• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Weep for Her

Sinnoh. Out in a forest. The Pokemon Festival. Nightfall.

"She created the box?!" Recently, via a telepathic conversation, Rosa Maledicta had revealed to Opal Vivacity, Melody Moon and Bittersweet who was the true creator of the Box of 100 Demons. And surprisingly, it was Queen Chrysalis. Or more specifically, when she was a baby. On the day she was born, the box was also in Tartarus.

"That can't be right! A baby?!" How come she was already making greater accomplishments than all of us at the youngest age possible?! I swear, Royals are so lucky, it's not even fair!" Melody Moon felt jealous of this, surprisingly. The fact that Chrysalis accomplished this as a baby, without even knowing that she did so, aggravated her.

"So, the rightful owner of this box is Chrysalis? How come we didn't hear about this?! We're older than you! No offence, your majesty." Opal Vivacity asked.

"I don't know the answer to that. Not even the previous Lich Kings and Queens knew about this. All they knew was that the box suddenly appeared in Tartarus, disturbing every creature that lived down there. One of the old Lich Kings found it before anyone else did and immediately assumed that it was a spontaneous creation from Tartarus. A phenomenon. But that wasn't the case. Thanks to Mellifera, I was able to know exactly how that box came to be."

"Why did Mellifera tell only you and not the previous rulers?" Opal threw another question in there.

"She did. But only one of them managed to learn about this. It wasn't until the third decade that she realized the connection between the box and her daughter. The fifth and shortest Lich King Ephemeral learned about Chrysalis' power and a deal was made. Mellifera wanted Chrysalis' true potential to shine one day and the Dread League would ensure that day would come when the greatest form of power possible would be given to them. But as you can expect...that took a turn. The moment Chrysalis decided to leave and start her own hive was when that plan was sabotaged. And since then, the Box of 100 Demons would become a staple of Magehold."

"So King Ephemeral knew about this over everyone else? Hm. He always was the most opportunistic Lich King out of them all. Very outgoing." Opal nodded in approval.

"Of course, this is all the information I was told when I gathered knowledge from the old king's grave. There may be more to this story or even certain things might be wrong unless we could find a way to prove it."

"Who cares?! It sucks we never knew about this in the first place!" Melody yelled. "I can't believe the previous rulers never even knew about this..."

"It pays to live in the modern age and be incredibly intelligent such as myself," said Rosa. "King Ephemeral had the benefit of being rather outgoing while I have the benefit of being the second Lich Queen to have come from somewhere else."

"But how did she even make those demons then?" Bittersweet had something to say. "She was a baby when it was made and she doesn't even know that it was made by her in the first place. Where'd all those demons even come from?"

"We just knew the demons existed in the box when the king found it," Opal added. "As if we'd ever question their reason for existing. That weirdo Grogar already made those monsters of his and set them free and we don't question it. It's all just natural for us vampires."

"How? Some of these demons were once regular creatures that sold their soul, wanting to become something greater than what they currently are. This ranges from wildlife...to even inanimate objects. The Box has an alluring voice that can even bring life to that which isn't alive. But the first demons and a majority of them come from Chrysalis' own imagination from when she was young. They are the result of her dreams and desires. And with her potential, it all became a possibility."

"The Power of Imagination, huh? Lame." Bittersweet scoffed. "So what now? She's all about love and that mushy stuff after all."

"Ah. I suppose desires counts as love. It's also natural for Changelings to be involved with love, even from birth. And right now, with how Chrysalis is, her love is at an all-time high. But judging by what you've shared, it seems something pushed her over the edge at last."

"What happens now?" Melody Moon asked. "Does this mean she can just get rid of a demon and lessen the numbers?"

"The box will respond to its creator. And so will the demons. Now that a massive part of her potential has been unleashed, the demons will react in different ways. That is...if it's for our benefit. Whatever Chrysalis is feeling right now to the point where a demon has been removed from the equation must be terrifying."

"Then that means...this whole thing could come crashing down!" Opal shuddered, realizing that Chrysalis could ruin this big attack that she initiated. "Gah! Not like this!"

"That'd be embarrassing but not that bad. If we get stopped by the Creator of the 100 Demons then it's less of a hard blow. Better than losing to that Moon Princess." Melody Moon shrugged.

"If I would go out, I'd rather have it be done by Princess Celestia. Losing to the big wig is the greatest honour." Bittersweet chimed in.

"Mellifera was hoping for a day like this to come. But the timing couldn't be any worse. All three of you, listen. Whatever Chrysalis' true potential is, it's clear that it threatens the entirety of our plans. Especially the Black Crusade. Now that this day has come, be wary of what could come next."

"I will, your majesty," Opal replied. "Besides...we have 14 more demons that we can count on. They're sure to soften things up before Chrysalis can have the chance to make her next big impact."

And by this point, the demons were already ahead of the curve, unable to hold back their strength, they already cause some serious destruction.

The small town of Pacifidog was unfortunately under attack by one of the 15 Demons that had been unleashed. This one was the hardest to figure out since it didn't resemble any creature or object at all.

Two flaring eyes stare at the people, ponies and Pokemon with an eerie foreboding aura and another flicker exploded from its crooked mouth in delectable glee. Bellowing smoke, and flowing shadows covered its round head, which itself is cracked all over. Toxic smog escapes the creature's breath as its sharp head sits atop a giant, ossified body. Plated of steel have merged with flesh, perhaps a remnant of even stranger times. A bony tail snakes behind it, scars and bite marks are all over its leathery surface. Two immense wings extend themselves fully. Blackened bones and feathers of bones stretched upward, and side by side.

This demon was sucking up the water of Pacifidog Town with its tail while also breathing out flaming water from its mouth which was combined with the toxic smog. The water would then lose its natural properties in exchange for this smog which was poisoning not just the water but the air itself.

Olivine City received two demon attacks. The first one resembled a beetle as a raging aura and flowing shadows on its head which itself is otherwise surprisingly smooth. A constant shadowy veil dangles around its torso while also erupting from its horn. This shadow horn, when swung, would engulf whatever it touched in shadows while also having superb strength, as expected from a beetle.

The other demon that assisted the Beetle Demon was a Triple-Headed Tiger that was made out of spectral energy. This tiger would unleash triple ghostly roars that would soon arrive as spectral beams, affecting the buildings in one specific way. The buildings would come to life, as if they were haunted. Fitting for what this demon resembled as they would immediately turn on those living inside them.

At Icirrus City, this demon was a cube. But behind it and around each of its faces was an assortment of strange symbols that all flashed green. These symbols were nothing to scoff at as the orb would be sitting pretty in the air while the symbols unleashed magic onto the city.

However, just then, while they were all wreaking havoc in the best ways they knew how, they all suddenly stopped. Unexpectedly, the demons stopped what they were doing entirely. The vampires who assisted the demons in different locations would soon notice how there was this abrupt pause.

"What are you doing?! Why'd you stop?!" One of the vampires yelled. But the demon would not respond. None of them would. The vampires would exclaim at the demons, trying to get their attention as they were seemingly staring out into space. Even the cube, which didn't have any eyes at all.

That's when all of them heard the same voice and felt the same sensation. It would echo in their heads as it was both new and familiar to them. "After I'm done with this one...I'll come for you next." That was the voice of Chrysalis. Not only that, but an outburst of magic could be felt by each of the demons. An outburst that none of them have ever experienced before.

That's when they all saw the silhouette of Chrysalis in their minds. Both as a her current self and when she was a baby. Her enraged voice and her infant crying resonated with the demons to the point where they had to soak it all in. For a brief moment, all the destruction would end. But that would leave some of the demons wide open to attacks from those protecting each location.

"What is this?!" Back in the forest in Sinnoh, the Box of 100 Demons was having yet another reaction to Chrysalis' sudden outburst. Opal Vivaicty felt the box tremble viciously, causing her to drop it from how intense it became. The three vampires would keep their distance, unsure of what this meant as the box kept gyrating.

All of a sudden, crying sounds came from the box. The Box of 100 Demons let out different crying sounds two varying levels. High-pitched and low-pitched. One sounded like an infant and the other sounded like an adult, perfectly mirroring Chrysalis' two ages.

The two ages that truly mattered for this box. The age it was made and the age it was experiencing this reaction. The ground itself would shake from this cry as the box would then force itself open without anyone needing to do so. Noticeably, the demon in the distance would also come to a stop. In fact, since it was the closest to the box, instead of just lingering around the air for a while, it would instead move.

The demon would slither through the air, bringing itself towards the box. Opal, Melody and Bittersweet watched as the demon would return, ceasing all destruction it was causing originally. The demon would then descend, blowing away the surrounding trees. The vampires watched as this one demon would then slowly walk up to the box.

"What's it doing? Why is it stopping?" Melody wondered.

"It's the box." But Opal could already see why this was the case. The answer was right in front of them all. "It's calling to the demon."

"Is Chrysalis doing this on purpose?" Bittersweet questioned. "Wait, no. She probably doesn't know. So why's it crying all of a sudden?"

"I hear two cries from that box. Without a doubt, those are Chrysalis' cries. Since she made that box, the demons probably recognize who this voice belongs to." Opal theorized. She wouldn't be wrong. Not at all.

Once the demon got close to the box, after hearing the cries coming from it, it gained a new reaction. These two cries meant something The first one was just a standard baby cry. Nothing special. But the second one had a greater weight behind it. Sadness and rage came from this second cry.

Sadness and rage for those that Chrysalis loved emanated greatly from the box. And by hearing this, the demon would also weep, catching the vampires off guard. Seeing a demon cry was uncommon and rather terrifying considering how they were built. This was only from responding to the box.

Very soon, after hearing and resonating with Chrysalis' cry, the demon would soon cry into the sky, weeping for Chrysalis. The cry would pierce the sky, causing Opal, Melody and Bittersweet to cover their ears. The trees started breaking apart with the wind being disrupted by the weeping demon.

Above the skies, green clouds would start forming. And within them, dark green lightning would flash. Opal looked up to see the lightning crash down onto the nearby town that the demon was recently attacking, believing this to just be an upgrade for the demon. A rather uncomfortable upgrade. But that wasn't the case.

The lightning would then strike down in Opal's direction, grazing her massive name while also greatly piercing her eardrums. The lighting would touch the ground, seeing the trees on fire with a verdant blaze. "Hey! Watch it!" Bittersweet yelled. "You almost hit us!"

But the demon did not hear her. Instead, it would continue crying as the lightning bolts would react to this weeping. Not even three vampires were exempt from this destruction as they would immediately fly away once they saw the next batch of lightning bolts appear. The demon was attacking both sides now, not just one.

And the same went for every other demon across the world. Though they weren't close to the box, they could hear the cries of Chrysalis from afar. Once those cries sunk in, the demons would weep as well. Nothing but cries would howl through the night, piercing everyone's eardrums as the thunder and lightning would crash with anguish within their elements.

They would all cry for their creator, even though they could not meet her. The vampires would be involved in the destruction as well, being threatened by the crashing lightning which was followed by the pressurizing howls.

As it stands now, the demons were against everyone.

Equestria. Canterlot.

The demon over at Canterlot reacted equally to Chrysalis' cry, even when the main one was up in the stratosphere, the cry of the creator could not be ignored or blocked out. Even the smaller demons that it hatched would cry vigorously, bringing about a raging storm.

"What's all this?!" Ash held his hat from the pressuring storm. Pikachu and the other Pokemons' battles would be halted when hearing the cries of the demons. However, since there were no other vampires here, the demons wouldn't attack another side. Ash's group was still prime for hostility.

"A-Audino...!" Sensitive to this, Audino would kneel down, feeling her ears taking unnecessary punishment. And unfortunately for Fluttershy, she would suffer from this too.

"Ghhh!" Fluttershy groaned, suddenly dropping to the ground.

"F-Fluttershy!" Rarity gasped once she witnessed Fluttershy slump over. It didn't help that there was lightning coming down from above, only amplifying the destruction. Luna, Snowdrop, Spike, Iris and everyone else here could barely focus with all of this crying. The demons, despite choosing to attack every side, would barely move as they kept the same weeping position while still managing to cause destruction.

"Mom...! Dad!" Twilight yelled out, hoping to find her mother and father here in one piece and not a victim of this demonic destruction.

"G-Gardevoir...!" Passion, being able to feel emotions, would resonate with all of these tears as well. But she would react differently. Gardevoir, being from the evolution line that reacts to emotions, would tremble at all of this crying. She could make out what it was meant to be.

Rage and Sadness. Two emotions that could correlate with each other. And in this case, they were at an all-time high. The rage and sadness would be expressed by the demons who would go as far as to attack the Dread League as well. Up in the stratosphere, Kyurem was hit by these cries too.

He growled as the crying would slightly push him back from all the pressure. However, Kyurem would get a different treatment that wasn't green lightning from the skies. Since he was in the stratosphere with the demon, he was the closest to the stars. And from space, green sparks went off, grabbing the attention of the Boundary Pokemon. The sparks would go off like fireworks in the skies.

But these fireworks would soon bring the green sparks crashing down, fixating on Kyurem. The Dragon-Ice-Type was bombarded by sparks of energy which would vigorously combust all over him as his body was now covered in nothing but green. The clouds below would separate from the explosion in space.

"Voir?!" That's when Passion, Fluttershy and Audino recognized this cry. All three of them shouted out Chrysalis' name at the same time in their own respective dialects. "Chrysalis?!"

Ponyville. Sweet Apple Acres.

"W-What are ya crying for?!" Applejack still had the Memory Demon she managed to capture, holding it in a jar. And much like every other demon, it would weep. The jar was starting to break apart, startling Applejack, Sceptile and Delta Riolu. They couldn't have this demon break free. Not after what happened.

"Machamp!" Machamp would rush over to hold the glass, using his amazing strength to restrict the destruction as much as he could.

The only one unbothered by this was Granny Smith who was casually rocking back and forth in her chair. "Whaddya say?" Thanks to her old age, her hearing was less than consistent by this point. The one time it was to her benefit was when all of this weeping was going on, disturbing the peace that was already previously disturbed thanks to the Memory Demon.

No one could get any shuteye at all. Then again, with this demonic attack, that wasn't a guarantee in the first place. And not even Roseluck, who was a relatively heavy sleeper, could ignore this. She woke up, feeling the wind-piercing cries herself, unaware of what happened to her while she was asleep. Applejack tried reaching her friends but at this point, that would prove to be difficult with this blasted sound.

All the while, Mellifera, the mother of Chrysalis, would hear it all. All the sadness and rage being exuded would resonate with her. However, unlike everyone else who would flinch at the sound of these cries, Mellifera did not.

She didn't cover her ears or even strain. Not for a bit. Instead, she would look up at the dark skies, knowing what this all meant. With her long-lasting age, how could she not know?

"So, she's finally done it," said Mellifera, referring to Chrysalis. "My daughter. This was the moment I was waiting for when I first learned of your amazing potential. But I'll be honest, I didn't forsee it happening like this. And even more so...hearing you cry aggravates me."

Finally, she got a reaction out of this. But it wasn't a consistent reaction. Instead, it was a motherly one. Mellifera hated this sound. The sound of her daughter crying was unbearable to listen to.

"Can I even stop it? I know a mother can soothe her child but...at this point, am I eligible to soothe you, Chrysalis?" Mellifera greatly doubted her ability to be a mother once more. After how she was around Chrysalis at a young age, the former Changeling Queen couldn't see herself putting an end to this sound. "No. Someone or something else has to stop this. Or maybe..."

Unbridled rage and sorrow. The kid of magic that relates to beings such as Daybreaker, Nightmare Moon and Midnight Sparkle. Now, Chrysalis has unleashed it and its effects were devastating once the 15 demons reacted to it. Both sides were not safe from this destruction. And even with Chrysalis unconscious, her sorrow would still be mourned by the demons. Her own unintentional creations as the journey continues.

Chapter 977 End.

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