• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Boundless Cutie Mark

Canterlot Castle, Royal Nursing Room.

Celestia was in her bed, drinking some soup with Passion by her side. It has been at least 9 days since she was in here. She wondered how her sister was doing.

"I hope Luna's doing okay. What is she doing right now I wonder?"

"Filling in your position." Darkrai said, looming in the corner.


"She's been taking charge. Raising the sun and the moon at the same time."

"I see. I hope she's managing well."

"Well, her appearance sure has changed. She's more on the maroon colored side."

"Appearance? Maroon colored? What has happened while I was in here?"

"Well for starters. Luna's appearance changed up the moment she started to quell up all her hate for Ghetsis. She calls herself Lunar Ire now."

"Lunar Ire... hate. I know what that is!"

"You do?"

"It's Sorrowful Rage Magic. It finds anypony who's is full of grief and hatred, overtaking them and changing them completely. It seems that it's reached Luna too."

"So it's like that Nightmare Moon legend?"

"It's worse than that. If this magic stays in her, she'll lose all sense of morality and logic. The magic breaks down on your psyche, obliterating everything you love, remember and cherish, transforming you into the embodiment of rage itself."

"That kind of magic exists?!"


"I have to see her. To make sure that she's okay."

"You're still gravely injured. I'll get her." Darkrai disappeared into the shadows, heading towards the throne room.

Lunar Ire sat there on the throne. The only thoughts swirling in her head were the ways she was going to destroy Ghetsis and his kingdom. With only a small semblance of her sister in her mind. Recently she had upgraded the guards, just to prepare for the time she'll strike the Harmonia Kingdom.

"Luna. It's your sister, Celestia. She's awake." Darkrai said.

"She is?!" Luna rose up from her seat, heading to the nursing room. Once she got there, she could see Celestia wide awake. The amount of joy swelling up in her was enough to temporarily get rid of Lunar Ire and revert her back to her normal state. But Lunar Ire is hiding with Luna, and if one action occurs that effects Luna, it will return.

"Hello, Luna."

"Sister!" Luna went to hug Celestia. "I'm so glad you're awake!"

"I've been awake for a while now. A few days really."

"I was so scared and worried. I thought you wouldn't make it! Are you healed?! Is your hole gone!?"

"I'm feeling a bit better. The hole's still there but it doesn't hurt as much. Still painful though."

"I'm so glad to have my sister back!" Luna teared up.

"But Luna. I heard that you had changed. Into a pony named Lunar Ire."

"It was something that just came to me. It's gone now."

"Luna. I know that the Sorrowful Rage magic took over you. You were lucky to snap back to normal when you saw me. If I had been unconscious for a few more days, it would've consumed you completely."

"I know. But it's gone now. You don't have to worry."

"But it will come back up. Sorrowful Rage is a powerful magic that never fades away. Luna. You have to be careful."

"Well, it may not have come to me if you hadn't have gone to Ghetsis. I knew it was a mistake going up against someone that dangerous. And look at you now sister. A huge gaping hole has been left on you. Maybe if we went together, we could've won and all of this would've been avoided."

"Maybe. But Ghetsis and his Hydreigon were far more powerful than I anticipated. Even if we both went, the chances of us winning wouldn't be so high."

"Well speaking of Ghetsis. He has changed up Saddle-Arabia. Renaming it the Harmonia Kingdom and reorganising it for his own image."

"He what?! That-" Celestia strained herself by yelling.

"Do not overexert yourself, sister. You still have not healed up yet. You shall stay in bed while I continue to rule over Equestria."

"Will you be fine without me, Luna?"

"Have some faith in your younger sister. I may not have as much experience as you. I was born much later than you anyways. 500 years to be exact. But I've learned a lot from you whilst growing up. I will be fine."

"Alright. I'll continue to stay here. But before you go Luna. I have to tell you something I saw in my mind."

"Your mind?"

"You see... when I Was unconscious, Passion's psychic abilities managed to make me tap into my mind. There I found out that my destiny wasn't over yet."

"How can that be? I thought when a pony earns their Cutie Mark, their destiny has been reached."

"I thought so too. But it seems that even I Have discovered this new revelation. Whatever my true destiny is... I'll have to wait and find out."

"Maybe your Cutie Mark has changed?" Luna lifted the sheets off Celestia. And to both of their surprise, Celestia's Cutie Mark had changed.

It still had the sun in the middle, but surrounding it was every Cutie Mark to ever exist or will exist in the future. They were all super-small so that they could fit Celestia's flank, making it hard to see the rest of them. But the most visible ones were hers, Luna's and Twilight's.

"Oh my..." Luna gazed at it.

"This is unexpected."


"What does it mean? And how many Cutie-Marks are there?"

"I don't know, Luna. But I see Twilight's and yours. A Cutie Mark that has other existing Cutie Marks on them?"

"Whatever it may mean, it might involve you ruling Equestria once more. But you are still injured."

"If that is the case, then I hope I get better soon. Oh if only Starswirl were still here. He'd know what to do."

"Uh... I think he's on you." Luna aimed her hoof at Celestia's flank, seeing Starswirl's Cutie Mark on her as well."

"Starswirl's Cutie Mark?!" Celestia was even more taken aback by this. "Luna. Head to the Canterlot Library. There may be something that describes this."

"I shall." Luna nodded her head, teleporting herself out of the nursing room and into the Canterlot Library.

"Morning Princess Luna. You look normal today." The librarian said.

"No time! I need to know about multiple Cutie Marks in one!" Luna rushed off to the shelves, using her magic to grab and shuffle through every book there is.

"Multiple Cutie Marks? Is that even possible?" The librarian pony wondered.

"My sister has recently been given a plethora of Cutie Marks. It is something that both of us have never seen before. But maybe Starswirl had foreseen something like this happening." Luna kept going through the books. She was moving as fast as she could, only going through Starswirl's books and nothing else. Then again, they're all Starswirl's books.

That's when she came across something that might help. A book titled...

Unfinished Spells.

"This could be it." Luna opened up the book as even the librarian decided to take a peek at it. Scrolling through, she found many spells that had never been finished. Though they may not be complete, the book describes them as spells that will eventually be solved by future unicorns.

But there was one spell that wasn't like the others. The one that Luna was looking for. Looking at the word made her fascinated.

"The Boundless Cutie Mark." She read-out. "What in Equestria's name is this?"

"Oooh." The librarian said. Luna then began to read what was said about this.

"The Boundless Cutie Mark is the apex of all Cutie-Marks. Every single mark is on it. From the ones that have existed, to the ones that are currently existing and the ones that will exist in the future, making it infinite. This Cutie-Mark is only worthy of one pony and no more. It cannot be taken, nor can it be swapped. However, it is far beyond my control. Even I do not know what it means, making it an enigma. This is the one spell that may never be finished or solved. Ever."

"Unbelievable. And my sister is the one who has gained it. The Boundless Cutie Mark. I have to show this to her!" Luna teleported out of the library, leaving the librarian to tidy up as she sighed.

"The Boundless Cutie Mark?" Celestia uttered. "So that's what this is. And nopony can solve it?"

"Apparently not. And this is the first time it has ever been on anypony. This must make it the rarest Cutie Mark of all."

"It appears so. But if even Starswirl couldn't figure it out, then how can I?"

Luna thought long and hard until she remembered something that might help.

"Of course! Why don't you ask Twilight to solve it?" She suggested.


"Twilight already managed to solve and fix one of Starswirl's spells. When their Cutie Marks had been switched. So there's a possibility that she might be able to solve this one as well."

"Hmm. You do have a point, Luna. But will she be up for it?"

"She managed to free me from Nightmare Moon. And she is your best and personal student. So I believe that Twilight Sparkle is the pony for this task."

"I suppose so. Alright. We'll let Twilight handle this one."

"Splendid. I will summon her friends to come and see this Boundless Cutie Mark. Just stay put, sister."

"Can't be too hard." Celestia was gravely injured so she wasn't going anywhere.

Luna had requested Twilight and her friends come to Canterlot to see Celestia's Boundless Cutie Mark via letter.

"A Boundless Cutie Mark? What even is that?" Twilight wondered.

"Maybe it's a Cutie Mark for restraining things?" Pinkie replied.

"Not that kind of bound Pinkie. Boundless means something that has no limit and is infinite." Twilight explained.

"So then, is it like, doing something without stopping ever? Sounds like a nightmare if you ask me." Rainbow Dash commented.

"Whatever it is, it sounds very important. Let's go girls. Ash, Pikachu, you coming along?" Twilight asked.

"Hmm... I'd love to, but I'd better keep watch of the Pokemon House in case Team Rocket gets back. You all go on without me."


"Alright. We'll be back soon." Twilight and the others waved goodbye as they prepared to take the train to Canterlot.

Luna paced around in the throne room, waiting. The Mane 6 and Spike had arrived at Canterlot, finally.

"Ah. You're here. Wonderful."

"Princess Luna. Oh, you're back to normal. N-Nevermind that. You wanted to see us about this Boundless Cutie Mark right?"

"Yes, Twilight Sparkle. Come with me." Luna led the group to the nursing room to see Celestia. Once they got there, happiness filled Twilight all over. Celestia was awake.

"Hello, Twilight. Everypony." She greeted them.

"Princess Celestia..." Twilight had a tear fill her eye along with the others. "You're okay!" Twilight dashed over to Celestia, giving her a huge hug, similar to what Luna did. "Is the hole gone?!"

"No no. It's still here. But I'll manage. Now, I trust that you're ready to hear about the Boundless Cutie Mark?"

"Yes. Can you explain to us what it is?"

"Well, first. You'll have to take a look at this." Celestia showed off the Boundless Cutie Mark that was on her. They all gasped, surprised by what they were seeing.




"I've never seen so many Cutie Marks in one. And is that... mine?" Twilight noticed her Cutie Mark.

"This is the Boundless Cutie Mark. A Cutie Mark that contains all marks. From the past the present and the future."

"That's why it's called Boundless..."

"Yes, Twilight. This is one of Starswirl's unfinished spells. In fact, it's the one spell he believed that nopony can ever solve."

"But we believe you may be able to." Luna let Twilight the book with the exact page. "You were able to complete his unfinished masterpiece, so perhaps this is another."

"Of course she can! Twilight can solve anything, no problem." Rainbow Dash commented.

"There's no problem she cannot solve. Isn't that right, darling?" Rarity said.

"Thanks, girls. But what if this is something that I can't solve?"

"If Luna is putting her faith in you, then I shall too. I trust you, Twilight. Do your best."

"I will! You can count on me, Princess Celestia!" Twilight had a wide smile on her face. "So uh... do we like...stay behind and watch your Cutie Mark... or?"

"I actually don't know. I'm stuck here until I'm healed."

"I know! How's about we draw the Cutie Mark?" Applejack recommended.

"Applejack, darling. That'd be impossible. There are too many Cutie Marks." Rarity replied.

"Why don't we ask Amber Canvas? He's a great artist who can paint anything!" Pinkie suggested.

"Painting every Cutie Mark though? That might take forever, even for him." Fluttershy retorted.

"We'll figure something out. After all, we do know that it's every Cutie Mark in one. Come on girls. Let's head back home."

"Good luck my little ponies." Celestia bid farewell to them, however just 7 seconds later a mail pony had arrived.

"Mail for Princess Celestia." The pony said. Celestia took the mail, opening it as it was a picture of Pinkie Pie huddling everypony up together with the words 'Get well soon' on it, tugging at the sun princess's heartstrings.

Returning back to Ponyville, Twilight began her research on the Boundless Cutie Mark. Then again, there was only one piece of information on it.

"This is going to be tougher than I thought. How am I supposed to solve this Boundless Cutie Mark thing if there's only one recorded information about it?!" Twilight fell on her books.

"It does seem like an impossible task. It's a one of a kind Cutie Mark after all." Spike said. "And why did it end up on Celestia?"

"Isn't it obvious? She's the most important pony ever. Top of them all. She is the ruler of Equestria after a-" That's when an idea struck Twilight. "Wait a minute. Every Cutie Mark. Ruler of Equestria. I think I have a hunch on what the Cutie Mark means!"

"You do?!"

"Yes. But I still don't have a definite answer. It'll definitely take a long time to solve this. But at least I've got an idea stuck in my head."

Twilight's quest to solve this Cutie Mark was a go. But all the way back in Canterlot, trouble was brewing.

The one pony everyone else hadn't taken into account was Obsidian. Compared to Emerald Aura and Cold Colt, he was the least present and it was hard to tell where he was all the time.

Right now he had entered Canterlot castle, casually resting near the pillars.

"Alright then. The Rift wants to take it to the next level. We'll take it to the next level. Get ready Princess." Obsidian had taken out his Pokeball, tossing it and bringing out a Hypno. "Get Celestia to fall into a hypnotic state. Make her head over to the Harmonia Kingdom. Ghetsis does what he normally does. Luna goes crazy again. And watch the fireworks go off. Haha! The Rift sure does think it's not evil."

"Hypno..." The Hypnosis Pokemon was headed towards the nursing room. It had used Hypnosis on any guards it came across, putting them to sleep. It had eventually reached the nursing room were Celestia was along with her Kirlia.


"What is it Passion?" Celestia lifted her head as she saw the Hypnosis Pokemon. Passion knew this was bad news as she was ready to protect her beloved trainer.

Hypno was about to hypnotize Celestia, but Passion had used Magical Leaf to put Hypno off focus. Celestia then realised that Passion was protecting her from Hypno as Obsidian entered the room.

"Hello, Princess. You're looking healthy."

"You. Obsidian was it?" Celestia said with a serious tone.

"In the cosmic flesh. Hope you don't mind. I'll be accelerating the Sorrowful Rage magic process. Luna's gonna go insane to a point where she'll lose all reason. A force worse than Nightmare Moon. Sounds fun, eh?"

"You and the Rift are worse than scum."

"Oh please. Everyone thinks the Rift is evil. I mean.. I'm evil no doubt about it. But the Rift is still neutral. It's just that someone's gotta start a problem, or else things are gonna get boring."

"I don't want to hear it. Everything you've done has endangered my subjects. And I won't forgive you. Passion. Go!" Celestia was commanding Passion for the first time as the Emotion Pokemon sent Magical Leaf once more.

"Hypno. Psybeam." Hypno easily destroyed the leaves by firing a psychic wave. It struck Passion head-on, knocking her into Celestia, making them both feel pain.


"Now Hypno." Hypno began casting Hypnosis once more. Passion got up, covering her trainer's eyes with her arms. "Feh. Annoying Kirlia." Obsidian flew up, shoving Passion out of the way as he held Celestia down. "Keep those eyes open Princess."

Celestia could feel a ton of pain from being held down, along with the hole in her as she kept her eyes closed. Her groaning could be heard by Luna and Darkrai both as they rushed to the scene.

"Sister! Get away from her!" Luna ferociously unleashed a beam towards Obsidian, knocking him away.

"Ow! Alright then. Hypno. Return." Obsidian sent Hypno back.

"You would dare lay your hooves on my sister you cur!"

"Dusknoir. Out you come." Obsidian had sent out a Dusknoir next. "I hope the Rift doesn't' mind if I eliminate you from the equation." Obsidian smirked as he faced down both Luna and her Darkrai. With the guards all asleep and Celestia badly injured, the result could be catastrophic.

Chapter 74 End!

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