• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Disaster towards the climax

Author's Note:

This storyline's ending soon and with higher escalation.

Unova. Samiya. The Sea Temple. Late Afternoon.

The Dragon Force. The all-powerful energy that surges throughout the Pokemon World alongside other energies such as Aura and Infinity Energy. Normally, the Dragon Force is a power that can create an environment where humans and Pokemon alike can live in harmony. If used wrongly, the Dragon Force becomes cataclysmic and merciless that threatens to destroy the planet and all that live on it.

And this was one of those scenarios where the Dragon Force had been corrupted. Due to Necrozma absorbing energy from the crystal that held the Dragon Force, the corrupted variant was now threatening to destroy the Sea Temple.

Carlita had been placed somewhere safe as of now by Tempest Shadow of all ponies. Mostly due to Daybreaker's order after taking pity on Carlita. But even so, the Dragon Force could not be prevented and Daybreaker was bound to return for the rest of the crystals.

"Hydrei!" Carlita's Hydreigon was told to get some help due to the rampaging Dragon Force that was starting to tear the Sea Temple ever so slowly. The closest person he could warn at this moment was Ash, who was currently in the Treasure Room.

Hydreigon entered the Treasure Room in a hurry, crying out to Ash and everyone else in a frenzy. It is incredibly rare for a Hydreigon to be worried or even afraid due to how powerful and vicious they are.

"Hydreigon? What's wrong?!" Ash turned to the Brutal Pokemon.

"Drei! Hydrei!" Hydreigon blabbered, hoping that Ash or anyone here could understand him. But he had no need to worry. Ash could understand his mannerisms due to personal experiences.

"What happened with Carlita?!" He caught on instantly as Hydreigon lowered all three of his heads. Just as he did so, the temple trembled. But this time, it was because of the Dragon Force.

"Hydreigon!" Hydreigon then told Ash to follow him. The Dark-Dragon-Type zoomed off as quickly as he could. Ash could only follow him since this was concerning a friend.

"I'll be right back!" He said to the People of the Water before following Hydreigon. Another rumble passed through, almost knocking Ash and Pikachu off balance as they heard something crumble.

As for the People of the Water, many of them were currently unaware except for the few of them who had seen the Dragon Force emerge. They travelled across the temple with the Warp Points, moving to populated areas.

And the area they ended up in was essentially the safest place in the temple. The same place where the children and most of the People of the Water who were not guards were residing at. Enola included.

All the children were grouped together, not having much to do at the moment due to the current conflict. But very soon everyone would be on the move as Enola noticed the few civilians approaching.

"You're all safe." One of the caretakers of the children said after spotting their arrival. "We were afraid that you had been caught up in the conflict."

"At this rate, we might. All of us will." A man replied. "The Dragon Force is currently on the loose."

"The Dragon Force?!" As if panic wasn't already present, now it had been raised to potentially an all-time high as discussion and gossip of the rampaging Dragon Force was ongoing. And as soon as it was brought up, the temple shook, confirming to everyone that the Dragon Force was indeed rampaging. "H-How did this happen?!"

"That Pokemon by the name of Necrozma is responsible for this! It had somehow corrupted the Dragon Force. Now it shall tear apart the temple with its fury."

"What do we do?" A worried girl uttered with a shaky voice as everyone constantly spoke with a multitude of fears echoing throughout the temple while the rumbling kept occurring each time.

"It's already loose so what is there to do?"

"What does this mean, miss?" Enola tugged on the long skirt of the caretaker as she and the children, while worried, didn't fully understand the severity of the Dragon Force.

"It means um..." She scrunched her face, trying to sugarcoat it for the children as to not worry them too much. "Well, the temple is in danger again as it always has been."

"But this is on a larger scale." A lady replied. "Is there anyone that knows what we can do?"

"Not many if not all. Only King Ash and Prince Manaphy are the highest powers here but...I'm not even sure they know of how to stop the Dragon Force..."

"We don't have any other higher power than just those two. Why is that?" She raised a good question. Apart from Ash and Manapahy, there were no other important figures to be found anywhere.

"We've been light for so many centuries...The only other ranks that remained were the guards but that's as far it goes...We clearly weren't meant to be away for so many centuries. Our temple still needed us for further years and it's only been 17 years or more since we've returned."

"I did not think we were this far behind in time." A man rubbed the back of his head, feeling bewildered as well as everyone else.

"It does not matter if we're low on honorifics and ranks and such." But one older man quickly dismissed that worry. "It's not all hopeless. There is another way to protect ourselves."


"The Dragon Force won't just eat away at the temple but the sea itself. Our best option is to flee to somewhere else without having the sea currents take us. It's about time we used our new invention."

"We're leaving somewhere else so soon?" Enola said.

"This part of the sea is too dangerous to be around. If we don't act fast, the Dragon Force will rip us all apart. I'm afraid there is not much we can do against the Dragon Force. Not us anyway. Only a descendant of the People of the Vale can. Carlita is our hope to fix this."

"Carlita!" A lady hit her face. remembering where Carlita was. "She's still at the secret room! The Dragon Force might've taken her! We left in a hurry since everything was falling down!"

"That raises some problems. It might be too late to stop the Dragon Force so leaving here is our only-"

"It's not too late!" Enola exclaimed. "King Ash never gave up hope when he saved our temple so I won't either!"

"Alright. We hear you, young one." The caretaker patted Enola on the head. "We won't lose hope. We can hurry to her before the Dragon Force can do the worst If it hasn't already."

"In the meanwhile, we'll have to start taking the temple somewhere else. Let's hope that something can at least be done to stop the flow of the Dragon Force."

Some of the people would head back for Carlita while everyone else was in agreement of moving the temple away from this sea. The Dragon Force does impinge the entire planet after all.

And it was certainly affecting the seas at the moment. The debased Dragon Force flowed out of the temple and right towards the sea, damaging and ripping it apart.

Automatic tsunamis were being formed in this have. And the closest location was Humilau City, making the population of 32 people in danger of perishing from these unusually mighty tsunamis. That involved the Grand Equestria and the Sunstorm as well.

Luna had just arrived underwater after helping out on the surface. However, while heading off to help the rest of her friends, she had witnessed the blustering and ruthless Dragon Force moving through the sea.

"What in my sister's name is that?!"

Meanwhile, Jackie was currently moving across the temple, making sure to keep his footing despite every rumble that was ongoing. Jackie ran up a spiralling staircase, and with this height, he was free to perceive the Dragon Force. His first time seeing it as well.

"What the?!" He could only yell at the sight of this energy. He wasn't exactly sure what he was looking at but it was easy to understand that it was deadly. As seen by how it tore apart multiple pillars in one line. "Geez. What did I miss?" He said to himself.

Jackie only had one destination. The Treasure Room. And that only made sense since that was where the most power was. The best place to be at was the richest.

However, he had to be quick as the Dragon Force had expanded, reaching the stairs. A good chunk of it had been ripped apart and consumed by the Dragon Force, reduced into nothing.

While a majority of the people knew about the rampaging Dragon Force, most of the guards did not as they were too busy helping to try and stop the current attack on their temple. However, they were less physical than expected. They mainly stood afar instead of getting up close and personal.

The guards and the People of the Water, in general, were not violent at all Even after making all these weapons, their instinct to go to battle is on the same level as a Chansey. In short, not that high. But they could still provide support.

In the meanwhile, Ash, Pikachu and Hydreigon were off searching for Carlita. But they wouldn't have to search for long as they came across her. Carlita had been placed near one of the many stairs of the temple, laying there unconscious.

"Carlita!" Ash cried out before helping her up from the floor. Thankfully, the Dragon Force hadn't consumed her. And that was all thanks to Tempest Shadow and to an extent Daybreaker. "Hey! Carlita!"



After having her name called out, she was gaining consciousness at last. She Hydreigon, Ash and Pikachu staring at her, befuddled after what took place prior. "You three..."

"What happened?" Ash asked.

"It's the Dragon Force.." Carlita held her head before standing up.

"The Dragon Force?" Ash remembered about the Dragon Force. Right as he spoke about it, he and the others saw an erupting burst of purple energy obliterate a nearby wall as the ferocity of the Dragon Force was only growing each passing second. "It's here?!"


"N-Necrozma tried absorbing it and it ended up being a struggle between us. That's how all of this happened." Carlita stammered. "I couldn't use that well to try and protect everyone and stop Necrozma. I'm sorry. It's all my fault."

"Hey, don't worry about it. We can fix this." Ash smiled to keep up reassurance. "For now let's-"

"Pika-Pikachu!" But interrupting Ash's words was Pikachu as he had spotted someone important. Pikachu hopped on Ash's shoulder, pointing to the west. By turning their attention, they had spotted the moving figure of Tempest Shadow.

Tempest was on the move, searching for the Treasure Room still while also making sure to avoid any form of the Dragon Force. The unicorn, hopping from one platform to another, noticed Ash and the others gazing at her. "Tempest!"

Tempest didn't reply. She just had a cocky smirk before lunging to the next platform. Despite the crystals from the Treasure Room not giving off any high amounts of light due to zero usage, Tempest could still track down their presence. Active or not.

Another tremor came through as the nearby walls were split open, revealing other rooms that had been damaged by the Dragon Force. It was back to the Treasure Room for a second time. This time, hoping to beat Tempest there.

But, of course, also looking for the Treasure Room was Colress and his posse of Magneton that he flew next to. Still riding his hovering vehicle, the scientist of Team Plasma had approached Ash and the others.

"Hello again, Ash," said Colress. "Would you be so kind as to lead me to the Treasure Room? You're familiar with this place, aren't you?"

"Pika! Pika-Pikachu!" Pikachu roared at Colress.

"Now's not the best time. Can't you see that the Dragon Force is tearing everything apart? All of us, everyone's gonna be caught up in this." Ash only focused on how the Dragon Force threatened everyone's lives. Good or evil.

"I see that. This Dragon Force. I heard about it from folklore stories. Never thought it was real. But, even if it destroys this temple, as long as we get the crystals and escape, that's a mission complete in our book. And as a bonus, hopefully, I can get a piece of that Dragon Force."

"You can't!" Carlita rejected. "The Dragon Force is only for us the descendants of the People of the Vale! You can't use it and there's no chance of you even getting it."

"Hah! If you ever give a scientist the benefit of the doubt, there's a good chance they'll prove you wrong!" Colress chuckled as the Magneton started swarming Ash and the others.

"Mag! Magneton!" After swarming them, on all sides they had used Flash Cannon to attack.

"Pikachu, spin with Thunderbolt!"

"Pika...!" Pikachu could counteract that. He leapt off of Ash's shoulder before getting on his back. He then unleashed Thunderbolt while spinning, creating a frantic frenzy of 100,000 volts that flew everywhere. The chaotic bolts had blocked the Flash Cannon assault entirely while also shocking the Magneton as well.


"Hydreigon, Flamethrower!"

"Hydrei...Gon!" Hydreigon then went next. Once the Magneton were staggered by the Thunderbolts, Hydreigon then dealt greater and super-effective damage by using Flamethrower. He had also mimicked Pikachu's spinning but an average variation of it.

By the combined might of Thunderbolt and Flamethrower, the Magneton had been knocked away and taken out just like that. But that didn't surprise Colress that much as he already had another one of his Pokemon emerge. He shot out two Poke Balls from his vehicle as it had sent out his Magnezone and Metagross.

"Magnezone!" Upon appearing, the Magnet Area Pokemon had used Hyper Beam, unleashing it towards Hydreigon. Hydreigon had been hit whilst the surrounding area was an explosion that almost knocked Ash, Carlita and Pikachu away.

"Iron Tail, go!"

"Chu...Pika!" Pikachu moved through the smoke that was made from Hyper Beam, striking Magnezone with an overhead Iron Tail.


"Hydreigon! Retaliate with Flamethrower!"

"Dreigon!" Hydreigon got his revenge, unleashing Flamethrower. But Metagross was still an issue.

"Metagross, Hammer Arm!"

"Metagross!" Metagross, moving at surprisingly swift speeds, had interrupted Hydreigon's Flamethrower with a swift Hammer Arm to the chest.

"H-Hy!" Hydreigon staggered from that. However, that wasn't enough to stop the Brutal Pokemon as he had used Flamethrower either way. Metagross had been burnt by a potent blast of fire, taking super-effective damage as well.


"Thunderbolt!" Both Ash and Colress said. At the same time, Pikachu and Magnezone had both used Thunderbolt, sending out 100,000 volts. The bolts of electricity met, creating an equal reaction before imploding on each other.

"I could be at the Treasure Room right about now!" Colress then made his vehicle shoot out a Kling Klang and a Rotom-Wash Form for extra assistance. As for Colress himself, he was heading for the Treasure Room, hovering off.

"Ash!" Carlita put her hand on Ash's shoulder. "You go on ahead after him. Hydreigon and I will take care of things from here."

"A-Are you sure? That's a huge number difference, Carlita!"


"Numbers don't mean anything to the power of a Dragon-Type. Besides, you're the one who put a lot of faith in me to come along, weren't you?" She gave a thumbs-up as Hydreigon tried doing the same. But he didn't have thumbs so all he could was have his headarms stick their tongues out.


"Gotcha. Do your best Carlita."

"You got it! Hydreigon, Hyper Voice!"

"Hy...DREI!" Hydreigon bellowed, creating a potent soundwave that affected his opposing Pokemon. Colress' Pokemon staggered from this mighty shout as it allowed Ash and Pikachu to move ahead. They had passed the Steel-Types and the only Water-Type scot-free.

"Now, Flamethrower!"

"Hydreigon!" After staggering them and allowing Ash and Pikachu to run ahead, Hydreigon had then sprayed the opposing Pokemon with scorching flames. They would all have to deal with him and Carlita.

As for Ash and Pikachu, despite Colress using his vehicle to travel faster, the two of them were fairly quick in their own right, especially Pikachu. They kept pace as Pikachu had used Quick Attack, moving at blinding speeds to catch up with Colress.

"Pika!" Pikachu had tackled Colress' vehicle with Quick Attack, making shake a bit.

"Huh?! Colress gasped, swivelling to see the duo. "That fast?!"

"Colress!" Ash jumped onto a crumbling platform, using that to boost himself upwards before it could fall apart. With his impressive athleticism that he's shown time and time again, Ash had jumped high enough to just barely cling onto the back of Colress' vehicle.

Colress was genuinely surprised. He knew Ash was persistent but not to this extent. Even jumping this high to reach his vehicle was shocking. Colress stepped on Ash's fingers to try and force him off. All the while, the Dragon Force was overtaking the temple. Ash didn't budge even with his fingers being damaged.

The Treasure Room by now was close as Pikachu kept avoiding crumbling rubble and platforms to keep up with the vehicle. He used Quick Attack with every chance he could get.

"There's such a thing as being too stubborn!" Colress growled, holding out one final Poke Ball, sending out his Beheyeem as his final Pokemon.



"Beheeee!" Beheeyem easily removed Ash off of the vehicle by raising him.

"W-Woah!" Ash cried out.

"Heeyem!" Afterwards, Beheyeem had launched Ash far into the distance by causing Psychic to have a knockback. The Psychic hold had ended as Ash was now hurling throughout the air, further away from Colress and the Treasure Room.


"Excellent work! Now, let's keep moving!" Colress uttered before accelerating his vehicle with Beheeyem keeping up. As for Pikachu, he went after Ash to see if he was okay.

"I hope you've still got some fight left in you...!" But Ash had an answer to this. Despite most of his Pokemon being out, there was one who was exempt. "Gengar! I choose you!" He threw the Poke Ball, unleashing the Shadow Pokemon.


"G-Gengar! Psychic!"

"Gen!" Just like what Beheeyem did to Ash but in reverse. Gengar turned to its Trainer with a mighty gaze of blue covering his eyes. Afterwards, the Ghost-Poison-Type had put a telekinetic hold around Ash Ketchum, grabbing him before he could go any further.

Gengar then brought Ash to him, not only saving his life but allowing Ash to have a floating ride in the process. Gengar was big enough to support Ash, allowing him to sit on Gengar's back. "Than's buddy. Now, after those two right there!" Ash pointed to Colress and Beheeyem.

"Gengar!" Gengar did just that. And as an amazing bonus, Gengar was not only fast enough to keep up with the vehicle but also even outpace it. He zoomed ahead, moving at breakneck speeds while easily catching up to Colress.

"!" Colress was shocked to see that Ash made such a swift recovery. "Again?! What is with you?!"

"Let's do this! Gengar, Shadow Ball!"

"Gen-Gen!" Gengar then formed one Shadow Ball with his hand before passing the vehicle in a flash. After passing it, he formed a second Shadow Ball. Once in front of the vehicle, Gengar had thrown the two blobs of shadows, striking Beheyeem with them both.


"Night Shade!"

"Gar!" Gengar followed up with Night Shade afterwards, sending black and red bolts from his eyes that struck the Psychic-Type for more super-effective damage.


"How annoying!" Beheeyem, Psychic!"

"Be!" Beheyeem recovered after that assault of super-effective hits, retaliating. Gengar was just as vulnerable due to being a Poison-Type.

"Use Psychic as well!"

"Gengar!" Both Gengar and Beheyeem used Psychic at the same time. The result was both of them holding each other with telekinetic holds. They reached a stalemate with both sides unable to move.

"No good, huh? Then use-" Ash's words when Colress pulled a sneak attack. He had bashed the vehicle at Ash while he wasn't looking.

Ash had been struck by this hunk of metal, falling off of Gengar. And with the area they were around, there was barely any ground. Only water. "Oh!"

"Gen!" Gengar gasped which made him lose his Psychic hold. That allowed for Beheeyem to fully pull off Psychic due to these underhanded attacks Gengar had been blown back, crashing into a wall afterwards. "Gar!"

As for Ash, he fell into a nearby water area, making a large splash. He was now even further away. Just what Colress wanted as he and Beheeyem continued on their way. "That should keep him occupied. I know he won't give up, that much is guaranteed."


"Pikachu!" Pikachu had finally caught up. But he was too late to join in on the action and help. However, he did see Ash fall into the water after that tackle from Colress' vehicle. "Pikapi! Pikachu!" He cried out for Ash as Gengar was slumped in the corner.

Within the water, Ash was still confounded after the tackle. He fell into fairly shallow water while instinctively holding his breath. Ash then recovered before bumping into some rubble.

This wasn't enough to slow him down. He was still pumped up to head back out there and reach the Treasure Room as soon as he could. However, something got in his way.

The Dragon Force.

It had found its way on this part of the water, erupting in front of Ash. Ash made a silent gasp before also noticing the Dragon Force appear behind him. It was safe to say that it was no longer gradually moving. Now it was rapidly moving and if something wasn't done, it could keep spreading.

The Dragon Force had also appeared beside Ash, essentially on every angle at this point. Ash wasn't sure of what to do in this scenario so far. All of his Pokemon were elsewhere. However, he hadn't given up hope. Thinking of what to do, the Dragon Force when through another violent eruption. This time, one that had blasted Ash away.

Ash closed his eyes as the shockwave from the Dragon Force had blown him back, further growing the distance between him and the treasure room. Ash put his arm out as the view of the deep blue sea had been layered by the corrupted energy of the Dragon Force.

Ash swam up as fast he could go catch some air. He managed to do so, only to be blown back by the Dragon Force once more as the seas trembled. Ash went back underwater, this time, getting closer to the outside of the Sea Temple.

Meanwhile, the People of the Water were ready to move the temple. And with great timing as the sea was starting to be engulfed on all sides. Their invention allowed them to move this behemoth of a building as it had begun.

This also required the power of the crystals as well. While one group stays in the Treasure Room, another group works on the invention. And with a lever being pulled and with the power of the crystals, the process had begun. The temple was being covered in a golden light.

This light was bright enough to even overshadow the purple energy from the Dragon Force. Even if for a moment. Even with the temple crumbling, they could at least move it away from the Dragon Force with what they had.

Just like that, with the amazing power of the crystals, the temple was starting to move. Like a rocketship taking off, it was slow at first with the ocean trembling. Even the people at Humilau City felt this. So far, everyone involved with this situation was within the temple.

All except for the ponies on the Grand Equestria and Sunstorm plus Ash, who had just been blasted away by the devastating Dragon Force. A water veil covered the Water Temple for protection as the view of something massive was coming on the horizon.

Since it was the late afternoon, the moon complimented the temple, especially when it emerged. Sparkles surrounded the water veil as the ponies on both ships and the air plus the Pokemon had witnessed the rise of the Sea Temple.

They all stopped what they were doing to look at the arrival of the temple and how it carried the sea with it. The Water Veil then dispersed, causing beautiful droplets that sparkled to fall. Not only was it moving upwards, but the light around the temple would also grant amazing speeds. Almost akin to lightspeed travel.

However, this would all be disrupted by the arrival of Tempest Shadow. She had sensed the usage of multiple crystals, leading her to this room. "Aha! Now, this is more like it!"

"!" The People of the Water were startled. Their focus could be blown off course with Tempest's arrival. With Tempest here, she wasted no time and had used the Travel Sphere.

It was time for Necrozma to make his second appearance. And to make it closer, Tempest had summoned the gateway right next to the gateways. The booming sound had thrown some of the people off balance while knocking them back. Due to this disruption, the power of the crystals was starting to diminish with focus slipping.

Hearing the loud boom caused Colress to follow that noise. Judging by how he heard a gateway, that was good news to his ears as he accelerated the vehicle.

With the gateway appearing, so did the visage of Daybreaker with that same terrifying grin. The People of the Water started panicking as one of the worst-case scenarios was coming to life. Necrozma's face also showed up as he was already out of his Poke Ball.

Daybreaker witnessed the number of crystals as she nodded in approval. Necrozma also liked what he was seeing. It all seemed ripe for the picking.

"See? Only took a few obstacles," said Tempest to Daybreaker.

"At least you did it. You're free to take it all now, Necrozma."

"It's that Necrozma creature!" A lady pointed at the Prism Pokemon. "From before! Just like how his majesty described!"

"Have no fear." The slightly older man said. "They will not take our precious light. No one will and ever has."

"Well let me be the first. From another world too." Daybreaker winked as Necrozma passed through the gateway. However, this time, they were ready for the Prism Pokemon. They knew to retaliate against Necrozma as some Water-Types stood in his way.

"It's not safe here. Let's drive this Pokemon back to that world and leave at great speeds." The old man.

"Great speeds?" Daybreaker and Tempest said collectively. That was when the People of the Water tightened their focus even further. And by doing so, they used more power from the crystals to help them in this endeavour, allowing the light to radiate some more.

But that was just a feeding ground for Necrozma. Even with all of the Water-Types in his way, Necrozma had used Prismatic Laser to deal with them. Out of his body, an abundance of lasers shot out in every direction rapidly.

The opposing Water-Type Pokemon tried fighting back against it, only to be met with failure as the lasers tore through their Water-Type attacks. The lasers even attacked the Treasure Room as the People of the Water started screaming.

Their lives were in danger of these lasers, thus, their focus had been cut. Due to this cut focus, the power of the crystals went awry. The process of leaving this part of the area was already initiated but the completion was disrupted.

Thus, the lightspeed travel that they spoke did happen, but not correctly. Everyone heard the sound of something speeding up, ready to take off. That was the sound of the temple.

"What is all of this?" Tempest wondered as the room was getting brighter all of a sudden.

"It's all unstable now!" A lady gasped. "Do you have any idea what you've done?!"

"Meh." Daybreaker shrugged as she stepped out of the gateway. "Doesn't matter. As long as Necrozma gets his fill."

Truly, this interruption had led to a series of unfortunate events. And one more was due. The light had fully enveloped it so much that all that could be seen was light. And with the same speed as light, the temple had travelled, disappearing from the area.

It was gone. Complete lightspeed travel.

But it was now on the loose with no direction whatsoever. Those on the Grand Equestria and Sunstorm couldn't help but wonder. They had no idea what had just happened.

But next to this disaster was Ash, who had not been taken along. He was currently still in the sea while the temple was out there somewhere. Lost and with no sense of direction as the journey continues.

Chapter 620 End.

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