• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,483 Views, 7,937 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Rainbow Dash's First Gym Battle!

The Pokemon League. It has finally been completed in Equestria. And now Rainbow Dash and other ponies who caught wind of this can begin their journey to become a Champion.

"This is it! The big day! The day I become an amazing Pokemon Trainer. And my first gym is in Whitetail Wood." Rainbow Dash said. She had her clothing and gear ready. This was gonna be big.

"We'll be cheering for you Rainbow Dash. Now come on. Let's head to Whitetail Wood and see what this gym is all about." Twilight said.

Whitetail Wood. Recently having its own gym which was a large leaf house. Almost like a hut. It was much bigger inside. Every gym leader who was assigned for the Pokemon League in Equestria had requested they have their own unique looking gym. Courtesy of BigTime Ben.

"This is the gym. Grass Type, Apparently." As the group all entered in the hut, they were met with the interior of the gym. And the one standing at the very far back in the centre was the gym leader. A familiar face actually.

"No way. Gardenia?!" Ash said.

"Ash. Long time no see."

"You're the gym leader here? What about your gym back at Eterna City?"

"Well you see since this league is new, new gym leaders haven't been appointed yet. So us old gym leaders are filling in the shoes until a new one comes along. Soo, you'll be seeing a lot of old faces here and there. Now, which one of you is the challenger?"

"That'll be me!" Rainbow Dash raised her hoof.

"Ah okay! The rainbow mane girl. Alright then! We'll get this gym battle started!"

"Be careful of Gardenia Rainbow Dash. Her Pokemon can be pretty tricky to deal with especially with speed."

"Oh, it's different now Ash."



"A lot has changed since then. I travelled to other regions and caught other Pokemon as well. So I may not have the same Pokemon anymore."

"Doesn't bother me. Let's do this!" Rainbow Dash declared.

And it began. A referee who was a unicorn stood at the back to spectate the whole battle.

"Alright. This is the first of many. Rufflet! I'll start with you!" Rainbow Dash tossed Rufflet's PokeBall, sending out the flying type.


"We're gonna ace this Rufflet!"


"Check out this beauty of a Pokemon! Go!" Gardenia tossed her Pokeball as well, sending out one of her newly caught Pokemon. Steenee. "Straight from the Alola Region!" Rainbow Dash took out her dex to see what this Pokemon was all about.

"Steenee. The Fruit Pokemon. LIvely and cheerful, Steenee often attracts a crowd of other Pokemon drawn to its energy and its lovely scent. Its sepals have evolved into a hard shell to protect its head and body from attackers. The dex described.

"Aw. It's so pretty and cute!" Fluttershy said.

"Doesn't seem that tough. This'll be a cakewalk." Rainbow Dash said, getting cocky.

"Ooh, I could go for some cake right now!" Pinkie Pie replied.

"Battle Start!" The referee said.

"All I need is one good hit! Rufflet! Wing Attack!" Rufflet took off from the ground, soaring towards the Fruit Pokemon, spreading its wings as they glowed white.

"Steenee! Stomp!" Steenee raised her leg, stomping it on Rufflet's back, sending the Eaglet Pokemon down, pinning it there with its feet.

"Gah! Rufflet!" Rufflet was trying to get out of the pin, struggling in the process. "You gotta get out of there Rufflet!"

"Steenee! Kick him away!" Steenee then let her foot away, but then she followed up by kicking Rufflet away."

"Oh, dear! This is a bit excessive don't you think?" Rarity said. Still trying to recover from that sudden pin stomp.

"Rufflet are you okay?" Rainbow Dash said. Rufflet recovered, still feeling energized. "Awesome! Let's get in there and use Peck!" Rufflet flew down striking its beak forward.

"Stomp on him once more from above!" Steenee jumped into the air, dodging the peck. Everypony looked up as Steenee positioned its foot towards Rufflet.

"Not today! Fly around!" Rufflet had got it as he flew away from the stomp, making Steenee stomp on the ground instead. Rufflet then flew around Steenee, moving all over the place and kicking up some wind. "Now go for it!" As he kept flying around he went in for a peck, hitting Steenee's head. Rufflet was a pretty speed Pokemon so it was tough for Steenee to keep up with him.

"Not bad. Leaf Storm!" Steenee kicked its feet up, letting out a storm of leaves that went towards Rufflet.

"Get away from it!" Rufflet began to fly away from the Leaf Storm, avoiding it as he went up into the air.

"Are Gym Battles normally this intense?!" Twilight asked.

"Yep. There's no slowing down! And this is just the first one!" Ash said laughing.

"I can't get too close with Wing Attack. It'll just stomp on him again. Peck's my best option... That Leaf Storm looks dangerous.. but Rufflet's a flying type so it wouldn't hurt to take some damage from it." She thought to herself. "I got it!" She then got an idea! "Rufflet! Close in on Steenee!" Rufflet flew downwards, aiming at the Fruit Pokemon.

"Now Steenee! Let's finish this with a Leaf Storm! A strong one this time!"

"Power through it!"

A leaf storm was sent towards Rufflet, however, the Eaglet Pokemon powered through it due to its tenacity and the fact that it kept growing stronger as time went on in this battle.

"Talk about a real brick wall. Stomp!" Steenee raised her leg once again until...

"Now grab onto its leg with a bite!" Steenee stomped its foot down as Rufflet suddenly bit on its leg with its beak. Steenee yelled in pain as Rufflet was stuck onto her.

"Steenee, shake him off!"

"Don't let go no matter what!" Steenee tried its best to get Rufflet off of its feet. The little bird wouldn't let go for one second.

"Stomp on the ground repeatedly!" Gardenia commanded. Steenee stomped repeatedly on the ground as it make Rufflet shake over and over again. "Now go in for one big stomp!"

"Now Rufflet! Fly off!" As Steenee stomped its foot on the ground with much more power this time, Rufflet had flown off and was extra close to Steenee.

"Wing Attack!" Rufflet's wings glowed as it struck its wings on Steenee's face, launching the Fruit Pokemon as it had fallen. Fainting.

"Steenee is unable to battle! Rufflet wins!" The referee said.

"We won... YEAH!" Rainbow Dash flew in the air with excitement along with Rufflet.

"Ruff!" They ended up giving each other a hug.

"Good job Steenee. You were wonderful." Gardenia said, returning her to the Pokeball. "I gotta say.. what's your name?"

"Rainbow Dash."

"Well, Rainbow Dash. You're pretty good for a beginner. That biting tactic was pretty clever. But let's see how you handle this one. An old friend!" She tossed out her next Pokemon. One of her old Pokemon. Roserade.

"Roserade!" Rainbow Dash pulled out her dex to see what this one was all about.

"Roserade. The Bouquet Pokemon. With its beautiful blossoms, enticing aroma and graceful movements, Roserade is quite enchanting- but watch out! Its arms conceal thorny whips, and the thorns carry poison."

"These things sound dangerous. There are thorns and poison in there?"

"Hope you're ready for this one," Gardenia asked.

"We are! Rufflet? Can you keep going?"


"Then it's settled! Let's get a second win!"

"We'll do the honours of starting this time. Roserade, Sweet Scent!" From out of its arms, Roserade let out a sweet and soothing scent that reached not only Rufflet but even Pikachu.


"What the hoof is this? Oh well. Wing Attack! Head on!" Rufflet didn't move actually. It was too caught up on the sweet scent. It did decide to close in, but not for an attack. Just to get closer to the scent. "Uh, Rufflet?"

"Wide open. Now Roserade! Poison Sting!" Roserade then attacked the defenceless Rufflet, by using some of its thorns to strike. It hit the Eaglet Pokemon square in its belly, knocking it back onto the ground.

"Oh no Rufflet!" Rufflet had fallen down.. as it was a knockout and a faint.

"Rufflet is unable to battle! Roserade wins!"

"Aw..and they did so well in the first round." Pinkie Pie said.

"If it weren't for the sweet scent thing they could've taken it." Applejack replied.

"Thanks, Rufflet." Rainbow Dash sent Rufflet back into its Pokeball.

"So? How are you gonna tackle this one, Rainbow?" Gardenia said.

"Oh, you'll see. I got one other Pokemon I can count on! Whirlipede! Get in there!" She tossed her Pokeball forward, sending out the Curlipede Pokemon itself.


"This is gonna be tricky and could go either way.." Ash said with a sort of serious look on his face.

"What makes you say that Ash?" Fluttershy asked him.

"Both of them cancel each other out. Whirlipede is a Bug and Poison type. Great against Grass Types. But Roserade is a Grass and Poison type. And the Poison type is great against bugs. If one of the two lands a strong bug or poison move then either one's gonna win."

"But Whirlipede still has the advantage of being two types strong against Grass. From what I've learned." Twilight replied.

"This will be tricky. But no matter! Sweet Scent once more!" Roserade went for another Sweet Scent.

"Not this time... Rollout!" Whirlipede instantly rushed in, rolling about as it charged into Roserade, hitting it dead on.

"Oh quick! In that case! Poison Sting!"

"Use Poison Sting as well!" Both Pokemon had clashed with their own Poison stings, pushing each other back.

"Roserade! Poison Sting once more!" Roserade went in for another poison sting towards Whirlipede!

"Roll away!" Whirlipede rolled away from the poison sting.

"Follow Whirlipede and don't stop until you get a hit in!" Roserade moved after Whirlipede who kept rolling on around the gym.

"Oh this is making my head dizzy!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Now! Rollout!" Whirlipede adjusted its angle as it then zoomed towards Roserade.

"Perfect! Use your thorns to grab Whirlipede!" All of a sudden, Whirlipede was grabbed by Roserade's hidden thorns, stopping it in its tracks.

"Oh no!"

"Gotcha! Now slam Whirlipede around!" Roserade swung its thorns and Whirlipede around, hitting the Curlipede Pokemon across the ground and walls. Whirlipede was taking consecutive damage from all this swinging.

"Gotta do something! Whirlipede! Roll with the thorns!" Whirlipede understood as it rolled its circular body around in one spot. All this spinning was twisting the thorns.

"Trying to jumble up my thorns huh? Too bad! Let go of Whirlipede!" Roserade let go of Whirlipede as Dash saw an opportunity.

"Go! Rollout! Head on!" Whirlipede had used rollout but this time it was much faster. Due to it already spinning in the thorns, it had kicked up speed.

"Ros-" Gardenia couldn't finish her command as Whirlipede smashed into Roserade at high velocity, knocking it back.

"Finish it with Poison Sting!" Dash commanded. Whirlipede moved in closer with it preparing a poison sting.

"Quickly! Dodge and use Sweet Scent!"

"Don't let up! Focus on Roserade!" Whirlipede moved in closer as Roserade dodged the poison sting, preparing a sweet scent. However, Whirlipede turned around, drifting as it struck a poison sting on Roserade's arms. The poison sting made contact as Roserade could feel the sting.

"Go!" Whirlipede then slammed itself onto Roserade as they both hit the ground. And with that powerful follow up. It was a faint.

"Roserade is unable to battle! Whirlipede is the winner! And that means the victor is Rainbow Dash from Cloudsdale!"

"We won our first gym battle! YEAH! Whirlipede we rocked!"


"SHE DID IT SHE WON! WOOHOO!" Fluttershy cheered louder than everypony else.

"Great job Roserade." Gardenia returned Roserade as she walked to Rainbow Dash. "Wonderful. You and your Pokemon were really impressive!"

"Thanks, Gardenia."

"And now you deserve to be rewarded. With this." Gardenia had revealed the newest Pokemon badge out of the remaining new ones to come later on. It was in the shape of three leaves. Green, Yellow and Orange. "The Veld Badge."

"Woah.." Rainbow Dash held the badge in her hooves. "Awesome! I feel unstoppable already!"

"Good luck with the other gyms. Because they are much different from me."

"I will. Thanks, Gardenia. Hey girls! Check it out! I got my first badge!" She zoomed over to her friends.

"How dazzling! I could make a necklace out of this." Rarity said gazing at the badge.

"Don't get any funny ideas."

"Congrats Rainbow. I gotta say.. it was intense at first but I could feel all the excitement." Twilight said.

"There's still more to come. You ready to handle 'em all?" Ash asked.

"Of course I am!"

"Then let's celebrate with a party back in Ponyville!" Pinkie Pie insisted as everypony was on board. Rainbow Dash's first gym battle and first full-on win have been registered. The road to the Pokemon League is long and hard, but that won't stop her.

Meanwhile.. amidst the once almost forgotten Crystal Empire. A dark force was looming over it. A once-powerful king who enslaved all the ponies in it.

Chapter 25 END!

Author's Note:

Man Pokemon battles can be intense.

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