• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,486 Views, 7,937 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The ever-growing world of Pokemon

Author's Note:

Finally. The big 200. That's another milestone to check off. Since this is the largest chapter so far, if there are any spelling errors, feel free to point them out. Cause there might be a lot that have slipped my eye. Other than that, enjoy the 200th chapter!

The World of Pokemon.

Brimming with beauty, variety and majesty.

An outstanding place that almost defies description with its abundance and grandeur. And of course, Pokemon.

As the most mysterious and magnificent creatures of this planet, possessing mystery that never ceases to amaze no matter what. There are over 900 species of Pokemon. Possibly even more that are waiting to be discovered. And they can be found wherever one looks. Most people, ponies and Pokemon live happy and peaceful lives together as friends and companions, sharing the bond of trust and respect.

Soaring high above the azure-coloured celestial sphere skies.

Swimming deep underneath the sparkling and angelic sea.

Roaming the dazzling expanse of its graceful lush-green lands.

Existing in vast and expansive cities and towns, living alongside humans and ponies.

On top of towering mountains that reach even the heavens themselves.

Changing the world around them whilst living in glacial lands.

Enduring the harshest conditions in blazing environments.

Digging through the earth itself in unison whilst changing the world around them.

Dwelling beyond the infinite cosmos themselves.

No matter where you are at any place at any time, you are guaranteed to come across Pokemon as they live in harmony with each other.

The mystery of Pokemon. Perhaps it is that mystery that exists at the very heart of the world itself that gives it its unrivalled charm.

And where there are Pokemon, there are Pokemon Trainers. Who join forces with Pokemon as battle partners, displaying their skills in competitive arenas and everywhere, competing to one day become champions. And one trainer in particular who has continued to live in harmony with the world he loves advances his timeless adventure.

Ash Ketchum, who hails from Pallet Town. Alongside his partner Pikachu, they travel across various lands to meet, befriend and possibly catch other Pokemon whilst refining his battling skills on his path to becoming a Pokemon Master. The greatest master of them all. As he experiences his endless adventure with his various friends across his years, including his newest group of friends.

Twilight Sparkle, who originates from a separate world of her own. The world she inhabits has also been graced with the grandiose nature and beauty of Pokemon, alongside her friends who continue to spread friendship wherever they go.

Two souls from two different worlds whose paths have crossed, creating a newfound synergy that had yet to be discovered until that fateful day. One who sees to be the very best and the other who aims to learn about the true meaning of friendship.

Indeed, there have been twists and turns around every corner of their adventures. Easy or difficult, gentle or aggressive, they push on through together with boundless energy dwelling from within, alongside their Pokemon who continue to assist them with all they have as trainer and Pokemon. Meeting many new people, ponies and Pokemon, dreaming an abundance of dreams and looking forward to a plethora of new and exciting adventures.

For every new Pokemon they meet, a brand-new exciting adventure awaits them. And today, tomorrow and onwards like always, they shall experience a multitude story that is sure to be ingrained their memories for years to come.

Pallet Town. Day.

"I'm off!" Ash burst out of his home, rushing off with his boundless energy as always, alongside his partner Pikachu.


"Have fun as always!" Delia bellowed back at him, waving good luck to her loving son. She enjoyed seeing him always run out of the home, passing through the gateway with such excitement behind him. It always brings a smile to her face. "He truly is the apple to his father's eye isn't he?"

On the other side of the gateway, Goh was there, waiting for Ash to appear. Ash is always there whenever you expect him. Albeit, sometimes late.

"Oh, Ash! Right on time!" Goh exclaimed.

"Yeah! You as psyched as I am?!"

"Mhm but uh...what's with all the excitement? Why did you want us to come here today? What's going on?"

"It's over at Canterlot. Today's both Celestia and Luna's birthday! And also Pyrestar's to an extent."

"Both of them?! I thought one was older than the other."

"One is older than the other. But apparently, they were born on the same month just at different years."

"Oooh..." Goh looked up, getting it now. "A birthday party sounds sweet! I've never really been to many actually."

"You're about to find out what makes them so much fun! Everyone's already getting psyched to head out." Ash crossed his arms, nodding aggressively. "I wonder what alicorn birthday parties are like? Oh, I wonder what pony birthdays are like in general?"


"Oh, so that's why they're all moving so busy-like." Goh stared at a rampant moving Ponyville.

Many ponies there were headed to give out gifts for Celestia, Luna and Pyrestar's birthday and attend it of course. The presents they had came in all different shapes and sizes. But the most consistent one was that of cake. Anyone could easily tell that the box was shaped to hold a cake. Tall or small. All exclusively for Celestia.

As for Luna, it was unsure what she truly enjoyed. Everypony knew about Celestia's love for cake thanks to a certain newspaper columnist and Dream Eater, but the princess of the night was a complete mystery. So the gifts could be anything. As for Pyrestar, she's part Celestia so that won't be too hard to figure out.

"I'll go see if everyone's ready. What are you gonna do, Goh?"

"I'll just stand by for a bit and wait for when we have to go."

"Got it! Come on, buddy!" Ash dashed off.


Their first destination was Twilight's lab and castle, but the two of them weren't alone. Rainbow Dash had flown beside him, heading to the exact same location as well.

"Sup, Ash! You excited for this birthday party?"

"Hey, Rainbow! You know I am! Right, buddy?"


"I can't wait to pull off my best trick yet. I'll go above and beyond a Sonic Rainboom!"

"Above and beyond a Sonic Rainboom? How?"


"Heh. You'll see when we get there." Rainbow flew on her back, crossing her hooves. Whatever she had planned, she was confident about it.

Inside Twilight's lab, she was obviously preparing for the birthday like everypony else. But out of everypony, she was the most prepared for this. However, at the moment, Twilight had a few things to clear up before she heads out to Canterlot.

"Alright. Out you five come." Twilight held six Pokeballs in the air with her magic. Releasing each one of them, she had sent out six Pokemon.

These Pokemon ended up being a Litten, Mudkip, Chespin, Azurill and Pansage. Obviously, there was one more to be added into the mix and that was Vulpix. The same Vulpix that was still here in Twilight's lab and has yet to be picked by a trainer.

Due to Twilight's Pokemon Lab being the only Pokemon Lab in Equestria currently, young pony trainer from across Equestria travel to Ponyville to pick their starter Pokemon. And before Twilight can leave for Canterlot, she has to make sure that the starters are present for the trainers to choose.

"Alright! Everyone's here. Great! How much time do we have left Starlight?" Twilight asked Starlight who was now working as an assistant to the Pokemon Lab. She was the Tracey to her Oak if that's a fair comparison.

"We've still got a lot of time left before the train arrives. So everything's fine." Starlight answered.

"Good. Alright, you six. In a few minutes, you'll have trainers from across Equestria coming over to pick you as their first Pokemon and Starter. I trust you'll be able to work well with them, right?"

"Litten.." The Fire Cat Pokemon just simply licked its paws, not caring that much.

"Pansage!" The Grass Monkey Pokemon had swung about her lab, using Vine Whip to do so. Clearly, all the Pokemon were in an agreement with some not showing as much excitement as the others.

"And Vulpix. Don't worry. I'm sure that you'll end up getting a trainer finally. Somepony will pick you." Twilight looked down at the Fox Pokemon who gazed at her.


Vulpix, unfortunately, hasn't been chosen yet by anypony. It has been left out constantly for other choices from other trainers. However, despite all of this, it never felt upset. Because of Twilight. Vulpix had gained a liking to Twilight, often showing the young alicorn some affection in the process by helping her around the lab.

"Espeon." Eve had comforted the Fox Pokemon by using her tail to pat Vulpix's head, telling him that it'll be alright.

"Hey!" Ash and Rainbow Dash both entered the lab, tripping on some water that Mudkip dropped. Both of them gasped as they fell on their back. "Ow!"


"Morning Ash, Rainbow Dash. I bet you two are already ready to go, aren't you?"

"Ugh...You know it." Ash gave a thumbs up, getting himself up from the floor along with Rainbow. "Oh. New Starter Pokemon?!"

"That's right. Some ponies are starting out their journey today so this is currently the go-to place to get their Starter Pokemon." Starlight said.

"By the way, Ash. Caught any new Pokemon yet?" Twilight asked.

"Nah. Still got the same team with me."


"I don't get it. If you wanna become a Pokemon Master, why don't you just catch every Pokemon? Isn't that the whole point of it?" Starlight questioned.

"I used to think that becoming a Pokemon Master meant I had to catch em all when I first started my journey. That having every single Pokemon in the world would make the very best. But if I just caught every single Pokemon, it wouldn't mean much to me. I want to form bonds with them and even help them with anything they struggle with not just catch them."

"Right. Ash here wants to understand all Pokemon. That's why he doesn't catch every single Pokemon he comes across." Twilight flew up to Ash. "At first, I thought that it was pointless for him to reach his goal without catching them all. But not anymore."


"Hm? Oh, is PokePark open?" Ash noticed the entrance to PokePark wide open. The young trainer rushed in to have a quick visit to PokePark before they all set out.

"Say, Twilight. How is that you all met? When the worlds crossed over. Because it seems like you've got a great bond despite knowing each other for almost a full year.."

"How? Hah!" Twilight chuckled. "I'll tell you, it was completely different in the beginning. Especially when I met Ash."

"It was? You two got along well in the beginning though, right?"

"Not even close. At first, I found Ash to be weird. Weirder than Pinkie Pie surprisingly. He was energetic, naive, brash and just overall too much for anypony to handle for even a minute. And I mean...he still sorta is."

"I'll say. He sure does love moving around doesn't he?" Rainbow Dash nodded. "I can respect that."

"But after spending some more time with him for the past few months and onwards, I've come to realize that Ash just has an incredible passion for everything around him. And a pretty remarkable optimistic outlook with a strong sense of justice. He's constantly being selfless, volunteering to help anyone. People, pony or Pokemon. That's probably why I like him so much." Twilight paused, taking a moment to realize what she just said. "A-As a friend, obviously! N-Nothing more if you're wondering! I mean, w-w-why would I see him as more than a friend that be w-weird right?! Weird in a good way, not a bad way!"

"Uh...right. Well, I hear the Equestria League arena is almost complete. I can't wait until I reach there! Just gotta keep doing my best throughout the gyms! Right Castform?" Rainbow Dash looked inside of her bag to see her Castform resting there.


"I thought you wanted to become apart of the Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash?" Starlight questioned.

"I do. That's still my number one goal. But becoming a champion sounds just as cool. Being a Pokemon Trainer is kinda like a hobby. A really serious hobby."

"You all seem to really love Pokemon if it's becoming this apart of your life, huh?" Starlight scratched her mane.

"Mhm. Pokemon are just such wonderful creatures." Twilight ran over to her bookshelf. "They hold so much mystery that even the smartest minds can't and haven't solved yet. It's that very mystery that well...as Ash would say, gets the blood pumping."

"Ain't that the truth. Pokemon can be so cool too! I remember seeing a Pokemon Battle go down and thought it was amazing!" Rainbow Dash squeed. "And they still are!"

"Many others at least as a secondary goal when it comes to Pokemon." Twilight levitated a book about Fairy-Types and their mystery. "They've all grown to love Pokemon a lot over these past months."

"Secondary goal? Then if Rainbow Dash wants to become champion...what about everypony else then?"

"Pinkie Pie wants to build a place where Pokemon can come and eat to their heart's content. Rarity's already on the right track by having a second boutique over at Lumiose. Fluttershy...well I think the Pokemon House is pretty self-explanatory and as for Applejack, she hasn't really decided on her own goal, but she's happy to have Pokemon anyways." Twilight explained. "As for me, I'm already training as a Pokemon Professor. And Spike's training to be a Dragon Trainer."

"Mhm." Spike nodded.

"Some ponies are even training to be Gym Leaders or other Pokemon Trainer Classes like that." said Rainbow Dash.

"Wow. You've all really gotten used to Pokemon, haven't you? I'll need to do some catching up." Starlight rubbed her hoof.

"Don't worry. With us, you'll be up to speed in no time. Speaking of speed, we'd better get a move on soon." Rainbow Dash noticed that time was almost here to head off to Canterlot.

"Right. Alright, everyone. Rest up." Twilight had grabbed the Pokeballs that belonged to the starters, returning them. All except for Vulpix, who preferred to stay outside its Pokeball since he enjoys helping Twilight around. "Ash! We should get going now!" She went up to the PokePark, calling for Ash.

"OK!" Ash responded whilst having a Panpour on his arm.


"Vulpix. We're heading out now. Be sure to stay put here, alright?" Twilight looked down at the Fox Pokemon.

"Vul..." Vulpix lowered his head, not being a fan of that idea. He really didn't enjoy separating from Twilight, especially when her adventures take a long time to finish.

Twilight could see the sadness in the Fox Pokemon's eyes. And how he responded to her words. Twilight figured that it probably wouldn't be best to keep this little fella here on his own.

"Or you know...you can come along with us. Like you did that one time. What do you say?" Twilight recommended.

"Vul? Vulpix!" Thrilled to bits to hear that, the Fire-Type hopped up, landing right on Twilight's mane. He was raring to go. "VULPIX!"

"We're all set then. Let's get rolling!" Twilight cheered. It was about time they made their way to the birthday of the two sisters and one merged sister of course.

Many ponies had already climbed aboard the train to Canterlot with their gifts ready. It was a bit of a struggle fitting them all in considering how many there were, but they managed to find a way.

Onboard, they were all discussing what their gifts were and how they planned them. Some took liberties since they don't really know much about Princess Celestia and Luna's personal life other than the very minimal things they see them enjoying. So they just chose whatever gift they believe might work for them.

"Here, Pikachu. Eat this." Fluttershy had given Pikachu a special berry just for him.

"Pikaaa..." Pikachu opened wide, scarfing down the entire berry in one go. "Pikachu!"

"To think we're getting close to the one year anniversary of when our worlds crossed over." Rarity commented. "Has it really been that long?"

"Time sure flies when you have Pokemon involved, huh?" Rainbow Dash held Castform in her hooves.

"I'll say. I can't even remember the last time we've had a slow day." Pinkie Pie slumped on the seat. "But I'm not complaining."

"Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?" Over at another seat, Mayor Mare was giving her Stoutland a belly rub, which the Big-Hearted Pokemon enjoyed very much.

"Stout! Stoutland!"

"Oooh..." Apple Bloom pressed her face on the window, seeing the scenery of the Pokemon World continue to thrive. She saw how there were many Flying-Types soaring in perfect unison along with some Grass-Types causing the lush lands to thrive, even with all the snow around.

"Look at that over there!" Scootaloo noticed some Zebstrika and Rapidash racing each other as always for a friendly competition to see which equine Pokemon is truly the fastest. "You think there's an Alicorn Pokemon somewhere out there?"

"Maybe. There's still a lot of Pokemon I haven't seen yet. And I can't wait to meet em all." Ash laid on his back.

"Alicorn Pokemon, huh?" Sweetie Belle thought about that for a second. Its appearance would obviously be an alicorn, but Pokemon are so distinct and unique in appearance compared to everything else, even the animals that are similar to them that it's hard to even imagine what this Alicorn Pokemon could possibly be. "Oh, that'd be so amazing..."

"I've never been to a birthday party before...it's gonna be so much fun!" Sonata squeed as she held Aria.

"Yeah. Fun." Aria pushed Sonata off her. "But how many times are we gonna go to these populated celebrations?"

"Duh, you silly siren. That's why they're celebrations. Silly, silly Aria." Sonata chuckled, rubbing Aria's head. "I just wish Adagio could enjoy it with us. I bet she'd love parties!"

"Adagio's never been one to associate herself with stuff like that, remember? If it involves getting tons of magic then sure, she'll show up to a party just to steal that magic."

"I guess you're right. But you never know, we might be able to get through to her someday. Hopefully, anyways. OH! Think we might see her at Canterlot again?"

"Most likely. She really doesn't like Twilight after all..."

And speaking of Canterlot, Celestia and Luna had already been preparing for their birthday. Staying up all night and having their own wishes swirl around their head.

"Okay. Let's see. The three main objectives for today." Celestia held a list for the birthday. "Enjoy the party, eat some cake, see a Pokemon Phenomenon and finally a Pokemon Battle."

"Pokemon Battle?" Luna peered her head over, looking at the fairly short-list. "How is that you're so interested in Pokemon battling lately?"

"It's a natural thing as they say. Getting involved with Pokemon gets the blood pumping apparently. Human or pony. Plus, Passion, Arcanine and I have to improve if we want to protect Equestria, isn't that right you two?"



"Hm. That is true." Luna nodded as she wearing a birthday hat on her horn. Along with a huge sticker on her tail that said, Birthday girl. "Now that I think about it, do Pokemon have birthdays?"

"Hm...Possibly. Then again, evolution exists. Passion here was essentially a child as a Ralts. And the next thing I know, she evolves into a Kirlia, which is essentially her older self. And seeing her mother Gardevoir must mean that she'll become an adult at her final evolution."

"How bizarre. Ageing up that fast must be an odd sensation. With your body just pulsating all of a sudden, increasing in size and stature as well." Luna raised her hooves up.

"Oh, by the way, mother and father delivered a letter." Celestia brought over a letter from both her and Luna's parents. "They wish us both happy birthday and to even more youthful years."

"Youthful? We're no longer children! We are perfectly grown mares! Hmph!" Luna said proudly.

"I know. But you know how mother and father are. Anyway, the birthday party is about to begin. Are you joining us, Pyrestar?"

"Hm?" The fused alicorn turned to Celestia in response. "Me? Be apart of this?"

"But of course. You are both of us in one. It is by default your birthday as well." Luna commented.

"I suppose...I haven't really partaken in birthday parties for centuries in my world. Not even for a second."

"Well, now is your chance to get back into the wonder of it don't you think?" Celestia walked up to her, bringing her along to the party.

"Arcanine!" The Legendary Pokemon made Passion ride on his back, carrying her to the party as well. Almost everypony was present here. And if you were to look over the horizon you could see a sea of presents just swarming over Canterlot. What a sight that was.

"Might I ask...what do you mean by that one part? Pokemon Phenomenon?" Luna asked.

"I've been looking into Pokemon history as well thanks to some books Hollow gave me. I learned that at times, phenomenons occur it certain situations involving Pokemon. The one that I'm looking the most forward to for this birthday is a Legendary Phenomenon. When a Legendary Pokemon makes its appearance even if it is brief."

"A Legendary? That sounds fairly rare. How are we sure a legendary Pokemon will pass by here exactly? Besides the Swords of Justice that is."

"The one Legendary that does make the most appearances when people and Pokemon work together is Lugia apparently. This Pokemon seems to appear during scenarios such as that and brings beautiful winds that can flow for years on end without showing any signs of stopping. So possibly, we might see Lugia today. Oh! Everypony's here already!"

"Wonderful! I can't wait to reach my newest age! I wonder if I'll grow a few inches today?" Luna squeed as she pranced off to head towards the location of the party. Which was the exact same area where the Grand Galloping Gala usually takes place.

The sea of gifts had been carefully carried by Pokemon since some of them were pretty heavy and bulky at the same time. The guards ordered the citizens to place all their gifts right near the stairs where Celestia usually stands during the gala.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu had hopped off Ash's shoulder, greeting Passion as always. "Pika."


"Glad you could all make it in time," Celestia said to the approaching group. "I see you've all got your own presents ready right?"

"Mhm!" Pinkie Pie placed down six different presents that appeared to be in the shape of cakes. That already got Celestia's expectations up to the highest as she was drooling at the simple sight of the boxes.

"Princess Celestia. Is that...your Arcanine?" Twilight noticed the Legendary Pokemon licking Pikachu as a greeting sign.


"That's right. Arcanine is my second Pokemon now." Celestia walked over to Arcanine, giving him a belly rub. "And isn't he just such a good boy? Who's a good boy? Yes, you are! Good boy!"

"Arca...Arcanine!" Acranine panted with its tongue out, getting the treatment Mayor Mare gives to her Stoutland.

"The birthday shall begin in a few minutes. Make yourselves comfortable until then." Celestia looked up at all of them whilst still rubbing Arcanine's belly.

"Alright! Come on, buddy." Ash said to his pal.


A time of enjoyment is about to grace this party. For once, they can all just relax without worrying about anything going wrong today. Although, Darkrai being Darkrai, is always on the lookout for any potential threats.

Through the gateway came Hollow and Ben who both seemed to be exhausted from sorting out all the presents for the party.

"Finally!" They both groaned, falling on their knees. Gothitelle and Jewel looked at the two of them, helping them both up whilst Gothitelle carried each of the presents.

"There, there." Jewel gave Hollow a good pat on the back. "Hard work pays off, doesn't it, dear?"

"You two made it. I guess it's in the nature of Johtonian's to arrive at close-call times?" Luna went up to the two.

"Yeah...it took us a while. Finding the right presents was tough. Especially since we don't really know what you and Princess Celestia really like...other than cake." Hollow held his face.

"I'll say. I think my back gave out last night." Ben held his back, feeling age hit him like a Machamp.

"You can relax your back here. As for what my sister and I enjoy...apart from her obsession with cake, I on the other hoof am more fond of..." Luna scrunched her face.

"Fond of...?" They leaned in towards her to get the answer.

"Don't tell anypony. They'll think I'm childish." She shifted her eyes across the room. "I'm more fond of v-v-v..." She gulped, ready to say it to them without shame. "Video Games."

"Ah...I see." Hollow pulled back, nodding. "Wait, since when?"

"When my sister and I were visiting the Pokemon World, I spotted a young human boy playing on this strange device with moving images on it. I asked him what that strange contraption was and he told me it was a video game handheld thing...Whatever you call them. I took an interest and found a resounding love for them. Almost as much as Pokemon Battling honestly."

"...Hold on for a bit." Hollow began whispering to his fellow Johtonian. "I didn't think she'd be interested in that. Now the gifts won't match her tastes..."

"She is the youngest sister so it only makes sense that something such as games would grab her attention. But no need to worry, Hollow my boy. I never come without backup."


"Mhm. Gothitelle..." Ben turned to his partner who nodded in understanding. Gothitelle took her leave, returning to the Pokemon World for obvious reasons.

"Anyways!" Ben clapped his hands together. "I'll just relax as you said!"

"Hm? Oh, right!" Hollow's eyes widened as he took off, involving himself with the party. He may be a bit tired from all the work he's been doing from home and Equestria, but he's still got some spirit and energy to continue on.

The stage was set for everything to begin. Every single one of these presents, at least the ones that were cake shaped had been opened up. They were all revealed to be birthday cakes with candles on them, each in their own unique design. But mostly vanilla. Since that is Celestia's favourite. The number of candles on each cake was inconsistent due to the fact that there are no amount of candles in the world that can fit on the cake due to how old Celestia and Luna both are. So a random number will have to do.

"Vanilla..." Celestia's tongue was sticking out as she was panting like a dog. And speaking of panting like a dog, Arcanine, Sonata and Pinkie Pie were doing the exact same thing. Once they sing Happy Birthday, you'll never see those cakes ever again once these four cake-hungry creatures dive into them. "Arcanine. Use Flamethrower."

"Arca!" The Legendary Pokemon had done the honours of lighting up the candles by gently aiming and controlling Flamethrower's precision and heat so that he doesn't destroy the entire thing with blazing fire. The flames from Arcanine's Flamethrower were truly impressive, causing everypony and Pokemon to clap. If some Pokemon could clap that is.

"Make a wish, aunties," Blueblood said.

"Mhm. Anything you can imagine." Shining Armor spoke as Cadence nodded.

Both sisters blew out their candles along with Pyrestar, sealing the deal that they've aged up once more in their many years of living on this world. How old were they? Old enough to be someone's mother or grandmother that's for sure.

"Another year passes another age up." Celestia sighed. "Now! Time for some delectable cake." She rubbed her hooves together, immediately taking a slice for herself. And thus, everypony scattered to enjoy themselves while the day is still young.

The remaining presents that weren't towers of cakes had been opened up by Luna who was anticipating this part the most. Opening the first present, the first gift revealed ended up being an entire miniature sculpture of Nightmare Moon.

"Oh. This is new." She raised the sculpture up. It caught every essence of Nightmare Moon's ferocity. From the sharp lizard-like eyes to the fangs she bared along with that pitch-black fur. As a bonus, it's been designed to a point where the regalia glows in the dark. How creative. "This almost makes me miss Nightmare Moon...Almost."

"So now," Celestia spoke whilst having cake in her mouth. "I hear that both the Equestria League arena and Contest Halls will be done soon. Possibly before the new year can arrive."

"Mhm. You psyched to see it?" Ash asked.

"Psyched? You could say that. I've always wanted to see a full-on Pokemon Contest if you ask me. And even some more full-on battles."

"Just you wait when you see a real full Pokemon Battle. Those are the battles I enjoy the most!" Ash grinned, eating a thick slice of cake. He almost choked on it but thankfully, Fluttershy gave him some water to drink.

"Slow..." Along came a Slowking who may or may not have a trainer, passing by the group.

"Slowpoke?" Applejack said.

"Looks like a Slowbro to me. But what's that thing on its head?" Rainbow Dash took out her dex.

"Slowking. The Royal Pokemon. A poisonous bite reacted with its system, blessing it with the enhanced intellect of a genius. It has full control of its psychic powers. This Pokémon is so famed for its intellect that a proverb still persists in some regions: 'When in doubt, ask Slowking.' It also holds the title of 'Sage of the Sea'. It’s constantly coming up with new ideas that would change the world, but as soon as it hits upon a new idea, it forgets it. Slowking engages in battles of wits with Oranguru, but the result is usually a draw."

"It evolves into a genius?" Twilight looked at the Royal Pokemon, examining its appearance. "I don't see it."

"Looks like it. Face ain't changed much that's for sure." Applejack took out an apple, preparing to eat it. But that apple is what caught Slowking's attention.

"Slow..." Slowking spoke to Applejack, calling for her.

"Hm? What is it?" AJ asked.

"Slowking..." The Royal Pokemon pointed its claws at the apple, requesting for a bite out of it.

"You want this?"


"Alright then. Have a go at it." Applejack had given the apple to the Water-Psychic-Type, gracing him with its sweet and red glory.

Once Slowpoke bit into the apple, the result was to be expected. It loved the taste already. Slowking are Pokemon that are very easily impressed even with their intellect, so this was no surprise.

"King!" Slowking enjoyed it so much that it deemed Applejack worthy to wear its crown. The Royal Pokemon took off its Shellder crown, swapping it with Applejack's hat.

"Hm?" Applejack looked up to see the crown hover over her, feeling curious.

"What's it doing?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Looks like they're doing a hat swap or something." Pinkie Pie replied. Indeed they were. The crown had slammed itself on Applejack's head whilst Slowking wore AJ's hat instead. Strangely enough, they both seemed to fit well in them.

"Oh! That looked like it hurts! Are you okay, Applejack?" Rarity went up to her.

"Oh, she's fine," Ash spoke. "But I've seen this before."

"You have?" Fluttershy turned to the trainer.

"Mhm. Once that crown gets on you, bam! You're crazy smart!


"Crazy smart...? Then that means..." Twilight gasped as they all turned to their earth pony friend. Once Applejack raised her head up, her eyes had changed, having golden stars in them. "Applejack, are you okay?"

"But of course!" She spoke in a booming voice. Not only that, but her accent had changed suddenly to something much more posh and haughty. "Never better, my dear Twilight!"

"My dear...Twilight? Why does she sound like that?" Pinkie chuckled at Applejack's new voice.

"Is it not obvious? I have breached my boundaries." Applejack stood up in a bipedal position with her hoof on her chin, having a smirk on her face. She had changed for sure.

"Boundaries? What are you on about, AJ?" Rainbow Dash tilted her head. "You're acting weird."

"The answer is simple, Rainbow Dash. I have exceeded the limitations of your average pony and have become a pony of great insight. You may no longer refer to me as Applejack or AJ. From this point on, I am Applequeen! A master of Slowpokes all around! And the top knowledgable pony!"

"...Huh?" Twilight jerked back.

"Hm...That Shellder crown sure is something. Always makes your mind go huge." Ash nodded.


"Now. How shall I begin my infinite pursuit of knowledge?" Applejack turned around. "Perhaps I shall advance Equestria's technology to a point where we can reach for the stars? Or an assembly of artificial ponies to carry out the future in the case of an apocalypse? So much to choose from."

"...We have to get that crown off her head." Twilight's horn emanated, indicating that she was about to lift it off AJ's head. However, with her increased intellect, Applejack saw this coming from a mile away.

The high intellect pony held on the crown with her hooves, keeping it still. All of a sudden, Twilight couldn't even lift her off the floor.

"A decent attempt, my dear Twilight. But I have already anticipated you and everypony's actions to remove my crown. By using my extraordinary earth pony strength, I can exhibit enough force to hold onto the crown and even keep my hooves firm on the ground. My natural strength exceeds that of your magic."

"Enough with the big words! Take it off!" Rainbow Dash flew towards Applejack, attempting to grab the hat. But another bonus that came with the hat was agility. Applejack had effortlessly jumped over Rainbow, floating in the air as if she was an umbrella.

"A bit too slow, dear Rainbow Dash." Applejack chuckled as she bent her body backwards, avoiding an incoming Pinkie Pie. "And a bit too predictable, Pinkamena Diane Pie."

"This is interesting." Celestia was intrigued by this while she ate some cake. Ash stood by as well, watching this whole thing play out. He's been in this situation before but he knows eventually, it'll come to an end.

And thus, a chase had ensued. In one spot really. Applejack's increased agility meant she could move around at flexible speeds equal to that of a Greninja or Ninjask. Or any Ninja Pokemon really. She had been avoiding Rainbow Dash by flipping over her whilst giving Pinkie Pie and Rarity the slip. Some magic was attempted but yet again, earth pony strength is just too much. At least, Applejack's strength is anyways.

"Useless! You are all unable to overcome my lighting fast reflexes." Applejack taunted at the exhausted ponies. "Accept defeat and embrace the intellect that I now possess. Join me my little ponies. And we shall usher in a new age of-"

"Treecko!" The one she least expected to foil her was on her own partner. Treecko had blown the crown off her head by firing Bullet Seeds from afar. An easy flaw in Applejack's almost perfect evasion plan.

"What?! Impossible!" She yelled as she attempted to reach her crown before the high intellect faded her way. The earth pony took the air, extending her hooves for a grab, but Rainbow Dash quickly headbutted it, forcing the Shellder Crown to fly off elsewhere. AJ fell flat on her face as a result of the air time she had. It was fun while it lasted. "Ugh..."

"Applejack! You okay?!" Pinkie Pie helped her up.

"Mrrgh...That was something? What happened?" Back to her old self with her recognizable accent.

"Oh good! You're back to normal!" The pink pony gave the orange pony a bear crushing hug.

"Just gonna return this." Twilight grabbed both the Shellder crown and Applejack's hat from Slowking, swapping them back to their rightful owners, restoring balance to the world once more.

"Slow..." Slowking went along, still keeping the apple for itself.

"Well. That was fun." Celestia clapped her hooves together, swallowing down some cake. "So far, this birthday's been entertaining. What do you think Luna? Luna?"

"Oh...Ohhh..." Currently, Luna was in a state of shock and happiness. In front of her was one of the many gifts she had hoped for. A game device. Gothitelle had found enough time to head back to Johto, grabbing the closest one she could find. And it was worth it. Luna held in her hooves a handheld device that was almost larger than her hooves herself. She was shaking uncontrollably with her eyes locked onto the enchanting device. "T-This is the best birthday in centuries! Sister! Do you see this?!"

"Y-Yes. I see it." Celestia moved back as Luna was up in her face. "What is it exactly? A glass case of some sorts?"

"Glass case?! This is a device that allows the actions of playing games! And it's all mine..." She held it close to her. "If you'll excuse me, I shall be occupied in my room for a bit." Luna squeed, teleporting herself out of here and towards her room. She'll be busy but the party can carry on.

Along came the Swords of Justice who were invited for obvious reasons. Mostly Celestia wanting to spend time with Cobalion and of course a show of gratitude for saving Twilight and her friends' lives from Ghetsis and the Ultra Beast. As well as Manehattan too.

"Can't we just travel through the gateways more often? Walking this long is killing my hooves." Keldeo groaned as they arrived indoors at the party.

"How else can you improve without training your physical strength on the lower sections? Your horn isn't your only weapon Keldeo." Cobalion replied.

"Yeah...I figured you'd say that." The Colt Pokemon lowered his head. "So this is the birthday party?"

"Looks like it. Check out all these ponies and Pokemon," said Terrakion.

"How come I don't have a birthday party?" Keldeo asked.

"When we found you, we had no idea when you were born. Do you know yourself, Keldeo?" Virizion spoke?

"Well...no not really."

"Oh!" A young filly noticed the Swords of Justice. "You're the Swords of Justice!" He gawked.

"Hello, there little one." Virizion looked at the little pony.

"Wow...I've heard a lot about you all. Are you all a family?" She squeed. She wasn't the only little pony who noticed the swords. Many others, including some more grown-up ponies, turned all their attention to the Pokemon.

"Family? Nah, we're not related." Terrakion shook his head.

"Really?" A colt spoke. "I always thought you were. You look like their cool uncle." He pointed at Terrakion.

"C-Cool uncle?" Terrakion pulled back. "Actually...that doesn't sound too bad."

"You look like you'd be the mom. Or aunt? Or stepmom?" He referred to Virizion.

"Ohoho, I'm not a mother." She chuckled. "Wait...why stepmom?" She thought to herself, squinting her eyes.

"And you remind me a lot of one pony's dad. You just scream dad!" Cobalion was obviously who he was referring to.

"Hm." Cobalion didn't really respond. He just brushed it off.

"And me? What about me?" Keldeo asked.

"Uh...Son? Yeah, son."

"Works for me!" Keldeo grinned. His nose then picked on a wonderful fragrance that he simply could not avoid. That fragrance would be the scent emanating from the cake. He can thank Pinkie Pie's Slurpuff for using Sweet Scent. "Mmm..that smells good." The Colt Pokemon had been guided to the cake, ignoring everything else on his mind.

"Cobalion! You made it!" Celestia squeed, rushing over to the Iron Will Pokemon with a wide grin.

"I managed to do so without getting myself caught up in any danger this time." Cobalion responded. "Happy Birthday, Princess Celestia."

"Thank you! I'm so glad that you're here. And with the swords of course. I also want to thank you for saving Twilight and her friends. Along with all of Manehattan as well."

"It was no problem. All we do is just help others in need. Whether it be humans, ponies or Pokemon." said Terrakion.

"But I must say, your world seems much more fragile than ours." Virizion pointed out.

She had been 100% right. The Pokemon World and this world were vastly different. Not just in history and appearance, but by structure and geography as well. The Pokemon World was built specifically to withstand the destructive force of potent power the Pokemon posses.

Whether it's a rampaging Tyranitar, a Macargo being hotter than the sun itself, a Dugtrio causing earthquakes daily, A Kingdra that causes tornadoes when it wakes up, Gardevoir's casually creating mini-black holes or even a cute and lovable Espurr who can blast everything within 300 feet with devastating psychic energy that it has no control over most of the time.

It's no wonder why the Pokemon World is the way it is. If it wasn't built in a specific and detailed way, thanks to Regigigas and Groudon, who knows what the results could be.

And now that they've made their way to this world and all of Equestria, it's no surprise that snow is falling earlier than its supposed to be or how new locations are being formed by Pokemon just simply moving about and changing the land as they go. Thankfully, this world, while not as durable as the Pokemon World, is just tough enough to handle most of it.

Whilst the party carries on with the ponies, the Pokemon, however, had decided to experience their own little adventure as always. But this time, Passion vows to make sure that they don't cause any trouble like what they did back at the Gala. And since this is her trainers' birthday, she's determined to keep everything under control.

To accomplish this, Passion had carried everyone with psychic energy, keeping them all in one place constantly. She knew the one place they were headed to. The secret room where Celestia and Luna's old foal toys dwelled. Last time, they caused such a ruckus with them. Thankfully, there are less Pokemon now, but the threat was still there.

"Kir..." Kirlia looked Pikachu in the eye with a stern face. She was essentially telling to not try anything funny at all.

"Pi-Pikachu." Pikachu let her know that he won't cause a ruckus. But the others, he's not so sure about. The ponies had all sent out their Pokemon to enjoy the birthday party after all. And some are more energetic than others.

And one of those was without a doubt Gengar, who's always up to no good. Good ol' Ghost-Type shenanigans.

"Gen-Gen..." The Shadow Pokemon giggled, wondering what he could achieve with this. However, he felt a chilling vibe rush through his body, forcing him to shudder in fear. Passion was glaring at him with a stare so vicious it could rip someone's heart apart if they even dared turn around. As a result, Gengar put his antics on hold for today.

The same goes for all the Pokemon here. They had been intimidated by Passion's stare, dropping any possibility of energetic fun. However, this intimidation had actually caused Goh's Sobble to tear up, unfortunately.

And when Sobble cries. Everyone cries.


"LI?!" Passion and the other Pokemon gasped, realizing that the Water Lizard Pokemon could affect everypony in the birthday party, causing a flood of tears to drown them all. After all, Sobble's crying packs a chemical punch of 100 onions. So it doesn't matter how far away you are.

Dragonite quickly flew over, picking up the Water-Type in its arms like a baby. This tactic was always effective whenever Sobble was about to burst into tears or was already in a weeping state. Dragonite rocked the Water Lizard Pokemon in its arms, calming it down with ease.

"Sobble..." Sobble felt at ease, slowly relaxing all of its nerves and saving the entire birthday party from being filled with an ocean of tears.

Thank Arceus.

Hours had passed and everything was going splendid for the two sisters. This will go down as their best birthday yet. And it isn't even over yet. There were two things left on the list that had to be done.

A Pokemon Battle and the appearance of Lugia. If that last part really happens.

"Now is a good time." Celestia nodded, deciding that the Pokemon Battle shall be done next. "Ash, can you come here quickly?"

"Sure, what's up?" Ash went over to Celestia with his buddy hopping on his shoulder.

"I've been anticipating this. But would you please join me in a Pokemon Battle?"

"A Pokemon Battle? Yeah! Sounds good to me! Let's go at it, Celestia!"

"Oh. It won't be a solo battle. I want to battle alongside three others. That being you, Luna and Hollow. And whoever we may face."

"A quadruple battle? I've never heard of that before." This was new territory for Ash. He's seen multiple Pokemon battles in fours before, but never competitively. It was mostly for survival or when danger struck. "Sounds good to me anyways!"

"Now to find somepony to battle against..." Celestia looked around the room to see who'd be a great opponent to go up against. The best options here were Daylight Blazer, maybe Jewel since she's an experienced trainer as well, possibly Ben and Rainbow Dash. "Perfect!"

Inside Luna's room, she had been on the device for hours on end ever since she got it. She's managed to make some wonderful progress without taking a single break. Clearly, she had a competitive spirit for a reason. But it was only a matter of time before she ended up reaching a roadblock. The roadblock that forces players to take a break now and then.

"Curses!" Luna groaned as she laid on her back. "So close...But that was unbelievably fun! This is the second-best gift ever..." She looked up at the ceiling, hearing the sound of an old clock tick by. Luna then remembered that she had a Pokemon Battle to attend to. "Oh! I almost forgot!" In a burst of energy, she made her way back to the party via teleportation.

"Luna. You made it. And just in time." said Celestia. "We can begin our Pokemon Battle outside." Ash, Hollow and the others had been gathered as requested by Celestia. Besides, who doesn't love seeing a Pokemon Battle? Always causes a huge adrenaline rush from start to finish.

The eight trainers along with the party made their way to Canterlot Garden to partake in their fun little battle. Due to Canterlot Garden being wide in scale, there was a ton of room to cut loose and watch. Although, best not cut loose too much since there are decorated hedges after all.

"Alright! No offence, Princesses, but we're gonna win this!" Rainbow Dash smashed her hooves together. She was being teamed up with Jewel, Daylight and surprisingly not Ben. The fourth team member will come in the form of one of Rainbow Dash's Pokemon. So she'll be using two at the same time.

"We shall see, Rainbow Dash." Luna leaned forward.

"I'll have you know that I may appear elegant, but my Pokemon are not to be scoffed at," Jewel smirked at them, bouncing a Pokeball in her hand. "And I won't go easy on my own husband."

"I wonder if this'll count as me moving up in the ranks...Oh well." Daylight shrugged.

"This is already getting exciting. Who do you think is gonna win?" Scootaloo asked.

"Isn't it obvious? With my brother on their team, they can't lose. Princess or not." Sunrise felt confident, having a wide grin on his face.

"Pssh. You wish. They've got nothing on two experienced trainers like Ash and Hollow." Sapphire replied to him.

"Whatever the case, how about we cheer them all on, okay?" said Starlight.

"Seems like everything is clear to me. Alright. You may each send out your Pokemon!" Ben announced.

"Pikachu! I choose you!"

"Pika!" Pikachu hopped off his partner's shoulder, already raring to go with volts surging out of his red sacs.

"Let's go, Passion!"


"Go forth, Darkrai!" Luna had gone for her Darkrai as he emerged from the shadows beneath.

"This'll do. Come out, Delphox!" Hollow tossed his Pokeball into the air, sending out his Delphox.

"In that case...Braviary! Whirlipede! Out you come!" Rainbow Dash had tossed two Pokeballs, sending out the first two Pokemon she had ever caught.



"Blaziken. You're up." Daylight sent out his partner Blaziken.


"Show them your stuff, Lopunny!"


"I'll just...stand all the way over here." Ben backed up, knowing that this was gonna get destructive fast. "Are all trainers ready?" He didn't need to ask since their eyes did all the talking. "Then in that case...begin!"

"Watch and learn as we make the first move! Braviary! Aerial Ace! Whirlipede use Rollout!"

"Whirlipede!" The Curlipede Pokemon got a move on alongside its fellow teammate. One was rolling forward whilst the other was soaring at high speeds.

"Pikachu! Iron Tail!"

"Chu-Pika!" Pikachu hardened his tail, blocking the incoming Aerial Ace with it. Braviary's beak made direct contact with Iron Tail, causing the Valiant Pokemon to flinch. Pikachu then slammed his tail overhead on Whirlipede, finishing off the Iron Tail attack.

"Delphox! Mystical Fire!"

"Darkrai! Ice Beam!"

Both Pokemon crossed streams by firing flames that were imbued with mystical energy alongside absolute zero beams of ice.

"Blaziken! Destroy it with Blaze Kick!"

"Ziken!" The Blaze Pokemon kicked its feet up, knocking the Ice Beam and Mystical Fire into the air as if they were nothing. He then dashed forward, swinging its feet towards the Pitch Black Pokemon.

"Quick Attack!" Pikachu had saved Darkrai by charging directly at Blaziken, connecting with his feet.

"Pika!" Pikachu let out a burst of power that knocked Blaziken back, causing the Blaze Pokemon to keep its distance.

"Lopunny! Dig underground!"

"Lopun!" The Rabbit Pokemon smashed her feet on the grass, digging a hole underground. A perfect way to keep yourself safe from the battle whilst still engaging in it.

"Move in and use Aerial Ace!" Both Rainbow Dash and Daylight commanded.

Blaziken and Braviary had moved at lightning speeds, both having their own way of performing the move. For Braviary it was simple. He charges forward and slashes with his wings. But for Blaziken, it surrounds its talons and feet with light blue energy, surrounded by gusts of winds.

Delphox had put up a Protect around her, shielding her teammates by standing in front of them. Both Aerial Aces made contact with the protective shield, failing to break through it. Passion had finally made her move, tossing small bolts of electricity infused with fire to create plasma. After all, she was the only Pokemon here capable of doing that. Whirlipede had gotten in the way, using Pin Missile to clash with the raging plasma bolts.

The result was an explosion of energy, leaving behind a smoke cloud that blocked the trainers' view. Pikachu came out of the smoke, having an Iron Tail ready for Whirlipede. However, Blaziken was ready for Pikachu as well, swinging its blazing feet at Pikachu, delivering a devastating Blaze Kick.

Pikachu had been sent flying into the air whilst being hit by a follow-up attack from Braviary, who ended up using Superpower to smash the Electric Mouse Pokemon back down to the ground.

Darkrai being the good teammate that he is, caught Pikachu, causing him to recover easily. As a means of combining skills and techniques together, Pikachu hopped off Darkrai's claw, charging up a Thunderbolt mid-air.

From beneath, Lopunny came back up, kicking Darkrai without him even seeing it coming. But that wasn't enough to stop Darkrai. The Pitch Black Pokemon flew back, causing Pikachu to shock Lopunny from above.

Whirlipede had increased its defence with Iron Defence, causing it to withstand a Mystical Fire from Delphox.

Delphox had summoned up a Wonder Room, allowing the defence of each Pokemon here to be swapped. It was a genius choice by Hollow for one reason. Since Darkrai is a Dark-Type who is immune to anything Psychic, his defences hadn't been swapped, giving him the opportunity to deal some sweet damage to the others who had their defence swapped with Glass Cannons such as Pikachu and Passion.

Both Pikachu and Passion moved in with a Quick Attack and Teleport, catching Lopunny and Blaziken off guard as they were up in their faces. Blaziken had backflipped away from Pikachu, getting a safe distance, however, that didn't matter at all. Pikachu and Passion both unleashed a combined Thunderbolt, shocking Lopunny and Blaziken at the same time with all that range Thunderbolt grants.

Lopunny had recovered, changing the course of the battle. She had the move Copycat, meaning that she could return the favour by shooting out a combined Thunderbolt of her own. This surprised the two Pokemon as they had been struck by their own power combination. Thankfully, Pikachu resisted it but Passion for sure felt it.

Braviary had used Steel Wing, putting his wings in a blocking position. He did since a powerful Psybeam from Delphox had been fired, almost dealing major damage to the Valiant Pokemon. The steel had cushioned the blow, allowing Braviary to barely feel it. The Normal-Flying-Type picked up Whirlipede with his talons, allowing the Curlipede Pokemon to attack from a high distance with Pin Missile.

Darkrai had chased after the two of them, using Dark Pulse to blow away the pins. The Pitch Black Pokemon had raised his claws up, preparing an Ice Beam that is sure to deal super-effective damage on Braviary.

However, the two Pokemon who weren't ready to let this happen were Blaziken and Lopunny who both had a move ready to strike down Darkrai. Close Combat and High Jump Kick. Braviary tossed Whirlipede up, preparing to strike with Superpower. If all three of these moves hit Darkrai, it's game over for him.

But like a protective friend, Passion had been his shield. She was able to teleport in-between them, utilizing her typing to her advantage. Since she's a Psychic-Fairy, both of which resist Fighting, these three Super-effective moves will be nothing against her. And thanks to Wonder Room swapping their defences along with Whirlipede's Iron Defence, she was practically invincible. She took the hits, protecting Darkrai from going out. Now was the time for her team to strike.

Delphox caught every single one of them off guard since they were still shocked that Passion appeared in front of them, taking the hits. The Fox Pokemon had used Psychic to grab them all, holding the trio of Pokemon in place. One Pokemon who wasn't held by Psychic was none other than Whirlipede who returned to ground level after falling down, immediately using Rollout to attack Pikachu.

The Electric Mouse Pokemon was knocked back, but not after being supported by Darkrai who had learned a new move. That being Thunder Punch. A move that Luna believed would throw her opponents off guard. And it did. Whirlipede had been knocked out by Thunder Punch, causing the Curlipede Pokemon to roll back to Rainbow Dash, fainting.

As for the Pokemon above, Delphox had still held them all in place with Psychic. It was now Passion's time to take action whilst they're still there. The Emotion Pokemon teleported above, combining both Thunderbolt and Mystical Fire together to create plasma. She let out a powerful roar, unleashing a beam of plasma that engulfed all three of them at once. The sound it made was equal to that of the Storm Behemoth. Thunderous.

The beam hit the ground, causing a large explosion that almost caused the trainers to fly off. Some ponies in the background actually flew off from the intense force of this battle.

However, despite all of that damage, the Pokemon weren't down yet. Well, they were almost down. The plasma beam definitely did a number on them. But they all still had one trick up their sleeves.

"This is getting aggressive. Looks like we'll have to be at our absolute best," said Rainbow Dash.

"I hear ya." Daylight nodded.

"I believe we all know what we must do then?" Jewel held out her arm, revealing a Mega Ring along with Daylight who had one for his Blaziken.

"Braviary! Let's go!" Rainbow Dash on the other hoof, had the Bond Phenomenon instead to help her. Both she and Braviary let out a shout of power as a pillar of rainbows came from the heavens themselves, beaming down on the Valiant Pokemon.

"Mega Evolve!" Both Jewel and Daylight bellowed.

"Here it comes..." Ash grinned as he was anticipating something like this happening. The lights from all three of them radiated across the gardens as a burst of energy shot out, revealing their absolute peak performance forms.

Mega Blaziken.

Mega Lopunny.


"Blaziken! Close Combat!"

"Lopunny! Triple Axel!"

"Braviary! Brave Bird"

A unison of three Pokemon moving at ludicrous speeds had graced their eyes. Lopunny had chased down Pikachu whilst Blaziken went for Darkrai. Pikachu had used Iron Tail to fight back against the Triple Axel. Three consecutive kicks came from the move, complimenting Lopunny's destructive kicking power. Pikachu's Iron Tail had managed to block the three kicks, but they were so destructive his tail had actually been injured a bit.

Darkrai had phased deep in the shadows, avoiding the Close Combat. The Pitch Black Pokemon appeared behind Blaziken, preparing to strike it with Thunder Punch.

The Blaze Pokemon picked up on the sound of electricity, causing it to turn around with its blazing feet connecting with Thunder Punch. Both Pokemon knocked each other back whilst Delphox and Passion were both trying to catch up with Braviary's intense speed.

Since he was linked with Rainbow Dash, he shared her speed as well, making it hard to catch him. Braviary had caught them by surprise by slashing Passion with Steel Wing, dealing some heavy damage to her whilst also zipping around with Aerial Ace to throw off Delphox's focus.

Passion, Pikachu and Delphox looked at each other, figuring out how to catch this speedy Pokemon. Delphox raised her wand up, summoning a Mystical Fire that raced to the skies. Passion teleported towards the Mystical Fire, shooting down her own along with a Thunderbolt.

This combination had created an even more potent plasma than before since there was even more fire added into the mix. Passion held the Plasma in her arms, tossing it down towards the opposing team.

Braviary gasped, flying past the devastating attack, avoiding it by the tail of his feathers. Lopunny and Blaziken had scattered, avoiding the plasma attack. But Ash had capitalized on this. He commanded Pikachu to catch the plasma by using Iron Tail to absorb it. A wise decision and an obvious Ash tactic.

Pikachu had used its ludicrous speed to move in with Quick Attack whilst still having the plasma apart of its tail. If this hits any of them, the impact could be overwhelming and that would be the match.

All three Pokemon wouldn't let that happen. Not for a second. Blaziken had used Flare Blitz, charging straight towards Pikachu whilst Lopunny digs underground. Braviary had planned to use Superpower, flying beside Blaziken as well. It looked like Pikachu would be overwhelmed, but that was far from the truth.

Darkrai had used Ice Beam to force Lopunny out of the ground and grass beneath them all. As for Blaziken and Braviary, leave that to Delphox and Passion.

Delphox had been teleported by Passion, using Protect to shield Pikachu. The two powerful moves of Superpower and Flare Blitz had been blocked by the Fox Pokemon, who let out a small smirk. Why did she smirk? Simple? Because Pikachu and Passion were about to finish them off.

Pikachu hopped over Delphox, slamming his plasma covered tail on top of Lopunny's head whilst Passion strikes a beam of plasma right in front of Blaziken and Delphox.

The aftermath was yet another explosion of plasma that blew every single Pokemon back to their trainers. What an impact.

And the result? Rainbow Dash's team had fainted, deforming.

"Ugh!" Rainbow Dash felt the impact since she was linked to Rainbow Dash. Boy did it sting.

"Rainbow Dash's team is unable to battle! Which means the victors are Princess Celestia's team!" Ben announced. That caused a thunderous applause to fill all of Canterlot. What a battle.

"YES!" Ash pumped his fist in the air, giving Luna and Celestia hoof/fist bump.

"Huzzah! We win!" Luna grabbed Ash, Hollow and Celestia, hugging the three of them. "Best birthday ever!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu gave the other Pokemon a high-five for their victory as well, celebrating. Even Darkrai joined in.

"Sheesh...those four make a deadly combo..." Daylight sighed, walking over to his Blaziken. "Good job, Blaziken."


"You were awesome, Braviary."


"A splendid show of skill, Lopunny."


"Oh...OH...That was..." Scootaloo felt like she was going to faint. Everypony did. That battle was intense and by far the best they've seen yet.

"I think I need to take a nap." Twilight held her head, trying to process all that had just happened.

"I take it all back...Pokemon battling is amazing..." Aria's jaw dropped.

"Thank you all so much for being here to enjoy this moment with us." Celestia said. "It really means the world to us."

"We will truly never forget this day." Luna shook her head.

"You're welcome, princesses. Oh! I forgot to show off my trick!" Rainbow Dash yelped.

"What was your trick?" Ash asked.

"Me and Braviary were gonna do a double Sonic Rainboom while in Rainbow-Braviary. I almost forgot."

"I don't think you'll have to do it...look." Fluttershy gasped, pointing her hoof at the sky. Why exactly?

Because the phenomenon that Celestia talked about had come true.

There it was.


The Pokemon that brings wonderful wind for years to come. And as Celestia said, it recognizes the bonds between people and Pokemon. And in this case, ponies and Pokemon.

"Isn't that one of those Pokemon from Ash's dreams?!" Rainbow Dash took out her Pokedex.

"Lugia. The Diving Pokemon. It is said that it quietly spends its time deep at the bottom of the sea because its powers are too strong. It sleeps in a deep-sea trench. If it flaps its wings, it is said to cause a 40-day storm. Lugia is also known as the guardian of seas and the one who brings the wind."

"So that's Lugia..." Luna gawked as she saw the Diving Pokemon soar above Canterlot.

"Yeah..." Ash nodded.


Lugia had looked down over Canterlot, seeing how all these ponies gather to enjoy themselves to the fullest and just simply bond with each other. It was small but something it could respect. As a result, the Diving Pokemon granted them all 100 years worth of wind by flapping its wings, sending an amazing zephyr that filled Canterlot. The Psychic-Flying-Type made its leave, flying off into the distance and leaving behind some wonderful wind too.

All everypony can do now is wave goodbye to the Diving Pokemon as it flys off into the sunset.

The day was coming to an end. Which meant Celestia and Luna's birthday was closing off as well. The two sisters had actually almost tired themselves out due to the day they had. Pyrestar had helped them up, getting them each back on their hooves whilst eating some cake along the way.

Ash and the group had already left for Ponyville, deciding that now was the best time to leave. Besides, their Pokemon were a bit exhausted.

"What a day..." Ash yawned.

"Got that right...I think for the first time, cake's tired me out." Pinkie fell flat on her face.

"We're all tired...but we had a blast, didn't we?" Twilight giggled.

"Yeah. But we'll have an even bigger blast when the festival returns in 2 months!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"I just don't know what happened back there with that Slowking..." Applejack scratched her mane.

"Oh, darling. Do we have a story to tell you..." Rarity chuckled.

"I can't believe we got to see another Legendary Pokemon." Fluttershy squeed.

"I can't believe how overwhelmingly huge they all are." Starlight gulped.

"That's why they're called legends, after all, right?" Goh replied.

"In any case!" Ash stood up from his seat. "I'm really psyched to learn what our next adventure will be!"


"Alright, settle down, Ketchum. The kids are sleeping." Twilight pointed her hoof at the sleeping CMC.

"Oh. Heh Sorry."


Indeed. What a day it truly has been. A day for celebration and a day full of excitement and a bit of an unexpected personality change. Whatever may come next, whatever might be lurking around the corner, and whatever is waiting to reveal itself, there is a certainty that Ash, Twilight and their friends will be there to see it through and experience it to the fullest as the journey continues!

Chapter 200 End!

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