• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Castelia Clash

Author's Note:

The visit isn't even over yet and this happens.

Unova, Castelia City.

Currently the victim to a monster attack of the likes they haven't seen before. An enraged Adagio who has built up enough negative energy, including her own has reached her true form at last. She is once again a siren but with the inclusion of a unicorn horn, forming a newfound species to both worlds.

"Conquering Equestria will have to wait until then! All I want to do now...IS PUT AN END TO YOU ALL!" Seething with rage and vengeance, the now vengeful Adagio, unleashed all of her wrath upon Castelia City. Out of her horn shot out green lightning that was potent enough to shatter a building into millions of tiny pieces. And it did just that. The Battle Plaza had been destroyed in one hit, reduced to nothing but rubble. Each time the green lightning made contact with anything, you can kiss goodbye to whatever it hit. The smartest choice was to run away. And that's what everyone did. Ponies, humans and Pokemon scattered like the wind, not wanting to be vaporized by Adagio's fury.

Many attempted to take cover by hiding behind a building, but the green lightning said otherwise, obliterating it. Castelia was being torn apart left and right with no signs of stopping. Over the distance at Skyarrow Bridge and Route 4, you could see a massive siren creature with a horn unleashing green storms that destroy anything that stands in its way. Kricketot gripped onto Adagio's hair with all its might, terrified of its trainer's new form. The constant moving Adagio in an uncontrollable rage almost made the small Cricket Pokemon fly off. But what did actually fly off was the music device Kricketot kept on holding onto for this long. It crashed on the ground, having cracks form on it from the impact alone.

Ash, the Mane 6 and even Spitfire who was here looked up to see an enraged Adagio unleash her wrath on all of Castelia.

"I came here to visit the Pokemon World! Not experience...this!" Spitfire exclaimed.

"Is that what a siren actually looks like?!" Pinkie fell on her back, gawking at Adagio's true form.

"An actual siren...I don't believe it" Twilight spoke.

"Better believe it, my little pony! Once I get rid of the prime example of goody-two-shoes sanctimonious ponies, all of Equestria will have to bow to me! And then you'll all know how it feels to lose something that you hold dear!" Adagio slammed her tail fin on the ground, shaking Castelia in the process. Only one thing is on her mind now. Destroy Twilight and her friends for good.

Lucien and Sienna were at Skyarrow Bridge, watching the whole thing go down. Even they were surprised that this occurred.

"I'll admit. I didn't anticipate that." Lucien's eyes widened, gazing at the gigantic Adagio who was blasting sound waves down on Castelia. The other thing he could see was a bolt of Thunder striking Adagio, indicating that Ash has already begun going up against her.

"So much for a 'Test run'" Sienna replied. "Now it feels like an actual event. You sure giving her the ability to control huge amounts of magic was a good idea?"

"You were in on it too, Sienna. Besides. Adagio's gonna lose anyway...but I can tell you, based on how stubborn she is, she'll be back for more."

"Probably." Sienna nodded. "Can't believe all that rage is coming out of something that pretty. Well...at least the pony form is pretty."

"It's only natural. I can't even blame her honestly." Lucien picked up a Swift feather from the bridge. "After what happened to the sirens at the battle of the bands and what happened in the past to the rest of the siren species, no wonder Adagio's taking all of her anger out on Twilight and to an extension, all of ponykind. I'd argue that she hates friendship more than anyone. Well...probably not as much as Ghetsis, though." He tossed the feather away.

"Yeah. It is kind of a shame what happened to them. I'd be pretty furious too. Oh, well. What can we do?" Sienna shrugged.

"We could always bring the siren species back. Every last one of them." Lucien nudged Sienna as he held a cosmic particle in his finger.

"Nah." Sienna shook her head. "Bad idea." Sienna walked off.

"Oh, and what? You got a better idea?" Lucien followed.

"Do I? You know Celestia's Kirlia?"

"You mean Passion?" Lucien created a lemonade drink out of thin air just for a quick drink. "What about her? We're not gonna do the whole mind control thing again are we?"

"Mind control? Nah, Nah. I don't think you've realized this Sienna, but Celestia's Kirlia is unnatural."

"How so?"

"Haven't noticed? For a Kirlia, it's ludicrously outlandish and unusual. Kirlia, in general, are already pretty powerful Pokemon, especially for being part Psychic and Fairy, but that one? One of a kind if you ask me."

"I mean yeah it's strong but...it's not that strong." Lucien shrugged, drinking his lemonade.

"Not that strong?" Sienna turned around to him, halting both of their movements. "Lucien. She can create plasma." Sienna formed plasma in the palm of her hand.


"AND, only two Pokemon are capable of that! The Legendary Pokemon Duo Reshiram and Zekrom. And technically to an extension, Zekrom. The fact that a little Kirlia can do that is not normal whatsoever. If it continues to grow in power, then it might become a Pokemon like none other."

"Hm. Now that you mention it...that is unnatural." He stopped drinking his lemonade just to ponder. "And to think, it's not even a Gardevoir yet. I mean, can you even imagine what it could do when it finally becomes one?" He chuckled.

"That's the point. And this is what we'll do next."

"What? Evolve it into Gardevoir instantly?"

"No, not that. How does the idea of making Celestia's Kirlia overflow with magic that it can't control sound?"

"Oh...like a reverse Adagio situation? Sounds good. How are we gonna do it and when are we gonna do it?" Lucien finished the lemonade bottle, making it vanish in thin air.

"I'd say the best time to do it is...right before Starlight Glimmer tries to mess with time. That'll do. Listen closely." Sienna was ready to explain her plan to Lucien in full detail.

Whilst those two plan an eventual event with Celestia's Kirlia in the near future, the destruction Adagio was causing carried on. Many had escaped through either the gateways, entering Equestria or taken the ships to high-tail it out of here. But others were still on the run.

"Iron Tail!" Ash was putting in the effort to stop Adagio's attack by having his buddy run up the siren's gargantuan body. Pikachu smacked Adagio in the face with an Iron Tail, causing her to fall over.

"ARGH! YOU...RAT!" Adagio's eyes shifted back to Pikachu as she had the immediate response of attempting to sink her sharp teeth into the Electric Mouse Pokemon's body.

"Pika?!" Pikachu gasped, realizing that he was about to be chomped by Adagio. He quickly used Iron Tail once more to hit Adagio's teeth. The sound of the iron hitting the fangs and the sight of seeing a bit of the fangs chip with small pieces of her tooth falling out was enough to make anyone wince.

"Thunderbolt!" Pikachu, who was still airborne, unleashed 100,000 volts of electricity on Adagio, making her feel each volt to the core. This only resulted in Adagio lashing out even further. The siren blew Pikachu back to the ground by emitting a sound wave from its mouth. This single sound wave was enough to shatter all the windows across most of Castelia. Thankfully, Pikachu recovered, landing safely on his little feet. Although, his ear was twitching a bit.

"Don't think I won't stop with you, ponies! After you, the Pokemon World is next due to how annoying it is! And especially that parallel world with that aggravating Sunset Shimmer! Every last one of you deserves a long-awaited payback!"

"Yeesh. What did you do to make her so mad?" Spitfire asked.

"No time to be answering that! Go! Braviary!" Rainbow Dash sent out her Braviary to help Pikachu. "Get up close and use Brave Bird!"

"Bring anymore of those creatures close to me and I'll flatten them!" Adagio bellowed. Just her raising her own voice was enough to conjure up a green sound wave to attack anyone within her range. Braviary and Pikachu both felt something equal to that of gravity pushing them down.

Fluttershy and her Audino had picked up Vulpix, Eve and Minccy, leaving the area since it was far too dangerous for the injured Pokemon trio. Derpy had also left, not wanting to be caught up in something like this. Applejack and Rarity had made sure that Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are out of here as well. The only ones left in Adagio's vicinity were Ash, Twilight, Pinkie, Jade, Spike, Spitfire and Rainbow Dash.

Adagio had moved from her spot, moving like she would in the sea. Her horn was emanating green magic, conjuring that same destructive green lightning from it. A Thunderbolt from Pikachu was sent to stop the lightning from making contact. And once both bolts came together, they proved to be a bit equal in power, cancelling each other out. Once the smoke formed after they both blew up in front of each other, Braviary flew through the smoke, revealing himself. Adagio gasped as she was hit with a straight Superpower, once again targeting her face, which was already harmed from Pikachu earlier. So far, Adagio was proving to struggle against the Pokemon, even with her being a hybrid of two species. Not only that but her focus was non-existent due to her being full of rage and disdain.

"I refuse to lose to some rat and bird!" Before the two Pokemon knew it, both of them were engulfed by a ray of magic instead of the usual green bolts. Despite them being hit by it, to Adagio's surprise, the rays didn't do that much to them. In fact, the best they did was slightly give Pikachu and Braviary and small jolt and maybe a tickle. She swung her tail out of frustration, destroying the buildings that her tail made contact with. Braviary and Pikachu found it simple and easy to avoid something like that by either jumping of flying to a higher level. All of a sudden, Pikachu hopped on Braviary's back, using him as a ride.

"Pikachu! Electroweb!"

"Braviary! Steel Wing!"

A mix of two moves was formed by the two Pokemon. Pikachu had placed an Electroweb on Adagio's face, blocking a bit of her vision whilst Rainbow Dash's Braviary went for the lower party, hitting the siren's stomach. Adagio wasn't standing a chance against them both. And they were only two Pokemon. She attempted to remove the Electroweb from her face but it was stuck on her like glue. What didn't help was that Braviary kept going back and forth, striking her with wings made out of pure steel.

Taking so much punishment from a slur of attacks eventually made Adagio fall over, unable to bear all that pain. She fell on her back, crushing an entire skyscraper in the process.

"This can't be how I lose..." She groaned, struggling to get up from the ground.

"It's over Adagio! You're outmatched by them!" Twilight went up to her. "You can give up and-"

"Don't you start talking about that Magic of Friendship nonsense again!" Adagio hissed at her. "I don't want to her a single sound of it! Especially from a pony!"

"Why do you have to act so stubborn already?! Are you that desperate for revenge?!" Rainbow Dash yelled at her.

"Shut up! You ponies have no idea what you've caused. What you've done to my sisters!"

"They're on our side now though. And you can do the same by having fun with us!" Pinke bounced over to her.

"You don't get it. You've essentially doomed both my sisters...You think once you've 'REFORMED' them, you can all go back to jus singing and dancing like nothing happened?!"

"I mean...we are dancing." Pinkie shrugged.

"You'll see one day...and I'll be there to laugh in front of your faces when the inevitable happens." Adagio strained as her horn was acting up again. Instead of attacking, she was retreating for now. She realized that she was indeed outmatched by these Pokemon. Despite her being a hybrid, she stood no chance whatsoever. At least, not at the level she's at right now. Her only response was to flee. The Kricketot in her hair looked down to see that they had left the music device behind. She swam away in the air, fleeing from Castelia and everyone else in it. They all watched as they saw the defeated siren make her leave. All that she left behind was a half-destroyed Castelia City. At least it wasn't all of it though.

"Hey! Get back here!" Rainbow Dash was about to fly after her.

"Leave it, Rainbow Dash. I don't think we're going to get through to her. At least, not today. But someday we might." Twilight sighed.

"Fine..." Rainbow grumbled.

"Oh. Is it over?" The ice cream vendor poked his head out of a building that had not been destroyed by Adagio thankfully.

"Yeah! All clear!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Oh, thank Arceus." The vendor fainted on his back. Everyone breathed a huge sigh of relief, glad that it was finally over. Normally, this would be the part where cheers of victory and joy were being spread, but not this time sadly. They were still a bit confused after the whole mind control thing, gaining no memory of it and the siren attack didn't help at all. Maybe the next time a huge threat comes by and almost destroys everything. For now...they just wanted to relax.

Ash on the other hand couldn't help but keep the words Adagio said in his head. About her sisters and how they were apparently doomed due to them being reformed. Whatever she meant by that, it was clear that Adagio knew that something horrible was bound to happen to Aria and Sonata at any point in time at any moment.

"Hey! Ash! Snap out of it!" Pinkie waved her hoof in Ash's face. "You're kinda spaced out there."

"Hm? Oh. Sorry. I was just thinking about what Adagio said back there." Ash scratched his head.


"Nevermind that now. It's all over! At least...until she comes back a hundredth time. We've still got a visit to finish, ya know."

"Yeah, I guess..." Ash nodded in response. But the thought of it was still lingering within him.

Where Adagio was at the moment, she retreated back to a barren land in Equestria, still in her siren form. But not for long actually. Due to her overexerting herself and losing all that negativity from before, her siren form was slowly reverting back into her pony state. She had lost all that progress in the span of one day. And the day wasn't actually over still. It was just reaching the afternoon at this point.

"Can't believe I lost again..." Adagio sat down, returning back to her small unicorn self. "Even when I had all that magic, I didn't stand a chance." At this point, Adagio was no longer feeling enraged. Now, she just felt upset overall. What was the point of being enraged if you've been completely defeated and lost your magic yet again.

"Stings doesn't it?" A familiar voice spoke to her. It was one of the few individuals who allied with Adagio along with Ghetsis and all of Team Plasma.

"Chrysalis? Here to taunt me or something?" Adagio lowered her head.

"As fun as that would be...I have no reason to taunt you since I suffered a horrible loss at the hooves of them as well."

"What? Did they shock and hit you with steel as well?"

"Actually yes. I did lose in a similar way. And the involvement of overwhelming love."

"Those ponies...They don't have the slightest clue on what they've caused. What they've done means the end of both my sisters...that'll leave me as the only one left."

"What's this now? Showing love to your sisters? Mind if I feed off that?"

"I am not showing love! Those two are borderline traitors!"

"You sure are a professional at hiding your true feelings behind that cynical nature of yours. It'll be fun to feed off your love someday." Chrysallis chuckled.

"So you did come here just to taunt me after all."

"Guilty. But I also understand your frustration against the ponies."

"You do?"

"But of course. Everything about them makes me sick to the core. They believe they're all good and pure. Doing the right thing, spreading friendship across the land, expression true love. But what they fail to realize is what actually occurs everywhere else. I feed on love to feed my Changeling hive in order to keep it stable and healthy. Doesn't matter how I have to obtain it. And I can tell a similar situation is with you as well."

"Similar situation? You wish. I feed on magic for myself and with the intent of conquering Equestria. Nothing else." Adagio crossed her hooves.

"Are you sure? In truth...are you actually doing it to avenge your species?" Chrysalis suddenly changed herself into Aria, revealing that she was already feeding off of Adagio's love. "Perhaps, you want to rule over Equestria for the sake making the ponies feel the exact same pain you and your fellow sirens felt. After all...the three of you are the only ones left. Well...two of them are now just full on ponies."

"I told you before and again. I don't care for those two after they decided to go on the side of friendship. Not anymore at least."

"If that's true, then how is it that I am able to appear as them?" Chrysalis then changed into Sonata. "In all my years of feeding on love, I've never met a creature such as yourself that hides it all behind an iron stare. To be honest, it's somewhat charming. Your restraint to be honest is something else, Adagio Dazzle."

"Whatever. I don't have to hear this. Besides...you've lost to them too."

"Of course I have. More than I can actually admit honestly. But with the alliance we've made with Ghetsis, our losses are sure to vanish eventually."

"And what makes you think we're gonna win just because we have some human on our side?"

"Because Ghetsis has something that no one in Equestria has. At least...not this version of Equestria."

"Are you saying that he's been grabbing stuff from other worlds?"

"Oh. More than just stuff, Adagio Dazzle. You might want to see this." Chrysalis smirked, knowing what Ghetsis has done. Whatever he's done, it was making Adagio uneasy. What could he have possibly dragged into this world that could ensure their victory and rule over all of Equestria. The answer could only be given by his interference with other worlds. And as for Ghetsis and Team Plasma...they were currently at the backup kingdom they built in Queen Pyrestar's world. Ghetsis sat there on his throne, still thinking about his loss against Ash and Hollow. But, the thought of that wasn't what he was focusing on at the moment. Ghetsis is equally as stubborn as Adaigo, if not greater. So he has no clue how to give up and when to stop. But what he does know is how to see through his opponents and find their weaknesses. And after days and hours of thinking, he had come up with a conclusion. A way to gain victory over Equestria once and for all. But for the meantime...he'll take his time.

Chapter 152 End!

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