• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Their Shining Star

Pegalysium. Ethereal Pavilion. Day.

"Ash? Ash!" Calling out Ash's name was Twilight Sparkle. Unexpectedly, Ash was gone. He was with them since yesterday and last night but vanished without a trace. "Where'd he go?"

Unbeknownst to them all, Ash was already away from Pegalysium and back down at Equestria. To assist more of his friends, he departed from the Ethereal Pavilion while everyone was sleeping.

"Strange that he suddenly up and vanished." Cynthia pondered. "Pikachu included."

"Did they go ahead of us? Gah, they've probably reached the tiara by now before us!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, smashing her hooves into her mane. "No fair, Ash!"

"No. That's not like Ash. He would've probably left something behind for us." Twilight shook her head. "See anything?"

"Ooh! Here's something Looks like it fell over there!" Pinkie Pie indeed found something relating to Ash's disappearance. A note that fell off the bed, only to be hidden underneath the sheets. Thankfully, now that Pinkie Pie found it, they can know about Ash's presence. It wasn't exactly what they were expecting.

"It says here...this note's for everyone here. I didn't wanna wake you up so I made this instead. Pikachu, Sombra and I are heading back to Equestria to check up on Celestia and Luna. I'll be back soon for more of the pavilion. But have fun up there! By, Ash. P.S. If you end up finishing before I can show up there, meet up with me over at Manehattan." Pinkie read it out.

"Oh, that's all?" Rarity leaned in. "He just went to visit them. Why exactly? And why not stay behind for this?"

"I think he forgot to write it down. At least know where he is." Pinkie would then neatly adjust the paper, turning it into an aeroplane which would then soar across this room.

"I may know why he went to them all of a sudden," Cynthia added, knowing exactly why Ash would head to Equestria all of a sudden. "And that one reason makes sense as to why he would do so. Nothing makes more sense than that."

"Well, at least we know he'll return. Why don't we continue onward? Nothing's stopping us from viewing the rest of Windkiss' memory." Bertha suggested.

"Right, right. We can share it all with Ash later on." Fluttershy finished the conversation as they would advance, continuing their search for this special tiara. They would either meet with Ash at Manehattan or see him again up at the Pavilion.

Equestria. Ponyville. The Pokemon House. Day.

Though the Sun had risen and a new day had become, the sting of last night could never be forgotten. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and the Pokemon would know. They experienced it. From kidnappings to blackmail and hard deals, it all left an impact on them.

Celestia sat on a bench with her sister while the jolly spirit of the Pokemon Festival went on. The Pokemon from the Pokemon House felt somewhat relieved to be back with their friends but that lingering fear of Giovanni and his group was still there.

Speaking of Giovanni, part of the deal that was made between them, items that Team Rocket managed to obtain over these past 3 years were returned to them. In her hooves, Celestia held the Light Stone. A stone meant to be Reshiram's way of preserving its life. However, this was only a counterfeit, made to look exactly like the original.

Unfortunately, since this was Celestia's first time seeing the stone and even holding it, there was no way for her to distinguish real from fake. Believing this to be Reshiram, Celestia felt gutted, keeping the stone close to her.

"Well...At least this book is also back in our possession." Luna used her magic to hold out the strange glowing book that was also returned to them. "Should our opponents learn about the dark contents in here then..."

"I'd rather not think about it right now, Luna. About any of it." Celestia would rather take it off her mind. All of it. "But I can't..." Also, she found it difficult to do so. It stuck with her, after all.

"Oh dear...Is this my fault? Perhaps I should've done it myself." Luna thought to herself. "She was so happy before all of this and now..."

Both of them had their own negative feelings brewing. Both of them were one step closer to feeling despair. It didn't even need to involve any battling for it to happen.

"Yo! Celestia! Luna!" But interrupting their sulking was none other than the arrival of Ash and Pikachu. They showed up here, waving to the sisters as Lucario was also next to them both.

"Ash? How did you find us?" Luna questioned.

"I had Lucario help me out the moment I showed up back at Equestria. The Aura led right here. And uh...I also asked everyone else here and they spotted you. Here we are!"


"Well...it's good to see you as always, Ash." Celestia put on a faint smile that was barely being kept up. "At least you're always beaming."

"What's up? I came here because of what Sombra sensed. Is something wrong?"

"Very much. A lot happened, Ash. All of it took place last night. But...I'm afraid to even mention it honestly." Celestia removed her tiara, looking at the purple crystal resting in the mould.

"You can tell me." But Ash was willing to hear anything, no matter how harsh it would be. To Celestia and Luna, they felt like they could talk to Ash without needing to sugarcoat anything at all. They were free to speak in front of him.

When sitting on the bench with them, Celestia and Luna told him everything. This involved what Nightmare Moon had to go through as well. Ash would learn about their encounter with the Matori Matrix and how Giovanni backed them into a corner, only for Celestia to forge a deal in retaliation to Giovanni's own deal.

Listening to this conversation was Sombra itself. It was intriguing to him and boasted a great sense of despair. But he couldn't get anything out of it because of how he currently was.

"Huh. So that's what happened." Ash uttered.

"I may have made a huge mistake initiating that deal. But I wasn't sure what else I could've done. I couldn't let anything happen to my home or Reshiram at all." Celestia lowered her head. "It's all because of that book as well. Even as children, our parents wanted us about it. And just when we thought we got rid of it, Team Rocket suddenly has it."

"In this book, dark revelations about the world lie within," Luna explained. "The importance of this book relates t the beginning of our world as it is older than even us. Older than even Equestria itself or anything before it. It is the Book with No Name. We looked into it and saw the horrors that came with it. Horrors that tell of this world's past and magic itself. Our parents and whoever made this book did what they could to keep this book away. Because who so ever learns of the knowledge this book holds, can gain access to a Primordial source of magic."

"Primordial?" Ash repeated.

"The magic in our world comes from one source. It is the original source of all forms of magic." Celestia continued. "The unique source or origin of every universal concept that came before all of us. It's also suspected to be what keeps concepts working as they should. Our power to move the celestial bodies in the cosmos such as the Sun and Moon are related to it. An extension of this massive pool of magic. It does not have a proper name other than how old it is. Starswirl, our parents and ponies from the past only know about its existence. The only traces of its power come from Equestrian Magic and any other form of magic."

"But this book contains more of it. It even contains various spells that should not be learned. Learning about this Primordial Magic would even harm those who look into it. But, if they manage not to and once they find out about how this tremendous force of magic works, it will give them the position of a Supreme Being.

"Oh, man..." Hearing it now was truly stupendous to Ash's ears. The scope of this world had been heightened once more when it came to magic.


"Our universe is the centre of all other universes since it came before the rest. The Primordial Magic is the most prevalent here. If someone like Ghetsis, Empress Twilight or even my counterpart Daybreaker got their hooves on this book...I just couldn't risk it at all, Ash. I had to create a compromise." Celestia closed her eyes while Luna merely looked to the side, slightly ashamed of herself.

"I get it." Just then Ash placed his hand on her back. "Keeping everyone you love safe is what mattered more. It was tough trying to figure a way out of that. You did your best."

"Thank you. Thankfully, unless you have the book yourself, no one can merely copy the words from it. These words are far too sacred for something so simple. But...I have no idea how Team Rocket found it. It was meant to be hidden forever far from Equestria in another dimension.

"Hmm..." Ash wondered about that as well. How could they reach it from another dimension? Most likely, it was outside help as not even Team Rocket could go that far. At least, from what Ash knows about them. "Nt a clue. But, that's not gonna stop you, is it?"

"Eh?" The two sisters uttered at the same time.

"You're not gonna let Giovanni boss you around, even if he's not here, right?" Ash stood up. "Empress Twilight. Second Wind. We've had our fair share of big bad bosses in the past. Even if they have tons of magic and a massive empire...even if they've got the power to change our reality and all that, has that ever stopped us?"

"Not really." Celestia shook her head. "We've had our fears but this one felt different from the rest. Far different, Ash. And with how things are going, they might not get better from here. That is what Darkrai even told us last night."

"If it looks like things aren't getting better, make them get better. We can't wait around for something like fate or destiny to make it all change. We gotta do it ourselves, ya know. This whole Pokemon Festival's been rough on a lot of us. And yet...even before all of what happened last night, what was stopping us from having fun?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all." Luna shook her head before having her eyes widen. Ash's words were starting to click.

"There's always a chance for you to change how things flow. No matter what it is. We've done it before and we'll do it again. Nothing's set in stone for us. It doesn't matter how big it is or how far out it may be. If ya ask me, if it exists, we can do something about it before we let it take control of our lives. Get what I mean?"

"Not at all," Sombra commented. "You say some outlandish things sometimes. But who am I to argue?"

"I do." Celestia stood up, laughing at Ash's comment. "Honestly, I knew that already, but it was all being blocked off by what I felt. I think I needed that Ash."

"Mm. It was nice to hear it from you, sh. Thank you for coming all the way from Pegalysium just to see us. We're rather touched." Luna twirled her mane.

"Don't thank me. Thank Sombra. If he never picked up on it, I wouldn't have shown up here." Ash gave Sombra some credit, making the former king growl.

"Did he now? Aw, how sweet." Celestia and Luna teased him as Sombra eyed down Ash with a menacing glare, somewhat embarrassed that he would describe it in such a way. Ash's bag suddenly rustled as popping out of it was Victini. Along with Victini, Hoopa and Meloetta showed up as they were hiding in Ash's bag the entire time.

"You guys were in there?!" Ash gasped.

"But...what about Nightmare Moon? Her body is still stone. We may need the elements to restore her still." Luna brought the topic back to Nightmare Moon's condition over at the hospital.

"We can try something else." But Ash had something else in mind. "Hidden Power."

"Hidden Power? Will that work?" Celestia questioned.

"It's the same way it can free Pokemon when they've been turned to stone. I've seen it a lot whenever J would turn a Pokemon to stone. I guess it's because it's a special kind of power?" Ash scratched his hair. "The Unown use it all the time so I can see why. But...Nightmare Moon's sounds way more serious than what I know. You said her life force was behind it."

"That is true." Even Celestia had to think about it. "It would make sense for Hidden Power to do that. Although it may be exclusively potent to the Unown since they use it more than anyone, it's still an effective move when you look at it."

"What are we waiting for then?!" Luna exclaimed. "This is our chance! Is there anypony here who has Hidden Power?!" She would quickly face the Pokemon of the Pokemon House, questioning them. She wondered if ny of them had Hidden Power.

"Skitty!" A Skitty jumped up, grabbing Luna's attention. Followed by a Bellossom and soon a Tynamo. So far, only three Pokemon revealed that they possessed Hidden Power. And that was it. No one else alerted Luna at all. Only Skitty, Bellossom and Tynamo stepped and swam forward.

"That's it? For so many Pokemon only three of them know Hidden Power?" Luna's jaw dropped. Despite how many Pokemon were present here, the fact that only three of them had this special move was astonishing.

"The Unown can't do much on their own unless multiple of them gather. Since it's their unique power, I doubt that three Pokemon with Hidden Power can help. Especially with how Nightmare Moon currently is. She hasn't just been turned to stone. It's practically her own life force that was put at risk." Celestia shook her head.

"I know who can." Ash had the easiest answer for that. He looked at the back of his bag before winking at Victini. Victini winked back, knowing what needed to be done. His infinite power would be shared once more.


Local Hospital.

They arrived at the hospital where Nightmare Moon was resting. Well, as much as she could rest at the moment. Facing her were the three Pokemon who possessed Hidden Power. But before they could have Victini chime in, they would use Hidden Power without any extra boosts.

"Skitty...!" Skitty, Bellossom and Tynamo faced Nightmare Moon, exuding the aura of Hidden Power from their bodies in the form of an incandescent white aura. These auras would flow across Nightmare Moon's body, softly holding her as if they were blankets. That is what a non-attacking Hidden Power felt like. Far different from what it truly was and even more so than what the Unown are capable of.

However, on their own, they were unable to do anything. This was nothing like Hunter J's Weapon. This far exceeded it. The Hidden Powers were not reversing the stony mould at all, proving to be ineffective.

"It isn't working? Guess that life force really made a difference, huh?" Ash gawked as usually, Hidden Power would free those trapped in stone. But this wasn't the case right now. These three were not enough. "Alright then. You're up, Victini!"

"Tini!" But then there was Victni who would share his power with them. By just touching Skitty's back once, a flare of energy that matched the crimson flames would spread to all three of them. Very soon, they found themselves being filled with a great ordeal of power.



"Ty?!" Their eyes all collectively flashed with newfound power that they never imagined they would feel. A surge of greatness went through them as the power of their Hidden Power skyrocketed to new heights. The room was lit up with a silver flash that almost blinded everyone.

Cracks began forming around Nightmare Moon's stone body, pierced by the silver flashes. The nearby patients were startled by this flash as it managed to reach their room and even move across the entire hospital. The windows were not safe either as the light pierced through them.

As for Nightmare Moon, it was as if she was leaving a shell with how the cracks were dropping. Luna witnessed her true body return from the night-sky complexion she possessed. A grunt and groan could be heard as Hidden Power finally calmed down, fading away gracefully.

Out of the light came Nightmare Moon. No longer a statue, her body recovered as her true appearance was even revealed to Ash for the first time. The alter-ego of Lun looked around before realizing what had just happened. "I'm free..."

"Indeed you are!" Surprisingly, Luna went to hug Nightmare Moon, giving her a surprising tackle. Her alter-ego scrunched her face, taken aback by Luna's embrace. "Wonderful! Just wonderful!"

"W-What are you doing...?!" Nightmare Moon wasn't sure how to react to this. Her body trembled as her eyes then moved around rapidly. "I-I still feel brittle!"

"Great work you guys." Ash congratulated them all, fist-bumping Victini and Bellossom while also patting both Skitty and Tynamo on the head.

"Ah!" Luna quickly realized what she was doing before then teleporting away from Nightmare Moon. She cleared her throat, acting like nothing happened between them. "Ahem. Excuse me. Natural reflexes there."

"Anyway...You actually freed me. Without the elements no less. But these tiny Pokemon." The alter-ego faced the Pokemon who helped free her. "Hm. You have my thanks."


"But...how could you just run away like that!" Luna quickly switched up on the spot, roaring at Nightmare Moon. "I was so worried! You took my Pokemon as well!"

"I didn't have much of a choice!" Immediately, Nightmare Moon had enough energy to bark back at Luna. "I was facing an unstoppable force! And I did not run! It was merely a strategic retreat!"

"Hmph! I almost had a heart attack." Luna crossed her hooves as Nightmare Moon would do the same. The both of them looked away from each other. "If anything were to happen to you...I'm not sure what the result would be."

"Well...I certainly need you since you are a part of me. My goal was to find you eventually anyway and now here we are." They acted mutually towards each other from the way they conversed. But Ash and Celestia knew that was not the case. Both were just being stubborn at the moment. "Thank you anyway..."

"I-It was nothing." Luna stammered.

"I have...Two Sisters now!" Catching them both off guard was Luna who managed to pull them in for a group hug. Her grip was powerful as the two variants of her little sister were within her grasp. "Amazing! I feel like an even bigger sister now!"

"U-Unhoof me at once!" Nightmare Moon growled, trying her best to break free. "I still have to pay you back for that one night!"

"Sister...I can't breathe!" Luna felt like passing out before finally being let go by Celesti.

"Whoops. Sorry. This is just so amazing to me. Welcome back, Nightmare Moon. This is certainly different to when we first met. Right?"

"Tch." Nightmare Moon scoffed. "Very different. One more thing. If you think I'm heading back inside you, Luna, you are sorely mistaken. I refuse to re-enter you. At least...not during the day."

"I wasn't planning on keeping you out throughout the day. You're more of a night pony anyway." Luna added. "But...I suppose letting you stay hidden away like that isn't exactly fair to you. After everything Darkrai and the others shared with me...you're still a pony at the end of the day. So..."

"So?" The alter-ego swivelled to face her true self.

"Mmm...You can still get up to some antics. So I shall keep you dormant in instances." Luna scrunched her face, coming up with a deal for Nightmare Moon. "So as long as you don't plot anything. I heard that from Darkrai as well."

"No promises." Nightmare Moon gave a cocky grin, making Luna unamused. "But...shall we work together from now on?"

"Certainly." Both held their hooves out as a way to initiate a deal. As it stands now, Luna and Nightmare Moon had buried the hatchet. For the most part. Luna still knew about Nightmare Moon's ultimate goal, which certainly never changed at all even after how much time has passed.

Celestia was just happy to have two sisters now. Granted, one of them would stay dormant in instances but it was still amazing to think about. And that's all that matters to Ash. Seeing them happy. He accomplished his goal, making them both happy and erasing their fears and worries. He knows that eventually, they would face those fears and worries and overcome them, just like how they have done before.

But he wasn't done yet. "Let's do some more, you guys!" Ash exclaimed. "We've got more of the festival to look forward to, okay? How about paying the Swords of Justice for a visit?"

"Swords of...Cobalion?!" Celestia stammered, almost falling over as that meant meeting up with Cobalion, who she greatly admired in every way. "Uhh...That would be fantastic! If we knew where he was. I mean, he is a busy Pokemon, after all, Ash."

"No need to worry. I can just call Shining Armor and he'll reach him." Ash had the easiest solution to that. Cobalion was the teacher of Shining Armor and Aegislash. One call and that could be settled. Celestia almost felt like passing out before being caught by Nightmare Moon and Luna. They both shook their heads and rolled their eyes as they shared the same sentiment about how Celestia felt about Cobalion. But then again, Luna was guilty as she was the same towards Ash.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 944 End.

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