• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Coming of a Farewell

Equestria. Canterlot. Day.

A new day had arrived at Equestria. The warmth of the Sun would hold back some of the winter chills with its beautiful embrace. Gardevoir could be seen sleeping on the stairway, just a few feet off the ground with her arms crossed. Around her were a few Flying-Types that would rest here or even on her head. Speaking of holding back, the Ranger Union had camped here at Canterlot, working overnight to try and overcome the Rift Pulses.

Many suits and many models had been used, spent and reworked just to find the right adjustment. Celestia and the others would wait patiently until their suits were optimized, watching how the Ranger Union's researchers would polish and retaliate against whatever the Rift Pulses would show next.

"So far, we've found out those pulses can find different ways to destroy us," Jackie said. "And there's a scary amount of ways for the pulses to do so. Princess. We've got a date for you."

"You do? When will they be completed?" Celestia leaned in, eager to know when the completion date will come. She was hoping it was soon judging by how many tests went through.

"Our researchers say that they can get it done by either tomorrow or even later today. But for now...these suits need to rest. We've put them through a lot so far. Even with how well-made they are, they can only handle so much."

"Thank you. I'd like a break too...Carrying all those models to the stars." Celestia was relieved to hear it. Throughout the entirety of the night, she had been sending those models up, burning hours with the Ranger Union. The researchers would halt their tests to repair the suits while some would finally have the chance to sleep.

By later today or even tomorrow, Celestia was hoping to see the suits at their absolute best. They would presumably be so good that no matter what the pulses threw at her, her body would be fine. Thus, the wish could go through safely. Celestia already had a few wishes in mind. The first one was the most obvious but the second involved Reshiram and his disappearance. If she could just see Reshiram again, any other worries she may have could be eliminated.

"Great auntie!" Arriving here at Canterlot, right as the Ranger Union took a break, was the Crystal Emire family. Both Flurry Hearts along with Cadence and Shining Armor made their appearance, waving at the Sun Princess. "Is it ready yet?"

"Ready? Oh, you mean the suits. Not quite. But they will be fairly soon. Did you come here because of your own suit?"

"My own suit?" The young alicorn repeated before slowly shaking her head. "No...But that'd be nice. So pretty soon and we can head up there? How soon is soon? Can it be sooner if that's not enough?"

"You can't rush it, princess. We're barely safe from the outside when it comes to those pulses. The inside will be far worse." A scientist said.

"Until these suits can reach a level where the pulses aren't that big of a threat to them and us, we can go." Celestia held out her custom suit. "We have one in your size but you might have to work around the horns and wings. Cadence, you might not have one since you're about Luna's height. And there's only one version of that suit."

"Guh..." Luna flinched in her sleep once Celestia spoke those words. It was as if subconsciously, she heard her older sister making fun of her height and how Cadence had the same stature.

"It's fine. I wasn't planning on heading up there anyway. But Flurry Heart wanted to make her own wish. It was about getting her parents back. Still to this day, we don't know where they are, so it'd be wonderful if we could sort that out."

"Right. I have a similar wish. I'd love to bring Reshiram here." Celestia shared her wish. "I believe we can have the chances we need. We just need to get past those destructive pulses. If not, then we won't ever have that chance."

"Oh! I know who could help!" Gasping, Flurry Heart sparked an idea that she would immediately try and execute. She held out an Ultra Ball. Giratina's Ultra Ball specifically. And out of it came the Renegade Pokemon himself, taking up a lot of space around the group while also startling everyone else who wasn't expecting to see a member of the Creation Trio this early in the morning. That's not to say they weren't expecting him at all since Flurry Heart made an appearance.

"G-Giratina? Really?" Celestia stammered as the people from the Ranger Union would fall over and crawl back upon witnessing the Renegade Pokemon, who could casually spread fear just by being here.

"Yeah! He can breathe in space and he's super strong! He's a Legendary Pokemon, after all, so he'll be fine! Let's have him go up there! Those pulses won't stand a chance!" Flurry Heart pitched in her idea. From what she shared, it sounded perfect. Giratina was seemingly the perfect candidate to end this once and for all.

"Sorry. But that's not happening." That is until Jackie shut her down. "Not even Giratnia is eligible for it."

"Huh?!" This shocked Flurry Heart. "Giratina won't be enough?! That doesn't sound right..."

"Trust us. Those pulses are no joke." A scientist said. "It's why we've been spending so much time fine-tuning these suits. The amount of Rift Energy they emit is the same as the energy that even kept Arceus from reaching that dimension. It's why the stairway needed to be made in the first place."

"To put it simply, Giratina could be harmed and destroyed in many ways. The Rift will find a way to do it." Celesta simplified it for Flurry Heart.

"Aw..." Flurry Heart whimpered, pouting at this fact. "I still think he's the best option but whatever..."

"I don't blame you, princess." Jackie shook his head before looking up at the Renegade Pokemon who was staring into space without a sound being made from him. "Giratina's something else, isn't it? Our suits were made for high durability and Giratina's up there, no doubt. It could take some of the heaviest damage out there."

"Mhm-mhm." The young alicorn nodded in approval, loving how Jackie would prop up Giratina.

"But Giratina could be a lot of help when trying to get up there. We need someone like Giratina so it's a good thing you brought it out. We'll be done by later today or tomorrow so stick around."

"Hah! Nice!" Flurry Heart exclaimed with joy. "Knew it all along. Can't go wrong with Giratina. From start to finish I can always count on him. And after everything's together forever...I think we'll find him a nice place to settle down. The Poke Ball sounds comfortable but how about a nice seat and all that?"

"I'm not sure he minds." Shining Armor chuckled. "Or if he'd notice with his size."

"About that...he already has a place to settle down." Jackie's tone then changed. "The Distortion World."

"Oh, right. Is it actually that comfortable?" Flurry Heart asked. "Distortion doesn't sound like the nicest word out there. But if it works for Giratina, then I guess it's fine. He'd have another Giratina to hang around with too."

"No. That wouldn't do. Two of them in the same Distortion World wouldn't be good. Not at all." Jackie replied, shutting down that possibility.

"Two of them can't be in the same spot? Seriously? Then where would he rest?" The young alicorn questioned. Jackie looked at her eyes before scrunching his face. The Pokemon Ranger would grumble for a bit before holding his breath in. There was something he was somewhat hesitant to say.

"Man...Deja Vu. This is the second time I've had to tell someone this...Princess Flurry Heart. Giratina's own Distortion World is where he would have to settle down. And I'm afraid your start-to-finish might be slightly shorter than expected."

"W-What do you mean by that?" Things were starting to catch on for Flurry Heart.

"I'd rather let them explain." Jackie backed away, allowing the scientists to go into further detail.

"There already exists a Giratina in our universe. It currently resides in its own Distortion Word, keeping watch of it and being another crux of the universe's balance. Your Giratina isn't originally from this world, princess. It was taken after all. Therefore, its own Distortion World is currently vacant without its ruler. That needs to be sorted out. Giratina must return to his universe to maintain that balance."

"Giratina has to go back?" There it was. The two words that shot Flurry Heart through her heart. This is exactly what Jackie feared as he closed his eyes.

"I'm afraid so. He should've been back long ago but...better late than never."

"I didn't know that." Cadence gasped before gazing at Flurry Heart, witnessing her expression. "D-Does it have to stay there?"

"Constantly. This Giratina is the most common Giratina that's ever existed with how many people know about his presence. Every other Giratina is-"

"No way!" Flurry Heart exclaimed, interrupting the scientist. Her hooves would tremble along with her lower lip. "So...I have to send him back? Because he's not supposed to be out here?"

"He's been away from the Distortion World for far too long. A year or more has passed by now, princess. There's an entire universe out there that could be on the verge of a crisis if Giratina doesn't return."

"Can't we just send another Giratina there?! Why does he have to go back?!" She raised her voice, bringing up an argument to try and prevent the potential departure of her one and only Pokemon "I get that the universe could suffer without Giratina but..."

"It's not easy, but it's the right thing to do. By this point, multiple universes are something we're keeping tabs on. And the safety of other worlds is easily a top priority. Ghetsis and his allies took that Giratina from his universe so it's only right for us to send him back and keep that balance steady."

"I know that...but I don't want him to go." A tear would show up. Flurry Heart was being shaken up by this as this was not the news she wanted to hear.

"Oh, Flurry..." Celestia muttered, feeling Flurry Heart's pain. The thought of having to leave such a good friend was crushing. Her parents felt the same way as they had come to like Giratina after how long he's been here.

Without saying anything else, Flurry Heart would teleport away. But before doing so, she would look Giratina in the eyes. Her body flashed out of here as she preferred to be elsewhere.

"Wait! Flurry Heart!" Cadence was too late to call out to her. She was gone. "Oh goodness..."

"Perhaps we were too direct and harsh?" A scientist said, feeling bad for spilling out this news. "I mean, it's uncommon for a Pokemon Trainer to release a Pokemon but..."

"It's fine. You were only thinking of the consequences," said Celestia. "We never took into account the ramifications that Giratina's absence from its own Distortion World would bring."

"I've seen this before." Jackie sat down, crossing his arms with a disgruntled look on his face. "I knew someone who had to say goodbye to Manaphy. That same Manaphy from the Sea Temple. Those two grew so close to each other so quickly. I felt bad when I had to tell her about Manaphy's duty. It worked out in the end but...History repeats itself it looks like."

"Is there no other way?" Shining Armor asked. "She wants to be with Giratina forever after all. And as an alicorn, that's not impossible when you think about it."

"Nothing that we can think of. Unless this Universal Alliance spreads beyond just alternate versions of your Earth and focuses on our Earth as well, then Giratina will continue his duty." The scientist continued.

"We'll talk to her." Cadence replied as she and Shining Armor would speak to their daughter. There was no one better to try and speak with her than them. "You can...sort this out while we're busy."

"Although...She could keep the Ultra Ball." Jackie pondered, already thinking of a way to regulate this problem. Cadence and Shining Armor already had a good idea as to where she would be. Giratina was still silent throughout all of this. But he would make a quiet yet still audible cry in response to Flurry Heart's emotions.

The Renegade Pokemon, despite showing no expression, knew how she felt. And even he knows the importance of his existence within the Pokemon Universe. His universe, to be exact.


Showing up at Ponyville once more were Ash and Pikachu. It certainly has been a while since they've stopped by this nice And sometimes peaceful town. He would find himself hanging around with Rainbow Dash, having a pleasant discussion on the bench.

"So. You're gonna chase that Final Gym Badge now, huh?" Ash spoke, gazing into the beautiful blue sky and all the airborne entities that graced it.

"Pretty soon. It might be after the wish. I've been training hard since those past months went by and you were still in the hospital. That's the longest I went without training with you, Ash."

"Yeah. But you don't have to always train with me, Dash. It helps to do it alone sometimes. But you're never alone when you're with your Pokemon. How'd it go?"

"Pretty great! Mienfoo's...less aggressive than she usually is but she's still rough. It helps if we wanna get a hard hit in. Whirlipede's momentum and speed are always the same and I'm still holding back from using Rainbow-Braviary that much. Braviary's gotta be strong on his own or else he's gonna be seen as weak, ya know."

"I hear ya. Keep it up and you'll be ready for that final gym. And after that...it's off to the Equestria League. As for me, I'm still on the Pokemon World Championships. I'm gonna win that Coronation Series and come out on top as the World's Strongest Trainer. That'll get me closer to becoming a Pokemon Master."

"Looking forward to that. You'll beat Leon for sure. I've heard about a lot of strong trainers, but you're the strongest I know, Ash. At least, Rarity says you're the strongest when it comes to the heart."

"And you're the strongest when it comes to being loyal?" Ash nudged her as they both shared a laugh. "That counts right? How much ya wanna bet we reach our own tournaments at the same time?"

"That'd be pretty sweet. And we'd win at the same time too!" Rainbow Dash pumped her hoof into the air before gently lowering it. "That is...if I can make it far. There are some tough trainers here in Equestria that keep showing up. For a while, I was feeling good about myself when I took on the Gyms. I was the first one to do it and I thought I was the strongest trainer in Equestria for a while. That is until everyone joined the league and wanted to be the first Equestrian Champion. Next thing I know, strong trainers show up faster than I can keep up."

"That happens. I was considered the next generation years ago. Not anymore." Ash replied. "There's always a next generation showing up with even stronger trainers showing their stuff in the best way possible. That's what makes it all fun. The same goes for here. Everyone's still learning about Pokemon but they're so talented. Guess those Cutie Marks really do bring out their best talents, huh?"

"Mhm. Spitfire, Daylight and so much more. It feels like I'm falling behind a bit." The pegasus sighed. "But you're right. It does make it fun or else it would just be boring. But...if I don't make it far in the Equestria League and I lose pretty early...that would suck a lot"

"But it'd get you back on your feet and lets you improve. It's what I did every time. And boy, it's a great feeling when it all pays off." The Alola Champion closed his eyes, reminiscing on his past. "Can't win 'em all. But you can be better than them all."

"That's your whole thing with your Pokemon Master goal, isn't it? The very best?"

"Like no one ever was. I wanna be so great that no one can ever compare. That's what being the very best is." Ash would then lean forward, placing his fist on his chin. "I'd still love it if someone else wants to be the best but I'm not gonna slow down even if I reach that goal. I love a challenge after all. And the stronger the trainers get, the more I get to have fun."

"Sounds about right. I'm glad to have met you, Ash." Rainbow Dash put on a soft smile. "Honestly, you're like the brother I never had."

"And you're like the sister I never had. But consider yourself a sworn sister." Ash held his fist out with Rainbow Dash connecting with her hoof.

"Sworn sister? Love the sound of it. Then...you'll be a sworn brother. Brother and sister in arms. Sounds cool!"

"Let's help each other out in any way we can, Dash. To go to the top together. That's our unified goal." Ash winked.

"And it's gonna stay that way no matter how long it takes." She would wink back before hopping off the bench. "Speaking of helping each other...Ash. Let's battle."

"A training session or..."

"No, no. A full battle." But Rainbow Dash wanted to cease any training sessions that these two usually had together. It was time to go beyond that and remove all the training gloves they had on. "You've got me pumped up as always. But this time, I wanna battle you at my current best and your current best. We help each other out and for this...I want to finally face off with you for real, Ash. Truth is...just like how Scootaloo views us...I've looked up to you as well."

"You have?"


"Mhm. As far as it goes... you're actually Equestria's Strongest Trainer. You show up here so much, it might as well be your second...or I guess third home. I admired your strength ever since I saw you and Pikachu work together. And the more we spent time together, dealing with whatever problem there was, I've always wanted to be as great as you. That's only one of the reasons I entered the Equestria League. The second reason. The first is pretty obvious. Just like Daring Do, I loved every time we teamed up and battled alongside each other. You pushed me forward like you do every other new trainer. So...I want to go further and battle you, at last, Ash. Even at your strength, I can't resist."

These words would hit Ash to the core. He never realized it before but Rainbow Dash saw him as an idol much like everyone else. He just assumed she was just a great friend and never saw him like that. Her passion for battling resonated with him as Ash sparked a large flame within the pegasus.

"Hmm...Well...who am I to turn down a battle?" Ash got off the bench, adjusting his gloves and hat. Pikachu would climb up his shoulder, wagging his tail and letting out a bit of electricity from his red sacs. "Alright, Rainbow Dash. Let's have a battle!"


"Yes!" Music to her ears. She would take flight before spinning in the air for a few seconds. Rainbow Dash expected this but was still ecstatic by the response. Castform would fly out of her Saddlebag, sharing Rainbow Dash's excitement. The battle would be official. A clash between these two great friends would finally happen.

"Alright, Ash! Bring it on!"

As the journey continues.

Chapter 996 End.

Author's Note:

Throughout all of these chapters, the concept of Pokemon being released hasn't come up yet until now.

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