the ponies turned to statues, J opened up the extra room where the statues were being kept. Chrysalis was able to witness this by shifting her eye up. She saw how J placed the statues inside of the room.

Through her ears, Chrysalis could hear something unusual. A voice was echoing out, but it wasn't coming from J. Instead, it was coming from one of the stone statues inside of the extra room.

It was faint but she could hear sounds echoing out of a Ribombee statue specifically. Almost as if it was a cry for help. That Ribombee statue let out a silent cry that only Chrysalis could hear. Similar to how Diamond Tiara was only able to hear the cries of the Pokemon.


"What a hassle..." J spoke. "My arm cannon is running out of power...and this room won't be able to hold all these Pokemon eventually." J tossed the statues in the extra room, having no care for them as some of them, mostly the smaller Pokemon, had cracks forming around them. "I'll just use the other houses next time. But first...I'll need an upgrade. Being brought back is wonderful but...I'm still lacking many things..."

J slammed the door as she left the Pokemon in the extra room, adding the new ones to her collection. The sound and force of the door slamming were enough to startle Chrysalis and especially the baby, who wasn't too fond of it.

Because of that slam, the baby was about to cry as it started by whimpering. Chrysalis let out a silent gasp as she realized that this could be a problem if J hears the baby crying.

She was unable to rock the baby since she was currently in a position where that would be difficult and would just make the bed shake instead. Any action would just alert Hunter J and things would spiral downwards. Chrysalis's heart was racing. Her hooves were getting weak, she was sweating and all this pressure was only making her injuries worse.

That is until fate decided to bless the changelings with luck. J had left the room to continue her work. She still had a lot to do and finish since she was brought back by the Rift. Her work was far from over as she left the room.

Chrysalis stopped sweating as she came out of the bed with the baby, letting out a sigh of relief as she was glad that J had left. For now, that is.

Chrysalis heard the door slam yet again as J had left the house, heading over to the carriage to head off somewhere else in Equestria, most likely. All the changelings still stayed hidden, waiting for J to leave.

J was indeed heading somewhere, but it wasn't in Equestria. Instead, she was heading back to the Pokemon world for a few reasons. Reasons that could benefit her to a large degree.

"You two. Let's get a move on. Those gateways seem to lead to different parts of our world. Not just Sinnoh." J said to her Pokemon. "I think we're going to make a quick stop at Unova. They've got some technology that can help us greatly."



Both of her Pokemon got a move on as J was off to find a gateway that led to the Unova Region. Any part of Unova would do for her. Whether it be a town, city, forest or mountain.

With J gone, the baby could finally cry to her heart's content as she burst out into tears. Chrysalis was glad that nothing horrible happened. They've already been through the worst part of their life anyway.

"Ssh. Don't cry. It's okay." Chrysalis rocked the little changeling baby back and forth, trying to calm her down. Her rocking was enough to soothe the little changeling.

But after the crying came to an end, something surfaced in Chrysalis's mind. That voice she heard from the extra room that was just behind that door. She didn't just hear it once. That same Ribombee cry kept on flying through her ears.

The sound of the Ribombee crying out managed to enchant Chrysalis to a point where she was drawn to it. Not only that, but she was curious about the other room anyway.

She approached the door with the changeling baby in one hoof. By using her magic, she opened up the door to see what J was storing.

All of the Pokemon that J had turned into stone statues, even the ponies who originally lived here were all grouped and stacked on each other. All of them were motionless but they still had life. They could only look in one direction and barely speak. In fact, most of them couldn't utter a word other than Ribombee who could only let out faint cries.

This sight was a bit horrifying to Chrysalis. But seeing the ponies here made her realize why this entire village was so deserted in the first place. It wasn't hard to tell that these were living beings instead of just art and display.


Yet again, Ribombee cried out for help. She was the only one who was able to say at least something. Everyone else was silent. Ribombee's cries drew Chrysalis in as she approached the statue. That cry for help was easy to pick up on as Chrysalis could tell that the sound meant help.

Chrysalis saw the Ribombee statue and how she had one expression on her face. The expression of fear. Much like everyone else in this room.

Seeing Ribombee in such a hopeless state reminded Chrysalis of what happened earlier this day. With how the Draco Meteor Rain came and harmed her and the changelings. She could resonate with the Bee Fly Pokemon as she kept on hearing its cry for help.

Unfortunately, Chrysalis did not know of a spell to break someone out of stone. In fact, most of Chrysalis's spells aren't exactly used for helping others. Which was a shame since she wished she could heal her changelings with her own magic. But thankfully, she had the Fairy Pokemon who could help her.

However, that's when the unexpected happened. The baby changeling, who was cooing and giggling had suddenly surprised Chrysalis by lighting up its own horn.

Chrysalis witnessed the baby changeling's horn emanate a bright green magical light from her horn that filled the entire room at such a young age. She had just been born today even and her magic was already large.

This bright magic let out a dazzling flash that forced Chrysalis to close her eyes as it engulfed the entire room and house, giving it a beautiful emerald glow.

Once the glow faded away, Chrysalis slowly opened up her eyes as she saw how the baby changeling had gone to sleep. It seems that using that much magic puts her in a resting state.

But that green light wasn't just for show. It had done something. Or rather, it responded to something inside of this statue-filled room.


"Hm?" Chrysalis's ears picked up on a clearer noise. She turned her head as she spotted something different. Instead of the statue of Ribombee, it was the full-body Ribombee in pure physical form. "You...?"

"Ribombee!" The Bee Fly Pokemon flew around, feeling overjoyed with happiness since she was free from the stone statue prison.

She was so overjoyed that she flew over to Chrysalis and the changeling baby, granting them some sweet pollen grains that it sprinkled. The pollen puffs of Ribombee are made from pollen and nectar. Each of them have their own ingredient and flavour that makes them distinct and truly nutritious.

And Chrysalis could feel it. The puffs landed on her nose as she immediately felt the amazing nectar grace her. It was a soothing and wonderful feeling. So soothing that it actually calmed down all of Chrysalis's nerves.

"What is this...?" She said, perplexed by this tranquil feeling. Chrysalis was frozen in place because of this pollen. "It actually feels amazing..."

Not only did the pollen soothe Chrysalis's nerves but it also did the same to the baby, who wasn't actually feeling uneasy but the pollen was still great to have. The baby babbled, waking up as she spotted Ribombee floating in front of her.

RIbombee enjoyed the good vibes that the little changeling emanated as it flew around Chrysalis and the baby with joy, granting them even more nectar.

This was Ribombee's way of thanking someone. She was very grateful to Chrysalis and her baby for finding her, even if it was unintentional.

However, Ribombee knew that things weren't all dandy and fine. After all, she did get captured and turned to stone by J in the wild out of nowhere. Along with the other stone statues here. Most of them were other Ribombee statues. These Ribombees were definitely in a hive together.

"Bombee!" Ribombee flew over to the statues as some of the Pokemon here were her friends who had been caught up in J's actions. She nudged on the statutes, trying to see if they would respond. But there was nothing. She called out their names but there was still no response.

"Ribombee..." Ribombee tried to free them by using Aromatherapy. She released a mystical green light that had a soothing scent to it. This was potent enough to heal status conditions but no one here was under a status condition at the moment, so Aromatherapy failed.

But she wasn't about to give up. She kept using Aromatherapy, even though the move has zero effect on the stone statue. Ribombee was just wasting her energy at this point.

Chrysalis could see how futile Ribombee's attempts to save her fellow Bee Fly Pokemon were futile and had zero progress behind them. It was very pitiful to look at and was just killing Chrysalis's mood which was already fairly low.

But then she recalled how the only reason this one Ribombee was able to break free from the stone statue was because of the baby changeling suddenly showcasing a large display of magic. Although, it wasn't large enough since it only freed one victim.

"Perhaps you can free them." Chrysalis looked down at the baby changeling. "Anthophila." It was then revealed what the baby's name was known as.

Unfortunately, the baby was unable to pull off what it did minutes ago as it just grabbed Chrysalis's face, mushing it about as it cooed and giggled.

"Maybe not..." Chrysalis sighed. "Was it just on impulse then?"

"Ribombee..." Ribombee looked over at her fellow Bug-Fairy-Types, saddened that they were still in this state while she was free.

"Sorry." Chrysalis went up to the Bee Fly Pokemon. "Ribombee, was it? You should leave here while you still can. Before she returns. If she sees you again, she'll surely turn you into stone once more."


"And I suppose I should probably leave this village as well. If I had known someone like that would be here..." Chrysalis grumbled as she knew that she had to leave this village despite just getting here today.

"Bomb!" Ribombee shook her head as she refused to leave the others behind. Plus, going out into the rain was not good for a Pokemon like Ribombee. Ribombee's absolutely hate getting wet or rained on. Rain makes pollen damp, so Ribombee hates rain. When it sees ominous clouds, it finds a hollow in a tree, where it waits stock-still.

Ribombee would continue trying to get everyone out as she continuously used Aromatherapy to do so, not knowing how pointless it all was. But Ribombee did not give up at all.

Again and again, Aromatherapy kept failing as the Bee Fly Pokemon was getting exhausted. She breathed in and out as her wings were flapping at a slower pace and beat now.

"Why is it that you continue trying?" Chrysalis wondered as the sight of Ribombee trying her best to free them made her feel abject. She took a step forward, but due to her injured state, moving was even a struggle for her as her hoof twitched. "Agh!"

Chrysalis pulled back, sitting on the bed as she winced. She despised how pathetic she was now. Never before in her life has this ever happened to her. She still needed a lot of time to recover before she can get out there and find a bunch of Fairy-Types to heal her changelings.

However, there was one Fairy-Type right here who could help. Ribombee noticed how Chrysalis had bruises on her horn and legs.

Ribombee knew that with how Chrysalis was at the moment, she couldn't ignore her injuries. She even decided to put her current action on hold, even if it was going nowhere.

"Ribombee." The Bee Fly Pokemon flew over to Chrysalis, deciding to heal her out of further gratitude. The move Aromatherapy would sound like the perfect move to use here. But what Chrysalis was experiencing weren't exactly status conditions.

Luckily, Ribombee had one move that acted as both an attack and a healing move. Pollen Puff. Ribombee made a sweet, yellow ball of pollen out of thin air.

"Bombee." Ribombee kindly offered both Chrysalis and Anthophila the pollen. Chrysalis looked at the pollen while Anthophila flailed her hoof at the pollen, trying to reach it.

Chrysalis decided to take the pollen, wondering if it would taste different from the natural pollen that Ribombee gave to her earlier. She took a bite, getting to experience its unique taste for the first time.

Immediately, Chrysalis got to experience the wonderful taste of Pollen Puff when it's not being used as a weapon against others. "Delicious."

It wasn't just delicious. It, of course, had the power to heal. A green light surrounded Chrysalis's body with pollen dust flying out of the light. Chrysalis looked around her to see this light and dust as she noticed how her hooves were suddenly gaining a new feeling.

Not one of pain but the complete opposite. The red bruises on her hooves were being dealt with by the healing energy of Pollen Puff. It wouldn't immediately heal her wounds since Draco Meteor was just unbelievable destructive and left a lot on her but it would gradually heal her, which Chrysalis was grateful for.

"Thank you so much." Chrysalis thanked the Bee Fly Pokemon as she watched Anthophila devour the pollen.


"I suppose going out will just ruin the nectar, won't it?" Chrysalis looked outside the window.

"Bombee." She nodded in response.

"That would explain it." Chrysalis then looked over at the stone statues. She then saw how Ribombee went over to try and free them once more by using Aromatherapy.

Chrysalis couldn't stand seeing Ribombee trying to achieve an impossible task that she was unable to perform. Out of pity, Chrysalis decided to break it down to the Bee Fly Pokemon.

"Ribombee." She called for Ribombee's name. "Don't waste your energy. It seems that you cannot bring them back with that move of yours."

"Ribombee..." Ribombee whimpered.

"There is only one way but..." Chrysalis looked down at Anthophila. "I'm afraid it may only act on impulse. Maybe. They can be freed but Anthophila won't react to them like it did to you."

Speaking of, Anthophila had gone back to sleep after eating all the pollen. Turns out that using magic isn't the only thing that puts her to sleep.

Chrysalis could leave with her changelings to find a new hideout, but she quickly decided upon two things. Number one. The pollen can heal all of the changelings here without having to go to the Pixie Plains to do so. And two, Chrysalis felt compelled to help Ribombee.

Even when she knew that J, a highly dangerous individual, would return here, Ribombee's generosity and kindness had affected Chrysalis in a way she's never felt before.

"But maybe, you can help my changelings." Chrysalis requested. "All of them have been horribly injured and some of them met their unfortunate end. Ribombee. Would you please help heal them?"

"Ribombee!" She didn't need to ask for help. Ribombee immediately got to work as she flew off to help the other changelings by healing their wounds.

She visited every building here, creating balls of pollen repeatedly. Even when exhausting herself with Aromatherapy, she still had a ton of strength left to use Pollen Puff.

And as a wonderful bonus, Ribombee is an insanely fast Pokemon so she was able to get around the houses at breakneck speeds. The changelings were at first, surprised by Ribombee's arrival as they backed away, thinking that she was going to harm them.

But she wasn't. She was just here to heal. She started by spraying pollen and nectar all over them which calmed them down. Then, she dropped the balls of pollen on the bed, flying off to the next house to do the same.

The changelings each took a bite out of the pollen since they enjoyed the smell of the nectar. Once they bit on it, not only did they experience the taste of Pollen Puff, but their wounds were slowly being healed too. It was truly a great gift from Ribombee.

Ribombee had no relation to the changelings at all so she didn't need to go to such lengths to help them out. Especially during a first meeting. But she was a Fairy-Type. There are barely many reasons to help someone unless it's highly specific.

However, someone else who doesn't need a reason to help someone was approaching this part of Equestria while still in the Pokemon Festival.

Footsteps could be heard in the rain. That immediately alerted the changelings and Ribombee. They assumed it was J again, but this didn't sound like carriages moving at all.

But, Ribombee still flew back inside the house with caution as she and Chrysalis made sure to stay quiet and thankfully, Anthophila was asleep.

To see if it was J, Chrysalis and the changelings peered their eyes and head over the window out of curiosity and caution. But they quickly came to find out that it was someone else.


"Nice spotting this village, Dragonite," Ash said to his Dragonite.



"Why is he here...?" Chrysalis wondered. She was glad it wasn't J but arguably, to her, Ash was worse considering their not so friendly history with each other and the few conflicts and battles that they have had in the past. Which was a year ago of course.

The changelings were intimidated by Ash but not by much. They still remember how he absolutely defeated all of them with his Pokemon so he was already a big threat to them as they all moved back inside of the buildings.

"Luca." However, they couldn't hide for long. Lucario could sense the auras of many in this village.

"What do you sense, Lucario?" Ash asked.


"Cario." Lucario sent a pulse of aura that travelled through Ash's head as the two of them were communicating.

"Everywhere? Well, I guess that makes sense. It's a village after all." Ash chuckled. "But it's kinda quiet. Then again it's raining so..."

Ash decided to explore this small village out of his endless curiosity. He was just with Twilight, Meloetta and the others a while ago but he went ahead and found this village.

Unlike J, Anthophila could sense a positive and bright aura coming out of Ash. One that was incredibly inviting and warm. This made Anthophila giggle as she flew out of Chrysalis's hooves.

"Ah! Anthophila!" Chrysalis gasped as she witnessed the baby use magic to teleport out of the house. Chrysalis was on the verge of panicking while Ribombee was confused.

Anthophila cooed as she was attracted to Ash's positive energy. Her babbling and giggling were enough to grab the attention of Ash and his Pokemon as they turned their head, spotting the changeling baby heading over to them.


"A changeling...baby?" Ash tilted his head. He then quickly saw that the baby, who was flying, was about to divebomb into him at surprisingly fast speeds. "W-Woah!"

Ash was too late to stop it as Anthophila tackled him to the ground, latching onto the trainer like glue while his Pokemon watched. "Pikapi?!"

"O-Ow...! Talk about strength!" Ash laughed as he was pinned down. Anthophila was surprisingly strong for her young age. AKA, just being born today.

"Pikachu?" Pikachu went up to the changeling baby, greeting her.

"Ash." Anthophila was able to understand Pikachu's words as she uttered her first word. Ash.

"Pika?!" Pikachu was blown back by that.

"Ash!" Anthophila babbled as she jumped on Ash's stomach.

The changelings all looked out to see Anthophila interacting with Ash in a way they would never expect. Especially Chrysalis, who was initially worried about this.

She decided to head out since she was more terrified of Ghetsis than Ash. The changeling queen, along with all the other changelings in this village, exited the houses as they all approached Ash.

"Luca!" Lucario was very cautious along with Farfetch'd and Gengar.



"Hm?" Ash sat up, noticing the array of changelings around him all of a sudden. That would explain the baby changeling being here. "You're all here? In this village?"


"Ash Ketchum. Why have you have come here?" Chrysalis demanded to know as she wasn't about to let any chances of her changelings being harmed any further.

Two paths have crossed on this rainy day as the fourth day is slowly coming to an end, finally. The interaction between Ash and all the changelings is yet to have an outcome as the journey continues.

Chapter 321 End.

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