• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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A Horrific Steal! Ability Stolen

Alola. Poni Island. Poni Plains. Afternoon.

Saved by the appearance of Applejack and her Pokemon, Fluttershy and Bayleef found themselves glancing at a semblance of hope. Bayleef had already used her Fate-Changing Leaf twice, resulting in losses to her leaves. And with the Sun blocked out by the dark clouds, regeneration was out of the question.

"Vampires..." Naturally, Applejack wasn't fond of these vampires for past reasons. Opal Vivacity, 7 other vampires, the Typhoon Demon and the controlled bodies of Audino and Raboot stood before her. But the latter didn't worry her. Applejack already knew how to deal with the Bandage Demon.

"Applejack. Be careful. That red blob on her head is a parasite." Fluttershy added, warning Applejack of what the vampires had unleashed. "She used that to copy Audi's hearing ability. She wants to do the same with Bayleef's ability to change fate."

"Can she now? I'll just remove it from her. I've picked off worse things from my face." Applejack wasn't too bothered by that Parasite Demon. Though she was now having her first encounter with the 100 Demons, she already knew that they weren't unstoppable, just highly dangerous and troubling.

"No can do. This thing's glued to me. And you certainly wouldn't want to irritate something that still has sentience." Opal responded. "You'd be lucky to hope that time runs out with this parasite. But that time limit will only lead to a full-on rampage where this Parasite will see everything as an enemy. Plus um, I'd worry about the numerical difference right about now."

"I ain't too worried about these numbers." Applejack continued to show her steely resolve, putting on a confident smirk that rubbed Opal the wrong way. "It ain't just me and Sceptile here."

"Hm?" Opal raised an eyebrow, cautious as to who else Applejack was referring to.

"Time to go, Golett!" The earth pony yelled, calling for her Golett who was apparently out of its Poke Ball. Or rather, multiple of them were out of their Poke Balls as ten mounds appeared from underneath.

"Golett!" Right on cue, Applejack's Golett showed up. All 10 of them. Out of the ground, the hands on the Golett popped up. Each of the 7 vampires were met with an unpleasant surprise as the Golett were below them the entire time, waiting to strike. And with their combined strengths, the vampires were pulled through the ground itself.

"Oh!" The vampires gasped as their screams diminished in audio once they were pulled underneath. Opal managed to escape thanks to the advanced hearing she received from Audino, flying out of the way. But it was a close call either way as one of the Golett just missed her. But now, in a matter of seconds, Opal's numbers dropped. She still had a major lead thanks to those bandages but losing the other vampires was unfavourable.

"Why you...!" An agitated Opal hissed and sneered at Applejack who had a face that was punchable in Opal's eyes.

"The bandages already let me know that I gotta have the better numbers. I had Golett out before I saw ya'll." Applejack spoke, shrugging it off. "But that trick that all my Golett use can come in handy when no one sees it coming."

"It certainly helped!" Fluttershy applauded. "Way to go, Applejack."

"You think you're clever?!" Opal's smile became crooked. "I still had the number lead and then some. Use whatever weird Pokemon you have, I can work around this."

"Nope." Applejack had to highly disagree as she adjusted her hat. "Let's free Audino and Raboot first! Sceptile, Leaf Blade! Riolu, Power-up Punch!"

"Sceptile!" Sceptile and Riolu would start off by helping free their friends from those bandages. The two of them rushed in with Sceptile taking the lead with superior speed. Opal stood at the back right next to Audino, unbothered but agitated. Raboot would swing into action when needed while the bandages would wait it out, seeking new victims in the form of Applejack and her Pokemon.

But then along came the Typhoon Demon. The Typhoon Demon intercepted them, forming a wall of air just from its elemental body. The moment Sceptile and Riolu threw their arms, this massive wall of air blocked them. "Rio?"


Right after the air wall stopped, the bandages were next, flying rampantly. In the nick of time, Sceptile and Riolu managed to back away with the bandages slightly grazing them in the process. Though they may have gotten rid of the other vampires momentarily, the Bandage Demon and the Typhoon Demon made up for that loss. The overwhelming numbers and the overwhelming strength were something to struggle against.

"Raboot!" Then there was Raboot, attacking his own friends yet again. The Rabbit Pokemon in his entire bandaged body came leaping in with High Jump Kick, heading straight for Delta Riolu with a super-effective move.

"Sorry about this, Raboot! Power-up Punch!"

"Riolu!" Riolu would clash with his friend, regrettably. But it had to be done to create a better outcome. Riolu defended himself with Power-up Punch, meeting with Raboot's leg. Riolu's strength increased twice after the double use of this attack and it would only increase when facing High Jump Kick. But right now, High Jump kick was superior as Raboot managed to push him back.

"I'll do something about that Typhoon too." Applejack squinted her eyes, focusing on the Typhoon Demon. Infinity Energy was the greatest force here that allowed attacks to hit this form of air. And thankfully, there was one attack in Sceptile's arsenal to handle this. "Thunder Punch!"

"Sceptile!" Sceptile approached the Typhoon Demon. The Typhoon Demon wasn't worried at first by the electricity, seeing that it was a part of a devastating weather force. However, upon meeting with Sceptile by sending a whirlwind, that was not the case.

Much like Bayleef's Ancient Power, Thunder Punch could affect it. Confidently turning into a bear, it encountered Sceptile, swinging its hurricane claws at him. Swiftly, the Typhoon Demon was in for a rude awakening as not only did Sceptile physically make contact with its elemental body, but the electricity was highly potent. A flash and a rush of electricity ran through the Typhoon Demon's body. The demon found out just how volatile electricity can be as it was pushed back.

"What?!" Opal gasped as the Typhoon Demon fell on its back. Sparks of electricity flashed out of its body, making it feel all those potent volts that it would never originally feel.

Meanwhile underground, the Golett outnumbered the vampires by a bit. After being pulled underground, the Golett scattered, forcing the vampires to chase them down. Down here, the Golett had a massive advantage since they were Ground-Types.

"Quit moving!" One of the vampires lunged, almost catching Golett, only for the Automaton Pokemon to strike back with a Shadow Punch. Not only did the vampire miss, but she received a shadow blow in the process. The same went for the rest of the vampires as the Golett utilized their intangibility and movement across the underground, causing the vampires to continuously move from place to place. Naturally, this was exhausting to them.

Back on the surface, Delta Riolu and Applejack traded blows with both their attacks hitting each other's faces. They then pushed each other back, failing to one-up each other.

"This should give us an advantage. You there! Use Hyper Beam!" Opal commanded Audino. The Bandage-Controlled Audino stepped forward, targeting both Riolu and Sceptile. She was aiming to get them all in one hit.

"A-Audino...!" By putting her arms together, a flare of Infinity Energy had been summoned in the form of an orb. A part of Audino hesitated as this would mean harming her friends. Even with the bandages around her, Audino's heart was still there. But ultimately, the bandages forced her to attack, unleashing Hyper Beam. A giant blast came roaring in, tearing through the ground, having a radius wide enough to catch Riolu and Sceptile.

"Bay...!" But then there was Bayleef's leaf, utilized once again to save them. One of the leaves flew off her tail, floating in their direction. It was a close one this time. Hyper Beam was right up in Riolu's face, ready to consume him. But the leaf always managed to connect in time. Touching Sceptile's tail, fate had been changed once more.

The silver flash went off as time was reversed to the point where the beam was never unleashed. It went straight back to Audino's hands. Fate had been changed yet again and at the cost of Bayleef's leaves, only further harming her.

Opal Vivacity saw that she wasn't going to get anywhere at this rate. Bayleef could change fate enough times to give the other side a massive edge and the demons weren't exactly invincible. Opal needed to think before the Parasite Demon loses it.

"That's it. That'll do." That's when, amidst all of the conflict, Opal backed away, focusing on one of the holes that the Golett had dug up earlier. She would let the Typhoon Demon and the Bandage Demon handle the rest up here. The beautiful vampire then hopped into the holes, using the Typhoon Demon as cover to hide her appearance. Once the Typhoon Demon approached Sceptile, Opal Vivacity was gone.

Resolution Cave.

Back at Resolution Cave, Spike was occupied with another one of the demons. A strange fiery demon that took on the form of Pokemon was confronting him and his Pokemon. First Machamp and now Haxorus. Equestrian Haxorus, to be exact.

And as to be expected, it was a handful even with the power of Goodra and Haxorus working together. This strange fiery apparition demon not only copied Haxorus' appearance but maintained Machamp's four arms, covering them in Haxorus' scales.

"Goo!" Goodra and Haxorus had both been knocked back by the four arms of this Fiery Apparition Demon. The raw power of this demon was stupendous mainly because of the two Pokemon it copied.

"Don't worry you two! We can still do this! Dragon Pulse, Goodra! Haxorus, Iron Tail!"

"Goo!" Goodra would attack from the front while Haxorus would attack from the back. First, a dragon-shaped shockwave was sent while Haxorus swung his hardened tail. But alas, the demon dealt with that as well. It used two Machamp arms to grab Haxorus' tail while also using what looked to be a mimicked Dragon Pulse, unleashing it from its mouth.

"H-Hax!" Not only could it copy appearances but attacks as well. After the two Dragon Pulses clashed, the Fiery Apparition Demon pulled Haxorus forward, launching him towards the two pulses. Thus, Haxorus was struck by both attacks once thrown into them, receiving massive super-effective damage.

"Goo?!" Goodra gasped after his teammate was struck. The draconic explosion consumed Haxorus And moving through that explosion was the demon, holding all four arms out. It would be a direct grab to the face and entire body. However, that wouldn't come to pass.

"Haxorus!" Despite being caught in the crossfire of both Dragon Pulses, Haxorus could continue, suddenly grabbing the tail of the opposing Haxorus while on the ground. The demon was one inch away from grabbing Goodra with its arms just right near his face and arms.

"Nice save, Haxorus! Now, Goodra! Power Whip!"

"Goodra!" Now was the time to capitalize on this moment while Haxorus had the demon in his hands. Further restraints would be added as Goodra jumped back, harnessing verdant energy within his horns. He then threw his head forward, causing the horns to elongate as they wrapped around the demon's four arms. If anything, those four arms were the biggest threat by a mile due to the versatility they brought.

The demon immediately tried breaking free, using Machamp's powerful arms to try and escape. But Goodra wasn't letting that happen, even if there was an immediate strong struggle between the two. Goodra's legs were starting to move from the ground due to the demon's movements as he did what he could to keep himself steady.

"Great job! Keep it there, you two!" Spike held out a third Poke Ball, deciding that this was a job for more than two Pokemon. Three Pokemon perhaps. "Please help! Druddigon!" What better Pokemon to use in a cave than the Cave Pokemon himself Druddigon?


"Let's go! Gunk Shot!"

"Dru!" Druddigon struck while the demon was restrained. Goodra moved to the side a massive blast of poison was shot out. The demon looked up to see this poisonous blast coming from above before being struck by it. Immediately, it felt the force of poison seep through its fiery body which even the demon couldn't believe.

"Now...all together! Dragon Claw! Dragon Pulse and Power-up Punch! Go for it!"

Now was the time to deliver a trifecta attack on this demon. It started with a slash and strike from Haxorus and Druddigon who struck the demon's body in unison. The demon staggered after receiving those two hits, swivelling in the process. Then, Goodra would finish it off with Dragon Pulse. The Fiery Apparation Demon was struck by a direct Dragon Pulse.

Now was the worst time to take on the form of a Dragon-Type as this was a super-effective hit and the best one Spike's team had landed so far. After that combination, the demon fell on its back. The four arms of the Machamp had vanished via dispersion. Most of its body was dispersing into flames.

"Phew. That did the trick." Spike sighed as it looks like this demon had been defeated at last. Any further and further problems would've sprung up. "Awesome work, you guys!" His Dragons all cheered, high-fiving each other in response to their victory.

Right afterwards, the remainder of the Fiery Apparation Demon, which was now just a flaming wisp had flown away. It was still active but no longer engaging with Spike and his Pokemon after its defeat, departing from here. Speaking of departing, Spike couldn't stand around for much longer. Not when there was trouble elsewhere.

"Let's hurry to Applejack and Fluttershy now." Spike climbed up Druddigon's back. "I hope we're not too late."

"Tile!" Sceptile had just used Frenzy Plant to rip away at the array of bandages as always. The conflict between these demons continued as Applejack was doing her absolute best to defeat them. But she had yet to free Fluttershy's Pokemon since the bandages were being increasingly stubborn with just these two Pokemon.

"No good! It wasn't this difficult before!" Applejack growled. Riolu struggled to rip the bandages off Raboot whilst the Typhoon Demon got in Sceptile's way when he approached Audino.

"Hmm...Wait! I might have an idea!" That's when Fluttershy chimed in. "This might free Audi at least. Those flames when Raboot uses Flame Charge don't burn up the bandages from the outside. But what if something happened on the inside?"

"Like what?"

"Like this." Fluttershy held her hoof out, revealing her Mega Ring. She was going to resort to Mega Evolution. "Please work." Banking it all on Mega Evolution, with a singular tap, she initiated the Mega Evolution sequence.

Just as Audino was about to use another Hyper Beam, she was stopped in her tracks. "A-Audi!" Something was coming out. Something prevented her from attacking any further and the Bandage Demon could most certainly feel it. Out of the Keystone and Mega Stone, two massive lights flared out. Golden and light blue lights came flying out from both sides before connecting. Audino couldn't resist this and the demon certainly couldn't prevent this evolution.

Audino levitated from the ground before suddenly having lights burst out of her body. The power of these lights were enough to completely obliterate the bandages that were around her body. The Bandage Demon failed to keep its control over Audino, thus resulting in the freedom of the Hearing Pokemon as Mega Audino had appeared.


"It worked!" Fluttershy flapped her wings with excitement and joy.

"Dino...?" Audino was bewildered to the core, holding her head before stumbling about. But she quickly regained her balance, relieved that her freedom had come at last.

"Nice work, Fluttershy. Now it's your turn." Applejack focused on Raboot who was the only one left. Applejack looked up at the hatpin on her hat, knowing that she could initiate Mega Evolution at this moment. So, why not go for it? "Mega Evolve!"

"Scep...Tile!" With a tap on the hatpin, Mega Evolution eclipsed Sceptile's body. Raboot attempted to try and stop this with all he had, charging in with Flame Charge. So did the Typhoon Demon, sending a hurricane in Sceptile's direction as the two lights burst out.

But their attacks ended in failure as the power of Mega Evolution pushed the hurricane away along with Raboot just from the sheer force of this energy. Out of it came Mega Sceptile.


"Get 'im, Sceptile! Leaf Blade!"

"Sceptile!" Sceptile went all-in now that he was in his Mega Evolved state. It was straight for Raboot with extended blades around his bladed arms. As always, the Typhoon Demon would get in his way, sending a wall of air to block his advancements.

"Here's our chance, Audi! Hyper Beam!"

"Audi...!" But now with the power of two Mega Evolved Pokemon, the tides had changed once more. "No!" Audino launched Hyper Beam, sending it right past Sceptile before he could reach the air wall. But he didn't want to worry about the air wall at all. With the might of Hyper Beam, the wall was obliterated, receiving a powerful pierce. The beam even went the extra distance, hitting the Typhoon Demon square in the face.

The Typhoon Demon staggered once the attack blew up in its face, dropping to the ground. This gave Sceptile the chance to reach Raboot without any interruptions. Raboot would try and fight back along with multiple bandages that assisted him.

"Tile!" Sceptile started swinging wildly, cutting up the incoming bandages. Then there was Raboot who went in with Flame Charge, hoping for some high damage. After using it multiple times, he was certainly speedy enough to intercept Sceptile. He even managed to land the first hit.

"Boot!" The Bandage-Controlled Raboot smashed his head into Sceptile's head at full force. However, despite landing the hit, thanks to Mega Evolution, Sceptile was no longer weak to Fire. He resisted it, allowing him to absolutely tank the attack, stunning the Bandage Demon. "Ra?!"

"Scep...Tile!" After tanking the blow, Sceptile delivered a retaliation. With just one strike, he slashed past Raboot's bandaged body, leaving behind a verdant streak. In the blink of an eye, the bandages had been torn apart. That did the trick as now Raboot had been freed, dropping flat on his face.

Unfortunately, unlike Audino, all the damage he suffered led him to faint. That final Leaf Blade ended up being the deciding factor for him to faint. Either way, he was free.

"Oh..It all turned out fine in the end." A relieved Fluttershy said flying over to the fainted Rabbit Pokemon. "Raboot? Are you alright?"

"Raboot..." He would be fine. But some recovery was needed after this. Now wasn't the best time for recovery though.

"Nice work, ya'll." Complementing her Pokemon was Applejack. Thanks to them, Fluttershy was saved from potential captivity and the same went for Bayleef. Granted, it wasn't over yet. The Typhoon Demon may have been knocked over but it was still active.

The demon got back up, witnessing how quickly the tides had changed. One second, there was a grand numerical advantage for the vampires. Now, that has changed ever since the appearance of Applejack. The Typhoon Demon and its crooked smile quickly turned into a frown. It displayed a sense of worry as it was still a sentient being.

Applejack smirked with her Pokemon standing by her, intimidating the Typhoon Demon. Audino would heal Raboot and Bayleef with Heal Pulse whilst Applejack would take care of the rest from here. From this realization, the demon was thinking about retreating.

"Don't you dare leave!" But the voice of Opal Vivacity said otherwise. She finally reappeared from the underground, slowly walking past the Typhoon Demon. Though Raboot and Audino were free, the bandages were still active, having a seemingly endless quantity with no visible source.

"I forgot about you," said Applejack. "We have a lot of cleaning up to do here before we can continue having fun."

"Please, Applejack. Give me and Audi time to heal up Raboot and Bayleef." Fluttershy pleaded. "I need those clouds to break away for her leaves to help up fast but..."

"Gotcha. All I gotta do is get rid of that Typhoon and it's all clear skies from here. Not such a good thing for you vampires once that Sun shows up."

"Hm-hm." Opal suddenly closed her eyes before letting out a light chuckle. "Hahaha!" That light chuckle then turned into a vicious and maniacal one, confusing her opponents. "Oh, do I have a surprise for you..." By taking one step, Opal suddenly manipulated the ground.

A tremor came by, unexpected from somepony like Opal. She was strong but not this strong. Not originally, however as Applejack nearly lost her balance. This sudden tremor made her worry about what else she could possibly be hiding.

"Oh yes. I can safely say that her ability will be mine. Go." Opal trotted while the Bandage Demon and the Typhoon Demon would go in for one final gambit. It looked to be a final attempt as the intensity from these demons radiated a red aura, showing just how desperate they were to claim victory. Though, the Typhoon Demon wanted out of here soon.

"Frenzy Plant! Dark Pulse!"

"Sceptile!" Sceptile and Delta Riolu would give it their all as well with massive roots flying out alongside a pulse of darkness. It looked like this would be a full-on collision between the two attacks. Twisting and turning were the roots and the bandages fighting against each other while Riolu's Dark Pulse was in a turbulent clash with the Typhoon Demon which as now considerably weaker than when it first showed up. All thanks to the damage that's been accumulated.

And then along came Opal, spreading her vampiric wings out. She then took flight, eyeing down Bayleef. With her fangs bearing, this was also a final attempt on her part. Applejack stood in her way, steadfast to protect her friends even if it meant a close-up encounter with a vampire.

And that's when Opal's surprise came in. It started with unleashing shadows from her hooves. Shadows that greatly resembled that of Shadow Punch. In fact, they were shadow hooves just like Shadow Punch as they suddenly grabbed Applejack. "What the-" Applejack was thrown off by this. She expected physical contact instead of this as the hooves raised her into the air, giving Opal free passage.

"Audi! Protect!"

"Audino!" Audino was that last nation, forming a protective shield around her friends. If there was anything that would protect them, it would be this move. But alas, that was when the finale of the surprise revealed itself.

Opal Vivacity had phased through the barrier. To the shock of everyone, she became intangible, much like a Ghost. Audino couldn't believe what she witnessed as with a spurt of speed, she swooped in, grabbing Bayleef with her hooves. Fluttershy tried getting in the way as well, only for Opal to phase through her as well.


"No! Bayleef!"

"B-Bay" Bayleef was held by the same strength that she used to cause that tremor. Injured, Bayleef couldn't fight back all that much as those shadow hooves from before wrapped around each of her leaves, preventing any usage of them.

"Hang on, Bayleef! I'm-" Applejack yelled as her mouth was covered in shadows. Sceptile attempted to come to her aid, only for these shadows to multiply. The bandages joined the shadows, blocking Sceptile's path and forcing him to keep using Frenzy Plant.

"Surprise! I used the Parasite Demon to take a few things from those Golett your friend has. The powers of a Ghost have so many benefits...But none of it will compare to this!"

Now was the time. The time to steal Bayleef's ability. With a flash of her eyes and a pulse from the Parasite Demon sending red lines out, these red lines pierced the heads of Bayleef. The Parasite Demon searched for an ability as it came across two. The natural ability which was Bayleef's Overgrowth. That didn't matter. It was her ability to change fate. That mattered the most as the Parasite Demon hit the jackpot.

"B-Baaaaaay!" Bayleef screamed out in pain as a devastating flash of red energy eclipsed her body. Her cry was also chilling to the bone, echoing across the skies. Red lights flew out of Bayleef's eyes as the same went for Opal.

"Yes! YES!" Opal bellowed with joy while Bayleef bellowed with pain. The power of the Rift transferred to her. This amazing power entered the body of the vampire. After the red light went off in the sky for many to see from afar, that's when it was all over. The light faded as Bayleef was dropped from above.

Her pupils had faded, seemingly non-existent as she was in danger of hitting the ground hard thanks to the height she was dropped from. Bayleef couldn't save herself as her leaf didn't react at all. None of them did. Audino was the only one there who would save her, quickly catching the Leaf Pokemon.

As for Fluttershy, she was brought back down safely by Opal, who was still holding her. Speaking of Opal, she then touched the ground lightly after descending, with a red smoke surrounding her body, making her a silhouette. But that smoke faded away, showing her with a devious smirk.

She knows what she has done. And she couldn't be happier.

"I did it...I really did it! The power to Change Fate is mine!" Opal declared this s this was her biggest victory yet. She truly succeeded in absorbing Bayleef's unique Rift-based ability as her body even let out Rift particles.

"No way..." Applejack's jaw dropped as she couldn't believe what just happened.

"Hmph." Opal was too happy to even think straight. But she received a quick reminder once the Parasite Demon started twitching. "Now, with this power, I don't have to worry about much. I wonder. How does changing fate work for me?"

However, that's when it happened. The Parasite Demon reached a time limit, aching Opal's head. She twitched, receiving a striking head pain as this was a stark reminder that now was the time to let the Parasite go.

"Ugh! You've done all you can! Return!" Opal groaned, ordering the Parasite to return to the Box of 100 Demons before it gains its own will. The Parasite Demon at the last second listened to Opal Vivacity before potentially going rogue. The rest would be left up to Opal herself.

"Bayleef! Bayleef!" Fluttershy shook Bayleef after seeing her shrunk pupils. Possibly, the sun's rays might not be enough to heal her this time after what had just happened.

"Why you...!" Applejack growled at the vampire, showing further disdain and hatred towards her. And Opal was loving it as this was the best form of payback she could think of.

"Now then. Who wants to be the first to test out my new and wonderful ability?"

A shocking result. Opal Vivacity managed to succeed in stealing Bayleef's power, rendering Bayleef unconscious. Now she was the one who controlled Fate itself, but to what degree? And how exactly will a scuffle against this newly powered Opal turn out? Only time will tell as the journey continues.

Chapter 890 End.

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