• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Storm Behemoth


Pure electrical energy in its rawest form.

Sentient in the form of a behemoth.

A roar that thunders out like lightning.

And a fury equal to that of a storm.

This entity stood tall, looming over Ponyville and Cloudsdale. From the far distance, you could barely see it in the clouds. All you'd end up seeing was a yellow and blue flash of electricity. This behemoth was the cause of Obsidian's magic interfering with a power outage. A situation that was already a bit bad, accelerated to a possible worst-case scenario.

"WHAT IS THAT?!" Cherilee exclaimed as everypony started to scream and panic, obviously not wanting to deal with the behemoth. It was 500ft after all. And if they even made contact with it, they would be shocked to a point where their bodies couldn't handle the volts.

"Just a little something I decided to spice up a bit." Obsidian stood atop a tree, chuckling. Twilight turned her attention to the scheming pony who was the cause of all of this.

"Obsidian! Of course, you'd be behind it!" She stomped her hooves.


"Oh, yeah. I'm a master class at starting up events. This one's a potential favourite of mine. If you think the tree behemoth was dangerous...you ain't seen nothing yet. Let's see how you deal with a being made out of pure energy. Ta-Ta." Obsidian took his leave with the usual rift transport.

"What do we do against something like that?"

Over at the Pokemon House, the thunderstorm cry managed to wake Fluttershy up from her sleep as well. Not only that, but the presence of the behemoth in Ponyville made Pikachu's condition accelerate. He kept on shooting out yellow and blue Thunderbolts repeatedly without any control.

"Pi...Pikachu!" Pikachu's lightning was going crazy. Soon it was shocking every Pokemon at the house, even shocking Ash and Audino. Fluttershy raced outside to see Pikachu losing control of his electricity and the 500ft behemoth.

"What's happening?! And what is that?!"

Ash grabbed a hold of Pikachu, trying to calm his buddy down. "I don't know!" As Ash kept holding Pikachu down, he was continuously shocked by him. But these weren't the usual friendly shocks that were given to Ash at times, these shocks were aggressive, unrestrained even. Meaning that Ash could feel more than 100,000 volts hit him.

Each time electricity emanated out of Pikachu, the behemoth could feel it. Almost as if the two were bouncing off each other, even from this far away distance. The behemoth was on the move once more. Each step it took cause electric shockwaves to emerge with ease. This shockwave managed to electrocute even the trees around Ponyville, even reaching Everfree.

"We can't stay here. Not with that thing around. Fluttershy. Audino. Can you please look after Pikachu for me?"

"We will. But what's going on? What happened overnight?" Fluttershy picked up Pikachu.

"I'll explain everything later on! Just wait for me, Pikachu!" Ash took off, leaving his buddy in good hooves.

"Pikapi..." Pikachu hopped off Fluttershy's hooves suddenly. He didn't want to be away from his best friend. Especially if that behemoth is just out there in the open. He quickly chased after Ash, always wanting to be by his side.

"What do we do against that?!" Pinkie bellowed.

"I don't know. But we have to put a stop to it. Or else it'll destroy all of Ponyville. Eve! Psybeam!" Twilight commanded her Espeon to attack. The Sun Pokemon unleashed a psychic beam towards the 500ft Behemoth. It was a huge target so there was no way any attack was missing. The Psybeam made contact, but to their surprise, it barely did much. All it ended up doing was causing the behemoth to let out a small wail.

Everypony had gone a far distance in order to get away for the behemoth. But it didn't matter how far away they get. The shockwaves and pulses it formed every time it moved were so immense, the distance couldn't protect them. And each time a new shockwave flies through, their bodies feel a shudder that sends chills down their spines.

Rainbow Dash gazed at the behemoth, unsure of what was even going on. She and the pegasi were having a nice rest and all of a sudden this happens.

"Did the storms just suddenly decide to get mad all of a sudden?!" Rainbow Dash uttered.

"I don't know! But I'm getting out of here!" A pegasus replied as they were all flying away from the approaching storm being. All the Flying-Types in the area did the same, fleeing from the behemoth. Rainbow Dash flew down to Ponyville to see if her friends were doing okay during this. She spotted Twilight and her Espeon looking up at the behemoth.


"Rainbow Dash?" Twilight turned to her friend.

"What in Equestria is that thing?!"

"Some sort of...storm monster! It came straight from the other world!"

"Well, what do we do against it?"

"High tail it out of here that's what!" Meowth exclaimed as he and Team Rocket were making a run for it. And it was a good call because the behemoth was actually getting faster. Naturally, something huge would be sluggish and slow, but because this behemoth is pure energy and electricity, its speed builds up. Meaning that eventually, it'll end up moving at lightning speeds.

The behemoth's main goal was simply nothing. Its sense of direction was just linear, meaning that it would rampage mindlessly towards a straight line. But even by just casually moving forward, it can cause destruction in its wake. From the direction it was facing, it would most likely head towards Canterlot next. The behemoth got a move on as it was moving much faster than before.

As it made its way forward, the energy it gave off electrocuted every building near it. Rarity's boutique, SugarCube Corner, Town Hall, Even Twilight's Pokemon Lab and castle were hit by it. The much larger buildings were not that damaged due to their structure, however, the rest of the buildings AKA the homes were greatly affected. Many ponies could only sit back and watch their entire homes be demolished by this walking storm. On the bright side, a large majority of the furniture was saved. So it wasn't all bad.

"This is perfect!" Obsidian showed up once more, sitting atop a tree. "This is way better than I expected! Much better than some tree. If I had to give it a name...I think the Storm Behemoth would work. Yeah. That's fitting."

"Obsidian! That's enough!" Twilight turned to him.

"What? Gonna lecture me or something, princess?"

"You've caused heaps of trouble over the months...and now you unleash this?! Your antics need to stop!"

"Bah! Stop?! Do you think I'm gonna let some 4th-dimensional being tell me, a 5th-dimensional being with cosmic power what to do? Yeah right! I have the power to cause any kind of disaster. From this Storm Behemoth to even a tidal wave! If I wanted to, I could wipe all of Equestria off the face of the Earth if I just go crazy with my magic!" Obsidian hopped off the tree, walking towards Twilight. "Face it, Sparkle. You're gonna have to live with the fact that I will continue to make things difficult for you in every possible way. It makes the world crossover much more fun that way."

"Fun? FUN?!" Twilight bellowed back at him. "You think this FUN!? Constantly causing events that put me and my friends in danger, having no respect for everypony's lives, even humans and Pokemon! You're only doing this because some cosmic being made you this way!" Twilight shoved him with her hoof. The tension between the two was rising. Obsidian was actually getting aggravated with Twilight a bit. "This stops here, Obsidian. I'm going to make sure that you don't cause any more trouble for anypony ever again! You and the Rift! With my friends by my side, we'll make sure that you don't hurt anypony ever again!"

"Do you really think you can stop me?" Obsidian chuckled as his horn and eyes began to glow. "You think just because you have alicorn magic, you stand a chance? And the Magic of Friendship? WRONG!" Suddenly a burst of cosmic energy erupted behind Obsidian. "Magic stands no chance against the paragon energy of the cosmos!" His voice suddenly begun to sound akin to that of the Rift. In fact, it was now the Rift speaking to Twilight. Applejack, Fluttershy and everypony else around the area of Ponyville looked up to see the cosmic energy of the Rift emerge as a mighty voice was about to echo throughout Ponyville.

"The Rift...?" Twilight backed away.

"Twilight Sparkle. Do you really believe you can just stop me? So casually? You couldn't even begin to comprehend the measureless empyrean cosmic power that I command. The Magic of Friendship? What a pathetic power you speak of! You are nothing more than another speck of dust in the endless disposition of the omniverse, easily capable of being wiped out by a single command of a higher entity of various other worlds and realities such as myself. With just a single world, I can command you and the entirety of your world to surrender with the force of an infinite array of voices. The fact that you even think that you even believe in the Magic of Friendship triumphing over anything you come across is so imperceptive and vainglorious that it honestly baffles even my vast knowledge. If I wanted too...I could wipe you out from existence at any given point in time...and your entire precious world. None will remember you. Your existence will be nothing but an afterthought of a child's imagination in another world!"

The words that the Rift said to Twilight could be heard from everypony. They all stayed silent as the atmosphere died down. Twilight sat down, unable to respond to something like that. She had never been talked down upon like this. Ever.

"So tell me. What did you say you were going to do?"

"I...I..." Twilight's fears were getting to her. The amount of fear building up within her was enough to potentially awaken Horizon Storm from within. The sheer force that the Rift was exerting had put everything to a halt, even the behemoth's movements for a small bit.

"She said that she's going to stop you." A voice broke the silence. It was revealed to be Ash who had Pikachu on his side. His buddy was still feeling off due to the behemoth, but he was always by his pal's side. "I'd take her word for it."


"Ash Ketchum." The Rift controlled Obsidian turned to Ash. "You are a different story. You seem to have no quarrel against me if I am, to be honest. Surely, you weigh on the side of neutral due to your relations to various Mythical and Legendary Pokemon. Even the Lord of Chaos Discord has become a friend of yours."

"I may be able to enjoy some fun in life, but I also know when something goes too far and it endangers others."

"Oh? I see no problem. At the end of the day, you and your pony friends will end up saving them...as you always do."

"Yeah, I figured you'd say that. But even if we always save them, the thought of seeing them constantly being in danger is horrible. I just want to spend some time with my friends, laughing, having fun and just messing around! I don't need to be in intense situations and events to have fun with my friends!"


"Are you opposing me as well, Ketchum?" The Rift flew over to Ash.

"Yeah, I am!"


The Rift could see that Ash was fearless against him. The Rift knew that Ash has already come across situations that constantly put his life in danger, so talking down to him with a bellowing voice wasn't going to phase him at all. And the Rift knew that. That's when the young trainer finally decided to talk to Rift on a normal level.

"I get that you want to have fun, see new scenarios. I'm kind of the same. I'm always wanting to experience new stuff that I've never seen before. I'm always throwing myself in the craziest of situations without knowing how wild it can get. That's why I'm journeying around the world. There's still a lot for me to do before I can become a Pokemon Master. And I want to experience everything before I reach my goal. Because if I just become a master early on, what's the point of the journey. But I don't put my friends in danger for the sake of fun. I want to have a blast in a way that makes my friends happy too."


The words that Ash spoke managed to clear the dry atmosphere a bit. Not only that, but the Rift took some time to examine Ash's words. In a sense, he was right. The Rift and Ash did share similar ambitions. They both seek to have entertainment and fun. However, they both approach it differently. The Rift then came to a conclusion that would not change his stance...but it would still make him realise a few things.

"Hm. Well played Ketchum. I should've expected this. It is abnormal that you always know what to say, Ash Ketchum. It's no wonder why you've built a powerful bond with countless Pokemon, people and now ponies over the years. Very well. This is what I shall do. I will continue to create events for both worlds to see what scenarios can come from them. And I will still continue to utilize Obsidian as the role of a villain. However, I will show...some restraint in my actions. Despite my vast knowledge, I failed to remember what actual entertainment is. This does not mean I will put an end to actions, but it does mean that I will...partially consider the safety of others...most of the time."

"Sounds good to me. And we'll just end up stopping Obsidian and whatever Rift pony you throw at us! Count on it!"


"Hmph. We shall see. You make things interesting Ash Ketchum. We shall see who shall come out on top at the end of all of this." The Rift left Obsidian's body making it twitch a bit.

"Ugh...that wasn't very comfortable." Obsidian groaned. Once that was all said and done, the Behemoth was on the move once more. That issue still needed to be dealt with. Obsidian looked around as he quickly left Ponyville, not wanting to be here any longer.

"You okay?" Ash went over to Twilight who was still perplexed on what she saw.

"Yeah...I'm okay." Twilight nodded, feeling relieved after that. "Thanks, Ash."

"No problem. Now, all we have to do is deal with that thing." Ash looked up at Storm Behemoth.

"Pika..." Pikachu felt off just looking at the thing.

"It looks like it's headed straight for Canterlot by the direction it's moving. Canterlot is much more populated than Ponyville...so the result could be terrifying." Twilight replied.

"Then we'll just have to stop its movements!" Ash took out one of his Pokeballs. "Pikachu. You take a break for now. You're still not well. Everyone else. Mind helping me slow this guy down?"

"I'm not sure. We're not as skilled as you, Ash. What are we going to do against THAT?" said Lyra.

"You don't need to be skilled to help. Your Pokemon are beside you at the end of the day. That thing's made of electricity. So if any of you have Pokemon that are good against Electric-Types, we're good to go."

"My Leavanny do. I know that much." Rarity commented.

"There are some Ground-Types at the Pokemon House as well." Fluttershy flew over to Ash with Audino.

"That settles it. All we have to do is stop its movements." Ash sent out his Dragonite to fly towards the Storm Behemoth. "Let's get going! You coming along?" Ash asked.

"Of course we are. If that thing reaches Canterlot, all the progress Princess Celestia and Queen Pyrestar made will be set back to zero...again. We're coming with you." Twilight replied.

The Storm Behemoth was eradicating anything its electricity made contact with. The trees were being fried and set on fire once its foot went through them. Even Cloudsdale was affected, as it tore through the clouds itself due to intense 90,000,000 volts of electricity it possessed.

Ash's Dragonite which had Ash, Pikachu, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Applejack on it, caught up to the behemoth. "Dragonite! Hyper Beam!" Dragonite unleashed a beam of hyper energy towards the 500ft monster. The Hyper Beam proved to be effective as the behemoth was actually pushed back by it. It let out a thunderous cry due to the pain it felt from the Hyper Beam. "Nice!"

"Leavanny. Energy Ball!" Rarity commanded her Leavanny which were on the ground. All 12 of them released balls of energy grassy energy towards the behemoth. Due to it being electric, Energy Ball worked well on it. The Behemoth was pushed back even more by the 12 Energy Balls.

"Treecko! Bullet Seed!" Applejack also gave her Pokemon a command for the first time even. The Treecko that sat on top her hat pelted bullets of seed that made contact with the Behemoth's face.

The Storm Behemoth decided that enough was enough as it waved its hand towards them. When it moved its long arms, lightning erupted everywhere from it. The sheer pressure was enough to make Dragonite lose its balance even. The Dragon Pokemon thankfully flew up, avoiding the swing, but the area behind it was hit sudden discharges.

Rainbow Dash flew up with her Braviary and Altara right by herside along with Twilight.

"Altaria! Ice Beam! Braviary! Superpower!" She commanded both her Flying-Types to unleash moves on the electric monster that would cause some damage. A beam of cold ice hit the behemoth, freezing a small part of it actually as Braviary flew in, smashing its wings and talons at the behemoth's face, but in the process, felt a shock run through its body. The 500ft monster was capable of being stopped by Pokemon moves as they were proving to be effective. Soon, everypony in Ponyville who had Pokemon that could use effective moves, commanded their Pokemon to attack the Storm Behemoth.

The behemoth realized that with all of these attacks, it would get nowhere. So as a result, it decided to try a new approach. And that approach was absobring the attacks themselves. Like some sort of vacuum, every Pokemon's attacks were being pulled into it. It was now feeding on them like a power vacuum. The electricity mashed the attacks down, making them apart of its body. The energy building within it was actually increasing its size. It was now 570 ft tall. And the electricity around it was becoming much more aggress. Bigger and bigger. And what's worse the electrons were even burning away the grass it stood on and anything nearby.

"Oh that can't be good." Twilight commented.

And it wasn't. The behemoth all of a sudden then took the skies by unleashing a power jump. The sound it made when it jumped caused a thunderstorm-like sound as it was high up in the clouds. It was still making its way towards Canterlot in a straight line. With it now being able to absorb attacks and its electricity constantly growing, who knows how potent this thing can become.

Only 8 hours remain till day.

Chapter 135 End!

Author's Note:

The Rift can only be described as Chaotic Neutral. Freely doing whatever it wants, but a majority of the time, the actions it causes are on the side evil. So it doesn't take sides, but it knows that causing trouble is much easier and creates interesting scenarios. That's literally the only reason why it moves from universe to universe. Just to see something cool go down.

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