• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Bless you, Luxio

Unova. Eindoak Town. Day.

"Well, look who showed up again!" The voice of Carlita blurted out. Currently, she was facing some familiar faces to her. The face of Ash and Pikachu. This time, he was joined by the Twilight Sparkle of the Human World and the Rainbow Dash of Equestria, appearing as a human. A unique combo of friends to be sure.

They had just finished healing Alpha Rapidash over at the Pokemon Center and would soon head to the Hoenn Region to find an Alpha Luxio that had been spotted there.

"Hey, Carlita." Ash greeted. "I've just noticed how many times we've been coming back here lately. I still remember years ago when we showed up here..."


"And this one's...Twilight!" Carlita vigorously pointed at Twilight. "Right?"

"Right. That's me." Twilight greeted. "You must be Carlita."

"Ah, so this is Carlita!" Rainbow Dash slid in with a louder voice. "The one with the Dragon Force thing?"

"This is her." Ash nodded, holding his hand out to Carlita. "We're standing square at the place where all the People of the Vale live at. I told you all about her and the stuff that happened too."

"It's not a lot, is it, Ash?" Carlita nudged. "I ended up joining your sea mission late into the game. But I sure played my part in helping you and the People of the Water with the Dragon Force. That's about it."

"Speaking of the People of Water, we're about to head to Hoenn soon. Ya see, there's an Alpha Luxio around there. We've kinda got missions to find these Alpha Pokemon before Hunter J does and...it's a long story." Ash replied, stopping his story about the Alpha Pokemon.

"Alpha Pokemon? Oh yeah. I've been hearing about those things." Soon, it was revealed that Carlita knew about Alpha Pokemon as well. "They've been popping up lately ever since we got news of them."

"Which one did you hear about? Was it Alpha Snorlax?" Twilight asked.

"That's the one. Over at Nimbasa City, it caused quite a ruckus. Since then, some of us have been spotting them whenever we leave Eindoak."

"Oh! You've seen more Alpha Pokemon?! Where?!" Ash leaned in as this was juicy information to gather.

"They've probably left the spots we've been at. Or maybe they stayed there as their new home. But, those red eyes are noticeable in every way. Saw one of them near Hero's Ruin and all the way at Route 22 near Humilau City."

"Maybe Luxio shouldn't be the one we should go for first." Rainbow Dash spoke. "These ones are closer since we're in Unova."

"Hmm...You've got a point." Ash tapped his foot. While they would have to still head to Hoenn, new Alpha Pokemon in Unova were closer since they were already in the region. "We'll be busy then. Maybe today and maybe tomorrow. Probably, we can do it in one day if we're lucky, but ah."

"Knew you'd say that. But hey, since you're doing this...I want in." Carlita grinned. "I've already had a run-in with one of them, so this Alpha Pokemon thing's got me all kinds of interested."

"Always good to have you along, Carlita. So, which Alpha Pokemon did you see near the Hero's Ruin?"

"It was an Alpha Staravia. A fast one too for something so big." Carlita pointed to the skies. "It's long gone now. Who knows where it could be at this point with all that speed? Plus that Alpha Pachirisu too. Got all aggressive on some trainers and then fled somewhere else.

"Guess we're gonna have to pass on Alpha Staravia and Alpha Pachirisu right now. Let's head for Luxio!"

"Aw, if I had my wings right about now..." Rainbow Dash could see only one flaw with this human body. She didn't have access to her wings. However, she had heard that Equestrian magic could still be accessed thanks to what Twilight and Sunset had done. Though, they certainly weren't in Equestria right now. "Eh. I'll just have Braviary, Castform or Altaria handle it if we see' em."

"So, What's the Hero's Ruin?" Twilight asked as they were already within the ruins. "Hearing about that's already tickled my fancy.

"It's a place where the Black Hero of Unova Myth, one of the two princes of the Kingdom of the Vale, communicated with Zekrom," Carlita explained. "There exists another ruin out there for the prince that communicated with Reshiram but no one's ever discovered it yet."

"We can talk about heroes and ruins later. Right now, let's get rolling!" Rainbow Dash intervened, wanting to get this Alpha Pokemon search started. It was off to the Hoenn Region to find themselves Alpha Luxio before the possibility of Pokemon Hunter J finding it was made or it entering another region.

Hoenn Region. Shoal Cave. Afternoon.

Shoal Cave. A cave that was north of Mossdeep City, and also holds an appearance that changes greatly between high tide and low tide while also being carved into the side of a rocky mountain rising from the ocean.

Upon arriving here, the various bodies of water that acted as pools and waters could be seen with all kinds of Water-Type Pokemon within them. However, they were not active at all.

Mainly because once Ash and his friends came here, the first thing their eyes met with were a group of Spheal that had electricity crackling around them.

"S-Spheal..." The Spheal were clearly paralyzed as seen by how much electricity there was. It made them twitch, also causing them to stay in one position without much movement. A horrible feeling for a Pokemon that is always moving such as Spheal. To make matters worse, the bodies of water also had electricity surrounding them.

"W-What happened here?!" Rainbow Dash gasped.

"All of this electricity...It's on the walls too!" Twilight noticed as there were even volts moving across the walls constantly, not fading away for a moment.

"Luxio's definitely been here. Or is still here." Ash said, going up to the Spheal. Electricity in an area focused on Water-Type Pokemon was a bad sign in general, especially when it comes from an Alpha Pokemon.


"It's gonna be okay, Spheal." Ash patted one of the Spheal on the head as the electric shock went through him. But Ash withstood it. He's used to being shocked, thanks to Pikachu. And speaking of Pikachu, Ash then looked at this partner, knowing what he needed to do.

"Pikachu." So did Pikachu. Twilight had already dug into her bag to grab some Paralyze Heals, but Pikachu, unexpectedly, sorted it out already. "Pika...!" Pikachu started grabbing the Spheals, using the electricity that had surrounded them as a way to feed himself.

Pikachu started absorbing the electricity into his body, which seemed to act as an infinite energy reactor for anything electric. Twilight dropped the paralyze heals, stunned by what she was seeing. "I-Is Pikachu absorbing all of that?"

"Oh yeah. Pikachu can do that. Doesn't even need the ability Motor Drive to do it. Then again, all Pikachus can't gain that ability anyway." Rainbow Dash saw this as a common thing. Pikachu has had his fair share of electricity absorption, especially ones that go on a grand scale.

As for Rainbow Dash, she was already set on finding Luxio and there was a sure-fire way of doing it. Usually, to find someone, she would gain the assistance of Fluttershy's Audino and Pinkie's Slurpuff. But they weren't here to have their amazing hearing and scent be utilized.

So instead, Rainbow Dash had something close to that. Not exactly something that could hear or smell, but rather sweet. And that Pokemon was her Luxray as she brought the Gleam Eyes Pokemon onto the scene.


"Luxray can help find Luxio for us, no problem." Rainbow Dash said, showing off her Electric-Type.

"Oh! Because they're both of the same Evolution Line, right?" Twilight asked, only for Rainbow Dash to shake her head and wag her finger.

"Nope. Check out the X-Ray vision. Luxray."

"Lux..." Luxray's X-Ray vision was as useful as Audino's hearing or Slurpuff's scent, some would say more considering how he could see through anything. Luxray's vision pierced through the walls of the cave with ease as he could see the X-Ray signatures or more Water-Types that had been affected by Luxio's electricity.

All of them had electricity crackling around their bodies, causing them to be unable to move. With no one there to heal them, it was hard to tell how long they've been like this until now.

But eventually, after looking through the rest of the cave, Luxray found the familiar visage of his second-stage evolution. Luxio.

Found standing next to the High Tide of the cave, Luxio could be seen exerting electricity constantly. And of course, even with X-Ray vision, the crimson eyes of Alpha Pokemon were still visible. However, not only did Luxray see Luxio, but further in the cave, he saw the X-Ray of humans. They weren't the only ones visiting this cave.

"Lux! Luxray!" Luxray soon alerted Rainbow Dash.

"Found it. Good job, buddy! Lead the way!" Rainbow Dash pointed forth as Luxray would be their guide. Pikachu had absorbed all the electricity from the Spheal, healing them and freeing them of their paralyzation.

"Spheal! Spheal!" The Spheal were all visibly happy about this. They started clapping their flippers together, causing an echo throughout the cave. And to show further appreciation, the Spheal had all swarmed Ash and Pikachu, giving their equivalent to a hug since their flippers were just too short to reach.

"Woah!" Ash cried out as he and Pikachu fell over from the Spheal that had swarmed them. They weren't exempt either. Twilight and the others received the same treatment from all of these Spheal.

"Uh, hold on a second!" Twilight put her arms out but it was too late. Even though she didn't do anything, being friends with Ash and Pikachu granted her this swarm along with Rainbow Dash, Luxray, Castform and Spike. Zorua hid inside the bag, not wanting to receive a hug from any of the Spheal due to her timidness. She chose to stay silent throughout this trip entirely with all of these POkemon around.

"Okay, you guys! Come on!" Ash laughed as he and the others were already enjoying the surprisingly warm cuddling and hugs of the Spheal, despite their liquid origins.


"This is great and all...but we've got a Luxio to find!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed before chuckling. "But this is pretty fun though!"

The Spheal knew how to share love and especially how to make others love them. There was a stupendous appeal about Pokemon that were rotund as Twilight picked one of the Spheal, feeling how soft and round they were. "You're so rotund and soft!" She giggled.

"Who goes there?" Just then, entering this area were the humans that Luxray had managed to spot through the walls earlier. Ash and everyone halted their giggling once they heard footsteps enter this part of the cave.

But they had no need to fear. Luxray had already prepared himself in case these humans proved to be nothing but trouble, aka, Pokemon Hunter J's group. That wasn't the case here. Instead, the friendly arrival of the People of the Water.

"Your majesty!" They all said once noticing Ash. Immediately, to show their respect, they bowed at Ash promptly, welcoming the King of the Sea to the caves.

"Majesty...As in..." Twilight, who was out of the loop on everything about Ash that many have learned so far, slowly turned her head once those words came through. She faced Ash, then the People of the Water, only to look back and forth at each of them. She also noticed how Rainbow Dash and Carlita were unphased as they already knew. "Wait! Ash...! Are you?!"

"Your startled words are correct." One of the People of the Water said. "You are standing next to the King of the Sea, Ash Ketchum."

"KING OF THE SEA?!" Twilight stood up as all of the Spheals surrounding her scattered like bouncy balls or even marbles as they rolled along, not minding it at all. "Ash! You're a king!?"

"Well, not by royal blood or anything like that." Ash shrugged.

"Even so! This is huge!" She grabbed Ash before then backing up, cleaning her hands afterwards. "I've been using the wrong honorifics this entire time then! F-Forgive me, your majesty! K-King Ash!"

"You don't have to call me that, Twilight. Ash is fine." Ash preferred not to be called a king. He could understand the People of the Water doing so but not everyone else, especially his close friends.

"Sorry, your majesty! I mean, Ash!" She held her head up high, correcting herself. Twilight now felt the urge to put greater respect on Ash, even if Ash didn't want this high and mighty praise.

"So, what are you all doing here?" Ash asked. "Has the Sea Temple started moving by now?"

"It has been. But it is still in Hoenn at this point. We came here after learning about an Alpha Pokemon residing here. Something that we haven't seen in Centuries."

"Centuries? Oh, right!" Ash clapped his hands. "You guys have been around for a long time! Guess you would've seen and know about them."

"We heard that even more Alpha Pokemon had been spotted. We're struggling to understand how that's possible. They should've vanished over time with their descendants being the only remnants of them being left behind."

"Pokemon have ancestors? From that far back?" Twilight spoke as even Ash and Rainbow Dash were stunned by this. They continued talking to the People of the Water as Luxray was guiding them towards Luxio with perfect visions.

"It's not just us humans. And I can safely say the same for those living in the other world. Pokemon also have ancestors from years ago. But for certain Pokemon, Alpha Pokemon are their ancestors." A woman of Samiya explained. "Your majesty. We hope that you know what we mean by certain Pokemon."

"Alpha Pokemon are stronger than their entire species. Then that would mean..." Ash then thought back to the one thing that would relate to Alpha Pokemon. The words of Passion's Mother. Another Gardevoir that lived around Route 121. He recalled her words and how she referred to Passion and Pikachu for being special Pokemon.

"You see, for every Pokemon, out of the vast amount of species that exist, one of each Pokemon species is a one of a kind. A special Pokemon if you will. They exceed the normal limitations of what they're capable of. Essentially becoming the best of their entire species. Some even gain unique abilities that are rare to come across. I can already sense one other among you all. Like my daughter here, that Pikachu is much more powerful than the rest of its kind. A rare find."

"So, Pikachu's a descendant of an Alpha Pokemon?" After bringing those memories back, Ash turned to Pikachu, realizing that he had some family blood lurking in him. "Sweet!"


"Then the same goes for my Braviary and your Greninja!" Rainbow Dash went deeper than just Pikachu. "I love to hear it! That just makes things better!"

"It must be that Time Leak that's bringing them here," Twilight spoke. "It's how my Rapidash and Munchlax ended up here. They're being pulled out of their timeline when Alpha Pokemon were the most common."

"Ah, time. It's such a wonderful thing yet it can cause so much trouble for everyone." The woman said, shaking her head. Right as she did so, the sound of lightning had crashed.

The cave had lit up, from the high tide to the low tide. Nearby Water-Type Pokemon could be seen being blown away by this eruption of lightning which sounded like a sneeze as Luxio's voice also echoed throughout the area. Wailmer, Magikarp and Tentacool were among the species that had been blown away.

"It happened again!" One of the People of the Water commented.

"Was that a sneeze...?" Carlita was the only one who recognized that sound as a sneeze as Ash and Twilight rushed over to the Pokemon that had been blown back and paralyzed. Pikachu could do what he does best and absorb the electricity that was affecting them. Twilight whipped out some Paralyze Heals, which she had plenty of among with an abundance of healing items that Spike and Zorua were rolling around in. Never hurts to come overprepared in Twilight's eyes.

Pikachu, acting as an endless reactor, freed these Pokemon of their paralysis as fast as they had been paralyzed. Twilight couldn't do it at the same pace as Pikachu, but those Paralyze Heals came in handy still.

Luxray continued gazing at Luxio's X-Ray in the distance, noticing how it was rubbing its nose. Carlita's assumption was seemingly right as Luxi cocked its head back, preparing for another one. And now that they were getting closer, they could hear the cries of the Spark Pokemon clearer. Alpha Pokemon did have louder cries than their entire species after all.

"Lu...XIO!" Luxio sneezed once more, causing a burst of electricity.

"Oh!" Some of the electricity got close to Twilight as she was healing the Pokemon of their paralysis. Ash quickly pulled her out of the way as the electricity struck the walls. "T-Thanks, Ash."

"It's been at this for hours now. We've been struggling to get close to it at all." One of the People of the Water said.

"Then, we'll be the ones to get close to it. Hurry, Twilight. Hope you've got those Poke Balls ready." Ash turned to her.

"I have enough." Twilight showed her bag as there were no shortages of Poke Balls there. It was about time they approached Luxio and hopefully avoided being shocked. Thankfully, they had Pokemon that could deal with that.

Upon approaching the High Tide, Luxio felt another sneeze coming through. Once more, lightning burst from it upon sneezing, but unlike the Water-Type Pokemon and the People of the Water, there were two individuals who could handle it. Mainly Pikachu and Luxray.

Pikachu and Luxray gladly accepted the electricity that came their way. Pikachu absorbed it for himself, getting his daily fill whilst Luxray simply tanked it with his resistance. Pikachu giggled after being shocked whilst Luxray growled. Luxio's sneezing seemed to get worse by the second. Luxray didn't want to waste any more time, so a solution to that was making an easy shortcut.

"Lux...Ray!" And he would do that with Wild Charge. With an aura of electricity, the Gleam Eyes Pokemon had charged through the walls of the cave, multiple times. He made an easier way to approach Luxray by creating these shortcuts and it proved to be effective as Luxray's Wild Charge came to an end the moment he reached the High Tide.

And standing there, for everyone to see, was the second stage evolution of the Luxray Evolution Line. Luxio. Everyone used Luxray's new path, getting to their destination faster without having to take twists or turns. Eventually, they all met with the Spark Pokemon.

"Luxio...!" Luxio snarled at them once they arrived while also sniffling. Electricity could be seen crackling out of its nose, proving that those were indeed electric sneezes.

"Luxio. Ah, I remember when my Luxray was a Luxio..." Rainbow Dash felt nostalgic about when she had a Luxio before the evolution into Luxray.

"Luxio!" As to be expected, as an Alpha Pokemon Luxio was aggressive towards Ash and the others. The aggressive disposition with Alpha Pokemon was staying consistent. Electricity flared from its body, trying to intimidate them. The People of the Water were certainly intimidated, but not Ash, Twilight, Rainbow Dash or Carlita.

"Luxray!" Luxray especially wasn't intimidated as he responded by also flaring electricity from his body. Twilight gulped, holding onto one of her Poke Balls. Munchlax was her go-to option as he would probably be the one Pokemon that would battle in her steed. She was worried that Rapidash might not.

But before Twilight could do anything, she let go of the Poke Ball, ceasing the possibility of a battle after seeing that Luxio was about to sneeze once more. "L-L-LuXIO!" Luxio sneezed as Pikachu and Luxray took the electricity, shielding everyone else.

"I don't think I'm going to try and battle this one," Twilight said. "That Luxray's obviously sick if it's constantly sneezing like that."

"Never seen this before." Rainbow Dash replied as this was her first time seeing an Electric-Type Pokemon being sick and especially sneezing. Though, she did somewhat expect lightning to always emerge or any other element depending on which Pokemon would start sneezing, much like Cubchoo.

"Luxio!" But even with a cold, Luxio felt brave enough to battle. He already saw them as a threat as he lunged right at Luxio first with Thunder Fang. "Xio!"

"Lux...Ray!" Luxray quickly moved to the side, avoiding Luxio's Thunder Fang. Luxio snarled before then using Quick Attack, moving at lightning speeds to tackle Luxray from the side, right as he had evaded his fellow Electric-Type.

"If you won't then we will!" Rainbow Dash grinned as Luxio slid back. She would happily take on Luxio despite how he was currently feeling. "Luxray, Ice Fang, go!"

"Luxray!" Luxray roared, lacing his fangs with ice. Luxio responded with Thunder Fang as they had both then approached each other, with only one of them being destined to land a bite. And that was Luxray, outspeeding Luxio easily by biting onto his back.

"L-LuXIO!" Once again, Luxray sneezed. And this time, it was worse thanks to Ice Fang. And by doing so, all of the electricity within him had been let out, blowing Luxray back as it still ended up damaging the Gleam Eyes Pokemon anyway.


The lightning erupted violently, breaking apart the walls. Everyone ducked and backed away as the electricity was only getting worse with Luxio's sneezing showing up faster and faster with each passing moment.

"Luxray, counter with Discharge!"

"Luxray!" To counter the violent burst of electricity, Luxray would do the same with his own violent burst of electricity. Both flares clashed with each other as if they were two whips being slapped together. Alpha Luxio proved to be strong enough to contend with Luxray, showing the gap between an Alpha Pokemon and a regular Pokemon. Their flares proved to be equal, cancelling each other out.

"Hmmm...Carlita observed the battle, seeing Luxio wipe its nose, which was also glowing red noticeably. Carlita saw this s a result of his cold. Carlita then observed the rest of the cave, seeing how there was constant electricity crackling all over it, preventing Water-Type Pokemon living here from properly staying in their natural habitat. "It must've fallen in the water for this to happen."

"Do you think so?" Twilight asked.

"I don't think a Luxio would just come here and start terrorizing the place. Alpha or not. All of that water, especially outside of the cave, must've given it a bad cold. Ice Fang didn't help at all. What we need to do is warm it up."

"Warm it up?" Twilight held out one of her Poke Balls. "Ah! I have a Rapidash with me! But...I don't know if she'll listen..."

"Try that out for yourself!" Carlita stepped forward with her hands. "I've got a trick that I can use. Stand back, Luxray!"

"Ray?" Luxray turned around, noticing how Carlita was approaching the Alpha Luxio. Luxray halted his attacks momentarily as Alpha Luxio snarled at the Dragon-Type Trainer.

Carlita was unphased by Luxio's intimidation. She only put on a grin, eager to get close. She knew something that could help with Luxio's cold from how she put it. "Being a Dragon-Type Trainer gives you quite a few perks. Especially this!"

Carlita then used the light of the Dragons that some Dragon-Type Trainers are usually seen with. And of course, being a member of the People of the Vale with the power to access the Dragon Force, allowed her to go beyond that. A golden glow appeared around her hands as she then started rubbing them together.

By rubbing them, Carlita was building up heat. Visible smoke came from her hands as she would counter the cold with heat, obviously. Ash gawked as this was also his first time witnessing this.

"Now come here!" Carlita would personally come into contact with Luxio to cool it off. But, as to be expected, as an Alpha Pokemon, Luxio would not allow that. Immediately after she got close, Luxio had used Quick Attack, tackling Carlita's stomach which caused the Dragon Trainer to fall over. "Woah!"


"Ow! What gives..?" Carlita held her head as Luxio soon focused its attack on her instead of staying with Luxray.

"If that's the way to get rid of its cold, then sure! Luxray, go!"

"Luxray!" Coming to Carlita's rescue was Luxray. He got in the way of Luxio's next attack, which ended up a move that no other Luxio could learn unless they were an Alpha Pokemon. Iron Head.

"Is that Iron Head?!" Rainbow Dash gasped as Luxio had smashed its head onto Luxray's head, flinching him.


"Luxio!" Luxio had then used Thunder Fang, biting on Luxray's ear with aggression. Afterwards, it used the grip strength of its teeth to then launch Luxray to the side.

"L-Lux!" Luxio's eyes closed before one of them opened. He was still hanging in there even when tumbling on the ground. "Ray...!" Carlita stilled tried heating up Luxio, promptly standing up and allowing the Spark Pokemon to approach her.

"We just wanna get rid of that cold of yours, Luxio. So come on...Stand still..." Carlita uttered, pacing back and forth with Luxio. Luxio sniffled with electricity crackling around its nose.


"Oh come on. You won't even let us help you with that? Don't be like that." Carlita licked her lips, halting her pacing movements with Luxio. The two of them eyed each other down as Luxio would rather attack them than take some healing.

"Are all Alpha Pokemon just stubborn?" Rainbow Dash commented.

"Munchlax isn't. But hopefully, Rapiadsh isn't right now..." Twilight looked at Rapiadsh's Poke Ball before deciding to partake in this battle. "Please, listen to me! Rapidash!"

"Rapidash!" Entering the fray was Alpha Rapidash. She appeared before the People of the Water, Carlita and Luxio, standing majestically with her superior size, proving to be the biggest Pokemon here.

"An Alpha Rapidash!" The People of the Water exclaimed.

"Rrrr...?" Rapidash then turned to face Twilight immediately. Twilight gulped, hoping that Rapidash remembered the words said earlier this morning.

"R-Rapidash. I know you didn't get to continue in the last battle. But maybe for this one..." Twilight shook her fist. "I can help. What do you say?"

"Dash...!" Rapidash was bitter about before since she fainted before she could really get started. Once again, she reluctantly accepted Twilight's help. But only for a one-time scenario, such as this.

"Yes!" Twilight jumped for joy. "Okay then! I need you to help warm Luxio and free it of its cold. It's pretty resilient so it might be troublesome."


"Okay! Go and use your flames on Rapidash!" Finally, Rapidash was listening to Twilight. Even if it had one major drawback that would show up in the future. Rapidash galloped towards Luxio, ready to heat it up with the various flames it was carrying.

"Luxio!" Luxio still refused the help as it had used Quick Attack to dash underneath Carlita's legs, promptly distancing itself from Rapidash.

"Dash!" Rapidash made a quick turn, rushing to Luxio at full force. And in her way was Carlita.

"Hoh! Wait a sec!" Carlita realized she was in the way, quickly rolling to the side as Alpha Rapidash moved at breakneck speeds, having High Horsepower active instead of just using her flames.

"Lux?!" Unfortunately for Alpha Luxi, it was not faster than an Alpha Rapidash as the Fire Horse Pokemon smashed the full force of her body onto the Spark Pokemon. Luxio's widened from this hit before then sneezing once more. "Xio!" Even when being knocked back, Luxio could still let out electricity as it had shocked Rapidash.


"L-Luxio...!" Luxio recovered from the super-effective blow, feeling dazed, however.

"Luxray! Use Ice Fang on the ground."

"Lux...Ray!" Luxray assisted, biting onto the ground with chilling fangs. With the power of ice, he had caused a flash-feeze to this part of the cave area. Rapidash looked around, witnessing the ground being turned to ice. While it barely did a thing to her, not even breaking up her balance, it did something to Luxio.

"Lux?! Lux?!" Not only did it make his movements slippery, but it only worsened his cold.

"Uh, I'm trying to stop the cold not make it worse." Carlita turned to Rainbow Dash, seeing the ice as just an unnecessary problem that did not need to appear. "Besides...not a big fan of ice...Dragon Trainer over here."

"Don't worry. It'll be struggling to try and escape with all of this slippery ice. Now's your chance!"

"Right! Here I go!" Carlita used the ice to slide towards Luxio who was currently spinning on the icy ground. Luxray gasped, quickly using Iron head on the ground to try and break the ice as fast as it can.

"Rapidash! Try using Hypnosis!"

"Rapidash...!" Rapidash's eyes unleashed a mystical purple light that had also reached her horn. She then sent a spiral of that same purple light, focusing on Luxio's eyes.

"Luxio?!" Luxio heard the sounds of the spiral, quickly putting its head to the floor to avoid its enigmatic and hypnotizing light. But, not only did this stop its Iron Head attack, but it also allowed Carlita to finally touch it.

"You're a big target so this should be an easy grab!" Carlita shouted out before grabbing Luxio at last.


"Feel it!" Carlita grinned, finally unleashing the heat onto Luxio. Luxio snarled, getting ready to unleash another sneeze. Carlita held on tight, making sure she wouldn't let go as another electrical sneeze had been summoned by Luxio. The volts engulfed Carlita, but the Dragon Trainer toughed it out, even if it was painful for her. "Come on...!" She hoped that her heat was enough as the light intensified.

"Carlita! Face it towards, Rapidash!" Twilight shouted out as Carlita's hair had been frizzed by the electricity. It did have some appeal with this altered style. Carlita heard Twilight loud and clear as she held Luxio towards Rapidash. Luxio was about to use Iron Head right on Carlita, which could prove to be a painful outcome.

Thankfully, that did not happen as the intense flames of Rapidash were so hot, that once Luxio was close to them for a few seconds, the warmth of them was enough to alt its next attack. "L-Lux..." Luxio groaned as the red glow on its nose was fading away. Coupled with Carlita's Draconic Light, a powerful heat had coursed through the Spark Pokemon's body, even making it somewhat woozy from all of this.

"Now's your chance, Twi!" Rainbow Dash pointed. "Throw it!"

"Right!" Twilight had this big chance to catch Alpha Luxio. "Go, Quick Ball!" For extra efficiency, the Quick Ball had been used. It would be the first Poke Ball that Twilight would use on Luxio, increasing its chances.

Luxio had been tapped in the nose by the ball before shrinking. Carlita promptly let go, taking a moment to sit down on the cold floor. She was just now feeling the effects of the electricity. "Whew..." Meanwhile, the ball had been dropped, beginning the traditional shake.

1...2...3...Gotcha! Luxio was caught.

"Yes! First try!" A stunning success. Granted, it took some back and forth battling and grabbing to make it happen, but Alpha Luxio had finally been caught. No one said catching these Alpha Pokemon would be easy but Twilight so far has managed to pull through. "I got an Alpha Luxio!"

"A job well done." Applauding her efforts and everyone else who chimed in were the People of the Water. Once again, it proved to be a team effort to catch these Alpha Pokemon, but it was certainly an effective way of doing so.

"That's one way to catch a Pokemon." Ash chuckled before putting his shoulder on Twilight's shoulder. "Great job, Twilight. And everyone. Got rid of Luxio's cold to boot. But I didn't know you could do that Carlita."

"It's a family thing." Carlita shrugged before laying on her back. "Hah...But can you get rid of this ice, please? I feel like I could faint around it."

"Dash." Thankfully, Rapidash's flames were already melting away at the ice without her needing to do much.

"Thanks, Rapidash..."

"I got Rapidash to listen to me too." With her happiness increasing, Twilight blushed, realizing that Rapidash had listened to her, despite one exception with High Horsepower. "So, Rapidash...D-Does this mean that we..."

"Rapidash." But right after the battle had ended, Rapidash had looked away from Twilight. All she wanted to do was win a battle with the slight help of Twilight and that would be the end of that.

"Right...Maybe it's too good to be true." Just like that, Twilight's happiness was knocked down a peg by Rapidash as always. She then recalled Rapidash promptly.

This Alpha Pokemon mission was another success and would soon be reported back to Professor Oak. Every Pokemon within this cave had their bodies healed up, free of the electricity. They could all call it a day now as they were leaving the cave.

"So, same time whenever?" Carlita comment. "We've got those other two Alpha Pokemon that I saw the other time. Staravia and Pachirisu. That's another Electric-Type to handle..."

"Mhm. Great meeting you, Carlita." Rainbow Dash held her hand out, "Sucks I didn't get to see you battle with that Hydreigon you apparently have."

"Ah, you'll get that chance, Rainbow Dash. maybe next time when we go Alpha Searching. Oh and Twilight. Congrats on catching Luxio, but you seem pretty unsure about something there."

"Sorry. I'm just hoping that Rapidash will listen to me in the future. And for every other Alpha PokemonI can find." Twilight rubbed her arm.

"Don't sweat it. There's no Pokemon in this world that can't be reached. My mom told me that." Carlita passed on some advice for Twilight to latch onto.

"As for us, we should return to Samiya. Unfortunately, we could not do anything to help against that Alpha Luxio. I doubt the other Alpha Pokemon will be just as easy." A woman from Samiya spoke.

"It's great that you tried," said Ash. "Helping out even when it's tough is something special, ya know."


Afterwards, they would all, at this point, go their separate ways. However, they were still at Shoal Cave, meaning that it would be quite a long trip back to their respective homes, except for the People of the Water. They all had a chat along the way, occupying themselves in the meanwhile.

Alpha Luxio had been added to Twilight's Team. A Luxio that had a harsh cold but was now free of it. There were plenty more to go through and plenty more to catch as the journey continues.

Chapter 729 End.

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