• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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It's all a sharp blur

Vanhoover. Afternoon.

A bit of a predicament has come up. One involving air and some form of snake-spider hybrid. This snake-spider-like creature had the properties of sharp air that wasn't so pleasant on the skin as well as the ability to blur anyone out to the point where they become unrecognizable.

This was the issue that needed to be solved. And the ones who were seemingly capable of stopping it were Princess Celestia, Luna, Cynthia, Brawly, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Two of them had been chosen by the Cutie Map.

"What is that thing?!" Brawly gasped.

"A snake? A spider?" Pinkie squinted her eyes.

"It's all air..." Fluttershy gawked.

"Some of us should handle the rampaging Pokemon." Cynthia pointed at the Pokemon that were unable to see their trainers that were blurred out.

"We can handle that!" Fluttershy and Pinkie raised their hooves.

"Make sure that it doesn't blur out your face!" Celestia warned as she put up a magical barrier. Since she was the only pony that could interact with Rift magic, her own magic was a safe bet. "If it does, then none of us will notice each other at all. Since the blur doesn't seem to affect the Pokemon, us trainers should be fine under this."

"Then what are waiting for? We shall just put it to sleep and call it a day. Darkrai, use Dark Void!" Luna ordered as Darkrai emerged from the shadows, holding his claws out. Within his claws, a pitch-black orb had been formed with the power to put anyone to sleep.

Darkrai then launched the orb at the air snake, expecting it to be put to sleep. Unfortunately, when the orb did come in contact, it did engulf the snake, but it didn't put it to sleep. Mostly because it was incapable of sleeping.

"I'm afraid that something like Dark Void won't work on this kind of creation, Luna," Celestia said to her little sister.

"R-Really now..." Luna sighed. "Fine! We have other options!"

"Lucario! Aura Sphere!" Both Cynthia and Brawly commanded their own Lucario. Each of the two Aura Pokemon put their hands together, creating a blue ball of energy in between them. Lucario then launched their spheres of Aura forward.

The Aura Spheres, when they came in contact, formed a significant result. The bright blue colours of the sphere ended up reacting to the Anonymous Sharp Air and the Rift energy it was made from.

The snake-spider hybrid cried out after the Aura mixed with its Rift energy as significant damage was shown. The sparks of Aura blew up inside of the creature as they had certainly grabbed its attention.

"Yes! It worked!" Brawly cheered.

"But now it's bound to target us!" Celestia replied as the creature locked eyes onto Celestia's group, hissing at them with the sounds of a tornado.

The creature started moving with its eight legs while expanding its air. The sharp air that it generated was reaching the nearby buildings of Vanhoover. Before they couldn't damage them that much, only chipping off small rocks at best, But as time went on, the sharp air was starting to unload some heavy damage to them.

Windows were being cut apart as well as roofs. The creature rapidly moved at Celestia's group, ready to cut and blur them out so that no one will know of their existence or even tend to their injuries. Just like a snake, it opened its mouth, bearing its air fangs that had cutting properties.

"Glad I studied a bit of science for this! Passion, use Mystical Fire!"

"Darkrai, Dark Pulse!"

"Garde...!" Passion and Darkrai put their hands together, forming a magical flame and a sphere imbued with dark thoughts. In unison, the two of them unleashed their attacks as they connected with the creature.

Once it connected, the air creature was met with blazing flames that heated all of the existing oxygen within the creature. The flames were releasing heat and causing inner combustion within the creature, causing it to cry out in pain. Dark Pulse didn't do the same but it did damage the creature. Large parts of air had been obliterated by the magical properties of Mystical Fire and the fire in general anyway, making the creature a tad bit smaller.

"When air is added to heat, it causes natural oxidation. Easy." Celestia tapped her hoof on her head. "After all, this thing is just one large ball of air, isn't it?"


Provoked, the creature then started releasing a whirlwind of sharp air from its mouth instead of approaching for a physical attack. The whirlwind had the sharp air within it, making it even more dangerous than it already was it tore through the ground and snow, racing towards Celestia's group.

"Lucario, use Flash Cannon!" Cynthia ordered.

"Lu!" Lucario jumped over the barrier that Celestia had put up, summoning a white ball in front of him. Out of the ball, a silver beam of metal energy came flying out, colliding with the whirlwind.

There was one major advantage that a Pokemon like Lucario had. It wasn't just the Aura that allowed him to fend off the Rift energy, but it was the fact that he was a Steel-Type. It was recently discovered that the sharp air doesn't affect Ice-Type Pokemon or even Ghost's because of their hard icy skin and intangibility.

And they most certainly can't affect something as hard and durable as the Steel-Type. And the same went for Flash Cannon. The whirlwind couldn't defeat it due to it being made out of metallic energy. Thus, Flash Cannon broke through, engulfing the air creature in its silver glory.

The creature cried out, taking damage yet again. So far, the air creature was faring horribly against Celestia's group. Usually, it's the other way around with the creature having the advantage at the start.

And Lucien noticed this.

"What?!" Lucien gasped while watching all of this from the hills. "No, no! This isn't right! Where's the struggle?! Come on, you stupid snake spider thing! Do something greater!"

The creature soon realized that it was the one being overwhelmed. It had to do something fast before Celestia's group ends up defeating it.

"Darkrai, Poison Jab!"

Darkrai moved in, covering his claws in poison and ready to strike. The creature summoned more whirlwinds with sharp air within them. Darkrai wasn't made of steel so the creature believed that it would actually hurt the Pitch Black Pokemon. But even if Darkrai wasn't made out of Steel, he had one major advantage.

The shadows.

The Pitch Black Pokemon descended in the shadows while moving, avoiding the whirlwind of sharp air easily as it connected with Celestia's barrier. After evading it, Darkrai moved quickly in the shadows since that's where his strong suit is. Then, the Dark-Type emerged from the shadows below the creature, striking its underbelly with his poisonous claw.

The creature cried out as Darkrai then submerged into the shadows once more, moving back to his trainer, Luna. The poison from Poison Jab started spreading across the creature's body, severely weakening it. Air and poison, don't exactly work well with each other. If anything this spelt bad news for the creature as Lucien was starting to panic.

At this rate, this whole event will be over before it even properly reaches its boiling point. And that was something Lucien couldn't accept.

"This can't be happening...So soon?!" He pulled his hair. "They weren't this good at dealing with problems before! Urgh!" Frustrated and irritated, Lucien could see that everything was going downhill for him. Until he decided to up the anty. "It isn't over yet! Not until I get something great out of this!"

Wanting a real show-stopper, he pointed his finger at the creature, sending a quick bolt of cosmic energy towards it. The cosmic energy entered the creature, adding one extra property that would make it a more fearsome opponent to go up against.

The creature howled as it could feel its entire body changing once more. The poison that had been sent into its body was being altered a bit. Instead of destroying the creature, it was now becoming one with it. The poison changed the grey coloured air creature into one that was entirely purple.

It went to its eyes and many eight legs. And speaking of eight legs, something else multiplied. Now, the creature had eight heads like a hydra with poison air wheezing out of it. The creature's size also increased as well with even sharper fangs. This was Lucien's way of upping the anty.

"Oh my..." Brawly's jaw dropped.

"What in increase!" Luna gasped. "Did it just make the poison one with it?!"

"It certainly did. But now that means it's more vulnerable to Psychic-Type attacks." Celestia observed.


"And Lucario's Steel-Typing will just ignore it. I say we're pretty lucky." Brawly gave a thumbs up with a wide grin.

With a louder hiss, the creature seemed to be faster now while exhaling poison. Now the air could do more than just cut and blur anything out. Celestia quickly increased the size of the barrier as Passion, Darkrai and two Lucario's moved away when the air creature went to bite them with its eight heads.

But even if they moved away, this time, the creature seemed to have a faster reaction time. By opening its many mouths, the creature summoned not just a whirlwind of sharp air, but also poisonous gas inside of them.

"Use Psychic to push them back!"

"Voir!" Passion put her arms up, trying to push back the whirlwinds of sharp poisonous air. But this time, the whirlwind was stronger than ever, equal to the strength of a hurricane at best. Passion managed to hold back three whirlwinds, nullifying the poison within, however, she couldn't stop the rest from advancing. "Garde?!"

The other whirlwinds caught the Embrace Pokemon, rapidly cutting her while also bombarding her with heavy wind pressures. And the sharpness of the air was more noticeable this time as it had grown in strength, causing the Psychic-Fairy-Type to wince.

"Ah! Passion!"

As for Darkrai, after Passion failed to stop all of them, some of the whirlwind's caught him, sending their sharpness all across his shadow-like body and hitting him with high turbulence and wind pressures as well.

It was times like this where Darkrai wishes he could become intangible like a Ghost-Type.


"Aura Sphere!" Brawly and Cynthia commanded.

"Lu!" The two Lucario summoned Aura Sphere once more to try and nullify the Rift energy by simultaneously firing the spheres in unison.

But this time, thanks to Lucien, the creature had gained better sentience. It opened its mouths once more, summoning larger whirlwinds that cancelled out the Aura Sphere, making it less effective than it was before. It still left a mark with the remaining Aura affecting little parts of Rift energy within.

"How did it grow in such a short amount of time?!" Luna screeched.

"However so, I need to perform that clear-out spell as soon as possible!" Celestia replied. "Let's just hope that Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie have sorted the rest out by now."

"You can go ahead and help them, Celestia," Cynthia suggested.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. It's challenging but not too challenging from what Lucario has told me." Cynthia nodded.


"If you say so. Passion! Stay here and assist them!" Celestia spread her wings as she went in Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie's direction.


With Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, they were dealing with the Pokemon who were panicking about being unable to see their trainers. Many of the Pokemon were on the verge of a rampage and that wouldn't spell good news for the city if that happens.

And it looked like the air was making it worse. Soon, the buildings themselves would be blurred out and hard to identify. But that wouldn't matter since the poison and the sharpness of the air might just destroy the house before that even happens.

Luckily, someone like Fluttershy could handle that no problem.

"It's alright, it's alright." She said to the panicking Pokemon while putting her hoof on a Tangrowth. "You don't have to panic. We'll find your trainers. Just follow our lead okay?"


"Audi. Do your best to listen past the howls." Fluttershy requested before turning to the Pokemon. "You ll can just tell us what your trainer's sound like. Pinkie Pie."

"Yeah?" Pinkie Pie responded.

"Have Mew turn into Luxray and use his X-Ray vision to try and spot the right buildings if he can."

"You got it. Mew, go for it."

"Mew!" Mew spun around in the air, knowing what needed to be done. By covering himself in a beautiful light. Out of the light and a body structure change, Mew emerged as a Luxray. "Luxray!"

With Luxray out, Mew could utilize Luxray's ability to see through the buildings to find the right trainers of the panicking Pokemon. He expanded his view, seeing through everything he could.

"Audino..." Audino closed her eyes as she tried listening for the sound of the right trainers. Obviously, all of their voices sounded like howls at this point. More specifically tornado howls and Audino could tell that.

However, the Hearing Pokemon aimed to hear past that. By focusing even further, Audino's feelers were listening past the tornado howls and searching for actual audible voices. She had her feelers block out any sound of the wind and only focused on voices.

She was able to ignore the howls and pick up on actual voices. And what she heard, she picked up on sounds of panic and worry from the ponies residing in the homes.

"Dino! Audino!"

"Great. Alright. What do your trainers sound like?" Fluttershy asked as all of the Pokemon started talking altogether, mentioning the sound of their trainers at a rapid pace. Now usually, a bunch of commotion with constant talking would be hard for Fluttershy to read, but thankfully, she had Audino here to help with her feelers. Audino's certainly improved when it comes to hearing various sounds in one spot.


"Alright, alright. Thanks, Audi. Pinkie Pie?"

"Got it. Mew can see right through them no problem!"


"Okay. Now after what you've told Audi and me, just follow our directions and we'll get you to your trainers, in no time." Fluttershy nodded in reassurance as she spread her wings, taking to the skies while Mew was the one who went ahead of everything with X-Ray vision allowing him to spot the right buildings.

"Fluttershy! Pinkie Pie!" Celestia cried out, flying in this direction while Passion and everyone else takes care of that air creature.

"Princess Celestia! We've just figured out how to track the trainers!" Fluttershy cried out.

"That's wonderful. Now I can use the Clear-Out spell to show their faces. I recommend you have your Audino use Refresh, however. That creature now seems to have poison capabilities. The air here in Vanhoover might be poisoned all over."

"Oh, alright! Audi, let's try Mega Evolution. That'll make Refresh wider."


Speaking of which within the buildings of the Vanhoover, the residents were already panicking and in a total state of confusion and worry for three reasons. Number one, the obvious giant air creature outside, number two, the air was only getting sharper as their homes were being cut apart like onions and number three, their friends were having their faces blurred out, slowly causing them to become fully unrecognizable.

It didn't help that their voices sounded like howls so not only were the unaffected ponies starting to wonder where their friends and family but their horrifying howling wasn't helping as they thought they were absolute strangers or odd creatures with strange sounds.

Thankfully, Celestia, Fluttershy and Pinkie were here. By covering everyone in their own barrier to protect them from the rest of the air's properties, Celestia opened the door, startling the ponies inside. They had brought along the Pokemon that originally lived in this house.

"Ah!" The mare screeched after the door opened.

"No need to worry! We have your Pokemon safe here. Celestia said as the mare's Skorupi ran inside, wanting to see its trainer.


"Oh! Skorupi!" The mare cried out, putting her hooves out as she embraced her partner. "I was so worried!"

"Alright. Are those your friends or family?" Celestia pointed her hoof at the blurred ponies.

"I don't know!" The mare cried out, dashing away from the blurred ponies.

"Whoever they are, we'll make you recognize them again." Celestia declared as she walked up to the unrecognizable ponies. She also noticed that the building around her was starting to be blurred out as well. Worse, the sharp air was about to slice it into pieces if something wasn't done.

Acting quick, Celestia lit her horn up as her Boundless Cutie Mark started glowing, rotating around a multitude of Cutie Marks. Since Celestia was the only Equestrian-born pony to have the ability to interact with Rift energy thanks to the Boundless Cutie Mark, she was an ace in the hole in a sense.

By using the Clear-Out spell, Celestia was able to manipulate the opacity and transparency of the air that was blurring out these ponies by clearing them out as if she was a window screen wiper. The magic covered the blurred out ponies, breaking down the air that covered them down their last atom.

Before they knew it, the blurred out ponies were no longer blurred out. From their faces, bodies and even Cutie Marks. Their voices had even returned.

"Oh..." One of the ponies who had been restored said, squinting his eyes. "Princess Celestia. Can you hear us now?"

"Loud and clear." Celestia nodded, rekindling hope in them. The mare, glad that her friends were recognizable once more, dashed over and gave them all collective hugs. "Ough!"

"There you guys are!" She wailed. "You know how scared I was?!"

"We were calling for you the entire time! You didn't recognize us?!" The other pony responded.

"Thea it has been blurring out appearances and voices," Celestia explained. "And I'm afraid that it might extend to the point where it'll blur out the buildings. Or worse. Vanhoover might be blurred out of the map entirely."

"Blurred out of the map?!" The ponies living within the house gasped.

"We'll clear out everypony else before it worsens. Fluttershy. You know what to do."

"Right. Okay, Audi. Let's move it across the whole area." Fluttershy looked at her Mega Ring before touching it. The golden lights of Mega Evolution flared out. It was time for Mega Audino to show herself.

Meanwhile, with Cynthia's group, their scuffle with the air creature was going as followed.

The creature's ferocity certainly helped it fare a better chance against Passion and the others. The constant releases of sharp whirlwinds along with poison were tricky to deal with. The only ones who bypass the poison were the two Lucario and Passion with Psychic.

However, the whirlwinds themselves were strengthening each passing second. The sharp air from the creature was starting to blur out the scenery itself next. The ground was being obscured but not just that, the creature was blurring itself out as well.

By manipulating the air and fog of Vanhoover, which is mostly grey due to how it's such a cold snowy place, the air creature blended in with the scenery, even hiding its poison colouring by overlaying its original grey colouring on it. With the creature obscuring its appearance, it allowed itself to attack at a more unexpected not. Its ability to blur out vision was a threat.

It didn't help that the poison was spreading throughout the air as Luna and the others were forced to block out their noses and mouths while also stepping away. Thankfully, Luna's magic could at least help with that. Since the Poison was formed by Darkrai originally, Luna can cast a protective barrier around Cynthia and the others without having to worry about it being Rift related.

"I can barely see it!" Brawly squinted his eyes. "Where is it?"

"It's obscuring its own appearance within the air," Luna observed. "Like some sort of camouflage.

"Either way, it can't hide from Lucario's Aura. Lucario, track it down!" Cynthia commanded as Brawly did the same with his Lucario.

Both of the Aura Pokemon closed their eyes, standing still as they red for the signal of the creature. By utilizing Aura, they were able to track down the movements of the air creature by reading the air itself.

They could see that it was moving from the side, preparing for a behind attack. In fact, it was aiming to take out the trainers so that they wouldn't command their Pokemon any further.

"Luca!" The two Lucario found the creature appearing behind Brawly and Cynthia for a multi-headed bite. Acting quickly, the two of them attacked from afar with Flash Cannon and Aura Sphere, knocking the creature back before it could bite the two trainers.

"Oh!" Cynthia and Brawly gasped as the creature hissed, shooting a whirlwind of poisonous sharp air at Brawly and Cynthia.

"Dark Pulse, Darkrai!"

"Garde!" Passion and Darkrai quickly moved forward and stepping in front, using Psychic and Dark Pulse to protect the two of them. Passion held back the poison with Psychic while Darkrai fired multiple orbs of darkness that connected with all eight whirlwinds, holding them back.

The creature cried out before using its many eight legs to whack Passion and Darkrai away.

"Lucario! Use Bone Rush!" Brawly commanded his own Lucario.

"Lucario, Blaze Kick!" So did Cynthia.

"Lu!" Both Lucario's moved in with one holding out energized bones and the other lightning his legs up. They lunged forward with their own physical attacks before simultaneously attacking the creature

The first Lucario smashed his dual bones onto the creature's head, causing a hard shockwave while the second Lucario slid underneath, kicking the underbelly of the creature and sending flames through it. The flames connected with the air, causing immediate combustion as the creature was sent back.

"Fire seems to be its greatest weakness. If we can contain the entire creature in one spot and overwhelm it with fire, then it should be unresponsive for good."

"Like a large container? Where will we find that?" Luna asked.

"Not like we have a comically large container for that," Brawly responded.

"We have to figure something out. This air creature seems to be getting stronger by the minute. Including the poison. If this poison continues, breathing will become harder than ever..." Before Cynthia could finish her sentence, that's where Audino came in.

Once she had Mega Evolved, the Hearing Pokemon got to work, using Refresh on the entirety of Vanhoover for one purpose. To eliminate the poison in the air.

"Audino!" The Normal-Fairy-Type cried out before summoning a giant green dome-shaped field of restoration energy. Due to her being a Mega Audino, Refresh was greatly boosted.

The energy of Refresh, like a predator hunting its prey, tracked down any source of poison and eliminated it. The poison in the air had been wiped out by Refresh due to its beautiful sparkling lights. Everything was being purified as it was before.

And even better, since the air creature had poison within it, this greatly affected its body. The creature cried out as it could feel its entire body being purified of all the poison within it. Not only that, the flames of Blaze Kick were still prominent and burning away some of the air. Adding that onto the energy of Refresh did not spell good news for the Rift creation.

Its body size was being drastically diminished with all of the poison in its body wiped away, no longer present in any way. The flames of Blaze Kick were responsible for its size diminishing.

And since some of the sharp air that was moving through the buildings had poison in it, those had also been nullified with the poison being eliminated. They still had to deal with the sharpness, however.

Meanwhile, Celestia was clearing out all of the blurred out faces of everypony here while Audino and Mew led the way. The Pokemon were being reunited with their owners.

"That worked! Let's target its many heads with fire! Lucario, Blaze Kick!" Cynthia yelled as Lucario ignited his legs again, running towards the creature.

"Garde!" Passion did the same thing, this time with Mystical Fire as she was charging the attack up for one large flame. The creature hissed as it began flailing its head around like a whip, attempting to hit its foes. Darkrai and the rest moved back while Lucario evaded the head whips while also kicking one of them. When delivering the kick, one of the heads ended up taking the flames, having constant combustions occur as the head had shrunk.

The creature then used its many legs to jump high into the air as it chose to now climb on the buildings. It had spider-like properties, might as well utilize them properly.

By moving on the buildings like a giant spider, the creature then fired sharp whirlwinds from its mouth while moving instead of just staying on one spot most of the time. Darkrai cancelled the whirlwind out with a powerful Thunderbolt to do so.

The creature then shot the whirlwinds into the air, causing them to split up into multiple whirlwinds. From above, sharp whirlwinds started raining won like snow. They were even beating out the snow that usually falls here in Vanhoover.

Everypony started leaving their homes as the buildings were being cut in half from all the raining whirlwinds that came from above. Celestia had gathered everypony and Pokemon from their homes to protect them while Audino continued to listen for their trainers.

At this rate, the buildings would be torn apart before the air blurs out the entirety of Vanhoover from the map.

"We'll need extra help! Luna took out one of her Poke Balls before throwing it. "Come out, Gliscor!"


"Use Tailwind!"

"Gli-Gli-Gliscor!" By flapping his wings and spinning his tail around, the Fang Scorp Pokemon whipped up a turbulent whirlwind that blew in the direction of the sharp whirlwinds.

This greatly helped to not only force back the ferocious sharp whirlwinds, but it even affected the creature a small bit. But not by much sadly.

"Come on!" Lucien stomped his foot down, getting frustrated with how things were turning out. "It can't be over this soon, can it?!"

"Let's finish this! Darkrai, Dark Pulse!"

"Lucario, Aura Sphere!"

"Gardevoir!" Passion had finished charging up Mystical Fire while Darkrai and the two Lucario had summoned their own far back moves.

And in perfect unison, they all unleashed them at the same time. A spiralling flame of magical fire, a black and purple beam imbued with dark thoughts, and two large spheres of concentrated Aura. All merged into one major attack. An attack that had the capability to greatly affect the creature. It had all the colours inside of it to boot.

The creature tried to fight back by summoning a large whirlwind, the largest it has ever made. Its sentience had grown to the point where it could actually feel fear. And Luna and the others could tell this by looking at its face. By unleashing everything it had, the large sharp whirlwind had clashed with the merged attacks, forcing the air creature to try everything that it had.

Unfortunately, due to it being weakened over time by Passion and the others, it couldn't hold an attack like this back. Thus, the whirlwind had been obliterated while the air creature had been hit by an assortment of elements. As it collided with its air-like body, a collection of different elements went off at the same time, blowing up around and even inside of the air creature, causing the building it stood on to be obliterated.

Everyone looked away, closing their eyes from the giant explosion of multiple colours. It was a bit blinding to the eyes. Mostly from Mystical Fire.

Once the explosion cleared, lo and behold, the air-creature had been broken down to the point where it was around the same size as a Dragonair, no longer a Gyarados. All of that energy and power was so great that it weakened it severely. It was actually impressive that it was still standing. It looked like that attack would've destroyed it.

However, this is where Luna and Darkrai could capitalize.

"Darkrai. Do you see that?"

"I do." Darkrai ascended, holding a Dark Void in his claws. He could see that the creature now has the one thing that Darkrai could exploit.


And with fear, comes Darkrai's Dark Void which was perfect for this. Before, it was ineffective since the creature had no fear and was somewhat new to this world. But now, over time, it had visible fear, meaning that Dark Void can dig into those fears and show it to the Rift creation.

With a simple nonchalant toss, Darkari sent the orb of darkness towards the downed air creature. The creature couldn't do much to stop the attack due to how badly it was weakened. Thus, it could do nothing but take the orb of Dark Void as it consumed it completely.

The creature then fell into a deep sleep from Dark Void as it was down for the count and out of commission. Due to the creatures little amount of air and unresponsive state, the sharp air had died down. With nothing to actively exert it, it was no longer a threat.

"That settles that." Luan sighed. "All we have to do is just clear it away. Sister!"

"Coming!" Celestia flew over, knowing what she needed to do. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, after successfully assisting her had also come over. "We've sorted the rest out. I've removed the blur from everypony's faces. The Pokemon are calm now."

"I say we did pretty good, didn't we?" Brawly spoke to Cynthia.

"Mhm. Things went well. Although...I can't help but wonder what caused this in the first place?" Cynthia pondered as Celestia was using her magic to wipe away the air creature.

"Simple. The Rift. We've just recently discovered that Rift humans are moving around Equestria. One of which once controlled Darkrai during the earlier days of our worlds, crossing over." Celestia responded. "Mewtwo found and exposed them to us a while ago. Their names are Lucien and Sienna. This is without a doubt their work."

"Darn it...!" Lucien stomped his foot on the ground before growling. "It didn't even last a full day!"

"Dino?" Naturally, with that loud yelling and outburst, it didn't take long for Audino to pick up on his voice as she recognized it. Upon recognizing the voice, the Hearing Pokemon alerted everyone by pointing to the hills. "Audi! Audino!"

"Huh? He's here?!" Fluttershy translated as they all looked to the hills.


"Voir!" Passion nodded in confirmation as she held her hand out, using Psychic to separate the trees that laid on the hills themselves. And once she separated the trees, Lucien had been made visible to their eyes.

"Uh..." He scrunched his face after being revealed.

"There you are!" Luna bellowed before spreading her wings.

"Time to go!" Not wanting to be caught up in any of this mess any further, the Rift human made his getaway via the usual fading out. The last thing seen of him was cosmic dust as Luna put her wings back.

"Got away..." Luna scoffed.

"It's fine, Luna. We'll find him. Those wanted posters are still in style today."

"What about the homes of everyone here?" Brawly questioned. "That creature took it all out in seconds."

"Oh right. Ahem." Celestia turned to the citizens of Vanhoover, raising her voice to give an announcement. "Everypony! Deepest apologies for what has happened to your homes! But...if it makes you feel any better, some of you can choose to live in the mansion up ahead. The gateway that originally connected to it no longer exists so you should be fine. Anypony that wishes to stay somewhere else is free to do so until your homes are rebuilt. Just...don't mess up the mansion. I want it to stay in one piece for Premium."

The residents like that idea. They could definitely wait for the restoration of their homes. Besides, living in the mansion that was once inhabited by Skyblue Shine and Premium Polish before the accident. Some chose to stay somewhere else in Equestria. Most likely with friends and families in other cities and towns.

Their work here was done. With the Pokemon reunited with their trainers, the sharp blurry air fading away, this was a success. Of course, there was some cleaning up that needed to be done.

After all, the air had been across Equestria hours ago so some places were still feeling the effects of the air. A ton of bandages would be required from all the cuts as well. But, Celestia and everyone had that covered for sure.

However, with the knowledge of Lucien and Sienna now causing further problems, they were on high alert. As if they already weren't due to Ghetsis and Empress Twilight. But at this point, they were ready to tackle any other problem as the journey continues.

Chapter 440 End.

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