• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Ring Drop

Manehattan, the Pokemon Festival, day.

With the Pokeathlon on a short break, other attractions are active right about now with trainers and their Pokemon finding fresh discoveries.

One of which being Rarity and Fluttershy who went over to the Pokemon Musical since it really caught their eye.

The Pokemon Musical. Much like the Pokemon Contests and Pokeathlon, this also acts as a perfect alternative to battling in case the trainers end up getting exhausted alongside their Pokemon.

"Hm." Rarity looked over at the rules of the Pokemon Musical. "Seems simple enough. Just dress up our Pokemon and dance away."

"I thought the Pokemon actually sang." Fluttershy looked at the rules. "Oh, well. It still seems enjoyable! Let's get you two dressed up."

"Oh!" An employee slid in. "Sorry. Only one Pokemon is allowed for each trainer, sadly."

"Oh." Fluttershy's ears dropped down. "That's a shame. Then...Which one of you would like to try it?"

"Chiko." Chikorita insisted that Audino should try.

"Dino?" Audino pointed at herself.

"Good thinking, Chikorita." Fluttershy flew up. "It'll be like us being in stardom! Oh, but...smaller stardom. That's a bit better."

"Why on earth would you want smaller stardom?" Someone replied to Fluttershy's words, prompting her and Rarity to turn around.

The one who replied to Fluttershy was none other than the Pokemon Coordinator and the rival of Dawn, Ursula, alongside her Plusle, but not her Minun since only one Pokemon was allowed.

"You should be aiming for top stardom," Ursula spoke.

"Oh, um. It's just not for me. Sorry." Fluttershy whimpered.

"Hmph. Odd." Ursula dressed her Plusle up in a Straw Hat. "Hold this, Plusle." She gave her Plusle a Colourful parasol.


"Hm." Rarity looked at a scarlet cape that was fairly long. "This cape could look good on anypony. "Which one of you would like to try it out?"

"Pharos..." Ampharos shook his head. He wasn't exactly the show business type. But he was interested in the Pokeathlon and other attractions that involved action. Which he hoped that Rarity would take him too. "Ampharos."

"Ampharos, darling. If you're not interested, you can go off and do your own thing." Rarity said.

"Ampha?" He turned around. Did she really mean it?

"Mhm." Rarity nodded, insisting that her Pokemon go along and have the time of their life. "You should enjoy what you want after all."

"Ampharos!" The Light Pokemon bolted off with excitement as he thanked Rarity.

"Leavanny. Pheromosa. Do any of you wish to go along or stay here?"

"Leavan..." All of Rarity's Leavanny's looked at each other, trying to decide what they wanted to do. Some Leavanny's decided to stay here while others chose to go along and do whatever they want.

Since there were 12 of them in total, 6 of them split up while the other 6 stayed behind.

"Mosa!" Pheromosa was a sucker for something like this so she decided to stay along and volunteer for the musical as she placed the scarlet cape on.

"Nice cape." A random trainer said as they were passing by.

"Hmmm..." Ursula grumbled as she looked at Pheromosa. She saw how her beautiful appearance was complimented by the cape. Made her look like a superhero which made Ursula a tad bit jealous.

She wanted to 1UP her competitors by making her Pokemon out best Pheromosa's appearance. So she snatched the Straw Hat off of Plusle's head and replaced it with a Horned helm.


"This'll do! And some of these!" She gathered some black wings, sticking them on the Cheering Pokemon's hat with vigour, forcing Plusle to hold a toy sword as she also added a black cape, just to mimic Pheromosa.


"Aha! How's this?! Ursula crossed her arms. "My Plusle looks like a real threat now, don't you agree?!"

"That look is too busy." Rarity dismissed it.

"Too busy?!" Ursula screeched.

"It's all about simplicity. Normal may be basic but simple is best after all." Rarity nodded as Pheromosa nodded along.


"Kh! We'll let the musical decide." Ursula scoffed as she already found Rarity to be a massive threat. "My Plusle will surely beat out this...thing..." Ursula was having a hard time describing Pheromosa.

"Ah!" Rarity gasped as she and Ursula clashed heads, creating a mini-shockwave. "She has a name and a species, excuse you!"

As they both growled at each other, Fluttershy, Chikorita and Audino huddled together, witnessing the sparks beginning to build up and fly.

"Oh my." Fluttershy gulped.

Fluttershy, Ursula and Rarity were the main competitors with one extra pony in the mix as the 4 competitors prepare themselves.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the spectrum, the Pokeathlon has finished its break and the next event is about to happen.

Ring Drop.

This event requires only four Pokemon to be on a fighting ring at all times instead of every single one of them. If all of them joined, then it would be a problem.

The rules for this were simple. It was a lot like the Hariyama Wrestling attraction, minus being strapped onto a Hariyama. In which the Pokémon compete by tackling each other, trying to knock opponents out of the ring while staying in the ring themselves.

And the best part is that the Pokemon can actually be in teams of three so it's not a solo act with one Pokemon and one Pokeathlete.

Stamina was key in this event. Fatigue was sort of the be all end all in for the Ring Drop as the Pokémon can get fatigued when they are hit by tackles, which decreases their resistance to launching.

A Pokémon who is very fatigued will start to sweat, and a Pokémon who is extremely fatigued will faint, becoming immobile and losing a great deal of launch resistance for a few seconds.

Pokémon can be switched out, but only when the Pokémon is near the team's starting corner. Pokémon who are switched out can rest up and restore their stamina with whatever method they can find. When a Pokémon falls off the ring or is switched out, the next Pokémon takes its place.

It was a straightforward knockout event that any Pokemon could do. Ash and the others looked at the Recommended Pokemon list which told them which Pokemon would work best in this event.

The Top Six Pokemon chosen were Quagsire, Slowbro, Vileplume, Wobbuffet, Shuckle and Ursaring. Weirdly enough, only one of them looked intimidating and that was Ursaring. The rest were a bit unexpected.

"Aren't like 5 of these pretty goofy..?" Rainbow Dash squinted her eyes.

"You'd think there'd be heavier Pokemon in this." Applejack replied.

"They've got pretty good stamina so it makes sense." Ash nodded.


"Well, we don't have any of those but we can still manage without the recommended Pokemon. Ninetales. Eve. Absol. Let's have a go on this one." Twilight said to her Ninetales, Absol and Espeon.




"Wait, three Pokemon?!" Gilda groaned. "Ugh...Are you kidding me? I only have one Pokemon...This is getting frustrating."

"Uh...Maybe the next event then?" Rainbow Dash shrugged.

"Yeah...sure." Gilda sighed.

"Count me out. I only got Sceptile." Applejack wouldn't be taking part in this event. "And this uh...Golett that's tagging along too."


"Dragonite, Lucario. Gengar. I'm counting on the three of you." Ash said to his Pokemon.




Obviously, with all these Pokeathletes, some of them will get their turn in packs of 4. The first ones up were Ash, Rainbow Dash, Goh and Twilight for this one.

Rainbow Dash chose Mienfoo, Whirlipede and Altaria since she believes that Altaria's fluffy wings could be of great use in this tackling competition. Whirlipede would work great since his rolling could come in handy and Mienfoo was just here for some satisfaction after losing the Hurdle Dash.

They all have their own plans of winning this while Gilda watched, disappointed that she couldn't join due to her having only one Pokemon, Staraptor.

"Alright. Which one of you three has the longest stamina?" Twilight asked her partners.

"Esp..." Eve thought for a moment. "Espeon." She pointed at Ninetales, believing his stamina is greater than hers.

"Nine? Tales. Ninetales." Ninetales chose Absol since he pointed out how Absol was constantly on the move during the Dynamax Crisis and the Darkest Day.


"Hm...Absol does run for a long time..." Twilight nodded. "Okay! Here's the plan. We'll start with you Eve. Then Ninetales and then finally Absol. We'll build up and take them by surprise. We've only got 60 seconds in this event anyway so we gotta move fast."

"If anyone's great at building speed, it's your Whirlipede. Just do what you do best and it'll be a cinch, okay?" Rainbow Dash grinned.


"Cinderace. Darmanitan. Scyther. No pressure on this okay?" Goh spoke.




Four Pokemon in total got on the ring, each belonging to one trainer. The first ones up were Dragonite, Eve, Scyther and Mienfoo. The stage had been set as the countdown started.





Without having their trainers say anything, the Pokemon all moved the moment the sound of GO had been uttered since it was all dependent on the Pokemon in this event.

The first one to get a move on was Whirlipede since his rolling capabilities were his greatest asset here. The Curlipede Pokemon rolled towards Scyther as his first target.

"Scyther?" Scyther gasped as he was the first to be tackled by the Bug-Poison-Type. "Scyt!" Scyther nearly fell on its back as the other Pokemon got a move on.

"Esp!" Eve tackled Dragonite but soon came to find out that it barely did anything. The moment she tackled the Dragon Pokemon, she bounced back unexpectedly. "Eon?!"


"She bounced back?!" Twilight screeched.

"Hehe." Ash cackled. "No way you're getting past Dragonite that easily!"

"Using Dragonite's rotund belly as a way to push anyone back. Ash, you crafty little..." Twilight grizzled her teeth. "We'll just hit Dragonite over and over again then!"

"Esp!" So that's what she did. Eve continuously tackled herself into the Dragon Pokemon, trying to make it budge at least once. All the while, Dragonite stood there, bouncing Eve back with its round stomach.

As for Whirlipede and Scyther. Scyther was at a disadvantage. Not because of its type, but because Whirlipede seemed to be getting stronger each time he and Scyther tackled each other.

Sadly, the same does not apply to Scyther. The trainers couldn't give commands since it was up to the Pokemon themselves so all they could do was stand by and cheer for their Pokemon.

"Gonite!" Dragonite let out a single tackle which sent Eve flying out of the ring with ease, eliminating the Sun Pokemon from the ring.


"Ah! Eve!" Twilight gasped.

"Espeon! Out!" The announcer said. "20 points to Ash!"

"Nice, Dragonite!" Ash gave a thumbs-up as he and Pikachu cheered Dragonite on.


As for Scyther and Whirlipede, the Curlipede Pokemon put so much pressure on Scyther that the Mantis Pokemon accidentally slipped, falling off the ring.


"Scyther! Out! 20 points to Rainbow Dash!"

"Aw...!" Goh groaned.

"Worked like a charm!" Rainbow Dash grinned.

"Return...Scyther." Goh sighed, returning Scyther to its ball.

"We don't have much time left...Ninetales go!" Twilight chose Ninetales next.

"Nine!" The Fox Pokemon jumped into the ring, immediately going after Dragonite. "Tales!" Like Eve, Ninetales smashed into Dragonite's belly.

But, Ninetales was able to slightly budge Dragonite thanks to him being bigger than Eve herself.

"Dra?" Dragonite decided to take things a bit seriously with how Ninetales budged it. The Dragon Pokemon tackled Ninetales, pushing him back but he wasn't out yet as the Fox Pokemon charged back in.

Goh chose Darmanitan next as the Blazing Pokemon ended up clashing with Whirlipede, who was getting faster each time he tackled into Darmanitan.

Only 35 seconds remain and the points were in Ash and Rainbow Dash's favour. Ninetales decided to switch things up by attacking Whirlipede instead.



The Fox Pokemon tackled Whirlipede's blindside as the Curlipede Pokemon didn't see it coming at all. "Pede!" Whirlipede had been launched by Ninetales who attacked him from the side.

"Oh! Whirlipede!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she saw her partner fly out of the ring at such a high height. "Urgh! Ninetales you...!"

"Whirlipede! Out! 20 points to Princess Twilight Sparkle!"

"Smart thinking, Ninetales!" Twilight squeed.


"Don't get too distracted." Ash grinned. The reason why he grinned was that Dragonite pulled a sneak attack on Ninetales and Darmanitan, tackling them both.



The sheer weight of Dragonite was something to be intimidated by as a single tackle almost knocked both Fire-Types off the ring as they were struggling to keep their balance.

"Here's your chance. Get in there, Altaria!" Rainbow Dash went with Altaria next.

"Taria!" Altaria hopped in, going straight for Dragonite who was the biggest threat here. Once she and Dragonite tackled each other, Altaria's soft and fluffy wings ended up cushioning the blow, allowing her to only move back a bit.


"Huh..." Gilda watched as she saw all the Pokemon tackle each other with only 20 seconds left on the clock. She found this whole event to be highly entertaining as she also saw how much fun the others were having with smiles on their faces.

It was a shame that she only had Staraptor. Gilda was hoping that the next event would allow her and Staraptor to finally do something.

"Dragon!" Dragonite tackled Altaria who kept using her wings to cushion the impact. Unfortunately, that wouldn't work forever since Dragonite could keep putting the pressure.

"Darman!" Darmanitan almost knocked Ninetales off the ring by adding its own pressure to the Fox Pokemon.

"Tales! Tales!" Ninetales was being pushed back by Darmanitan's aggressive approach as he was close to falling off. Until he came up with the brilliant idea of using his tails to cushion the blow, just like Altaria.

"Dar?" Darmanitan's eyes widened as it got a face full of tails. Nine of them to be exact.

"Nine!" Ninetales caught Darmanitan off guard as he performed a full-force tackle which almost knocked his fellow Fire-Type off.


"Time!" Those 60 seconds were up as the Pokemon came to a screeching halt with Altaria crashing into Dragonite's belly.


"Darman." Darmanitan sat down, letting out a great sigh of relief.

"Let's see those points." The announcer looked up to see the total tally. The total was 20 points for Ash, Twilight and Rainbow Dash while Goh, unfortunately, received zero.

"Aw! Zero?!" Goh sighed.

"Tough break." Applejack patted him on the back. "Better luck in the next event."

"That was a bit stressful..." Twilight sighed as she sat down. "What's next?"

"Next?" Ash slid over. "Block Smash!"



"Block Smash? Do you like the sound of that, Mienfoo?" Rainbow Dash asked her.


"We'll get the next one for sure!" Goh kept his spirit up despite gaining no points in this event. The other Pokeathletes were still here so their turn was up next. So Ash, Twilight, Goh and Rainbow Dash took a break until this event ends.

This was also a good time to snack on something in the meanwhile. Gilda was getting impatient as she was waiting for her turn already. She couldn't take part in the previous two events since Staraptor wasn't allowed in the Hurdle Dash and she only had one Pokemon for Ring Drop.

But the Block Smash is without a doubt something her Staraptor can do. No problem. Every Pokemon is capable of joining this. Even the ones that don't have limbs.

Meanwhile, The CMC, alongside Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had just returned to the festival after seeing Hunter J for the first time without knowing her true intentions. J ended up lying to all five of them, saying that the petrified ponies and Pokemon were just statues she was coming to pick up. And they believed it.

All except for Diamond Tiara who was very unsure. She still remembered hearing the cries of a Ribombee from the Ribombee statue she saw.

Diamond Tiara was so judgemental that she used her Xtransceiver to take a picture of J. J didn't have a Trainer ID since she's a Pokemon Hunter but her face had been captured.

Diamond Tiara was a bit nervous. She felt like she should've probably gone after J. But it was too late now. She was long gone from here.

"Diamond Tiara? Hey. Hello?" Sweetie Belle waved her hoof in front of the earth pony's face.

"Hm?" Diamond Tiara snapped back to reality. "What?"

"Are you alright? You looked pretty dazed there. Is this festival a bit too much?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"No, it's not the festival." She shook her head, "Hey um...did you girls find that lady back there a bit odd."

"Who? You mean the lady with the awesome arm cannon and visor?" Scootaloo grinned. "If how cool she looked counts as odd then yeah, she's pretty odd."

"Yeah her. Something about her doesn't sit right with me..."

"Like?" Apple Bloom and Silver Spoon both said.

"I don't know...I can't describe it." Diamond Tiara shuddered. "I still think that Ribombee and all those other statues weren't statues at all."

"Then what were they?" Scootaloo wondered as she and the others stopped walking.

"Well...do you think they might just be petrified ponies and Pokemon?"

"You mean they've been turned to stone?" Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow.

"Mhm." Diamond Tiara nodded. "Something about it just makes me think that..."

"You think she's a villain?!" Scootaloo screeched.

"I don't know..." Diamond Tiara grumbled. "I just have a gut feeling you know."

"Well, she's long gone now." Silver Spoon shrugged. "We're probably never gonna see her face ever again."

"Actually," Diamond Tiara took out her Xtransceiver. "I took this picture before she left." She showed her friends the picture of J as they now had a permanent view of what she looked like.

"Those eyes are pretty sharp and menacing..." Apple Bloom nodded.

"But Diamond Tiara...Do you really think she's a bad person?" Sweetie Belle asked. "We don't know anything about her at all."

"I know I can't say anything since we just met her but it's a feeling I can't describe. Purrloin felt it too." Diamond Tiara held out her Poke Ball. "I could feel Purrloin shaking in fear. It was like she knew something horrible was close to us. And when she left, the shaking stopped."

"Shaking? Inside of the Poke Ball?" Silver Spoon leaned forward at the Poke Ball.

"You sound pretty serious about it Diamond Tiara. Maybe it's a good idea you took a picture of her. If what you're saying is true then we have this as a backup of her." said Scootaloo.

"Yeah. I just hope it doesn't come back to bite us..." Diamond Tiara shuddered.

"No need to worry!" Sweetie Belle slid over. "We've got a bunch more days left till the Pokemon Festival ends so let's have fun and forget about it for now. Oh, look! Rarity's over at the Pokemon Musical! I wanna see that!" She dashed over.

"Cheer up, it'll be fine." Apple Bloom grinned as she walked off, following Sweetie Belle as Scootaloo and Silver Spoon did the same.

Despite her the reassuring and hopeful words of her friends, the young earth pony was still very anxious about all of this. She turned off the Xtransceiver as she was going to let the thought of what J possibly is, escape her mind.

But she had every reason to be worried.

Somewhere near Manehattan near a calm and quiet lake, there lived a few smaller buildings in a secluded grassy area that was away from the bustling metropolis that is Manehattan.

It was peaceful and silent and had a lot of Grass-Type Pokemon here who enjoyed the tranquillity of this small area with very few buildings.

But unfortunately, yesterday, that tranquillity was disturbed.

By Hunter J.

She had made this secluded area her base of operations for the meantime. She did this by using her arm cannon on the ponies that lived here, turning them into stone.

That way, none of them could interfere with her plans. And if the Pokemon tried to stop her, she would just turn them into stone as well, making them apart of her collection. This entire town now belonged to her as she placed the statues inside of the home of the pegasus living here in each house.

"That settles that." She dusted herself. "How fortunate that my luck is turning around this effectively. I don't know how I returned, but I'll take it."

J had plans in this world. But of course, she couldn't forget about her own world since she had plans for that as well. She was aware of the gateways being the link between this world and her own.

J may have her gadgets and Pokemon back but she was still missing her original means of transportation. Right now, all she could rely on were horse carriages that her Pokemon pulled.

But J was smart enough to start from the ground up. These gadgets are her creation after all. She may not be on the intellectual level of Colress or most Pokemon scientists but she knew how to build something to benefit her.

It will take a while, but it will all pay off for her. Right now, with this collection of ponies and Pokemon at her disposal, J was obviously going to continue her Pokemon collecting spree but she was also planning on selling some of them for a profit. Including the ponies.

Back at the Pokemon Festival, Ash felt another odd chill run through his body. "Ugh..."


"Meloetta?" Meloetta flew over to Ash, asking him what was wrong.

"I felt that chill again..." Ash shuddered. "Weird."

"Chill? In sunlight this bright?" Rainbow Dash looked up. "That's a bit weird."

"If you're feeling a chill like that, Ash, then is something wrong?" Twilight asked.

"It's like that chill's telling me something bad's coming our way."


"Is it Ghetsis?!" Goh shot up.

"No idea." Ash shook his head. "Mrrgh...I can't really describe it!"

"What are you on about...?" Gilda squinted her eyes.

"You could just relax, Ash." Applejack suggested. "The next event ain't gonna happen for a while."

"Nah, it's fine. Just gotta keep myself sharp, ya know."


But just like Diamond Tiara, Ash had all the reasons to have that chill run through his body as well as being worried. He wasn't aware of J's return. At least not yet. But even if he wasn't sure what it was, he wasn't going to let it ruin his fun as the journey continues.

Chapter 311 End.

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