• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Superpower Pokemon

Equestria. Nightfall.

The city that had been ravaged by the giant adult Spike and the robotic sentient octopus was in shambles with rubble littering the ground. However, despite this destruction, the ponies and Pokemon who were caught up in it had actually survived.

"S-Scizor." Scizor shoved the huge rubble off him as did everyone else including the giant Golurk. However, even if they survived, the damage was still there. Scizor's Mega Evolution had ended. Since his body was on the verge of melting if he kept using it for too long, he deformed himself.

"Ow..." Spitfire groaned as she spread her wings, flying out of the rubble. She helped Soarin out of it along with his Pokemon. Everyone started clearing the dust and dirt away from them. Spitfire could see that her wings were still active and healthy so she was okay to fly.

They could thank the Golurk for this. Because of their resistance to anything ground related being that they are Ground-Types themselves, plus them acting as a well with moves such as Protect, they had nullified the ground tsunami that had been caused by the adult Spike.

The Flying-Type Pokemon had recovered, stretching their wings as they took to the skies, covering them once more. The pegasi also ascended to the sky after recovering as they noticed three important things in the sky.

One was that the sun was on the verge of rising with morning slowly approaching. And another was the sight of two different magical lights flashing in the distance, both coming from two alicorns. Mainly the Empress and Nyx going against each other. And the final one was from the multicoloured spheres of that metallic sentient cephalopod.

The Wonderbolts, Canterlot soldiers and the Pokemon chose to go directly for the source of those multicoloured lights. They had to stop that robotic octopus since they had lost to it just previously. However, they did end up damaging it in the process.

Their work here wasn't done. They had a world to protect and an invasion to stop after all. But before they could off to get the job down, Soarin noticed a familiar stone figure laying on the ground. One that held the Spirit of Chaos in it.



And speaking of the multicoloured lights, the robotic octopus let out its metallic howl before swinging its appendages at Fluttershy's group. The trainers stood at the back while the Pokemon were at the front, protecting their trainers from harm.

"Cinderace! Blaze Kick!" Goh commanded his Cinderace.

"Scorbunny use High Jump Kick!" Fluttershy commanded Scorbunny.

Two of the Pokemon of the same evolution line ran towards the giant metallic cephalopod with one lighting their feet up with fire and the other jumped high into the air. Scorbunny and Cinderace equally evaded the approaching tentacles by jumping high over them, especially Scorbunny.



The two Fire-Types advanced after evading the tentacles. They then, in perfect unison, smashed their legs onto the appendages of their opponent. One left a visible dent while the other left both a dent and melted parts of the tentacles off.

The robotic octopus howled with a metal sound before using its other tentacles to grab both Scorbunny and Cinderace, squeezing them together.


"Scor!" The two Fire-Types cried out. The machine then used the rest of its appendage to try and grab Audino and the others. And from the speed they were moving at, there was a good chance of it doing so.

"Dino!" Audino tried to run away but she wasn't fast enough to avoid these high-speed appendages. Thus, she had been grabbed as well as the machine pulled her in. "Audino!"

"Audi!" Fluttershy gasped as she had just managed to avoid the appendage by a smidge. The tentacle smashed into the ground as it would've crushed Fluttershy if it had connected. Goh and the others managed to avoid the appendages but their friends were currently being held by them.

"Big Mac! You're the one with the macho Pokemon! Do something! Break that hunk of metal!" Trixie yelled as she aggressively nudged Big Mac.

"Yeah! Machamp can easily crush that thing, no problem!" Goh turned to Big Macintosh as well.

"Uh...A-Alright! Machamp?" Big Mac nodded before facing the Superpower Pokemon. Usually, Machamp is a bit of a big softie. He could be considered the least battle-oriented Machamp out there aside from the ones that do construction all over the world. But if there was ever a moment where he could throw away his soft nature for the sake of protecting his friends, this would be it.

After all, Granny Smith pointed this out a while back, and Machamp took it to heart. So much so that he won't resist as much.

"Champ!" Machamp understood what needed to be done. This would be his first battle but he was going to do his best. The Superpower Pokemon noticed four tentacles coming towards his friends as they were either going to crush or grab them. Acting fast, Machamp held his arms out, using one of the four moves that he has but has never utilized until now.

Once the tentacles got close, Machamp grabbed onto all four of them with just his two hands. He didn't even use his other arms to do so. All he needed was two. The amazing and spectacular strength of Machamp was so vast that him just grabbing the appendages had almost crushed them. There wasn't even a hard impact from it.

Machamp almost noticed that he barely flinched from the collision of the large appendages pressing onto his arms. In fact, he barely even felt the sharp edges of them. The feeling was practically non-existent to him. But the robotic octopus most certainly flinched instead. It had lost its focus and grip on the three Pokemon as Audino, Scorbunny and Cinderace broke free thanks to Machamp.

"Machamp!" After holding the tentacles and the machine in general, the Superpower Pokemon used his one move on the octopus.

Seismic Toss.

The Fighting-Type kept his grip on the appendages as he leapt into the air bringing the octopus along with him. He jumped so high, he blew the grass away while also leaving behind a shockwave afterwards. And he did this in a matter of seconds.

"Ooho!" Trixie and the others gawked at Machamp's strength as they all looked high up. They knew Machamp was strong but this was really their first time getting a good grasp of how great the lifting strength of a Machamp was. He was so high in the sky that he could be seen as a star. He was perfectly positioned to be seen in the middle of the moon's celestial glow too.


"What strength?!" Goh gasped.


"Machamp!" After gaining some good height that almost reached the clouds, the two then fell to the ground headfirst but Machamp had let go at the last second, leaving the machine to crash down instead. The octopus was dropped on its head, causing further interior and exterior damage as even the spheres around its body had cracked. When they're not sentient, they're equal to that of crystals or glass as bits of them shattered.

Machamp was stunned that he was able to do that with such ease as he stood there in astonishment while the rest of his friends cheered for him. Feeling a sense of importance, Machamp then flexed all four of his muscles, feeling proud of his strength.

"Haha! How's that?!" Trixie laughed at the octopus, pointing her hoof and taunting at it. But it wasn't over yet. Despite that heavy hit, the robot could still go on. It immediately flew up, regaining its composure as bits of its wires were sticking out of its head now. "Uh oh!"

"Not that easy, huh? Fluttershy. Can't you speak to it and convince it to join our side?" Goh turned to Fluttershy. "Apparently you did that with the manticore."

"I'm afraid this one's full machine, unlike the manticore." Fluttershy shook her head. "I couldn't convince it if I could."

"Oh good. So we can get rid of it, no problem. Come on, big guy! Thrash it!" Trixie encouraged Machamp.

"Champ!" Machamp turned around, giving them a certified thumbs up. He felt very confident in his skills now. However, he couldn't get too cocky as the machine took the opportunity to attack the Superpower Pokemon while he wasn't looking.

With all of its appendages, the machine had whacked Machamp far back while he wasn't looking. And it hit him with all of them, not just a few, making sure that the impact was heavy and meaty.

"Machaaaaaaamp!" He screamed as his voice was fading in the distance. Big Mac watched as his partner went flying into the rest of the wilds. After whacking the Superpower Pokemon away, the machine actually focused most of its attention on Machamp since he was the biggest threat here.

To finish him off, the machine had taken it a step further. It had more to it than just a plethora of tentacles, sentient and multicoloured spheres. This robot was made to be an unstoppable force. Emerging from its face, were eight eyes. They matched the multicoloured spheres except they had one colour. Red.

From those eight eyes, red rays were shot into the sky. They moved in a zigzag position instead of directly forward like most rays. Those rays went for Machamp who was in the distance and no one else. But with the machine distracted on one Pokemon now was a good chance to catch it off guard.

"Cinderace! Pyro Ball!"

"Scorbunny! High Jump Kick! And Audi, use Hyper Beam!"

"Mew! Use Aura Sphere!"

"Can't let everypony show the Great and Powerful Trixie up...Misdreavus, use Zap Cannon!"

"Cinder-Cinder!" Cinderace took a larger pebble this time, twisting it around before kicking it up and igniting it. Each kick increased the size of the flames before the Striker Pokemon launched it at the machine.

"Scorbun!" Scorbunny went ahead of his teammates, jumping into the air and lighting his feet up.

"Audino...!" Audino built up the most power out of all her allies. By raising her arms, she formed an orange sphere that made a howling sound. Afterwards, she fired a giant beam forward that tore through even the ground.

"Mew!" Mew put his hands together before separating them, summoning a blue shaped sphere infused with Aura within it as he tossed it.

"Misdrea!" And as for Misdreavus, she opened her mouth, generating a giant sphere of electricity as she shot it forward like a cannon. All the attacks were approaching the machine from ranged to physical.

"Scorbunny!" Scorbunny was the first to land a hit. He directly kicked his foot onto the face of the machine as Pyro Ball, Hyper Beam, Zap Cannon and Aura Sphere all connected. Due to the attacks landing, the machine's zigzag rays had been interrupted as they misfired, hitting a random tree instead of Machamp in the distance.

Scorbunny jumped off of the machine's face after kicking it as the size of Hyper Beam had engulfed the machine while the flames of Pyro Ball started spreading, gradually melting it. Zap Cannon was also leaving its own effect. It was a move that would also paralyze no matter what. And those volts of electricity were moving around the robot's body. As for Aura Sphere, it left a visible hole in one of the robot's eyes.

However, despite all of this, the machine was still standing as it had used its damage to its advantage. AKA, the moves that had been thrown at it. The mechanical octopus turned the burn and paralyze effect into weapons by spinning around, allowing the flames and electricity to become weapons for its appendages. Its appendages were spinning rapidly as they had flames and electricity moving around them.

"Seriously?! This thing's made out of aluminium, right?!" Goh gasped as everyone was taken aback by this. They saw that flames were spewing out of the spinning tentacles as well as lightning bolts. If there was ever a good time to make a run for it, now would be a good time. Cinderace was the first to bolt off as everyone else followed.

They started escaping from the flames and lightning bolts that were spreading out all over the place because of the rapid spinning. The grass and anything else was being caught on fire while the lightning bolts pierce and destroy anything that stood in their way.

"Drea!" Due to the rampant movement of the lightning bolts being unpredictable and erratic, Misdreavus had been hit by one of them, falling over to the ground.

"Ah! Misdreavus!" Trixie gasped as she ran over to her partner. But turning around only had the lightning bolts hit Trixie instead. She screamed as fell next to the Screech Pokemon. Flames that had been spreading on the grass were also heading for the two of them now that they were down on the ground.

"Cinder!" Cinderace quickly used Quick Attack to boost around, grabbing both Trixie and Misdreavus before running away once more. Thanks to the speed of Quick Attack and its naturally great speed, Cinderace was able to evade the flames and lightning bolts.

"Are you two okay?!" Fluttershy asked as she flew beside Cinderace.

"A bit twitchy..but nothing the Great and Powerful Trixie can't-" Trixie twitched but as she spoke, the machine slammed its tentacles down, almost hitting Cinderace and the others. "Aah!"

That's when everyone noticed that not only was the machine getting faster, but its size was also increasing. From its multiple eyes, it was seemingly drawing in energy to build up its already titanic size. Everyone observed that the machine was actually using the air itself. Inside of this mechanical cephalopod was nothing but a giant space that acted like a vacuum.

This vacuum space was actually where those multicoloured spheres existed, explaining why the machine can summon new ones if it ever runs out of the previous ones. There was seemingly an endless amount of them. And this vast space is where the robot drew all of its power, increasing its size. Soon, the robot was about the size of an entire mountain as it had eclipsed everything in sight.

"Sweet Celestia..." Trixie shuddered. They were hoping to just deal with its average size and get it over with. Not this.

Now even larger before and with more power behind it, the machine had also used the multicoloured spheres to suddenly coat itself. As if it didn't need more enhancements. Since the spheres had an ink-like substance to them, they could move like ink.

All of their flashing colours started flowing across the aluminium body of this, giving the mechanic cephalopod a coating armour made out of multicoloured gel.

"What's it doing now?!" Goh witnessed the colourful solution armour the machine from all over.

"It's giving itself protective armour with the spheres!" Fluttershy noticed. "All of it is ink coating it!

"How's that gonna help? It's just ink." Pinkie Pie turned to Fluttershy.

"It will act like Ciniccino's scarf! Any attack that approaches it might be deflected away like the oil around Cinccino's scarf!" Fluttershy explained.

"So it's indestructible?!" Goh gasped as the machine howled into the night sky. The machine then raised all of its appendages as its entire body was flashing aggressively. The edges of the sharp tentacles were rapidly accelerating, moving and acting like a chainsaw of all things.

As if the appendages weren't dangerous enough.

"Not really! If we can just break through all of that ink then-" But before Fluttershy could finish her sentence, at an even quicker pace than before, the appendages came crashing down, ready to destroy the prey before it. Even faster than Cinderace could react.

But not too fast for Machamp.

"Ma!" Returning here after being launched, the Superpower Pokemon put out all of his arms as he had grabbed the many appendages from the robotic octopus' ink coated body.

"Machamp!" Big Mac and everyone said as a strong wind pressure came from Machamp's arms meeting with the appendages, forcing everyone else back. This time, the octopus was strong enough to even give Machamp some trouble. The rapid chainsaw-like moving tentacles were grazing his body, causing the Superpower Pokemon to flinch. But he hung in there.

The mechanical octopus started pushing Machamp back, aiming to crush into nothing but dust or even slice it up into pieces with its sharp tentacles. Machamp slid on the ground as he was being pushed back by the machine. The ground below him was being scraped as the Fighting-Type held on as hard as he could.


Cinderace and the others tried to assist their friend by attacking the machine with all of their attacks. Whether it was up close or far away. However, just like what Fluttershy said, anything that came in contact with this ink coating would just be deflected.

If anything, it was an improvement over Cinccino's scarf. Cinccino's scarf can mostly deflect physical attacks. This ink coating can seemingly deflect both physical and ranged attacks which didn't make things easier for anyone.

"Nothing!" Goh growled as their attacks were proving to be ineffective. "Fluttershy! How do we get through it?!"

"Something really hard has to just break through it! Something stronger than what we can do by a milestone!" Fluttershy cried out as she was starting to panic. "But, I don't know what can!"

"Mew! Try turning into um..." Pinkie Pie tried thinking of a Pokemon for Mew to transform into. It was harder than it looked because Mew, even if he were to turn into a strong Pokemon, his own strength might not be enough. But they had to try either way.

However, that might not be the case for long.

The robotic octopus had ended up leading Machamp to one of the many Dynamax Power Spots littered around these wilds. All nearby Pokemon scattered from the sliding Superpower Pokemon and movement from the machine as their home was being levelled at this point.

Machamp's body was being consumed by the ink, just like how it almost consumed the Wonderbolts and other forces that had previously gone up against this gigantic robotic cephalopod.

The Superpower Pokemon closed his eyes as the many colours of the ink were coating him all over. Machamp strained, giving it everything he had but the ink was just negating his strength as his body was succumbing to the sharp tentacles.


Machamp's leg touched one of the Dynamax Power Spots. Most noticeably, the purple-coloured ones. Upon contact, something kindled in the Superpower Pokemon. Something that was enough to change not just his appearance but his strength as well.

The Superpower Pokemon opened his eyes as they flashed purple. Before he knew it, his entire body was covered by a different colour. Solely purple and red. Machamp was also abruptly changing size.

"Ma...MA... MA!"

Every split-second, the Fighting-Type was growing continuously. The ground below him was shattering with craters forming his size increase. The ground itself lit up with this purple colouring as Machamp's body had fully interacted with the Dynamax power spot. But that wasn't all that happened with his body.

Big Mac and the others ran over to try and assist Machamp. But once they got there, they saw the emergence of something on a grand scale, possibly even larger than the gigantic machine that was terrorizing the land and giving them such a hard time.

"What now?!" Trixie screeched while adjusting her hat.

"It's Dynamax!" Pinkie Pie gasped.

"No! Gigantamax!" Goh pointed out as Machamp's body size had reached an outstanding 82'00" and more as he kept growing. More than the size of a football field and even a skyscraper. To say that he towered over everything would be redundant at this point.

The machine had already towered over mostly everything thanks to its sheer size. But this was on another level. Machamp had entered his Gigantamax Form for the first time and while under Eternatus' influence. So he was going to be in this state for a while.


"Gigantamax Machamp...?" Pinkie Pie gawked as she and Goh took out their Pokedexes to witness this absolute behemoth of a Pokemon.

"Machamp. The Superpower Pokemon. Gigantamax Form. The Gigantamax energy coursing through its arms makes its punches hit as hard as bomb blasts. One of these Pokémon once used its immeasurable strength to lift a large ship that was in trouble. It then carried the ship to port."

"Yes! That's what we need!" Fluttershy suddenly yelled as she excitedly flapped her wings.

"It is?" Big Mac turned to Fluttershy before facing his partner in the sky once more.

"CHAMP!" Now the size of roughly a mountain, Machamp could presumably dish out that damage that can not only break through the ink coating but also put an end to this mechanical appendages monstrosity once and for all.

And, despite not being organic anymore and just being a robot based on a creature from the Everfree Forest, the robotic octopus was actually intimidated by this. Even with its own size increase, to Machamp, it was at least the size of a bookshelf at best. It moved its appendages away before looking up at the Superpower.

"MA!" Machamp then swung his first punch, moving at a slower speed than before. However, even if he had lost his usual speed, his power, which was already stellar, to begin with, had been dramatically increased.

The robotic octopus had the speed advantage due to being a bit smaller than Machamp. However, that didn't matter for two reasons. The first was that Machamp still had his four arms so even if he missed with one punch, he could always other the arms. And the second one was that Machamp's fist was so wide and giant that there was no chance of the machine even escaping the ludicrously stupid width of it.

A giant aura of wind covered Machamp's fist just from his movements alone. Wind pressures equal to that of hurricanes were being formed as the sound of Machamp's moving fist blocked out all other sounds.

And with one straight hit, Machamp's fist actually managed to break through the ink coating, ignoring its protection against physical attacks. Not only that, just like how Fluttershy theorized, Machamp's fist even struck the aluminium body of the machine.

The giant robotic octopus had lost five of its appendages just from that one hit alone. After being hit with the force of bomb blasts, the machine was sent flying after Machamp's Max Strike. A large hole was left in the side of its body after Machamp had hit it. Huge chunks of metal had either been obliterated or fell to the ground.

"There! See?!" Fluttershy aggressively shook Big Mac in excitement. "That's it!"

"E-E-E-Eeyup!" Big Mac stuttered after being lifted by Fluttershy and having his body being furiously moved around.

After being launched far enough to almost reach Trottingham, the machine had recovered by halting its own movements. It took time to assess the damage that had been done to it. One hit and already a large chunk of its body had been obliterated. It already knew that Machamp was a huge threat, but this further instilled that fear.

Aiming to take Machamp out as soon as it can, the mechanical octopus ascended into the air, summoning brand new multicoloured spheres around its body while still having its ink coating. After ascending, the robot launched multiple of those ink spheres down to try and bombard Machamp into submission and to hopefully consume him.

The Superpower Pokemon was ready for this. He put all four of his arms up to try and block the giant spheres. However, that wouldn't be the best idea since they were there to consume him.

"Machamp!" Big Mac cried out, grabbing the attention of the Superpower Pokemon. The earth pony shook his head as he and Machamp could communicate with each other without Big Mac even having to say much. His head movements indicated that Machamp should instead just hit the ink instead of trying to block it since that was a better method.

"CHAMP!" Machamp understood as he immediately clenched all of his fingers at once. Afterwards, the Superpower Pokemon pulled them all back before giving a good forward thrust.

His fist movements were so ludicrous that he didn't even need to physically touch the ink. The immense hurricane-like wind pressure from his fists was enough to blow the spheres away. All of them were destroyed by Machamp's simple movements as a perfect counter had been found.

The machine wasn't done yet. It was going to try its usual spinning tactic that can presumably cut anything. It advanced while also shooting out more of those colourful spheres to continue its attempt to consume the Gigantamaxed Pokemon.

"MACHAMP!" Machamp went on the move. With one step in his running position, Machamp shook the wilds themselves while also causing large dust clouds and craters to form. The Superpower Pokemon's movements were even so great that he blew away the ink spheres without hitting them either way.

Machamp was going for another Dynamax Move. Once more it was Max Strike. His four arms lit up with a red energy as if his arms weren't already lit up in the first place. The machine made the first strike by smacking all of its rapidly spinning appendages onto the face of the Superpower Pokemon.

It was expecting to cut Machamp apart but all it really did was just slightly knock the Fighting-Type back. Machamp's already dexterous and durable body was tougher than ever. It looked like ordinary flesh but it was equal to armour.

Machamp, after being smacked in the face, jerked back a bit, almost falling over. But he was able to regain his composure even in this giant form. After hitting Machamp, the machine continued to do so by furiously whipping its sharp tentacles onto the Superpower Pokemon, trying everything to cut it apart.

It even started shooting out those ink spheres and this time they actually landed since the robotic octopus was closer. The spheres immediately latched themselves onto the Fighting-Type's back, starting to expand as they were going to engulf Machamp until he was nothing but an ink statue that was lifeless.

But Machamp wouldn't just let that happen. By using two of his arms, he ripped the ink off his body while using his other two arms to grab the machine's appendages.

"MACHAMP!" After getting ahold of those sharp and hard appendages, the Superpower Pokemon then ripped some of them apart from the machine's body like it was nothing. Twelve large metal tentacles had been taken off and were now in Machamp's grasp.

"You were restraining this whole time?!" Trixie pointed her hoof up at Machamp, stunned by how unbelievably strong he was while looking at Machamp.

"Eeyup?" Big Mac shrugged. The fact that he had been keeping this kind of strength from properly battling for an entire year was bizarre to his friends. If Machamp was always battle focused like other Machamp from the very beginning, a lot of events would've properly been different.

"MA!" Machamp, after ripping the appendages off had used the machine's own limbs against it. It used six of them to stab right through the robot and the other six to cut the rest of its appendages off.

The machine howled after having more of its body damaged as the rest of its other appendages fell to the ground after being cut off. Turns out that its own tentacles were strong enough to pierce through its ink coating.

Once he stabbed through it, Machamp then pulled all four of his arms back, going for another Max Strike. And this was going to be a big one. His whole body lit up with that same red energy as his shout echoed across the night and soon to be morning sky.

Then, in one final hit, Machamp struck all of his arms onto the machine directly. On its entire body too. One hit from all four of them and the machine had shattered like glass. It didn't fly back or even spin around. It just shattered, symbolizing its final moments and long overdue defeat.

After shattering, all that was left were tiny pieces of metal shards raining down from the sky. They weren't even giant. Machamp had hit it so hard that all the large parts had been obliterated until they were the size of fingernails.

Everyone looked up, avoiding the raining shards of metal since those were still dangerous. Ink also started raining down after the ink coating had been destroyed as well.

And in the sky, the night had finally come to an end. With the moon setting, the sun had shown itself as its wonderful light separated the clouds and shining across the land. The summer sun was back as the morning had arrived.

"MACHAMP!" And with a stunning victory, Machamp roared victoriously while flexing his muscles.

"Yeahahahahah!" Pinkie Pie cheered as she and Trixie hugged each other in excitement. Goh was also caught up in their hug too along with Cinderace.

"Great job!" Fluttershy also gave a hug to Big Mac and her own Pokemon too. The way that Machamp won was something to remember. The whole Gigantamax segment was an accident since Machamp didn't even mean to interact with the power spot.

But it could be considered a happy little accident. Noticeably, Machamp hadn't returned to his normal size. This was because of Eternatus' influence. It was allowing him to stay in this state for a while until it does eventually run out or he faints afterwards. The Superpower Pokemon then gave a thumbs up to Big Mac and the others. For his first battle, he did amazingly well.

Arriving at the scene were the Wonderbolts and the rest of the Canterlot forces. They couldn't ignore all of that chaos in the distance. They were planning on defeating that mechanical octopus and the giant adult Spike that was currently on a rampage.

Unfortunately, or rather, fortunately for them, someone beat them all to that defeat. Machamp was the one who got the job done. The ponies all stood and hovered before the defeated robot as they went up to Fluttershy's group while also gazing up at the Gigantamaxed Machamp.

"Woah...What happened here?" Spitfire gasped as she was in awe. She could easily tell that Machamp defeated the robot but she was more curious about how it was done.

"Something amazing that's what!" Trixie went up to Spitfire, startling her. She then dragged Big Macintosh over, putting her hoof around his neck. "This big guy's Machamp just pulled off a spectacle that you've missed. But with how giant it all was, I think you got yourselves a pretty good view."


"Well, that solves that problem. And just in time for the morning as well." One soldier said while looking up at the morning sky. "Now all that's left is that giant Spike."

"Oh, right! Spike and everypony else!" Fluttershy gasped. "We were split up after being chased down by that robot. I hope they're okay."

"They could be anywhere right now. But I bet Machamp can see them with that height, right?" Goh looked at Machamp.

"Either way, there's still the rest of Equestria we need to clear up. With an ally this huge, any ships will be knocked out of the sky in no time." Spitfire nodded.

"Uh yeah but um...what do we do about this, chief?" Soarin asked as he was the one carrying the most unexpected object out of anything else here. After finding the statue of Discord lying around, he brought it along with him.

"Ah! Discord!" Fluttershy's heart skipped a beat as she flew over to the petrified Spirit of Chaos. "W-What happened?!"

"No idea. We just found him lying there. He looked pretty sad. Still does even." Soarin observed Discord's expression of both sadness, fear and anger. Fluttershy herself wasn't sure how this could've happened. The Elements of Harmony are practically no more since they had been lost ever since the Everfree Forest and Tree Behemoth attacked.

Not only that, but even she knew her friends couldn't have done this. Especially not in the middle of an invasion. However, after thinking about it, Fluttershy immediately put the pieces together, knowing who else would be capable of this. Empress Twilight.

"We need to turn him back immediately!" Fluttershy put her hooves over Discord. "My friends and I can't do it anymore since the Elements are gone. But there should be another way."

"Can't we just wait for him to break free himself? Didn't he do that last time?" Trixie suggested.

"Yeah, but that took like decades to even happen." Spitfire turned to Trixie. "It might be the same again."

"We'll figure something out." Fluttershy was confident that they could free Discord even without the Elements of Harmony. But right now, Spike and the others needed help.


Speaking of which, the adult Spike was still soaring the land, searching for more to destroy and terrorize His speed whilst flying made it difficult really keep up with him. But the Pokemon could certainly help close that gap, especially the Flying-Types. Spike went directly to the south as he was close to Ponyville at this point. Just a few 30 miles from it.

However, even as a rampaging dragon, the adult Spike needed time to rest. It found a spot near a mountainscape, breathing and out with green smoke coming out. Going on a rampage can most certainly tire almost anyone out with a few exceptions, like Salamence and Tyranitar.

Spike was one of them. He landed near a mountain, deciding to rest before he could continue his rampage across Equestria under the Empress' order. Spike looked up to see the morning sky arriving. He then looked over the landscape as the sight of this new Pokemon influenced world gave him an odd feeling.

And with Spike resting, this world's Spike could finally catch up and the opportunity to try and speak to him as he was riding on Salamence's back.

"There he is!" Twilight pointed her hoof downwards. "He's not rampaging anymore it looks like."

"Probably all tuckered out from all that moving. Looks like someone else tired him out earlier." Applejack spoke while on Salamence's back. She was right bout someone tiring Spike earlier. The Wonderbolts and Canterlot are responsible for that. Even though they didn't defeat the adult Spike, they did tire and weaken him a bit, especially with those Ice-Type moves.

"Spike...Are you sure about this?" Starlight asked as she was also on Salamence's back with Rarity and Applejack. "I mean, that light only works on Pokemon, right?"

"Only Dragon-Type Pokemon. But I still think it could work on other kinds of dragons even if they aren't Pokemon." Spike replied. "Land near there, Salamence."

"Sala." Salamence soared downwards while flying beside Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Braviary too. They've been following this giant dragon for minutes now and they were finally stopping. Salamence was the first to descend and touch the ground along with everyone else. Spike hopped off as he took a deep breath, ready to speak to his other and older self.

"Be careful, Spike..." Twilight whispered as she and the others were just going to stand back and watch it play out. And if things got too hairy then Rainbow Dash would be the first to do something. They all hid behind the nearest rock, letting Spike handle the rest.

"Got it." Spike gave a certified thumbs up as he was the only one to approach the adult dragon. His little footsteps moved across the rocky ground as pebble had been knocked away from his foot movements.

And the sound of the pebble being knocked back grabbed the attention of the older Spike, prompting him to immediately rotate his head and face the one that made that noise. But when he turned around, he noticed a face that he didn't think he would ever see. One that threw him off guard.


"H-Hey." Spike went up to his older self, giving a somewhat nervous grin. The older Spike snarled s steam came out of his nose, forcing the younger Spike to stop in his tracks.

His growls made Spike's body shiver along with everyone else's. Spike gulped as he cleared his throat, knowing that he was just within crushing range of this older version of himself.

"No need to worry." Spike put his arms out. "I'm not here to hurt you. Or do much really. I mean, I did also come and see just how cool I look as an adult. Is that what I'm gonna look like someday?"

Spike's chatter towards his older self made the older dragon a bit taken aback. He was expecting another attack on him considering the circumstances. But he was mostly surprised by how he was witnessing his younger self. He wasn't sure whether to attack or not. But so far, he seemed more on the side of being passive.

"Oh, but, I also came here to try and calm you down. I know a thing or two about rampages," said Spike while getting closer to the adult dragon as his older self pivoted his claws to the side, staying on guard still.

The older Spike wasn't sure what his younger self was about to do. But noticeably, the younger Spike had put his claw onto the scaled chest of his older self. That's when he closed his eyes, letting the golden draconic light appear. The adult Spike witnessed this golden light appear as he at first thought it was hostile. But, he could immediately feel the soothing Aura of it, preventing him from attacking as of now.

Spike looked into the heart and soul of his older self to see if he could calm him down and reason with him before Equestria becomes scorched in green flames. His connection to dragons had been working out so far as of recently. He got to use it on multiple dragons in the Village of Dragon plus his own Pokemon. But not on Kyurem.

But for this dragon, it was a bit different. Somewhat paradoxical. Spike opened his eyes as both he and his older self noticed the golden area around them. Right now, Spike was connecting with his older self in an ethereal plane.

Spike could feel his older self's immense rage. From what he could tell, his older self had gone through some unpleasant times. Times that involved him being forced to destroy other lands against his own will. And while being forced by the Empress herself. This older version of Spike had been robbed of his freedom, being degraded to just a rampaging weapon that was being kept in a giant dungeon and would only be released if the Empress wished to get the advantage in a battle without having to do the hard work herself.

All of it was something Spike could feel. He's already dealt with Salamence's rage, knowing how furious that one was as well. However, while Salamence was in pain because of the effects of Mega Evolution, the older Spike was in pain because of what he had done and how he's been treated.

If anything, his rage was arguably greater than Salamence since it's been lasting for years now. And Spike could also feel the immense pressure going through him. This was above Salamence as he was actually starting to strain while connecting to his adult self.

"Urgh!" Spike groaned s it felt like a raging hurricane and tsunami was starting to push him back. He put his other claw out to try and stay connected with his older self. This rage was unreal to him. It was so grand that it was even affecting the outside.

Pebbles started flying as the entire mountainscape was starting to tremble from this draconic connection. It sounded like thunder was rumbling in the morning sky. Even the hard surface of the mountains was starting to crack.

"Spike!" Twilight gasped as she almost ran out there to try and help. But Salamence stood in the way, having faith in his trainer.

And Spike had faith in himself too as he didn't persist. "I don't know what you went through back home...!" Spike opened up one of his eyes as he was starting to push it back a smidge. "But whatever it is, I want to help if I can! Plus my claws are really heating up right now!"

Spike was starting to move back as his older self started growling, baring his fangs. Then, two different lights formed. One that was golden and the other which was green. The older Spike was actually resisting. But deep within, a part of him didn't want to as he could understand his younger self.

The gold and green lights started going back and forth with their resistances growing. Spike closed his eyes his claws kept heating up from all this pressure. But he wasn't willing to stop here.

Spike didn't know the details of his older self's anger and suffering. But, he was willing to help him either way. And it was this moment that reminded him of what Mewtwo said. More specifically, Mewtwo's time with Ash in the past.

In a sense, if there was ever a time where Ash's influence had rubbed off on everyone, this was one of them. Ash has always said that he doesn't need a reason to help somebody. He'll do it either way. And the same went for Spike now. He was willing to help his older self despite not knowing the details.

But, Spike also wanted to help his older self so that not only will he put an end to his suffering and anger but also making sure that his adult self wouldn't terrorize this Equestria. An Equestria that was familiar to him. And Spike didn't even need to say any words. His light was doing the talking as he got on his knees.

And with this spiritual draconic connection, the adult Spike could understand what his younger self was fighting for. That brought memories back to the older Spike. A time when he was young too and happy with all of his friends. Before all of this destruction and before the Empress' rule. That was a time that the adult Spike wanted to go back to. Even if he was older now, that time could still be possible.

He then looked down at his younger self, seeing how hard he was struggling to keep this peaceful balance. And with all of this pressure, the rock that Twilight and the others hid behind had been obliterated.

That's when the older Spike saw Twilight, Rarity, Applejack and Starlight. Friends of a younger age before his current time. Seeing them sparked many memories back in them. And seeing a younger Twilight who wasn't full of malice and the urge to rule over everything brought him even further back. When he was still her assistant and not a giant weapon. And Rarity was the icing on the cake.

After seeing them, the exhausted adult dragon calmed down as the two lights faded away. The baby dragon sighed as he fell over. His hands were sizzling after that spiritual clash.

"Spike!" Twilight and the others cried out as they ran towards the baby dragon.

"Ow-ow-ow! Hot!" Spike cried out.

"Let me see!" Twilight and Rarity both looked at Spike's blazing claws. It looked like he had just touched the surface of the sun itself with how sizzling it was.

"That's like a third-degree burn..." Twilight observed. "How hot is that light?"

"Hold still." Rarity sent out her Milotic for assistance. "Milotic, pour water on it, wouldn't you? This should cool it off."


"Huh? Wait! Hold on!" Spike shook his head as this was the equivalent of getting a needle shot at the doctor's. He is still a child after all. And with heat, this hot, pouring water on it won't leave the most relaxing results. But it'll definitely soothe it.

Before Spike could do anything, Milotic poured some water on his claws, causing the baby dragon to cry out in pain. But he endured it. Afterwards, the coolness of Milotic's tender water was enough to soothe the pain, eliminating the heat as well.

"Ah..." And Spike felt satisfied. Seeing his younger self casually interact with his friends further calmed him down as he looked down on them with just a single gaze.

"So uh...H-H-H-How'd it go?" Starlight gulped while the adult Spike kept looking at him.

"I think it went pretty good." Spike turned to his older self. "I felt everything there. Looks like all this rampaging was against his will."

"Against his will?" Both Rarity and Starlight said.

"I don't really know all of the details." Spike shrugged. "And it looks like he can barely talk like me. It's just growls, roars and snarls."

"Against his will, huh?" Twilight then used her great mind to put the pieces together, figuring out the true cause of this anger. She flapped her wings, approaching the adult dragon up close. "By any chance, did my other self force you?" And as confirmation, the adult Spike nodded to Twilight, giving the true reason why he did this. "That explains it. Uh...I know I'm not her but...sorry!" The young alicorn squeed.

But the adult had no quarrel against this world's Twilight since she hasn't done anything to him. This Twilight reminded the older Spike of the Twilight he enjoyed being around. It certainly felt like it right now. No one wanted to know what the adult Spike went through at the moment.

"Aww, it's alright." Rarity patted the adult dragon on the stomach, comforting him. And the adult Spike most certainly enjoyed that.

"What do we do now?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I mean, we've got a pretty big ally on our side now and everything so..."

"We continue to help stop this invasion. I need to go and check on my parents and see if they're alright." Twilight faced the north where Canterlot was directed at. "I don't know how long it'll take for all of this to end and-"

The adult Spike caught Twilight off as he spread his wings out. The light from the younger Spike had rejuvenated him as well, giving him 10 hours of rest in just a few minutes. The adult Spike himself would personally see to it that this invasion comes to an end. And he had the capabilities to do so.

"Well!" Spike hopped on Salamence's back while Rarity and the others went onto the adult Spike's back since he seemed to be bigger. "Let's get going then!"


The Crystal Empire. Day.

Not all was fine. While the tides were favouring this world in terms of how the invasion was playing out, a horrible tragedy was looming over the Crystal Empire.

Shining Armor and his guards were getting ready to head out to the rest of Equestria to stop the invasion. But little did they know, someone would stand in their way and bring despair.

Bursting through the doors was a Crystal Empire guard who was breathing in and out rapidly as he approached Shining Armor and the others. He looked to be in a panic.

"Captain!" He cried out.

"Hm?! What happened?! Did more show up?!" Shining Armor asked.

"No! It's-" But before he could finish his sentence, from the back, a pulse embedded with dark thoughts had hit the guard from behind, engulfing him before knocking him out on the solid crystal floor.

The Shadow Triad were here. But noticeably, Ghetsis wasn't present with them.

"The Shadow Triad?!" Shining Armour gasped as Sylveon hid behind Cadence in fear and worry.

"Where is your child?" Out of the gate without any hesitation or time to waste, one member asked the question that was related to why they even came here.

"I beg your pardon?!" Shining Armor growled.

"What do you mean by that?!" Cadence stepped forward.

"Shouldn't even be asking either way. Let's just make it quick." Another Triad said as they each sent out their Pokemon immediately. Consisting of Bisharp, Accelgor and Banette. "We can just tear this place down until we find that baby. Simple."

"Like we'd let you anywhere near my daughter!" Shining Armor bellowed as Doublade stood in front of as the entirety of the Canterlot guards went over to deal with the Shadow Triad and their Pokemon.

"Use Psychic." A triad member ordered their Banette.

"Nette!" The Ghost-Type cackled as it flew in front of the Triad before making its eyes flash purple. With just one look, Banette had held the soldiers and Pokemon in place, preventing them from moving forward or attacking.

"Guillotine." The middle one ordered.

"Sharp!" Bisharp ran forward as it was aiming to take all of them out in one hit. And with Banette holding them there, they couldn't move to defend evade it.

"Doublade! Stop it with Fury Cutter!" Shining Armor commanded his partner. Doublade could most certainly do something as he hadn't been held by Psychic.

"Dou!" The Sword Pokemon stood before the guards as he used his own bladed body as a defensive wall. And thankfully, since Doublade is a Ghost-Type, Bisharp's Guillotine was unable to do anything as Doublade's Fury Cutter had blocked the attack.


"Blade!" The Steel-Ghost-Type then swung his bladed body once more, knocking the Sword Blade Pokemon back, causing it to crash into Banette.

"Bane!" And with Banette hit, that broke the Psychic hold on the guards.

"Sylveon, use Moonblast!" Cadence ordered.

"Sylve!" The Intertwining Pokemon jumped into the air before opening her mouth. She drew power from the moon itself as a pink moon-shaped sphere of Fairy magic had appeared before her. She then launched the moon-powered sphere downwards.

"Stop it with Sludge Bomb, Accelgor." The third Triad member said.

"Accel!" The Shell Out Pokemon raised its head before shooting out purple sludge from its puckered mouth, countering Moonblast as they both cancelled each other out.

"Bisharp! Use Night Slash!"

"Doublade, use Sacred Sword!"

"Sylveon! Mystical Fire!"

"Accelgor, Leech Life!"

"Banette, use Phantom Force!"

Soon, all the Pokemon went against each other along with the Pokemon that belonged to the guards. Banette descended into the shadows while Bisharp and Doublade started clashing blades with each other.

Sylveon shot out a stream of magical flames from her mouth while Accelgor used its speed to evade it. However, there were the other Pokemon that Accelgor and the rest of the Triad had to deal with. Mainly the Golurk that every guard seems to have lately.

Some Golurk stood in Accelgor's way while another few went to attack Bisharp. Some of the Golurk had even kept an eye out for Banette since they can watch the shadows as well.

Accelgor zigzagged past the Golurk by moving through their legs and avoiding their heavy punches. But, the distraction the Golurk gave was enough to catch Accelgor off guard as Sylveon's Mystical Fire had landed, engulfing the Ninja Pokemon.

Banette appeared from the shadows, attacking some of the Golurk by swinging its arms wildly. The Golurk had taken super-effective hits as they were knocked back but not before another Golurk retaliated. By using Shadow Punch, a single Golurk had hit Banette from afar via shadow hands flying out.

There was now an immediate brawl happening within the castle. Between ghosts, sentient swords and blades, a ninja and a fairy. But if anything, the Shadow Triad were here as a distraction and a means to eliminate potential meddlers. Especially the parents of Flurry Heart.

"Shining!" Cadence quickly went up to her husband, using her magic to pull him towards a more secretive spot. "I'm going to check up on Flurry Heart. They're obviously here for her and I don't know why. Take care of everything else, okay?"

"I got it. Take her out of the Empire if you can." Shining Armor nodded in understanding as he ran back out there in the chaos. Cadence herself, along with Sylveon went towards the dungeon where Flurry Heart and the rest of the citizens could be found hiding.

Crystal Empire dungeon.

Speaking of which, the situation wasn't kind at all. There was a reason why Ghetsis wasn't present with the Shadow Triad like before. That was because he went his own separate way to find Flurry Heart. And with the assistance of Colress' navigation, that wouldn't take too long.

Right now, in the dungeon, many citizens of the Crystal Empire had fallen. They were lying on the ground with their bodies injured. long with them were Crystal Empire guards who were tasked with protecting the citizens from harm. Unfortunately, because of who they were up against, that wasn't the case.

The maid that was tasked with holding Flurry Heart was currently sitting in the corner with her horn damaged. The remaining guards stumbled while walking as they had fainted. More and more kept falling as darkness filled the area. The guards were dropping like flies in seconds.

"It's okay. He won't get you, I promise." The maid groaned, holding the crying Flurry Heart as she looked up at the one responsible for this. The one who had injured her.


"Enough stalling." Ghetsis kicked a guard to the side while Hydreigon took care of the rest. Hydreigon held Manaphy in his mouth as he had defeated the Seafaring Pokemon with his overwhelming strength.

Ghetsis put his only arm out, generating a sphere of dark aura. "You on your own can't defend the child. Not with what's outside."

"Watch me!" The maid stood up as she immediately started running with Flurry Heart. Ghetsis followed her movements as he casually tossed the sphere, causing it to blow up next to her. The main screamed as she had dropped Flurry Heart. Ghetsis had already injured her and everyone else in here. Her body was too weak to do much now as even her horn was useless. "U-Ugh...!"

Flurry Heart started crying as she spread her wings out with her horn glowing, trying to escape from here as soon as possible. But Ghetsis, with his dark magic, pointed at Flurry Heart as he fired a small little bolt of darkness that had struck Flurry Heart's wing.

The baby cried out after heaving her wing hit. It caused her to cry out in more pain as she descended to the ground. Ghetsis then approached the baby who was writhing in the ground. This was the most pain she's ever felt in her life so far. And as a baby, that wasn't good at all.

"There." Ghetsis smirked as he picked her up from the ground.

"N-No..." The maid groaned as she had failed to protect Flurry Heart as she was tasked to. Flurry Heart tried breaking free with her magic but Ghetsis had used dark magic to counter and negate this.

"Don't worry. I'll have Colress' Beheyeem erase your memories. Then, you'll be my child. A child that I will raise for greatness. And your true potential." Ghetsis cackled as he already had a way to properly convert Flurry Heart to his side.

"I won't let you!" But, one of the very few who was still conscious was Sunburst. He lunged forward, latching himself onto Ghetsis to try and free the royal baby. He was also injured as well with little magic in him. Ghetsis had done a number to everyone in here.

"Hmph." Ghetsis, despite only having one arm, chose to improvise. To get rid of Sunburst, he simply ran backwards, smashing the unicorn onto a wall. Sunburst's eyes widened as his glasses also broke. The unicorn had fainted, falling to the ground.

"Hydreigon. Let's go." Ghetsis was ready to leave as he held his arm out to open a gateway. He had practically won so there was no reason for him to be here.

But, it wasn't as 100 easy as he thought.

"Veon!" Through the open doors of the dungeon, two separate pink forms of energy came flying. One in the shape of a moon and the other in the shape of a magical beam.

The beam had hit Ghetsis right in the stomach while the sphere had struck Hydreigon, causing both of them to be knocked back as Flurry Heart was dropped from Ghetsis' loose grip.


"Gotcha!" The one who had done this was Princess Cadence and her Sylveon. She had caught her daughter in her hooves, saving her.

"Mama!" Flurry Heart had a wide smile on her face after seeing her mother. Her tears had stopped because of Cadence.

"I'm here now." Cadence smiled before looking at Ghetsis. "You...! How dare you?!"

"Tch." Ghetsis recovered after being hit by that magic beam. "Always has to be something in the way. It's fine. I'll destroy you right in front of your daughter's eyes. And she won't remember any of this anyway when I have her."

"Not if I destroy you first!"


As the journey continues.

Chapter 454 End.

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