• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,483 Views, 7,937 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Great Games Rifts Play

The Rift.

The cause of everything happening at this moment. The reason for two worlds that were never meant to meet, actually crossing over. And it goes beyond that. Other worlds with alternate results and realities have been dragged into this event. And the remnants of the Rift are the result of that.

Remnants such as Cold Colt, Emerald Aura, Obsidian or even some Pokemon that have been affected by the Rift, such as Salamence, Axew and Togekiss. Unpredictable in every day, creating scenarios that many least expect or are unprepared for. And yet, they find a way to get through it.

However, some wish to harness what the Rift can offer. Some have achieved a semblance of this while others are in the process. Ghetsis and Empress Twilight Sparkle are prime examples, harnessing what the Rift has to offer and more for their own purposes. To rule over everything. While some wish to harness the Rift's energy for the sake of something better in their eyes, like King Paramount.

The number of those who want the Rift's power for themselves is low. But by themselves, they are powerful figures either way. And there was another powerful figure aiming to do the same. One by the name of Daybreaker.

But there is one who is unaware that she is a part of the Rift herself. Jade Skies.

Somewhere put in the fields of Equestria. Day.

Out in the fields, there exists a single mansion. And that mansion was made by Emerald Aura herself. Being a Rift Pony, she can do practically whatever she wanted with barely any limits.

If she wanted a nice cosy mansion to live in, she would create that mansion with no repercussions and no worries about paying bills. Speaking of which, the Rift Pony was currently sitting alone on a couch, reading some Daring Do books in the process.

There wasn't much Emerald Aura could do. Her role was essentially over and fairly short-lived. For her first day to create scenarios, the only thing that really stuck out for her was how she controlled Darkrai. And that was about it. But now, she's a free pony. However, that freedom does come with a drawback.


Despite being free to do whatever she wants with her amazing magic, Emerald Aura truly felt alone living in this mansion in the fields. The mansion was nice, but she was missing some company.

"This blows..." The emerald-coloured pony sighed while placing the Daring Do book on the table. It was now just now that she realized being on her lonesome for so long was taxing.

The mansion was nice to look at sure. Everything she loved, her favourite foods and entertainment were all present here by just thinking about it. But it didn't mean much when there's no one else to socialize with. So, to fill that void, Emerald chose to make new ponies as her friends.

With a flash of her horn, she created 4 random ponies with randomized Cutie Marks as they all appeared out of thin air, sitting on the couches.

"There we go. This could work." She nodded in approval. "You'll all fill in for my friends, for sure."

"We will?" A gingerbread coloured stallion said.

"What are our names?" A mare coloured pony questioned.

"Well...I'll think about that. But your personalities are set in stone. You." Emerald pointed at the stallion. "You'll be gingerbread. And you'll be a thinker. A smarty-pants to be short."

"Oh. Okay." Gingerbread nodded. "I will?"

"You'll be Lapis." She pointed her hoof at the Lapis coloured mare. "You'll be clumsy. How does that sound?"

"Clumsy...Okay!" Immediately she put on a clumsy persona before thinking about it for a second. "Wait, why do I have to be clumsy?"

"Well because...Every group has an airhead, right?"

"I-I'm an airhead...?" After hearing that, Lapis started tearing up. She took that to heart despite not having a heart.

"W-Well yeah! But in a good way!" Emerald put her hooves out, trying to rephrase her words."

"Why can't I be the smarty-pants?" A lemon-coloured mare asked as she had already developed her own personality in just a few seconds. "Why him?"

"I was gonna give you something else. Just wait your turn."

"Well, I want to be the smart one."

"Oh, make me ambitious!" A diamond-coloured stallion stood up.

"I was thinking of making you noisy but looks like you've got that covered." Emerald lowered her eyes as Lapis started crying. Emerald was trying her best to soothe tears while the lemon-coloured mare crossed her hooves, still wanting the smart role.

"You better make me serious. Got that?" A dark purple mare sat in the shadows, glaring at her creator. She already emanated an intense pressure.

"Well...I was planning to be funny and make you cheery and energetic even though you look...scary?" Emerald shrugged.

"What?" The dark purple pony narrowed her eyes, not liking the sound of that. "Yeah, right. As if."

"Look! I made you all, you're gonna have to live with those traits and get used to them. And stop crying, Lapis!" Emerald bellowed.

"I can't!" Lapis wailed as tears were starting to flood the mansion. At this rate, Lapis might sink the mansion. The lemon-coloured pony started rambling on about her wanted personality trait and role before entering into an argument with Gingerbread.

Soon, it was chaos inside the mansion. Crying, scowling, arguments and energetic yells. Emerald was already on the verge of losing it and it has only been one minute at best.

"Aaaah! This isn't working!" Seeing that making random friends wasn't working out, Emerald use her magic to uncreate these ponies, erasing them from existence.

Afterwards, there was silence once more in the mansion. Emerald Aura sighed as the tears from Lapis faded away once she was taken out of reality. Making random ponies of her own choice be her friends was a bust.

Unfortunately for Emerald Aura, while she had the power, her concept of friendship was a bit lacking. She lowered her head, slumping on the couch as she was unsure of what to do now. She could try and bring back Lapis and the others for a second try but she wasn't really feeling the mood to do so now.

But, there were some friends that she did actually have. Two of them. Emerald Aura and Cold Colt. Fellow Rift Ponies who she spent some time with. Not much. Only one night really.

But, they were perfect. After all, Emerald did promise Cold that they would hang out again. A smile met her face as she was going to take a small trip to Ponyville.

Ponyville. Twilight's Castle.

Speaking of Cold Colt, he was currently undergoing one of Twilight's lessons to better his Rift magic. And assisting him with this was Zecora who had the cauldron of Fusion Magic.

"See?" Cold currently had his hoof in the cauldron. "No effect on me. Since I'm all Rift, I'm immune to it."

"Oooh." Twilight clapped her hooves together. "Look at you thinking ahead. That's my student."

"Yeah. I'll have this whole Rift thing down-pat in no time. Then I can figure out why my magic just got bigger all of a sudden." The young colt scoffed. "You think Apple Bloom will find me cool if I master it all?"

"Uh...sure." Twilight gave a nod with a wide grin. She wasn't actually sure if that would come into fruition in all honesty. But she did believe that Cold's drive to improve and become as good as possible will draw some eyes for certain.

But as Zecora was about to grab the cauldron, appearing in the scene was Emerald Aura herself. She showed up the traditional unicorn way. Teleportation.

"Squirt!" She immediately shouted when she showed up. Zecora gasped after the arrival of Emerald and her sudden bellow, almost falling into the cauldron and tipping it over.


"Great, you're here!" Emerald dashed over. "That's one out of two."

"Uh...what's up Emerald? You need something?" Cold asked his fellow Rift Pony.

"Yeah uh..." Emerald grit her teeth, trying to find a way to speak on her reason for being here. In reality, she was just lonely and wanted some friends to keep her company. But Emerald wasn't a fan of showing weakness, AKA being soft. Granted, she has shown to be soft and kind in front of Cold Colt at times but not to anyone else. "To hang out, duh! Couldn't miss out on a chance with spending time with you."

"Oh, really? That's great! But I'm kinda in a lesson right now. You know...learning how to control this." Cold tapped his horn with his hoof. "I wanna get it just right so I don't mess anything up."

"Can't it wait?" Emerald grumbled.

"You could watch him and his lessons, if that works." Twilight walked over to the emerald-coloured Rift Pony. "Plus, it'd be great if we got to know you better, Emerald."

"Uh...Sure." Emerald's tone immediately changed after seeing Twilight. "Where's Jade, by the way? I was thinking of hanging out with her too."

"Oh, Jade's with Maud right now. Are you looking to hang out with her as well?" Twilight asked.

"Just Cold and Jade. That's it. I did promise the squirt something like this anyway. Besides, we can hang out at my place after this."

"Your place? You have a home?" Cold looked up at Jade.

"Mhm. Mansion. Waned one, I made one with my magic. It's got some stuff that you'll really love in there. All the entertainment you want." Emerald spoke with pride in her heart.

"Oooh! I can't wait! Oh, can I bring some friends over?"

"F-Friends?" Emerald's tone shifted once more as she looked down at the little colt with widened eyes.

"Yeah! Hanging out with all of my friends is a pretty great thing, ya know. And can I bring Apple Bloom along as well?"

"Uh...I was kinda hoping it was just you, me and Jade." A tiny squee came from her mouth along with a nervous grin.

"Aw..." Cold pouted.

"B-But if you wanna bring someone along that's fine!" Emerald's kindness and generosity towards Cold were leaking out. After all, it's very known that she hates seeing Cold in a saddened or disappointing state. "Just don't make it a large crowd, okay?"

"Sweet! Oh, let me finish up here first!" Cold dashed over to Twilight. "Soon, I'm gonna be soo good at Rift magic that I'll make anyone happy! I'll give them whatever they want!"

"Whatever they want, huh? Are you sure about that? The Rift might not like that."

"Bah, it's fine." Cold flailed his hoof. "Besides, I'm not controlled by the Rift anymore. I'm free to do whatever I want, ya know! But uh...It's kinda hard to use my Rift magic even if I've gotten better with it. I still can't get a lot of things right."

"Practice makes perfect. I mean, at least it's not this." Twilight put her hooves on the cauldron. "Everything about this is unpredictable. Just one touch of this liquid and poof! You never know what you'll get with it."

"Yeah. WIsh I could control it somehow." Cold peered over the cauldron. "That'd be neat."

"You can." Emerald suddenly spoke as the ears of Twilight Sparkle, Zecora and Cold Colt had received that, shooting up as they each collectively turned their heads. Their pupils shrunk. Their attention had been certainly grabbed as they were all years.

"...Say what now?" Cold uttered.

"I said you can. Duh. You've got Rift energy inside of you. You can change it from unpredictable to predictable with your own magic, squirt." Emerald then tapped on her own horn.

"S-Seriously?! I can!"

"We can actually control?!" Twilight gasped. "This changes everything!"

"H-How! Do I do it?! You gotta teach me, Emerald!" Cold rushed over to his superior.

"Just do it yourself. You have the power." Emerald shrugged as Cold's head immediately snapped to the side. His eyes fixated on the cauldron of Fusion Magic.

Immediately, the young colt went up to the cauldron, ready to see if he could really make it possible for everything to be predictable under his own will. Twilight and Zecora scrunched their faces, eager to see the result as Cold's horn started glowing.

"Oh, but you should practice if you want that." Emerald suddenly said.

"Haha!" Cold then fired a blast of magic into the cauldron to test it out. The moment he did so, an eruption of Rift energy came out of the cauldron, blowing the young colt back as he tumbled on the floor. "Ow!"

"Oh! Cold!" Twilight gasped, putting her hooves on her mouth.

"Ugh..." Cold crashed into a table after that eruption. He hurt the back of his head a tad bit.

"Yeah. You're only gonna do it if you have full control, squirt." Emerald chuckled as she nudged Cold Colt's head, teasing him. "No way someone as you or inexperienced as you is gonna get it off right of the bat."

"Bummer..." Cold sighed.

"W-Well, at least we now know it's possible. " Twilight laughed nervously after that eruption as Zecora just on a poker face the whole way through.

"And you'd better do it fast." Emerald's tone suddenly shifted into something serious.

"Huh? Why? The young colt looked up at her.

"You're still young. Your body's adapting to all that Rift energy inside of you. Think like how Passion's power went all crazy when she was just a Kirlia. She was stronger than average Gardevoir, just like that. Something like that's gonna happen to you. When you get older, it'll be easier to manage all of that energy in you."

"Oh! Wait...we can age?"

"Yeah. Why do you think the Rift made you so young. It had pretty big hopes for you. Then you kinda went and blew it. But, looks like it's giving you another chance since you're still here. Plus you've gotten better with your Rift magic, haven't you?" Emerald poked Cold's horn.

"Yeah. I guess so. Still don't know where this much magic came from. Didn't have it before. But anyway!" Cold stood up tall in a bipedal position. "Just watch! I'll be so good with my magic, I'll make the unpredictable predictable! Mark my words!"

"That's the spirit!" Twilight cheered for her student, aiming to support and help him all the way. Emerald gave an approving smile as Cold Colt went over to continue his lesson.

Out in the fields. Emerald Aura's Mansion.

"Did she have to come along too?" Emerald Aura spoke as there were some extra guests aside from Apple Bloom. The Cutie Mark Crusaders plus Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were also here since they mostly stick as a group.

Maud was here too. She was currently hanging out with Jade so it only made sense for her to tag along, much to Emerald's chagrin. She was just hoping for the group to be limited.

"Ooh! Nice place ya got here!" Silver Spoon gawked along with all of the young foals. Immediately, they all scattered to experience this place for themselves.

Emerald already knew what she was in store for. If she wanted to, she could just send all of these ponies back home in a flash. But to keep Cold Colt happy, she couldn't.

"You've been living here in a place like this all by yourself?" Maud spoke in her usual deadpan tone. "Lucky."

"Being alone was cool at first. But..." Emerald pouted her lips looking to the side. "It gets pretty boring and lonely here for a while."

"Check out how comfy these couches are!" Scootaloo jumped on a couch, landing on her back as her fellow foals did the same. These couches were certainly comfy. So comfy they could absorb anyone who laid on it. Not only that, they were bouncy.

And the foals demonstrated this by jumping on the couches, gaining high heights in the process while also doing tricks in the air. Needless to say, they found enjoyment from this. Emerald did have some nice luxurious taste.

But, she wasn't really feeling the aura filling the atmosphere. Being with other ponies she barely knows only by knowledge rubbed her the wrong way. But, on the bright side, at least Jade and Maud weren't loud and energetic like these little ones.

"Okay, okay." Emerald sighed. "If you kids are gonna hang out here, you'd better not break anything or it's straight back home, got it?"

"Yes, miss!" They each said.

"Good. Now...what first?" Emerald pondered on what her first course of action could be. She's never actually hung out with friends before. This would be a first time experience in all honesty. "What do friends do when they hang out? Jade, do you know?"

"Well, Pinkie Pie taught me that we can do anything. Whatever any of us like...Something like that." Jade responded in a monotone voice.

"Anything any of us like? Ohoho!" Emerald gained an idea as she used her magic to form a scenario. More importantly, a scenario involving the party game known as Superfight. She placed everyone around a round table immediately as they were all seated. On the table, there were was a giant box with cards inside made by Emerald's magic.

"Hm? What's this?" Jade looked at the table.

"Hm-hm. A personal favourite party game of mine. Superfight!" She placed her hoof on the table. "You kids know about that, don't you?"

"Uh..." Sweetie Belle dazed out for a second before snapping back to reality. "Nu-uh!" The other foals have never heard of it for sure as they shook their heads in unison.

"What's...Superfight?" Jade asked being the only one here absent from this game.

"Glad you asked." She crossed her hooves, ready to sound smart and impressive in front of everyone. She then cleared her throat, ready to explain the rules. Superfight is a party game of superpowers and a bunch of weird problems. The game is all about arguing with your friends about ridiculous fights."

She then used her magic to open the box, revealing the plethora of cards that this juggernaut of a card game had to offer. It was certainly impressive to look at in the eyes of the children. Not so much to Maud and Jade.


"I specialized it so that it has some Pokemon cards cause I know how you kids like those. There's also some Equestria cards in there. My own little touch to it. The core deck contains 500 cards. 160 characters, those are the white ones, and 340 powers and weaknesses. The black ones. Check this out." For a quick example, she pulled out a character card that had the word Samurott on it.

"Oooh..." The foals gawked.

"Players use a hand..or hoof of three white cards and three black cards and choose one of each to beat the player next to them. Then they get a random black card before fighting. Players then argue their case for why they should win and the table votes. It's the perfect game in my eyes. Endless fun. So who wants to try it out."

"Oh, I do! I do!" Apple Bloom raised her hoof. The rest of the foals raised their hooves as Maud and Jade were now interested in this. They were already imagining the scenarios. Maud especially.

"I didn't know you were a big fan of this, Emerald." Cold looked at her fellow Rift Pony.

"I am but...I-I've never played it. Mostly because I didn't have anyone to play it with." Emerald's heart sank a bit before rising. "But it's fine. I've got company now after all. Even if I just wanted two...So let's start this game."

"Okay! Who wants to be the judge?" Emerald asked. "One of you's gotta make some great judgement. No bias. Got it?" She then narrowed her eyes.

"I'll do it." Silver Spoon chose to be the judge.

"Great. Let's get this game started." Emerald grinned as the game could begin. She used her magic to place down 50 cards in both white and black each. Making a tool of 100 They all took one white card, already receiving their first character before grabbing a black card for whatever power they may have.

Once they got their characters, some had faces of confidence via smug smiles, grins and giggles while some had faces of shock via confusion, deep squinting and mane scratching.

"Allow me to go first," Emerald spoke, placing her first card down. "I'm a janitor." She then went for her first power card, placing it down. "And there are fifty of me!"

"Fifty janitors? Pssh. That doesn't sound so tough." Scootaloo chuckled as she placed down her own character card. "I'm a Talonflame! So I'm fast and I've got fire on my side!" She grinned before putting her first power card down. "And I can...animate dirt? Uh okay. I guess that's strong."

"My turn! A gymnast that has laser eyes!" Apple Bloom smashed both her character and power card on the table. "Beat that!"

"Oh, I can. Look at this!" Sweetie Belle put her two cards down. "I'm an android! And I can run 200mph but only in a straight line!"

"Uh...Wait. How does that sound better?" Scootaloo asked. "It's only like one line."

"Not if I charge through stuff with that speed. Everything's gonna break apart." Sweetie Belle crossed her hooves together, feeling confident in her victory.

"Well, I've got an Eelektrik that can't stop dancing." Cold Colt put his cards down as these were the best options he had. The others weren't that great in his eyes. "Not so great. What about you, Diamond?"

"Hehe..." Diamond Tiara chuckled, placing her card down. "I'm a Chimchar swinging a Sharpedo a chain! Picture that!"

"That does sound pretty...deadly I guess." Emerald winced before turning to face Jade and Maud. "What about you two?"

"I'm Princess Celestia and I'm made of mirrors." She placed her card down, revealing to have a fragile alicorn at her disposal. And the last one was Maud who already had her choice.

"I'm a mountain." Immediately when placing her card down, Maud had the biggest object out of everyone. Maybe not the strongest. At least for now as she placed the attribute card down. "And I'm made of lava." And there it was. Maud had the most intimidating card out of everyone else as they each gulped, minus Jade.

"Uh...O-Okay." Emerald stuttered. "Now for the last phase. Take out one more attribute card then we can see who wins this." She ordered as they all chose one last attribute card, looking at their randomized choice. "So I'm a janitor and there's 50 of me and I can clone myself! But each clone is half as smart as the previous? What?!"

"Heh. So much for those numbers. Because I'm a Talonflame that can animate dirt and I've got some sidekicks! So I can draw one more character card!" Scootaloo cheered.

"That's a thing?" Jade said as Emerald nodded in confirmation. "Wow. This game's kinda deep."

"And my teammate is...!" Scootaloo flipped the character card over. "A senior citizen bowling team? Sure. I guess that works."

"I'm a Gymnast with laser eyes that's...!" Apple Bloom's eyes widened as she flipped the character card. Ony to find disappointment. "Has no arms? Huh?"

"Pfft." Diamond Tiara and the others let out light chuckles while Apple Bloom had a face of disappointment now.

"I'm an android! And I can run 200mph but only in a straight line!" Soon Sweetie Belle's face also shifted from confidence to shock. "Trapped in a potato sack? Seriously! How am I gonna run fas in that?!"

"Eelektrik that can't stop dancing." Cold read out his set before placing the final card down. "And I'm 100 stories tall! Those shocks are really gonna sting now! The dancing part's not so bad too."

"I'm a Chimchar swinging a Sharpedo a chain and I can breathe underwater! That helps with the Sharpedo part!" said Diamond Tiara.

"Won't Chimchar's flame go out underwater?" Scootaloo asked.

"Not if I don't enter any water." Diamond Tiara gave a quick response.

"I'm Princess Celestia and I'm made of mirrors. And I have catlike reflexes. Sounds usable." Jade said with a blank expression. "What about you, Maud?"

"I'm a mountain that's made of lava." Maud then placed her final attribute card down, revealing it. "And I'm inside a giant robotic...oh I can get a new character card."

"Seriously?!" The foals and Emerald all gasped, shocked that Maud was getting an upgrade. Her luck was incredible for her first game as she took ou one more character rock.

"A pet rock." She placed the last card down. "I'm a huge fan of this game already."

"S-Seriously? No way that's a coincidence... Emerald grizzled her teeth. "But it's fine! It all comes down to the judge! Glasses! Go!"

"My name is Silver Spoon..." The earth pony grumbled while adjusting her glasses. "But uh...Who would I want to win? Well..."

"Actually. I've got a better idea." Emerald suddenly grinned as she once again used her magic to do the impossible. By flashing a green light, Emerald had consumed everyone around the roundtable within it.

And very soon, everyone found themselves in a massive open field. A field identical to the one where Emerald Aura's mansion was located with a lake nearby. And there was one noticeable difference. Everyone themselves. They soon found out that they had become the characters that their cards were plus receiving their attributes.

Emerald had made the scenario a reality as Silver Spoon was sitting atop a tall tower, wearing a judge uniform. Even the wig as well. "Hm? Oh!" She quickly realized her new getup while holding her wig.

"This should work." Emerald Aura spoke along with the fifty janitor variants of herself. Each of them had mops as well. "Now we can really see how it would go down. Reality can be whatever we want it to be depending on how this goes. Hope you're watching judge!"

"Is this what it feels like being an alicorn? Nice." Jade spoke while in the body of Princess Celestia. Albeit one that is made out of mirrors. She tapped on her horn while flapping her larger wings around.

"No arms blows..." Apple Bloom pouted as she sat down with no arms. Or in this case, front hooves. All she could rely on were her back hooves and her laser eyes. Cold Colt popped his head out of the lake as an Eelektrik while Diamond Tiara was now a Chimchar with Sharpedo at her disposal. Maud was very visible as she was a giant mountain in the distance with lava coating her body.

"Better start moving!" Emerald cackled as all fifty of herself went on the offensive first. "Go!" She ordered them all as they used their magic to hold their mops, utilizing them as their main weapons.

"Oh!" Diamond Tiara gasped as she pulled the Sharpedo along, trying to swing it. With a lot of strength, she swung the Brutal Pokemon around as if she was playing discus with it. "This thing's heavier than it looks!"

"Sharpedo!" With a mighty swing, Sharpedo ended up hitting away some of the janitors, sending them flying. Emerald Aura also cloned herself to increase the number, but she would have to deal with a less intelligent clone.

"Woah!" Apple Bloom gasped as she performed a stylish flip with just her back hooves avoiding the swing of the mops. Even without any front hooves, she could still maintain her balance perfectly. After doing so, she decided to try and use her laser vision. By willing it, out of her eyes, a red beam came flying out.

The red beam soared through the air, hitting one of the clones and janitors with it as they were vaporized by the impact. Turns out their bodies can't handle heat vision. Apple Bloom blinked before realizing the advantage she had.

Even if she had no front hooves, she could rely on her laser vision. She wouldn't need to move around much to have it fire after all. She cackled as she started obliterating each of the Emerald Aura clones and their mops, turning them to dust. Some of the clones snuck up behind her, whacking her in the back of the head with a mop.

"Ow!" Apple Bloom cried out as she also went. "The mops didn't hurt that much obviously, but the distance they gave was impressive.

"Hahaha! Numbers are what matter! With enough, I can-" Before one of the Emerald Aura clones could finish her sentence, thirty of them including that one had been obliterated by a large blast of magic. Obviously, that came from Jade Skies.

She kept a blank expression while having Celestia's appearance. It was fairly bizarre to see Princess Celestia look so unbothered. Truly a sight. "This magic stuff is pretty neat."

"Yeah, but you're super fragile!" Cold's voice rang out in the air as his large Eelektrik appearance appeared behind Jade Skies. Of course, he was dancing uncontrollably, unable to stop it. But that didn't matter. He was 100 stories tall. So his electricity would be greater. And to display this, he unleashed a burst of electricity from his body, trying to hit Jade.

But since Jade had catlike reflexes, she could just nimbly evade this. But instead, she used the magic from Celestia's horn to create a shield around her. The electricity hit the shield, doing no damage. But it did hit everyone else considering how large its range was.

"Gyaaaah!" Apple Bloom, Emerald Aura, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara and Cold Colt each cried out after being shocked. The only one unphased by this was Maud. And that made sense considering she was a gigantic mountain with lava covering her while also being armoured by a robotic pet rock of all things.

"Oooh!" Silver Spoon was too busy gawking at this.

"Urgh! Wish I could move right now!" Sweetie Belle cried out, hating the potato sack for wearing her down. So, if she couldn't move her back legs, she could always use her front hooves. She broke them free by smashing her front hooves through the sack. She couldn't do the same with her back hooves, unfortunately. It wouldn't be as quick but she had to make do. By using her front hooves, the Android Sweetie Belle started crawling instead of running. But even if she wasn't running, crawling counted for the 200mph ability to kick in.

She was now crawling at 200mph but only in a straight line. However, her target in front of her was Diamond Tiara. But she couldn't see her because of the sack. And if she moved fast enough, she could land her hit. "Here I come, whoever it is!"

"Yikes!" Diamond Tiara gasped as she immediately started swinging Sharpedo again. Sweetie Belle crawled at great speeds, but unfortunately, even with that speed, the Sharpedo had smacked her in the face. A result of being unable to dodge while trapped in a potato sack. Sweetie Belle had been knocked away via Sharpedo's smash.

"Woah-Woah!" She cried out as she started tumbling in the sack. She couldn't see where she was going as she ended up falling into the lake from all that tumbling.

"Phew." Diamond Tiara sighed. But she was quickly met with a giant shadow towering over her. That shadow belonged to the dancing Eelektrik AKA Cold Colt. "Ah!"

"Sorry about this!" Cold apologized before swinging his tail down. Diamond Tiara winced as she used the flames of Chimchar to try and stop this via breathing fire from her mouth. The fire struck Cold's tail, leaving a burn. "Ow!"

"Hehehe!" Just like a Chimchar, she giggled with a cheeky nature as she then swung the Sharpedo. Afterwards, the Sharpedo bit onto Cold's tail with its sharp fangs, making the Rif Pony cry out again.

"L-Let go! That stings!" Cold wailed. He then summoned a burst of electricity from his body. And that's what he needed. The electricity struck both Diamond Tiara and Sharpedo and it was certainly super-effective on Sharpedo.

"S-Sharpedo!" Afterwards, the Brutal Pokemon ended up fainting from Cold Colt's electric output. Seeing that her main weapon was now unable to continue, Diamond Tiara made a run for it.

Emerald and her many clones were currently going up against Jade by using constant magic rays. But, even with all of these magic rays coming from more than 50 variations of herself, Jade used Celestia's amazing magic to create a larger ray that was wide enough to eclipse the rest.

"You can't stop them forever!" Emerald laughed as she cloned herself more, adding her number to 100 and beyond. Many of the clones then levitated themself in the air, aiming to divebomb Jade.

That's where the catlike reflexes came into use. Jade had managed to swiftly evade the incoming clones that attacked from above, using the reflexes of a cat to do so. After that, the clones hit the ground from their miss as Jade then blasted them all with magic, obliterating them.

Along came Scootaloo as a Talonflame, not only breathing fire down but also manipulating the dirt itself. She made a dirt tsunami sending it towards the many clones, Jade and Apple Bloom with it. Apple Bloom and Emerald Aura screeched, trying to avoid this dirty attack. Not only that, but her army of bowlers all rolled their bowling balls along the ground.

Each of the clones used their magic to create shields while Apple Bloom used the skills of the gymnast to evade it. Jade simply used her reflexes to evade it. The dirt tsunami took out some of the clones by overpowering their shields with ease. And mostly because some of the clones weren't too bright to block it due to the ability that card gave Emerald.

The bowling balls also broke through some of the shields while some spread out to hit Cold Colt's giant Eelektrik body. And bowling balls are nothing to scoff at. If used right, they can be lethal.

Apple Bloom narrowly escaped the dirt tsunami as she slid on the ground afterwards. After sliding she ended up near the biggest threat here.

Maud. And speaking of Maud. She had yet to plan an attack. She just stood there with her giant pet rock armour, immobile. But not for long. Because in truth, Maud was assessing the scenario before her. And she found out how she could win. Fairly obviously anyway.

"Alright. I win." She immediately declared as she made her move. She opened up the giant pet rock armour as then summoned gigantic rocks from her mountain body. These rocks started flying out of her as they flooded the sky and ground in sense.

"Uh oh!" This was bad news for Scooaloo considering what Pokemon she was. To try and evade this, she would have to use Talonflames speed. But Maud had something else in store. She allowed the pet rock armour to cover herself once more. After doing so, she then started rolling with the armour like a ball.

By rolling as an armoured pet rock the size of an entire mountain, she would definitely take out anything in her way. And poor Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were victims of that. Some of the falling rocks hit Scootaloo's wings, causing her to slow down and use some balance. Just in time for Maud to hit her and Apple Bloom with both a metallic and rock-solid body. Apple Bloom's gymnast reflexes couldn't save her this time.

"Woah! The two of them cried out as they went flying. Maud was going to take out everyone in one fell swoop. The giant rocks rolled on the ground, taking out the rest of Emerald Aura's clones.

Cold Colt couldn't avoid this at all, considering his height. Some of the rocks pelted on him before his body was met with a giant rock, way bigger than him. He cried out as his body had been squished by the giant pet rock, promptly defeating him. He wasn't the only one defeated. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo had been taken out after their previous hit.

All that was left was Jade, Diamond Tiara and Sweetie Belle. And Maud had the response for this via the mountain and the lava it carried out.

"Sorry about this, Jade." She apologized to her friend before removing the pet rock armour. It was time for the major attack. The most threatening one here.

Diamond Tiara could already sense this foreboding fear as she jumped into the water immediately for safety. Since the second attribute was being able to breathe underwater, she used to that.

But that didn't matter as Maud unleashed all of the lava from her mountain body, letting it flow. A large tsunami and overflow of lava started pouring out. Soon, the ground was consumed by the heat and destructive fury of the lava and anything that stood in its way would be obliterated.

Unfortunately, all of the Emerald clones were wiped out by this flow of lava, leaving only the real Emerald Aura behind as she put up a protective shield once more. Jade tried fending off the lava with Celestia's magic by using a beam to do so. But it was no use. Jade couldn't really control Celestia's magic anyway.

Thus, the lava had broken through and consumed her and Emerald too. It even melted through Emerald Aura's shield. Apple Bloom and Talon were absorbed by the lava too along with Cold Colt. Soon, everyone on land was caught by this furious overflow.

And no one underwater was safe either way. The lava was strong enough to laminate the lake. It was bigger than it too as steam already started flowing. Inside, Diamond Tiara and Sweetie Belle witnessed some of the large lava enter the water. Diamond Tiara's jaw dropped while Sweetie Belle was unable to see what was going on.

Thus, everyone had been consumed by the lava as Silver Spoon stood up, raising her hoof. "Okay! That's it!"

And with that call, everything returned to normal. Emerald's magic responded to Silver Spoon's voice, ending the Rift scenario. In a flash of light, they were all back in the mansion and their original bodies. Some of them were trembling after witnessing lava hit them. And for good reason. That was terrifying to experience.

"Okay...Yeah. Maud wins. No brainer." Silver Spoon declared Maud the winner.

"Yay," Maud said with little enthusiasm.

"Seriously?" Emerald groaned. "First time and I lose?"

"That was amazing!" Scootaloo and the others stood up, no longer trembling in fear. Needless to say, they enjoyed that card game to the fullest. It was more fun than they expected especially when they got to play out that scenario.

"Yeah!" Cold bellowed.

"You all seriously liked it?" Emerald had a smile grace her face as she may have found some candidates to play her favourite game with her.

"Yeah, we do!" Sweetie Belle cried out. "We wanna see more of those cards! Plus they're hilarious too!"

"Hilarious and unfair...But fun anyway!" Diamond Tiara nodded.

"It's pretty entertaining." Both Maud and Jade said in unison. Those are the words Emerald loved to hear. She did a playful grin a giggle before lightly clapping her hooves together. At this point, she might end up gaining new friends.

Originally, she just wanted Cold Colt and Jade Skies to be her friends. But after that one game, she figured that having other friends who aren't Rift ponies isn't so bad after all. The young foals were a blast to be around with their energetic and young personalities.

And surprisingly, so was Maud. After having that smile, Emerald cleared her throat. "Alright then. Who's ready for round two? You can keep your character cards or have new ones."

They were all ready for the second round of this game. A new judge would be formed and new scenarios would be made whilst Emerald made them a reality. Emerald was missing something. But now she truly had it. With new friends, she was finally finding enjoyment in her bizarre life rather than cause problems or sit alone in this mansion. They played Superfight the whole day away, finding countless enjoyment in it.

And now, Emerald sees the enjoyment she's missing out on in this crossover world of Pokemon, humans, ponies, dragons and more and is ready to experience it as the journey continues.

Chapter 495 End.

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