• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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All about Pegalysium

Pegalysium. Feathercoast. The Pegalysium Gallery. Afternoon.

At the moment, Ash and his friends were still experiencing Pegalysium. Now, it was the settlement. And the first one was Feathercoast. The Pokemon already flooded Feathercoast with the pegasi taking more interest in the Pokemon rather than the humans and other pony races in front of them. Though, they did have some interest in Spike.

Ash, Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Jade were more interested in learning about Pegalysium's history. Mainly Twilight, who made a new History Buddy, as they've dubbed it, in the form of Kaleidoscope, the assistant of the Pegalysium Gallery.

"So, you still kept the warrior nature of the pegasi up here ever since?" Twilight spoke to Kaleidoscope as they stood before an exhibit, showing them the history of the pegasi right after they distance themselves from Equestria.

They were greeted with the sight of ancient armour from the old Pegalysium and the weapons that they used to wield. From large battle chariots and carriages to massive shields that could protect at least

"Never left it behind. The founding pegasi of Pegalysium never strayed away from their warrior history. And because of that, it allowed Pegalysium to gain great military power afterwards. Centuries of weapons have been built and advanced ever since. But...even with all of that, Pegalysium has so much peace that there's barely any conflict." Kaleidoscope explained.

"Barely?" said Fluttershy.

"Barely. There have been a few but not many. Most of the amazing weapons and military power we have now is barely even used." Kaleidoscope chuckled. "But there is that Indigo Alliance."

"Didn't Second Wind say it was just a story?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"I know but...I get the feeling they're totally real." Kaleidoscope whispered, shuddering after mentioning the name of the Indigo Alliance. "If they've been around for centuries, pulling strings, a group like that has to exist. I mean, even the king believes it. You all do too, right?"

Well...It's not impossible." Twilight shrugged. "We still don't know much about Pegalysium so we can't say much about it. Sorry."

"It's okay. I guess I still cling to it since mom and dad would tell me about them as a filly. It definitely put me to sleep all the time, that's for sure. But hey, how about you all teach me about the Pokemon some more. Garnet said something about Pokemon moves. What's that all about."

"Yeah. There's a lot to see, ya know." Ash nodded along with Pikachu. "We can show a bunch of 'em! All 18 types!"


"We'll help! Since Mew's all of them in one, no one's a move expert like him!" Pinkie Pie held Mew out.


"You have my interest, that's for sure." Kaleidoscope chuckled.

"Then let's do it! Pikachu, use-"

"Don't do it in here!" Twilight roared, startling Ash and Pikachu. The Trainer and his Pokemon rubbed the back of their necks after Twilight's roar, causing Kaleidoscope to chuckle some more.


Meanwhile, on the outside, Rainbow Dash did the honour of showing off her accomplishments and bragging about them. If there's ever a chance to impress her fellow pegasi it was now. She had a lot to offer.

The Sonic Rainboom. Her Gym Badges. Rainbow-Braviary and more. And of course, the ones who were the most impressed were the foals with a few adults in the mix. Aside from that, there was other attention being drawn to Rarity, but more in secret. Some stallions did find her naturally attractive, whispering about Rarity in secret.

"She's a real catch. Are all unicorns below like her?"

"I don't know. Never been below before anyway." They had their own conversations while Rarity was unaware of this. However, it was nothing new in a sense. As for Goh, he showed everyone his main dream and his Pokedex.

"See? I've only caught this much. But if I can catch every Pokemon out there, it'll take me one step closer to Mew! My real dream!" Goh exclaimed.

"Ooh...How does that work?" A confused stallion raised an eyebrow as many of them weren't sure how that would help Goh reach Mew. Not many do really. Not even Chloe, who didn't know what to make of this.

As she held Eevee in her arms, Chloe was met with a tug towards her leg. She and Eevee looked down to see the source of this tug. And it was from a little filly. An incredibly young one too.

"Hm? Uh, can I help you?" Chloe looked at the little pegasus.

"You have a pretty flower on your head."

"Oh. Thank you." Chloe smiled, holding the flower accessory on her braided hair. The pegasus was attracted to it. Perhaps a bit too attracted. She put both her hooves up, asking a question towards Chloe.

"Can I have it?"

"Um...N-Not sure it's an accurate size for." Chloe chuckled. "But I can make you one. Mom taught me how to use flowers for accessories after all. Does that sound nice?"

"Uh-huh!" The filly was up for that as she grabbed onto Chloe's leg. She was an impressionable pony at this age. And fairly clingy. Much like the foals that Garnet had to deal with. Chloe found it a little bit strange that the filly had latched onto her so quickly. But, she is a child after all.

"Eevee!" And of course, Eevee had to mimic anything she saw interesting. She hopped out of Chloe's arms, also latching herself onto her own trainer's legs. Now two individuals were hugging Chloe's leg.

"Not you too, Eevee..." Chloe sighed, knowing that she couldn't fight back against this. No matter what. It was harmless anyway.

"Yeah. Pretty impressive, isn't it?" Rainbow Dash sat on a chair, acting cool about her accomplishments. "All that speed and I can make one big Sonic Rainboom. The only one who can also do the same is Braviary but he's as cool as me. Aren't you, buddy?"


"So you can really fly fast? Are you like, the fastest ever?" A filly asked.

"Impossible. She can't be faster than the king that's for sure." A mare shook her head.

"I totally am! I can prove it, no problem!" Rainbow Dash sat up.

"That's adorable Rainbow Dash, but let's not get too confident." Rarity walked up to her friend. "After all, Pheromosa can give you a run for your money." She then took out her Poke Ball, revealing the Lissome Pokemon to everypony. In all of her tall glory.

"Pheromosa!" Once Pheromosa emerged, everypony took notice of two things. One. Her height. Pheromosa was an exceedingly tall Pokemon. Not the tallest out of her friend group, Goodra and Flygon have her beat. But still tall nonetheless. But just as noticeably, was how she had the same kind of beauty as Rarity.

"I mean...I could totally be faster still." Rainbow Dash pouted her lips once Pheromosa had shown herself. To prove to everyone that she was fast, she was going to personally fly through the air at her best speed.

Rainbow Dash got off the chair as everypony was eager to see this. She licked her lips before gazing at the clouds of Pegalysium. But before she could, something else grabbed her attention. Nearby, some fillies were playing around with what seemed to be a scooter. Similar to the one Scootaloo has.

However, the difference was that this scooter could fly and ride on clouds.

"Hold the phone!" Rainbow Dash paused her current action and focused on something else. She zoomed over to the scooter and the fillies, leaving behind a rainbow streak. She appeared before the fillies, halting their scooter movements.

"Oh!" The fillies almost had a heart attack as Applejack and Rarity had a bad feeling about this. Rainbow Dash tends to get a bit overexcited at times and 50% of the time, it never leads to something safe.

"What kind of scooter is that?!" Rainbow Dash asked with a fantastic grin. The fillies felt a bit intimidated by the older pegasus and her wide grin.

"Oh. This is uh...a Sky Scooter." One filly answered, backing away from the scooter and Rainbow Dash.

"Sky scooter, huh? Can I ride it?!" Rainbow Dash pleaded.

"Well, it's not ours..." A filly scrunched her face, moving her eyes to the side. "So...Sure?"

"Sweet!" Rainbow Dash cackled as she helped herself to this Sky Scooter. Since the fillies were using it, it was obviously not the appropriate size for a child. A teenager or an adult would have better luck using it. Like Rainbow Dash.

She made herself comfortable with the scooter. In this instance, she felt like Scootaloo. Almost completely mirrored as here hooves were adjusted onto the Sky Scooter.

"Be careful with that thing, Rainbow Dash!" bellowed Rarity from afar. "You've never ridden a scooter before! Have you?"

"Nope! But it'll be a blast!" The pegasus giggled, finding her footing. She then realized one last thing she needed to do. "So uh...how do you ride a scooter? Or a scooter like this?" This was indeed her first time riding a scooter. She was oblivious to how it was done. However, she quickly found out when she twisted the handle of the scooter.

And by doing so, she found a way to start it up. In a spurt of speed, the Sky Scooter accelerated at a high velocity, boosting Rainbow Dash unexpectedly.

"Woah!" Rainbow Dash cried out as her mane and tail were already waving in the wind. Fairly intense wind too. Up here in Pegalysium the air currents are far greater than the air below. She could also feel the rush as well. Moving this fast was nothing for her, however.

In just a few seconds, Rainbow Dash adjusted herself perfectly to this vehicle. It wasn't too hard to understand. She immediately felt the scooter ascending into the air, becoming airborne. It was just as smooth to ride as it was on land.

"Oh, this isn't so bad!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she began manoeuvring the Sky Scooter. Her eyes narrowed as she zoomed over the roof of all these various buildings. "I don't even need to use my wings! How cool is this?!"

"How does it move through the sky?" Goh wondered.

"It just does." A stallion responded as they all nodded. But soon, Goh and the others realized that answer still wasn't clear to them. Rainbow Dash laughed as everyone watched her movements. Castform flew out of his saddlebag, feeling a bit dizzy from Rainbow Dash's speed.


"Look, mom! No hooves or wings!" To show off some more, Rainbow Dash stuck her hooves out, further boasting herself. And to boot, she even performed tricks in the air. Just because. Ash and the others walked out of the museum, witnessing Rainbow Dash fly by without using her wings and just the Sky Scooter.


"Oh! Awesome!" Ash was immediately hooked by this. Seeing Rainbow Dash on a scooter that was flying was a sight to behold for him and Pikachu. Plus Pinkie Pie of course.

"What is that?!" Twilight gasped.

"Sky Scooters." Kaleidoscope answered. "They're aerial vehicles that can move both on land and in the sky. Wings aren't needed for something like that."

"You just have something like this here in Pegalysium?!" Twilight turned to Kaleidoscope.

"There's a lot. But I'm sure it doesn't compare to what Equestria has, right?"

"Well...I don't know what else Pegalysium has either." Twilight shrugged as she and Kaleidoscope giggled together while Rainbow Dash could be heard bellowing in the background, sending her shouts throughout the skies via an echo.

She then redirected the Sky Scooter, sliding through the air before stopping in front of Ash. And she did so while acting so casual about it.

"This place is pretty neat. And this is just a town, right?" said Rainbow Dash.

"Yep." Ash nodded. "Boy, I can't wait to see what the rest of Pegalysium is like, ya know."


"Say, Rainbow. We were gonna show Kaleidoscope how Pokemon moves work. How about a battle to help her see the full scale of them?" Ash asked, requesting a battle from his friend.

"I got a better idea. Why not just have everypony watch. That'll be way cooler, won't it?" Rainbow Dash grinned before hopping off the Sky Scooter. Ash liked the sound of that. Any type of battle is okay in his book.

"You're not planning on battling here, are you?" Twilight's mouth dropped, knowing the destruction that could come from Pokemon battling. Especially between two powerful trainers. They would need some distance for this to be done as both Ash and Rainbow Dash laughed nervously.

As for the Pokemon, perhaps they had made themselves too comfortable here. While they were told to behave by Fluttershy, some just had natural habits that couldn't be controlled.

Some of the Pokemon had attracted themselves to the scent of Pegalysium food. It definitely had a distinct fragrance from Equestrian food. Especially the food that Fluttershy feeds them.

There was a large bucket of produce near the grocery store of this town and the Pokemon immediately swarmed to it, deciding to take a bite out of the bucket. Lots of bites. Of course, they removed the lid first.

"Oh!" Fluttershy gasped as the owner of the grocery store froze after witnessing these colourful creatures open the lid to the bucket of food. "No! I told you all to behave!" Fluttershy quickly fluttered over to them. "There's all the food you need back in the ship!"

As she came over, the Pokemon immediately froze, knowing that Fluttershy would scold them if they took the first bite. Thankfully, they dodged a massive bullet as they did not bite into the bucket of produce. They scrunched their faces, pretending to act innocent as an Elekid placed the lid back on. But they weren't fooling Fluttershy.

"I'm sorry for this!" Fluttershy turned to the grocery store owner.

"Oh, it's fine. It's not common for creatures to eat out of produce bucket. Inside or outside." The store owner chuckled. "But if they're hungry and curious, then go ahead. I get an abundance of buckets every week anyway. This isn't even most of it."

After hearing that, the Pokemon helped themselves. They were free to eat from this bucket. And eat they did. An Elekid removed the lid, allowing everyone to chow down. They wasted no time. Fluttershy sighed as food bits had gotten on her face from the rapid eating of the Pocket Monsters.

Aside from these mouth-hungry Pokemon, the rest of the Pokemon weren't too active or hungry like them. They allowed the pegasi to investigate them. The pegasi of Feathercoast made great discoveries. The Pokemon showed them their unique traits and what they were capable of, fixating the pegasi on them.

Whether it's their innate ability to glow, cause unique sounds, build up electricity, absorb sunlight and more. They were certainly different from the creatures that they had up here. But there was also the Pokemon moves, which Ash and Rainbow Dash were going to demonstrate.

Everyone's eyes turned to face Ash and Rainbow Dash as they were standing across from each other. Garnet, who was still foalsitting, came over to witness this herself.

"What's going on?" Garnet asked with some foals beside her.

"Garnet." Kaleidoscope turned to her best friend. "You're just about to see how Pokemon moves work. It'll be our first time seeing it. Have you seen some before?"

"Oh, totally. Princess Celestia's Gardevoir shot out some magic rainbow beams from her hands. I beat everypony to the punch with this Pokemon stuff, didn't I?"

"Pikachu! I choose you!" Ash chose his tried and true Pikachu as the Mouse Pokemon jumped off his shoulder, making a landing with his red sacs emanating electricity.


"Go! Whirlipede!" Rainbow Dash chose her very first Pokemon. Whirlipede. By throwing the Poke Ball with her wing, out came the Curlipede Pokemon.


"Look at that thing! It's round like a wheel!" One of the pegasi pointed outed out as they were given the grace of witnessing a new Pokemon.

"What are they about to do?" Another wondered.

"A Pokemon Battle. You all have to see this." Rarity answered.

"Alright! Get a good look! This is how moves really work! Pikachu, Quick Attack!"

"Pika!" Pikachu went first, running at lightning speeds. While running, a white trail was formed from his movements, appearing behind him. Everyone witnessed the blitzing speeds Pikachu moved at.

"Rollout, go!"

"Whirl!" Whirlipede rolled on the spot, building up some speed before he charged himself forward. He rolled on the ground, picking up speed while looking exactly like a wheel.

Pikachu's head ended up tackling Whirlipede's body, initiating a momentary clash with shockwaves flowing out. The manes of the pegasi blew from this shockwave as they could feel the impact and collision. Pikachu slid back while Whirlipede rolled back after the clash. Whirlipede's speed had increased thanks to Speed Boost as his body flashed green for a bit.

"What was that? Why did it flash green?" Garnet asked.

"That's Whirlipede's ability, Speed Boost." Rarity explained. "All Pokemon have abilities. Right now, Whirlipede is faster than he was before and his speed can keep going."

"Really..." The pegasi gawked.

"Iron Tail!"

"Chu...Pika!" Pikachu leapt into the air, hardening his tail to match that of metal. Everyone gasped as they had just seen a little yellow mouse make his tail into iron.


"How's that possible?!" Kaleidoscope's jaw dropped. It was a bizarre sight to see a mouse of all things conjure up actual iron. But it was about to get weirder for them.

"Iron Defense, Whirlipede!"

"Pede!" Instead of attacking, Whirlipede increased his defence, coating his body in a silver light. This silver slight raised his physical defence, allowing him to take a heavy hit. And he certainly did. Pikachu smashed his tail on Whirlipede with yet another shockwave coming out.

Everypony was stunned at how Whirlipede withstood a hit from iron without even flinching. But then again, he technically used iron himself for protection. Pikachu backflipped, sliding on the ground as he smiled. Whirlipede couldn't smile but if he could he would.

"Our turn! Venoshock!"

"Whirlipede!" Out of Whirlipede's feelers, streams of poison came flying out, zooming for the Mouse Pokemon. Some of the pegasi gasped as they could obviously tell that was poison.

"Wait! Maybe we should stop!" Kaleidoscope was especially worried about this. Poison was a big deal afterwards as some of the ponies covered the eyes of the foals.

"No need to worry! Dodge and then use Electroweb!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu jumped into the air, evading the streams of poison. After evading them and appearing in the air, the Electric-Type summoned an orb from his tail. That orb was thrown as it had formed itself into a web.

The web had then landed on Whirlipede, trapping the Curlipede Pokemon within it. And as a bonus, not only did it slow Whirlipede down, but it also gave him some shocks in the process.


"Pika...!" Pikachu was about to follow up with Thunderbolt as he slapped his face, creating an aura of electricity. Everyone already knew about Thunderbolt since Pikachu shocked them all with it when the ponies were getting a bit too touchy.

"Breakthrough with Rollout!"

"Whirl!" Whirlipede cried out as he used the current speed he had built. He lost some speed thanks to Electroweb, but it was still enough. The Curlipede Pokemon had enough force to break right through the web and ascend into the skies.

"Chuuu!" Pikachu unleashed Thunderbolt while Whirlipede was right in front of him. It was unleashed at point-blank range. That close of a collision caused an explosion in the air that everyone either gawked at or covered their ears from. Explosions were still pretty surprising.

Pikachu and Whirlipede had both taken damage as they flew out of the smoke. Pikachu landed on the ground while Whirlipede bounced thanks to his circular body.

"Awesome!" A bunch of foals cheered as they were massive fans of this. Some of the ponies were surprised that such colourful creatures were capable of this much violence. Meanwhile, the older ponies were all for it.

"Yeah! Hit 'em some more!" The older ponies cheered as they were surprisingly massive fans of action. Especially battling. Might have something to do with their past most likely as they were loving this.

"Is this what Pokemon Battles are like?" Kaleidoscope asked Twilight.

"They are. They can get pretty hectic, fast and wild though. But you'll get used to it. Especially with the bigger Pokemon." Twilight nodded in response.


Ash and Rainbow Dash were starting to get into the heart of things, heating it up. Sometimes, whenever they practice, they tend to get carried away and overboard, turning their training session into a full-on Pokemon Battle. But that's what they do as friends. However, this battle would come to a halt after the arrival of a special pony.

"What is going on here?" A voice passed through Feathercoast as all of the residents immediately froze. They recognized that voice anywhere. It was of great importance as they all slowly turned around to see this pony.

"M-Mayor Umbra!" They all said while turning. Ash and his group had yet to see the face of this pony. But once they heard her name, they wanted to see this mayor for themselves.

"Mayor Umbra? Ash and the others turned around, witnessing this Mayor Umbra. And once they did, their eyes shot open as they saw something unexpected. This Mayor Umbra looked a lot like a certain pony from the Crystal Empire.

"King Sombra?!" The Mane 6 gasped, immediately recognizing her as Sombra. Mane, eyes and fur. Ash and Spike blinked for a bit while Starlight and Chloe had no idea who King Sombra was.

"...Who?" Starlight and Chloe said.

"No way. She looks just like him, huh?" Ash said. "Probably a doppelganger like Dawn and Salvia, right?"


"I'm no king. I'm a mayor." Umbra walked forward, navigating her eyes at her own town. "Mayor Umbra Streak. And what is all of this, exactly? What are these creatures."

"Oh! M-Mayor Umbra!" Kaleidoscope ran over with Garnet. "Sorry about this! But um...do you remember what Garnet said about the creatures known as Pokemon she saw?"

"Yeah. What I said!" Garnet nodded. "This is them! These are Pokemon! Way more than the one I saw! N-Not the one with clothes those are humans. And the other one's a dragon."

"These are the Pokemon you spoke of?"

"Mhm! I wasn't bluffing at all! I told you I was telling the truth!" Garnet said with a proud smile.

"I didn't doubt you at all Garnet. You're not one to lie." Umbra walked past Garnet and Kaleidoscope after that response, heading towards Ash and the others. "However. Why do I see violence exactly?"

"Ah, sorry, sorry. We were just having a Pokemon Battle." Ash chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck along with Rainbow Dash.

"Y-Yeah. We were about to get carried away again too." Rainbow grinned.


"Hm. As long as it wasn't based around any conflict. But why are you here? What business do you have in my town?"

"Ms Second Wind allowed them in here, mayor," Kaleidoscope spoke, running up to the mayor. "Plus. They only came here to see Prince Shooting Star and show him the Pokemon. He saw some too apparently."

"Second Wind? Because of course." Umbra sighed, delivering a facehoof. "I swear, sometimes she makes her own rules for this town. "No mess?"

"No mess here, mayor. Everything's as clean as it looks!" Garnet smiled, telling the truth. Umbra then observed the scenario, seeing that everyone was fine for the most part. Despite Pokemon being wild in nature, they were well behaved as ordered by Fluttershy.

No destruction was made despite the battle between Pikachu and Whirlipede. Plus, Umbra was also focused on Applejack, Rarity and Starlight, never seeing ponies like them before.

"Very well. Guests aren't harmful. But next time, let Second Wind allow me to make the order. Then again, she won't listen will she?" Umbra lowered her eyes as Kaleidoscope shrugged. She knew how Second Wind was. Almost as if she was a secondary mayor. "As much as it intrigues me at the moment to know about all of you, I'm afraid you may have to leave during the night."

"Why the night?" Spike asked.

"We're having a celebratory event here in our town. Our 400th anniversary. We can't afford a crowd of this size for this event if you will."

"What? But we just got here?" Rainbow Dash groaned.

"It's fine. We'll go." Ash nodded in confirmation. "But uh...could you tell us where the capital of Pegalysium is? We really came here for Shooting Star."

"Let Garnet show you. She tends to head over to the nursery over at the capital." Umbra turned to the Foalsitter who currently had some foals chewing on her mane.

"I'll get you there in no time." Garnet removed the foals off her mane. "Just come by tomorrow or any time."

"But. You still have all the time in the world." Umbra looked at the clock tower. "So by 7:00 PM, I will ask you to leave."

"We'll make it count then, right guys." Ash looked to his team.

"Oh yeah! Totally!" Rainbow Dash uttered as the rest of her friends promptly agreed. They can stay and bolt off at the right time without any drawbacks. After all, experiencing Pegalysium without heading to their needed destination, the capital, certainly gave them an adventurous feeling.

"By the way. Why exactly did you call me King Sombra?" Umbra brought up the exclamation from earlier. She couldn't ignore that. She certainly wasn't a king.

"Well...about that..." Applejack grizzled her teeth as the other felt nervous to say it. "You kinda remind us of some pretty nasty king back at the Crystal Empire. King Sombra. S-Sorry."

"Uh-huh." Umbra just said one word and that was it. Despite her familiar appearance and somewhat similar personality, she wasn't as terrifying as they imagined. But she definitely carried that sense of terror with her. Although, it was more along the lines of her being strict than anything. "Second Wind should hurry back as well. I don't want the Indigo Alliance catching her by surprise."

"You believe that too, mayor?" A stallion asked. "It's just some scary story at the end of the day.

"It's not a myth of a foal's tale as some will say." Umbra turned with her eyes glaring a deep red. "The Indigo Alliance do exist."

North of Pegalysium, within one of the nobility houses. Late afternoon.

The nobility holds a plethora of homes, of course, each with its own form of royalty. However, a current affair was occurring within one of the nobility's homes. And approaching this building was a pony who wasn't from here, but was actually a noble herself.

Second Wind.

She had entered the mansion of this nobility house as it wasn't even her own. In fact, it couldn't be considered a house at all. In truth, it should be considered a parliament.

Second Wind stood by a bookshelf, looking directly at it. She then spread her wings out, allowing them to grow a dark blue colour. She formed a magic circle as it had responded to the bookshelf. By using this magic, the bookshelf had moved to the side, revealing a secret passageway.

Second Wind walked into the passageway which had a downward slope. But not before she put on what seemed to be a robe.

More importantly, a robe of indigo.

She moved down the slope with the bookshelf passageway closing itself. Second Wind then closed her eyes, allowing herself to only see darkness. Then again, it was nothing but darkness up ahead.

She eventually came to a halt. It was time for her to open her eyes. She found her footing easily, not tripping over despite her eyes being closed. After she opened them, she saw only one thing. A seat of robed ponies such as herself.

"Grand Judge. Welcome back." The robed ponies all said. Their ominous voices echoing throughout the room, adding to the already uncomfortable aura here.

"Thank you. Sorry for the delay." Second Wind said. "Is it still here?"

"Here, Grand Judge." One of the robed ponies went up to a glass container sitting at the centre of a table. On that table and in that container, there was a single source of energy residing there.

Rift energy.

The same Rift energy recorded to be discovered in Big Sky but had suddenly vanished. In truth, it had been taken away by these ponies and kept here for themselves. Second Wind approached the container, removing the hood of her robe as she gazed directly at the blue and purple light from the Rift Energy.

"Excellent. But it seems this isn't all of this energy." Second Wind then spoke to all of the ponies in this courtroom. "There exists a pony by the name of Jade Skies. I have made physical contact with her. She possesses the same energy as this. Perhaps even greater. As the Indigo Alliance, you know what we must do, right?"

Sky Monarch. Late Afternoon.

Over at the Sky Monarch, within the palace, Paramount walked in to see his son asleep. He certainly tired himself out after looking at the Pokedex. Luminary had eventually placed the Pokedex down, right near Shooting Star's head.

"I'm worried about his sleep schedule now," Paramount spoke as Luminary was also beside him.

"It'll be fine. He has your spirit, so it won't be a problem, will it?" Luminary nudged Paramount, causing him to smile. He can certainly smile, even if he rarely shows it. "Apologies for not being there to see your speech, darling."

"It's fine. You sat through my last one for hours, so consider yourself lucky missing out on this."

"It wasn't longer than the previous speech." Luminary chuckled, prompting Paramount to also chuckle. As they were having a good time, a Pegalysium guard entered the room, here to deliver some news as always. "Yes?"

"My King and Queen. We have new reports. There seems to be a meeting requested with both of you."

"A meeting? From who exactly?" Paramount asked.

"She goes by the name of Empress Twilight Sparkle."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 510 End.

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