• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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An impossible betrayal

Canterlot. Late Afternoon.

Currently, an unexpected attack had emerged. From the Storm Behemoth and Tree Behemoth. Two of them. Entities that were once destroyed but now reborn thanks to Second Wind and her method of distracting everyone, just to get Jade Skies.

And it worked. Everyone's attention was focused on these behemoths. Including over at Ponyville. Jade had been taken by the Indigo Alliance under this distraction while Premium Polish was next.

Skyblue Shine was joined by Tempest and her troops to capture the little girl. A situation where Skyblue Shine was greatly hesitant. Her own daughter or her loyalty to Empress Twilight Sparkle.

While Celestia and Luna were occupied with the behemoths, the rest of Canterlot had the miniature behemoths to deal with. The visitors from Pegalysium AKA Prince Shooting Star, Garnet and Kaleidoscope were being kept safe from this attack. It would be terrible news if the king and queen found out about their son being harmed.

But Shooting Star was enjoying the view, seeing how the Pokemon battle.

"This is amazing!" He gawked whilst looking out the window, witnessing an array of Pokemon moves being thrown about. "How great is this, you two?!"

"Considering the current circumstances...not so much." Kaleidoscope shook her head. "But at least now we know the Pokemon Battle."

"But what about that thing? Is it a Pokemon?" Garnet wondered as she looked outside the window. The Storm Behemoth's roar could be heard from afar, causing the glass to tremble and almost break.

"That's no Pokemon." A guard said. "That is the Storm Behemoth and Tree Behemoth. Creatures that are of Rift Origin. They once attacked Equestria last year and one was blown to bits while the other was destroyed along with the corrupted chaos magic that it brought along with it. But somehow, they've returned."

"Cool..." Shooting Star and Garnet both said. They then covered their eyes after hearing the loudest thunderstorm the Storm Behemoth had made. NOt only that, but some of the miniature behemoths had broken into the castle due to their overwhelming numbers.

Some either came crashing through the windows or the walls. And there were some around Shooting Star's group area. The guards were alerted by the break-in of these smaller behemoths. But they had Pokemon of their own to deal with this, no problem.

Within Premium Polish's room, she was being guarded with her door locked and windows shut. She had to wait until this was all over. Hopefully soon. She could hear the sounds of many guards rushing over to deal with the miniature behemoths. Meanwhile, a few other guards chose to stay and protect the little unicorn.

However, the miniature behemoths weren't the only break-ins at all. Despite her windows being shut, that didn't matter much to the power of magic. Like so. Her windows had been unlocked by a glow of blue magic.

She looked over to see this outline of magic emerge and coat her windows. Premium already had her magic ready as she was nervous as to who this was. As the windows opened, she saw three things.

A strange dark blue mist had emerged around the room with Skyblue Shine looking around. She wasn't sure what this mist was. However, it seemed safe to breathe in. The second thing she saw was a gateway outside of her window, floating there.

And the third was a certain group of ponies.

Her mother Skyblue Shine and Tempest. They had used magic to levitate themselves here while the pegasus troops just flew through the window, entering the room.

"M-Mom?!" Premium gasped as that strange dark blue mist surrounded the area. "Help!" Normally, her voice would've passed through the room and alerted the guards. But that is where the mist came through.

The mist had blocked off all sound within this room from passing through to the outside, essentially making everything mute. Skyblue Shine, Tempest and the troops had set hoof into the room with Premium Polish backing way.

"W-What are you doing here?"

"I should thank that behemoth for causing such a distraction," Tempest said. "This mist should keep everything quiet for as long as we need. Now then. You know what we need to do, right, Skyblue Shine?"

"I know." She nodded before facing her daughter. "Premium Polish. You're coming with me."

"No way!" Premium exclaimed before going to reach the door. However, Tempest had shot a blast of magic near her, almost hitting the little filly. The doorknob had been blown off without a sound being made from the outside. "After what you did, I don't know if I can come along with you!"

"Obviously she would decline. She is your daughter, so set her straight why don't you. Or else we'll have to take her by force."

"Premium." Skyblue Shine walked up to her daughter. "I wish I could've gone a different route in my life that you would've appreciated. But sadly, that isn't the case. But understand that you're needed for a greater purpose."

"Greater purpose?"

"It involves another world. You know that we are both androids. Machines to the very end. We weren't just made without a reason. Especially you. What you were made to do can connect everyone. Your real purpose."

"Correct. But we're practically wasting time with this stalling," said Tempest. "We might get caught up in that monster's carnage if we don't hurry."

"I don't care what you say! I'm still not going!" Premium shook her head. "I can't go with you or live with you any more mom. I mean, it's great that I got to see you and everything but..." Premium started tearing up whilst rubbing her eye. Skyblue Shine looked down in disappointment as she turned around.

Tempest and her troops gazed at Skyblue. Skyblue Shine knew what needed to be done. But seeing her daughter cry was one of the largest regrets she could ever make. SKyblue then turned to face her tearful daughter once more, still standing there without much action.

"Skyblue Shine. You're not thinking what I think you are, correct?" Tempest narrowed her eyes.

"N-No but..."

"But what?"

Skyblue Shine couldn't find the words to respond properly. She scrunched her face as she was in the toughest decision yet. Not when she had been caught by her daughter, Celestia and Luna. O even having to see the Empress upset. But this moment was the hardest she's ever been in.

Universe 28. The Empress' spare palace.

All the while, Empress Twilight was waiting for Skyblue Shine and Tempest to return with Premium Polish. She was biding her time despite the delays. And some scientists within the lab where many Skyblue Shine clones were being kept were with her.

"Empress." A scientist spoke to Empress Twilight. "Are you sure it was wise to send Skyblue Shine for her daughter? Family ties are potent after all. She might end up not going through it."

"Oh, I know that. But...No matter how hard she loves her daughter...she cannot betray me." The Empress laughed. "After all, she owes me her life after I saved her."

"Saved her? But...you and the other scientists built her, didn't you?"

"Oh yes. We built her. The remains of what was that is. For you see, Skyblue Shine is not of pony origin." The Empress faced the scientists as even they were unaware of this. For a quick showcase, Empress Twilight used her magic to form a projection.

A picture.

This picture in particular had something familiar on it. Something that could be found in Skyblue Shine's basement in the mansion. But it wasn't the blueprint for her android body. It was something else. The picture on the wall that Luna had seen as the view of two humans were coming into view. One a full-grown woman and the other a baby.

"In fact, it took me last year to realize the connections. The humans from the Pokemon World resemble the humans of another world out there in the universe but with one noticeable difference. A world without Pokemon. And living there was Skyblue Shine. She was originally a human. by the name of Ciel."

To the shock of everyone, they had found out Skyblue Shine's true origin. Before she was an android. And the baby within her arms was her child. Premium Polish.

"Yes. During my little escapades, I found a world full of humans. But this world was identical to the Pokemon World. Except for one difference. There were no Pokemon. It was as average as it could be. No sign of magic. Nothing special. The only thing that stuck out about it was that this particular world was on the verge of falling."

Another universe. Another earth. 15 years ago.

That world was being eaten by a creature that wasn't of magical origin. More a scientific one. It came from the cosmos itself. A creature that feasts on a planet's time. It came to that world to reek as much havoc as it could. And it did. By eating through the planet's time itself, many civilizations, nations and continents fell as they were unaware of how to deal with such a force. They didn't have magical creatures to defend them after all. And Skyblue Shine, or rather Ciel at that moment, was on the verge of her last moments too. Until I found her.

The city was truly a mess. Barely anything was left. This creature had eaten through the planet's time itself. Turning buildings into either old and decaying rubble or before they were ever constructed. This worm-like creature could manipulate with time in any way.

And sitting in one of the decayed houses was Ciel. In her arms was a baby Premium Polish that had yet to receive a name. She was a newborn. And unfortunately, she was born in the wrong timeline. Ciel and many others did what they could to escape from this creature. However, its overwhelming size and rapid speed made it impossible.

"Haah..." Ciel let out a soft breath of stress and pain. She was a mess right now. The only thing stable here was her daughter. She had done everything in her power to keep Premium safe. And she did a rigorous job at it.

Ciel had witnessed many of her friends and family be affected by this creature. Whether they had been turned back to a point where they were never born or even to an age where they were reaching their final hours. Everyone she knew was gone.

Except for her baby. Premium Polish started crying whilst being held by her mother. The atmosphere was corrupted by this creature's presence. It was barely safe to be in except for the indoors. But the indoors didn't matter either considering the destruction this worm-like creature had brought.

Ciel herself was beginning to lose hope. There was no future for her. Mostly because a piece of the creature was on her. When she was escaping from its rampage, red particles from this time beast had affected her. This particle stayed on her arm, rapidly taking away her lifespan with each passing second. Her final days came closer than she thought.

She sat there on a bed, feeling her lifespan reaching its final moment. Nothing she could do. And unfortunately, the same went for her daughter. Premium Polish was not safe in this world. She wouldn't grow up with a mother at all. Or even grow up herself.

Because despite all of Ciel's hard work, even if the baby wasn't injured or even had scratches or anything on her, the particles were still there, taking a young life away.

"I'm so sorry, dear." She apologized to the baby before looking at the dark-red coloured skies. "I wished I could've seen you grow up and live with you through it. Maybe in another life on the other side, that can be possible." She gave out what she believed would be her last words.

The baby had heard all of that. While unable to understand speech at her age, she could tell what sounded good and what sounded bad. And to the baby's ears, what Ciel said was a mixture of both. Premium stayed silent the whole way through as Ciel closed her eyes, accepting her fate.

However as hours went by, that was when Empress Twilight had arrived. Her ship emerged, hovering through the skies of this dying world. And the Empress herself had spread her wings out with a beautiful grace. Ciel heard the sounds of the ship as she had opened her eyes.

What she had witnessed was amazing. Empress Twilight, with the time that she was here, had gone up against the worm-like creature. She had been dealing with it for at least an hour now.

But after those hours, the Empress had won. With all the amazing magic she had stolen from a plethora of alicorns, she was able to vanquish this creature by unleashing a massive blast of magic. However, even with the defeat of the creature. The damage was already done.

This world would perish either way.

Ciel was amazed by what she had seen. A horned and winged horse had defeated the biggest threat to this world. In her final moments, it was a sight to behold. It gave her a slither of hope. But not enough to fully restore it.

After the creature's defeat, Empress Twilight looked at the landscape, seeing how horrid it was. She then descended before seeing the only human currently present in this ruined city. The alicorn's figure shined with the sun behind her. Her eyes had then met with Ciel who was now starting to decay away.

"W-Who are you?" Ciel uttered.

"Your poor thing." Empress Twilight said, observing the mother and her baby. "This world is long gone by now. Unfortunately, I can do nothing about it. A shame. I would've probably enjoyed this world like the rest."

"Oh...I figured as much." Ciel lowered her head. "But thank you either way."

"Your thanks mean little to me. Considering your final moments. However...even if this world is on its last legs, I suppose there's one thing I could achieve from it." Empress Twilight thought for a second before gazing at the mother and child. "Let me spark up hope in your heart. If you still had it. I shall save you."

"Y-You will?"

"Yes. I can. I will give you a new life in another world. I can't say the same about every human here, unfortunately. But you and your daughter will live." Empress Twilight held her hoof out as a wide smile met Ciel's face.

"Oh...Thank you. Thank you so much." She sobbed as she was relieved to hear something amazing. "I'll hopefully remember-" Her final words were said as she had closed her eyes. Her body had fully decayed away. Soon, the same would happen for Premium as she was crying all the way through after her mother's passing.

In her last moments, she truly had hope. While her sentence had been cut off, she meant that she would remember Empress Twilight's wonderful deed for her.

And would be forever in her debt. With her life.

After that, before hers and Premium's body could fully decay, I took the last remaining parts of her hair, using that as the reference and base for the Skyblue Shine we know today.

"But of course, even so, I did alter most of her memories. She doesn't even remember that she was a human once or that strange creature eating up the planet. All she remembers is that she owed her life to me." Empress Twilight chuckled before lowering the projection."

"So...her daughter?"

"Obsolete. I knew that the bond she and her daughter would have might get in the way. So, to make sure that would never happen, only the debt was kept as a memory. Building her daughter was easier said than done. Not many memories to play with when it comes to a baby. They forget a lot of things when they reach a certain age anyway."

"So that's why she can never betray you."

"Of course." The Empress flipped her mane before having her eyes glow purple. "And she won't."

Canterlot. Late Afternoon.

Skyblue SHine took a deep breath as she made a choice. Just like what the Empress said, her betrayal was not possible at all. Not with how she was built and reconstructed. The android opened her eyes before instilling fear into her daughter.

"As your mother, you're coming with me." By force, she had used her magic to hold Premium Polish. Telling her to come along wouldn't do. It was force after all.

"No!" The little unicorn cried out. She tried breaking free with her magic but her mother's magic was far superior to hers. She was built that way after all.

Premium knew there was no chance of her escaping her parents alone. She couldn't reach her bag for her Poke Balls either. But, there was still one way to call for help. With the magic she could muster up, the little unicorn unleashed a blast of magic at the door, blowing it open.

"That brat!" Tempest gasped as the door had a large hole through it. And even without any sound, the guards had been alerted by this as they looked through.

"Hey...Hey!" A guard exclaimed as their attention had been shifted somewhere else. Now that they were caught, some speeding up was due.

"We have who need. Let's go!" Tempest ordered as Skyblue Shine ran ahead of everyone. Tempest and the others acted as her shield, getting in front of her.

"Golurk! Stop them!" The guards ordered their Golurk. Not caring about the height difference considering the situation, the Golurk had burst through the door, breaking the arch and everyone around it. Their massive hand went over to try and grab Premium, Skyblue and practically everypony here.

But, Tempest was informed of the Golurk and how they were in the invasion. So, as a response, she used the one spell that seemingly only Empress Twilight could use. The Gravity spell. By using her magic, she created a field of gravity that was inversed.

"G-Golurk!" Soon, the Golurk were then pushed back by the force of Gravity, crashing into the trainers instead. The guards gasped as they had been pinned to a wall by the flying Golurk. And at the same time, the miniature behemoths were making their way here to cause some more havoc.

With that distraction, it gave Skyblue Shine enough time to pass through the gateway. Tempest smiled before she and her troops walked off, calling it mission accomplished. But one guard wasn't ready to give up. He got off his Golurk with all of the strength he had.

This guard then used Golurk's body as a platform, lunging forward. And with haste as well. Tempest turned around to see that this single guard had attempted to come along. And he did so by pushing Tempest through the gateway. He was now along for the ride.

"H-Hey-" Tempest exclaimed before being pushed through. Those were her last words here as the other guards watched their fellow guard go in. After that, the gateway had been closed off.

Meanwhile, outside, Celestia and Luna were still struggling with both the Storm and Tree Behemoth. Their new improvements created a few complications for them. They had to be careful as to not give the Storm Behemoth new energy to absorb and use as its own.

"Alright. All we have to do is find the right moment to hit it with Passion's Plasma Bolt with the most energy she can make." Celestia explained. "Even with these changes, it's still vulnerable to an overload of electricity."

"Understood. But will it be enough?" Luna asked.

"With this, it will." Celestia then revealed the Mega Stone. Passion then looked over at her Gardevoirite. Mega Evolution was decided upon as they both nodded at each other. Celestia then activated the Keystone with the lights flaring already. Her body started giving off a golden light as Celestia and Passion were about to become one.

Passion closed her eyes as she was being coated in Infinity Energy. Celestia did the same as she allowed her and Passion to merge. They both opened their eyes as a burst of light that was identical to the sun had erupted.

The Storm Behemoth and Tree Behemoth looked on to see this burst of light emerge. And out of it, the Mega Evolution Symbol emerged along with hot pink eyes.

Celestial-Gardevoir was here.

"We'll make it quick. Luna. Darkrai. Distract them for a moment until I can find the right moment to overload it." Celestial-Gardevoir crossed her arms as Luna and Darkrai nodded in confirmation.

Celestial-Gardevoir ascended high into the skies, even moving past the higher clouds. She could reach Pegalysium at this point. The Storm Behemoth's eyes followed Celestial-Gardevoir but that was a mistake. That allowed Darkrai to unleash a sneak attack Dark Pulse and Luna with a magic beam.

Meanwhile, Arcanine was mostly dealing with the Tree Behemoth. Usually, his flames would be able to burn the wood. However, the Tree Behemoth's improvements made it tougher and more resistant to fire. Arcanine slid back, evading an array of thick and sharp branches that stabbed into the ground.

Along came Celestial-Gardevoir to aid her teammate. Celestial-Gardevoir had dashed through the skies as fast she could, heading straight for the Tree Behemoth.

The Tree Behemoth was ready to pop out some extra miniature behemoths from its seed, only to be met by Celestial-Gardevoir grabbing it by the head.


"Arcanine. When I say now, you unleash Flamethrower. Understood?" Celestial-Gardevoir gave a command as Arcanine nodded. He wasn't sure what she was planning but it was clearly meant to be something that would prove to be effective.

The Alicorn-Pokemon fusion had then used all of her physical strength to lift the 130ft creature. With a spurt of speed, she immediately blazed through the skies despite the weight of the behemoth.

The Tree Behemoth attempted to remove Celestial-Gardevoir by flailing an array of sharp wood thickets at her. Celestial-Gardevoir had placed a protective barrier of magic to deal with that obstacle as she kept flying.

And she was going as high as she could. Celestial-Gardevoir flew through more than just the clouds. Her goal was to take the Tree Behemoth to space. The behemoth wouldn't allow this. It had released a mass multitude of extremely sharp thorns in all directions from its body to try and pierce the shield. And it succeeded.

Celestial-Gardevoir gasped as the thorns pierced through her shield. And an array began pelting it, slowly breaking the shield apart. Her grip on the behemoth had loosened because of that. However, Celestial-Gardevoir persisted as she wasn't about to let go.

With all of her strength, she moved at incredible speeds, combining the flying speed of both Celestia and Gardevoir into one. With that, she was able to move closer towards the stratosphere. And unfortunately, while it wasn't as weak to fire as it normally should be, it was still wood.

Thus, the chill of the skies would eventually get to it. The Tree Behemoth was already feeling chilly with parts of its body being frozen over with ice. Celestial-Gardevoir was feeling the chill herself, however, she had used Mystical Fire as an aura of warmth.

It worked. The Tree Behemoth had parts of it frozen over, unable to focus. That was when Celestial-Gardevoir could finish the job. And that involved throwing the behemoth back to the ground at full force. "Back down you go!"

With all of her force, she launched the behemoth downwards, causing it to gain an aura of fire whilst falling at great speeds. Celestial-Gardevoir then chased after the falling Tree Behemoth as they were returning to the planet.

That's when Arcanine saw the behemoth falling along with Celestial-Gardevoir pursuing it. "Arcanine, Now! Flamethrower!" She shouted as she had prepared a potent Mystical Fire in her hands.

"Arca...!" Arcanine opened his mouth, preparing to unleash a mighty blast of fire. Since the behemoth was now mostly frozen, parts of its body were vulnerable. Its thick protection wouldn't mean anything now. "Nine!"

At the same time, Celestial-Gardevoir and Arcanine unleashed streams of fire. One from below and the other from above. The Tree Behemoth had been sandwiched by these attacks whilst having its body be consumed by it. The behemoth cried out before having no chance to counter.

Thus, it had been obliterated by the combined flames. Just as Celestia planned. The behemoths improvements were made specifically for fire but for space and the potential for it to be frozen.

As for the Storm Behemoth, it was occupied with Luna and Darkrai. Luna flew past the arms of the 500ft monster, unloading a blast of magic across it to grab its attention. The behemoth roared, attempting to face and catch Luna, only to have its attention be shifted towards Darkrai, who had used Poison Jab on its face.

The Behemoth roared, unleashing a flare of electricity from its body that flew in multiple directions. It was a way to hit multiple targets at once. Luna and Darkrai flew around, evading the incoming bolts of electricity that flew all over the place.

Some of the bolts ended up hitting the castle of Canterlot and other parts of the landscape with how many there were. luna then appeared above the behemoth via teleportation before using her magic to create a blinding light. The behemoth looked at the light becoming befuddled for a moment as Darkrai unloaded Dark Pulse from behind.

"Sister! Now!"

"On it!" Celestial-Gardevoir nodded before finding her chance. She had Plasma Bolt ready by combining Mystical Fire and Thunderbolt as one powerful fusion move. She then put her hands out, slamming them into the behemoth while flying forward.

A thunderstorm roar came out of the behemoth as it had been staggered afterwards. Now that she made contact, Celestial-Gardevoir had to overload it. And that, she could most definitely do. She ended up pouring multiple surges of plasma into the behemoth by increasing the power of Mystical Fire and Thunderbolt as much as she can.

Gigantic sparks of plasma were shooting and exuding out of the behemoth as it was feeling itself receiving too much energy within it. The behemoth went to grab Celestial-Gardevoir, only to be met by Darkrai using Poison Jab to claw its arm away.

Celestial-Gardevoir's eyes flashed a vibrant white as even her body became an aura of plasma. The overloading was a success as the behemoth was starting to tremble. The Alicorn-Pokemon hybrid flew back afterwards, witnessing this overload.

With an uncontrollable assortment of movements, the behemoth gave out. Thus, it had blown up. A gigantic explosion of electricity emerged from the behemoth's overload with the final thing echoing out being its cry. Celestial-Gardevoir made a massive shield around everyone to protect them from the explosion.

That was the end of those two behemoths. Their miniature versions perished along with them due to their destruction. Just like before.

"Hah..." Celestial-Gardevoir sighed before defusing. "At least it was quicker than last time."


"Still. How could it have possibly returned?" Luna flew over to her big sister. "And what of the second one?"

"I think Twilight and the others might already be facing it as we speak." Celestia nodded as she, Luna, Passion and Darkrai descended to the ground. But as they did so, one of the Canterlot Guards rushed over.

He had news of great importance. And that news was about a certain filly android and her mother. "Your Majesties!"

"Is anypony hurt?" Celestia asked.

"NO, but...It's Premium Polish. She's been taken."

"What?!" The two sisters bellowed with shock. While all of this was ongoing, the pony that they were meant to take care of had been taken from underneath their noses.

And at the worst time as well.


But over at Ponyville, they had taken care of the Storm and Tree Behemoth as well. Pikachu found the opportunity to allow himself to be hit by the Storm Behemoth's attacks. Once that was said and done, he unleashed all of the electricity from his body, overloading the behemoth in the same way he did in the past.

The electricity was so great that it even blew up the Tree Behemoth to bits. A job well done by everyone in Ponyville. It was shorter than the last encounter with these two behemoths. They've certainly all grown as trainers.

However, they were just the distraction. It didn't matter how quickly they fell. The Indigo Alliance had taken Jade successfully. And speaking of which...

"Jade! Jade!" Pinkie Pie cried out for Jade in SugarCube Corner. Minutes after the behemoth's defeat, Pinkie went to see if everyone was alright. The Cake family were in one piece along with the Slurpuff who were still recovering from that overwhelming perfume. But Jade was nowhere to be found. But Pinkie Pie did find something.

A hole in the wall. Right in Jade's room.

"Jade?!" Pinkie Pie gasped after seeing that hole. Horrible thoughts were going through her head. She believed that maybe it was just the cause of the Storm Behemoth and Tree Behemoth attacking. However, not once did they get close to Sugar Cube Corner at all.

So, that meant one thing.

Pinkie Pie rushed out to her friends who were still conversing about the behemoths' return. Her heart was racing as one of her friends had just up and vanished with the only thing being left behind is a broken wall.

"Guys! I can't find Jade!"

As the journey continues.

Chapter 534 End.

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